Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists
Thomas W. Myers - 2001
Many different therapists now use myofascial techniques to influence postural change and pain relief. This book demonstrates exactly how the muscles connect within the connect tissue to affect posture, compensatory strain, and pain patterns. The aim is to present scientifically sound and often complicated material in a way which can be easily learned, understood, and applied by those who do not necessarily have a scientific background. ANATOMY TRAINS is written and presented in a style that allows this new information on the myofascial system to be easily absorbed by a wide range of readers: from the student, athlete, or client to the most experienced therapist.Includes full-colour illustrations of 11 myofascial meridians and the rules for discovering other meridiansUses numerous two-colour charts and drawings to detail the muscular and fascial structures involved in the meridiansPresents information on assessment of structural and movement patterns and gives related applications to manual therapy and movement educationProvides a selection of techniques from the library of structural integrationIncludes an introduction to the fascial system as a whole, with new points-of-view and new research findings on the fascial system's responsesOffers a fun approach to learning essential structural anatomy, comparing the connective tissue system to a railway network
Job's Body
Deane Juhan - 1987
Furthering the presentation of recent research in biochemistry, cell biology and energy medicine in the Second Edition, this new and greatly expanded edition includes advances in neurophysiology and physics, reconfiguring knowledge of mind and body, from microgenesis to quantum consciousness. A rare book, required reading for national massage therapy certification, that also serves the general reader.
Trail Guide to the Body
Andrew Biel - 2010
This acclaimed book delivers beautifully illustrated information for learning palpation and the musculoskeletal system. It makes mastering the essential manual therapy skills interesting, memorable and easy. With 504 pages and 1,400 illustrations covering more than 162 muscles, 206 bones, 33 ligaments and 110 bony landmarks, this text provides an invaluable map of the body.This new edition includes an extensive 56-page appendix that describes the common trigger point locations and pain patterns of 100 muscles. Trail Guide to the Body is a highly recommended textbook for the state licensing tests administered by both the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) and is one of only five books on their official examination reference lists. In addition, the Board of Certification program for athletic trainers in the U.S. uses our high-quality Trail Guide to the Body illustrations in their various products, including exams.Whether you are a massage therapist, physical therapist, sports trainer or student in any bodywork modality, Trail Guide to the Body is for you!
Atlas of Human Anatomy
Frank H. Netter - 1989
In over 540 beautifully colored and easily understood illustrations, it teaches the complete human body with unsurpassed clarity and accuracy. This new edition features 45 revised, 290 relabeled and 17 wholly new plates, drawn fully in the tradition of Frank Netter, and includes more imaging and clinical images than ever before. Six Consulting Editors have worked together to ensure the new edition's accuracy and usefulness in the lecture theatre, classroom and dissection lab. Ninety plates from the book as well as a powerful and varied bank of ancillary material, unique to this atlas, are available online through uniquely informative drawings that allow you - and have allowed generations of students - to learn structures with confidence. Associates normal anatomy with an application of that knowledge in a clinical setting. Offers a strong selection of imaging to show you what is happening three dimensionally in the human body, the way you see it in practice.Provides clinically applicable information right from the start, to mirror the way that most anatomy courses are now taught.At, you'll access...- Over 90 of the most important anatomy illustrations from the book.- Interactive Anatomy Dissection Modules.- Radiographs, CT scans, MRIs, and angiograms, with labels on/off buttons for self testing.- QuickTime movies of stacked, transverse, and sectional images from the Visible Human Project (VHP).- Review Center with Identification Spot Tests and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions.- Integration links to other STUDENT CONSULT titles.- and more!
Travell Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Two Volume Set: Second Edition/Volume 1 and First Edition/Volume 2
David G. Simons - 1998
Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual.
The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief
Clair Davies - 2001
Trigger point therapy is one of the most intriguing and fastest-growing bodywork styles in the world. Medical doctors, chiropractors, and alternative health practitioners are all beginning to use this technique to relieve the pain of individuals suffering from undiagnosable soft tissue pain-a condition that studies have shown to be the cause of nearly 25 percent of all doctor visits. The technique involves applying a gentle, sweeping stroke to trigger points, places in muscle or connective tissue where a lack of oxygen causes swelling. These points are easily located by general readers and create pain throughout the body in predictable patterns characteristic to each muscle, producing discomfort ranging from mild to severe. The stimulation of the point causes an increase in the oxygen level in the area and often produces instant relief.
