Best of
On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy
Carl R. Rogers - 1961
A new introduction by Peter Kramer sheds light on the significance of Dr. Rogers's work today. New discoveries in the field of psychopharmacology, especially that of the antidepressant Prozac, have spawned a quick-fix drug revolution that has obscured the psychotherapeutic relationship. As the pendulum slowly swings back toward an appreciation of the therapeutic encounter, Dr. Rogers's "client-centered therapy" becomes particularly timely and important.
Toward a Psychology of Being
Abraham H. Maslow - 1961
Only by fully appreciating this dialectic between sickness and health can we help to tip the balance in favor of health." Abraham MaslowAbraham Maslow's theories of self-actualization and the hierarchy of human needs are the cornerstone of modern humanistic psychology, and no book so well epitomizes those ideas as his classic Toward a Psychology of Being.A profound book, an exciting book, its influence continues to spread, more than a quarter century after its author's death, beyond psychology and throughout the humanities, social theory, and business management theory.Of course, the book's enduring popularity stems from the important questions it raises and the answers it provides concerning what is fundamental to human nature and psychological well-being, and what is needed to promote, maintain, and restore mental and emotional well-being. But its success also has to do with Maslow's unique ability to convey difficult philosophical concepts with passion, precision, and astonishing clarity, and, through the power of his words, to ignite in readers a sense of creative joy and wholeness toward which we, as beings capable of self-actualization, strive.This Third Edition makes Abraham Maslow's ideas accessible to a new generation of psychology students, as well as businesspeople, managers, and trainers interested in applying the study of human behavior to management techniques.An energetic and articulate scholar, Professor Maslow was the author of more than twenty books, including Eupsychian Management; Psychology of Science; Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences; Motivation and Personality; and Principles of Abnormal Psychology (with B. Mittelmann). He also edited New Knowledge in Human Values and wrote nearly one hundred articles. His teachings continue to be a staple for psychologists and psychology students."Capacities clamor to be used, and cease their clamor only when they are well used. . . . Not only is it fun to use our capacities, but it is necessary for growth. The unused skill or capacity or organ can become a disease center or else atrophy or disappear, thus diminishing the person." Abraham MaslowToward a Psychology of Being, Third EditionAbraham Maslow doesn't pretend to have easy answers, absolutes, or solutions that bring the relief of finalitybut he does have a deep belief in people. In this Third Edition of Toward a Psychology of Being (the original edition sold well over 100,000 copies), there is a constant optimistic thrust toward a future based on the intrinsic values of humanity. Professor Maslow states that, "This inner nature, as much as we know of it so far, seems not to be intrinsically evil, but rather either neutral or positively 'good.' What we call evil behavior appears most often to be a secondary reaction to frustration of this intrinsic nature." He demonstrates that human beings can be loving, noble, and creative, and are capable of pursuing the highest values and aspirations.This Third Edition will bring Professor Maslow's ideas to a whole new generation of business and psychology readers, as well as anyone interested in the study of human behavior.
The Undiscovered Self
C.G. Jung - 1961
In this challenging and provocative work, Dr. Carl Jung—one of history’s greatest minds—argues that civilization’s future depends on our ability as individuals to resist the collective forces of society. Only by gaining an awareness and understanding of one’s unconscious mind and true, inner nature—“the undiscovered self”—can we as individuals acquire the self-knowledge that is antithetical to ideological fanaticism. But this requires that we face our fear of the duality of the human psyche—the existence of good and the capacity for evil in every individual. In this seminal book, Jung compellingly argues that only then can we begin to cope with the dangers posed by mass society—“the sum total of individuals”—and resist the potential threats posed by those in power.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
C.G. Jung - 1961
G. Jung undertook the telling of his life story. At regular intervals he had conversations with his colleague and friend Aniela Jaffé, and collaborated with her in the preparation of the text based on these talks. On occasion, he was moved to write entire chapters of the book in his own hand, and he continued to work on the final stages of the manuscript until shortly before his death on June 6, 1961.
Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason
Michel Foucault - 1961
Librarian note: an alternate cover for this edition can be found here.Michel Foucault examines the archeology of madness in the West from 1500 to 1800 – from the late Middle Ages, when insanity was still considered part of everyday life and fools and lunatics walked the streets freely, to the time when such people began to be considered a threat, asylums were first built, and walls were erected between the “insane” and the rest of humanity.
Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates
Erving Goffman - 1961
It focuses on the relationship between the inmate and the institution, how the setting affects the person and how the person can deal with life on the inside.
Deceit, Desire and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure
René Girard - 1961
In considering such aspects, the author goes beyond the domain of pure aesthetics and offers an interpretation of some basic cultural problems of our time.
Psychotherapy East and West
Alan W. Watts - 1961
In varying ways and degrees, both Eastern philosophy and Western psychotherapy engage the individual in experiments that vividly reveal the fallacy of this conception and give him a new feeling of identity.
A New Guide to Rational Living
Albert Ellis - 1961
An alternate cover for this isbn can be found here."A Guide to Rational Living" provides much sought-after answers for individuals with problems, and it can help everyone to feel better about themselves and to deal with their lives more effectively.
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
Eric Berne - 1961
Over the past forty-five years, however, the principles and practice of 't.a.' have intrigued not only professional therapists but all those who seek to understand human personality and the peculiarities of human relationships.Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy, the book in which he first laid out the principles of his method, has become a classic in its field and is now available to a new generation of readers.
Faces in the Water
Janet Frame - 1961
Narrated entirely from the viewpoint of a young insane woman, this novel provides a moving description of the horrific conditions in two New Zealand mental institutions.
Marx's Concept of Man
Erich Fromm - 1961
A provocative new view of Marx stressing his humanist philosophy and challenging both Soviet distortion and Western ignorance of his basic thinking.
The Inward Journey
Howard Thurman - 1961
Themes include: The Quest for Meaning, The Quest for Understanding, The Quest for Fulfillment, The Quest for Love, The Quest for Peace, The Quest for God, and Psalm 139.
Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams
C.G. Jung - 1961
Persons in Relation
John Macmurray - 1961
The first volume, The Self as Agent, was concerned to shift the center of philosophy from thought to action. Persons in Relation, starting from this practical standpoint, sets out to show that the form of personal life is determined by the mutuality of personal relationship, so that the unit of human life is not the "I" alone, by the "You and I."
Analysis of Behavior: A Program for Self-Instruction
James G. Holland - 1961
Psychology book
Faith is Power
Paramananda - 1961
Swami Paramananda explains here how faith is all-seeing and functions as a constructive force in man.
The Achieving Society
David C. McClelland - 1961
McClelland shares research and analysis on the reasoning behind the fluctuating development of society.The Achieving Society provides a factual basis for evaluating economic, historical, and sociological theories that explain the rise and fall of civilizations. Within this book, readers will learn about McClelland’s notable descriptions of the type of motivational needs society has: achievement motivation, authority and power motivation, and affiliation motivation.