Book picks similar to
Group Theory: Application to the Physics of Condensed Matter by Mildred S. Dresselhaus
Pure Mathematics 1: Advanced Level Mathematics
Hugh Neill - 2002
Pure Mathematics 1 corresponds to unit P1. It covers quadratics, functions, coordinate geometry, circular measure, trigonometry, vectors, series, differentiation and integration.
Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of Materials
M.A. Wahab - 2005
The First seven chapters deal with structure related aspects such as lattice and crystal structures, bonding, packing and diffusion of atoms followed by imperfections and lattice vibrations. Chapter eight deals mainly with experimental methods of determining structures of given materials. While the next nine chapters cover various physical properties of crystalline solids, the last chapter deals with the anisotropic properties of materials. This chapter has been added for benefit of readers to understand the crystal properties (anisotropic) in terms of some simple mathematical formulations such as tensor and matrix. New to the Second Edition: Chapter on: *Anisotropic Properties of Materials
Tell Me The Odds: A 15 Page Introduction To Bayes Theorem
Scott Hartshorn - 2017
Essentially, you make an initial guess, and then get more data to improve it. Bayes Theorem, or Bayes Rule, has a ton of real world applications, from estimating your risk of a heart attack to making recommendations on Netflix But It Isn't That Complicated This book is a short introduction to Bayes Theorem. It is only 15 pages long, and is intended to show you how Bayes Theorem works as quickly as possible. The examples are intentionally kept simple to focus solely on Bayes Theorem without requiring that the reader know complicated probability distributions. If you want to learn the basics of Bayes Theorem as quickly as possible, with some easy to duplicate examples, this is a good book for you.
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Bernard Kolman - 1995
It covers areas such as fundamentals, logic, counting, relations and digraphs, trees, topics in graph theory, languages and finite-state machines, and groups and coding.
Physics Part 1 Class - 10
Lakhmir Singh
Salient Features: 1.Very short answer type questions (including true-false type questions and fill in the blanks type questions). 2.Short answer type questions. 3. Long answer type questions (or Essay type questions). 4. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on theory. 5. Questions based on high order thinking skills (HOTS). 6. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on practical skills in science.. 7. NCERT book questions and exercises (with answers). 8. Value based questions (with answers).
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers
Dan Rockmore - 2005
Now, at a moment when mathematicians are finally moving in on a proof, Dartmouth professor Dan Rockmore tells the riveting history of the hunt for a solution.In 1859 German professor Bernhard Riemann postulated a law capable of describing with an amazing degree of accuracy the occurrence of the prime numbers. Rockmore takes us all the way from Euclid to the mysteries of quantum chaos to show how the Riemann hypothesis lies at the very heart of some of the most cutting-edge research going on today in physics and mathematics.
How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide
Colin Conrad Adams - 1998
Capturing the tone of students exchanging ideas among themselves, this unique guide also explains how calculus is taught, how to get the best teachers, what to study, and what is likely to be on exams—all the tricks of the trade that will make learning the material of first-semester calculus a piece of cake. Funny, irreverent, and flexible, How to Ace Calculus shows why learning calculus can be not only a mind-expanding experience but also fantastic fun.
Schaum's Outline of Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
Murray R. Spiegel - 1971
Fully stocked with solved problemsN950 of themNit shows you how to solve problems that may not have been fully explained in class. Plus you ge"
Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications
Kenneth H. Rosen - 1984
The Fourth Edition builds on this strength with new examples, additional applications and increased cryptology coverage. Up-to-date information on the latest discoveries is included.Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications provides a diverse group of exercises, including basic exercises designed to help students develop skills, challenging exercises and computer projects. In addition to years of use and professor feedback, the fourth edition of this text has been thoroughly accuracy checked to ensure the quality of the mathematical content and the exercises.
Differential Geometry
Erwin Kreyszig - 1991
With problems and solutions. Includes 99 illustrations.
Differential Equations
Richard Bronson - 2010
This supplement will cater to the requirements of students by covering all important topics of Laplace transformation, Matrices, Numerical Methods. Further enhanced is its usability by inclusion of chapter end questions in sync with student needs. Table of contents: 1. Basic Concepts 2. An Introduction to Modeling and Qualitative Methods 3. Classification of First-Order Differential Equations 4. Separable First-Order Differential Equations 5. Exact First-order Differential Equations 6. Linear First-Order Differential Equations 7. Applications of First-Order Differential Equations 8. Linear Differential Equations: Theory of Solutions 9. Second-Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 10. nth-Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 11. The Method of Undetermined Coefficients 12. Variation of Parameters 13. Initial-Value Problems for Linear Differential Equations 14. Applications of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations 15. Matrices 16. eAt 17. Reduction of Linear Differential Equations to a System of First-Order Equations 18. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 19. Graphical and Numerical Methods for Solving First-Order Differential Equations 20. Further Numerical Methods for Solving First-Order Differential Equations 21. Numerical Methods for Solving Second-Order Differential Equations Via Systems 22. The Laplace Transform 23. Inverse Laplace Transforms 24. Convolutions and the Unit Step Function 25. Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients by Laplace Transforms 26. Solutions of Linear?Systems by Laplace Transforms 27. Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients by Matrix Methods 28. Power Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients 29. Special Functions 30. Series Solutions N
Dale E. Varberg - 1999
Covering various the materials needed by students in engineering, science, and mathematics, this calculus text makes effective use of computing technology, graphics, and applications. It presents at least two technology projects in each chapter.
A First Course in Abstract Algebra
John B. Fraleigh - 1967
Focused on groups, rings and fields, this text gives students a firm foundation for more specialized work by emphasizing an understanding of the nature of algebraic structures. KEY TOPICS: Sets and Relations; GROUPS AND SUBGROUPS; Introduction and Examples; Binary Operations; Isomorphic Binary Structures; Groups; Subgroups; Cyclic Groups; Generators and Cayley Digraphs; PERMUTATIONS, COSETS, AND DIRECT PRODUCTS; Groups of Permutations; Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups; Cosets and the Theorem of Lagrange; Direct Products and Finitely Generated Abelian Groups; Plane Isometries; HOMOMORPHISMS AND FACTOR GROUPS; Homomorphisms; Factor Groups; Factor-Group Computations and Simple Groups; Group Action on a Set; Applications of G-Sets to Counting; RINGS AND FIELDS; Rings and Fields; Integral Domains; Fermat's and Euler's Theorems; The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain; Rings of Polynomials; Factorization of Polynomials over a Field; Noncommutative Examples; Ordered Rings and Fields; IDEALS AND FACTOR RINGS; Homomorphisms and Factor Rings; Prime and Maximal Ideas; Gr�bner Bases for Ideals; EXTENSION FIELDS; Introduction to Extension Fields; Vector Spaces; Algebraic Extensions; Geometric Constructions; Finite Fields; ADVANCED GROUP THEORY; Isomorphism Theorems; Series of Groups; Sylow Theorems; Applications of the Sylow Theory; Free Abelian Groups; Free Groups; Group Presentations; GROUPS IN TOPOLOGY; Simplicial Complexes and Homology Groups; Computations of Homology Groups; More Homology Computations and Applications; Homological Algebra; Factorization; Unique Factorization Domains; Euclidean Domains; Gaussian Integers and Multiplicative Norms; AUTOMORPHISMS AND GALOIS THEORY; Automorphisms of Fields; The Isomorphism Extension Theorem; Splitting Fields; Separable Extensions; Totally Inseparable Extensions; Galois Theory; Illustrations of Galois Theory; Cyclotomic Extensions; Insolvability of the Quintic; Matrix Algebra MARKET: For all readers interested in abstract algebra.