The first edition of The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook has made a huge impact in the use of this dynamic technique. This is the first major revision of the overnight classic, a complete update that includes new information specifically for massage professionals as well as a detailed discussion of progressive muscle relaxation techniques that can reinforce the therapeutic power of trigger point work.
Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain
Florence Peterson Kendall - 1971
The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition is completely reorganized and has new, expanded treatment and exercise sections in each chapter. Other features include a new section on post-polio syndrome, additional case studies comparing Guillain-Barré to polio muscle tests, a new full-color design, and a first-of-its-kind chart of upper extremity articulations.
A bonus Primal Anatomy CD-ROM
contains a three-dimensional interactive model of the human body. Students can rotate the model and add or subtract layers of anatomy to strengthen their knowledge.
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Physical Rehabilitation
Donald A. Neumann - 2002
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System is the most comprehensive, research-based, reader-friendly text on kinesiology ever published. Beautifully and abundantly illustrated in two-color, this dynamic, accessible resource presents complex scientific information in an approach designed to draw the reader in and explore the fundamental principles of kinesiology of the trunk and extremities as well as in relation to joints, muscles, and biomechanics.Comprehensive coverage - not only of kinesiology of the trunk and extremitites, but also of the underlaying principles of kinesiology with respect to joints, muscles and biomechanics - explains the 'why?' as well as the 'how?'A definitive chapter on the kinesiology of human gait!Clear and reader-friendly, which is great for study and revision for students of all levelsSpecial Focus boxes throughout the text provide abundant clinical examples and gives the students a chance to probe deeper into the topicTopics at a Glanceat the beginning of each chapter, allow students with less time to quickly locate the essential informationOver 550 superb line-drawings - making difficult kinesiologic concepts easier to graspAppendices include glossary of key terms - a handy reference toolThe author has many years of experience in physical therapy - specifically kinesiology - and is a teacher, clinician and researcher.
Atlas of Anatomy
Anne M. Gilroy - 2008
Packed with over 2,400 full-color illustrations, this atlas guides you step-by-step through each region of the body, helping you master the details of anatomy.Key Features:Exquisite full-color illustrations with clear, thorough labeling and descriptive captionsEven more clinical correlations help students make the connection between anatomy and medicineCoverage of each region intuitively arranged to simplify learning: beginning with the skeletal framework, then adding muscles, organs, vasculature, and nerves, and concluding with topographic illustrations that put it all togetherOver 170 tables summarize key anatomic information for ease of study and reviewInnovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread is a self-contained guide to a topicSurface anatomy spreads now include regions and reference lines or planes in addition to landmarks and palpable structures to develop physical exam skillsMuscle Fact spreads ideal for memorization, reference, and review organize the essentials about muscles, including origin, insertion, innervation, and actionNew sectional anatomy spreads at the end of units build familiarity with 2D views of anatomic regionsAccess to PLUS, with over 500 images from the book for labels-on and labels-off review and timed self-tests for exam preparationAtlas of Anatomy is the student's choice:Thieme is the best anatomy atlas by far, hands down. Clearer pictures, more pictures, more realistic pictures, structures broken up in ways that make sense and shown from every angle...includes clinical correlations and summary charts of innervations and actions. That's about all there is to it. Just buy it. Thank you Thieme!!! Ok, now back to studying...In my opinion this book surpasses them all. It's the artwork. The artist has found the perfect balance of detail and clarity. Some of these illustrations have to be seen to be believed.... The pearls of clinical information are very good and these add significance to the information and make it easier to remember. Easier to remember is key.
The Anatomy Coloring Book
Wynn Kapit - 2001
Organized according to body systems, each of the 170 plates featured in this book includes an ingenious color-key system where anatomical terminology is linked to detailed illustrations of the structures of the body. Often imitated, never duplicated. New! Lay-flat binding makes coloring easier. New! 8 plates have been added: Accessory Structures of the Skin, Temporomandibular Joint, Upper Limb: Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint, Upper Limb: Elbow Joints, Lower Limb: Male and female Pelves, Lower Limb: Sacroiliac and Hip Joints, Lower Limb: Knee Joints, Somatic Visceral Receptors. New! 7 additional sections: Skeletal and Articular Systems, Skeletal Muscular System, Central Nervous System, Central Nervous System: Cavities and Coverings, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Human Development.
Anatomy of Movement
Blandine Calais-Germain - 1993
The emphasis is on basic human anatomy as it relates to external body movement. In clear and concise text illustrated with more than a thousand graphic drawings, the author takes the reader on a lively tour of the muscles, bones, ligaments and joints of the arms, legs and trunk. The focus throughout the book is on anatomy not for its own sake, but in its functional relationship to the actual movements of the body in physical disciplines. Features: *
The Anatomy of Stretching
Brad Walker - 2007
At the heart of the book are 300 full-color illustrations that show the primary and secondary muscles worked in 115 key stretches arranged by body area. Author Brad Walker brings years of expertise—he works with elite-level and world-champion athletes, and lectures on injury prevention—to this how-to guide. He looks at stretching from every angle, including physiology and flexibility; the benefits of stretching; the different types of stretching; rules for safe stretching; and how to stretch properly. Aimed at fitness enthusiasts of any level, as well as at fitness pros, The Anatomy of Stretching also focuses on which stretches are useful for the alleviation or rehabilitation of specific sports injuries.
Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance
Kelly Starrett - 2013
In Becoming a Supple Leopard, Kelly Starrett—founder of—shares his revolutionary approach to mobility and maintenance of the human body and teaches you how to hack your own human movement, allowing you to live a healthy, happier, more fulfilling life.Performance is what drives the human animal, but the human animal can be brought to an abrupt halt by dysfunctional movement patterns. Oftentimes, the factors that impede performance are invisible to not only the untrained eye, but also the majority of athletes and coaches. Becoming a Supple Leopard makes the invisible visible. In this one of a kind training manual, Starrett maps out a detailed system comprised of more than two hundred techniques and illuminates common movement errors that cause injury and rob you of speed, power, endurance, and strength. Whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or simply someone wanting to live healthy and free from restrictions, Becoming a Supple Leopard, will teach you how to maintain your body and harness your genetic potential.
Learn How to:
Pprevent and rehabilitate common athletic injuries Overhaul your movement habits quickly identify, diagnose, and fix inefficient movement patterns Problem solve for pain and dysfunction in austere environments with little equipment Fix poor mechanics that rob power, bleed force, and dump torque Unlock reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn't know you had Identify and fix poor movement patterns in children Reverse the aging process Develop strategies that restore function to your joints and tissues Accelerate recovery after training sessions and competition Create personalized mobility prescriptions to improve movement efficiency Improve your quality of life through regained work capacity Run faster, jump higher, and throw farther
Delavier's Stretching Anatomy
Frédéric Delavier - 2011
The very best stretches for shoulders, chest, arms, torso, back, hips, and legs are all here, and all in the stunning detail that only Frederic Delavier can provide.With over 550 full-color photos and illustrations, you'll go inside more than 130 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and learn how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results."Delavier's Stretching Anatomy" includes 13 proven programs for increasing muscle tone, releasing tension and stress, and optimizing training and performance in 13 sports, including running, cycling, basketball, soccer, golf, and track and field.The former editor in chief of "PowerMag" in France, author and illustrator Frederic Delavier is a journalist for "Le Monde du" "Muscle" and a contributor to "Men's Health Germany "and several other strength publications. His previous publications, "Strength Training Anatomy "and "Women's Strength Training Anatomy, " have sold more than 2 million copies.
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Elaine N. Marieb - 1985
Marieb draws on her own, unique experience as a full-time A&P professor and part-time nursing student to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. With the Seventh Edition, Dr. Marieb has teamed up with co-author Katja Hoehn to produce the most exciting edition yet, with beautifully-enhanced muscle illustrations, updated coverage of factual material and topic boxes, new coverage of high-interest topics such as Botox, designer drugs, and cancer treatment, and a comprehensive instructor and student media package. Package Components *NEW! InterActive Physiology(R) 9-System Suite CD-ROM *Student Access Kit for MyA&P (CourseCompass) and the Anatomy & Physiology Place companion website *REVISED! A Brief Atlas of the Human Body, Second Edition