Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles: A Case for Gender Roles in Ministry

Kathy Keller - 2012
    At the same time, she encourages women to teach and lead in the church in ways that may startle some complementarians. Readers on both sides of this hot-button topic will be challenged by her ministry-tested and thoroughly Scriptural perspective.

Faith Under Fire: What the Middle East Conflict Has Taught Me about God

Andrew White - 2011
    What has kept him willing to see the best? Every time he returns to Iraq he may be saying goodbye to his family for the last time. What do they think? He suffers from MS. How does he remain cheerful despite his physical weakness, and its progression? What does he say to God, alone in his study, late at night? He has been caught up in momentous events. Can he see the hand of God? Looking ahead, can he be optimistic about the future? Where are his sources of spiritual energy? He solicits prayer: why? 'Not everything God calls us to do is painless, ' he comments. 'Much of my work is simply about showing love to the unlovely.'

A Nation Interrupted

Kevin McDonald - 2020
    Left with no alternative, President Lincoln surrenders, and the Confederate States of America becomes an independent nation. It’s a tragic twist that will produce dire, far-reaching ramifications.As the divided American nations move into the twentieth century, slavery has long since been abolished; but in the summer of 1941, America faces another challenge—an existential challenge. Almost a century after the Civil War, the disastrous consequences of the Union defeat are threatening freedom on both sides of the Atlantic.The Second World War represents the defining event of the twentieth century. History dictates the United States must play the decisive role in defeating Adolf Hitler and the Nazis—but that history is no longer intact. America has been divided into two nations, and the resulting shift in global power has altered the course of the conflict, bringing all of North America and Western Europe to the brink of annihilation.In the spring of 1945, as the Nazis are preparing to deliver the final blow, a young academic and a small, elite group of American airmen are about to determine the fate of the world.FREEDOM’S VERY SURVIVAL IS COMING DOWN TO ONE, LAST-DITCH MISSION.

The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church

Timothy Z. Witmer - 2010
    Too many church leaders perceive of themselves as a "board of directors" when the Bible is clear that they are to know, feed, lead, and protect the flock entrusted to their care.

Crossing the Threshold of Hope

Pope John Paul II - 1994
    He goes to the heart of his personal beliefs and speaks with passion about the existence of God; about the dignity of man; about pain, suffering, and evil; about eternal life and the meaning of salvation; about hope; about the relationship of Christianity to other faits and that of Catholicism to other branches of the Christian faith.With the humility and generosity of spirit for which he is known, John Paul II speaks directly and forthrightly to all people. His message: Be not afraid!

What Is a Healthy Church Member?

Thabiti M. Anyabwile - 2008
    In this new work, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answer the natural next question: What does a healthy church member look like in the light of Scripture?God intends for us to play an active and vital part in the body of Christ, the local church. He wants us to experience the local church as a home more profoundly wonderful and meaningful than any other place on earth. He intends for his churches to be healthy places and for the members of those churches to be healthy as well. This book explains how membership in the local church can produce spiritual growth in its members and how each member can contribute to the growth and health of the whole.

Jesus Journey: Shattering the Stained Glass Superhero and Discovering the Humanity of God

Trent Sheppard - 2017
    If the gospel is true, he still is.Christians worldwide believe that Jesus is God. But this belief wasn’t the starting point for Jesus’ earliest followers. While Jesus’ humanity was a given for the disciples, his divinity was a truth they grew into believing—it was a journey of faith. As Christians today, we are also called into a faith journey—this time, to rediscover Jesus’ humanity.Yes, we believe that Jesus is God, but do we truly believe that Jesus is human? And if so, how does that transform our own experience of being human?Through eye-opening yet down-to-earth reflections, Jesus Journey invites you to encounter Jesus again—as if for the first time—by experiencing his breathing, heart-beating, body-and-blood, crying-and-laughing humanity.Join Bible teacher and storyteller Trent Sheppard as he shines new light on the vibrant humanity of the historical Jesus through an up-close look at Jesus’ relationships with Mary and Joseph, with the God he called Abba, with his closest friends and followers, and how, ultimately, his crucifixion and resurrection finally and forever redefine what we mean by the word God. Come encounter the human who radically transforms our view of God.Come encounter the God who forever changes what it means to be human.

Am I Called?: The Summons to Pastoral Ministry

Dave Harvey - 2012
    Dave Harvey helps men considering pastoral ministry to see God's active role in the process of discerning their calling.God's Word offers a clear framework for evaluating one's call, especially within the context of community. Harvey offers six diagnostic questions to help prospective pastors process their calling, and what they should be doing now if they aren't sure. Illustrated with personal and historical stories, Harvey explores biblical and practical principles for determining the pastoral call.Over the past twenty-four years of ministry, Harvey has enjoyed assisting many men in discerning whether they are called into ministry. This book will guide you through that all-important process with wisdom and confidence in God's faithfulness in your life.

Connect Core Concepts in Health, Brief Version

Paul M. Insel - 1982
    The twelfth edition provides current, accurate, scientifically based information about a wealth of health and wellness topics and issues. Connect Personal Health is now seamlessly and deeply integrated with Blackboard and Blackboard related course management systems. Connect is an interactive online learning system that provides interactive multimedia-driven activities and assessments, such as interactive quizzes, video activities, health assessments, Internet research activities, online behavior change workbook, a fitness and nutrition log, and a multimedia ebook. Most activities and assessments are auto graded, entered into the grade book, and automatically uploaded to blackboard. This saves you time, holds your students accountable, and allows for seamless Course Management integration. Only one sign-on is needed for access to Blackboard and Connect, the grade book is integrated, and much much more. To address today's students' need for more portable, more relevant classroom tools, we are providing the book in a three-hole punched, loose-leaf version. "Ask your rep for the correct ISBN to also provide each student full access to Connect Plus and the multimedia e-book at no extra charge with each copy of the loose-leaf text."

Looking Up When Life Is Looking Down

Beth Moore - 2008
    In Looking Up When Life is Looking Down, Beth Moore shares a prosaic message of hope and deliverance taken from Psalm 40, helping readers discover they indeed are not alone and that God's gracious provision of love and faithfulness is at work in their circumstances.This lovely full-color gift book is based on Beth Moore's best selling book, Get Out of That Pit.

Becoming Reverend: A diary

Matt Woodcock - 2016
    Obviously. Matt Woodcock's frank, funny real-life diaries reveal what it was like for him to train as a vicar while struggling against all odds to become a father. In them he lays bare his joys and struggles as he attempts to reconcile his calling as a vicar with his life as a party-loving journalist, footie-freak and incorrigible extrovert. Becoming Reverend is a compelling and original account of how faith can work in the midst of a messy life, combining family, fertility, faith and friendship with the story of a divine - but unlikely - calling.

Blessed Broken Given: How Your Story Becomes Sacred in the Hands of Jesus

Glenn Packiam - 2019
    Glenn Packiam wants to empower readers to find great joy, purpose, and passion in their daily living. While bread may be one of the most common items on our dinner tables, Jesus chose to take it at the Last Supper and invest deep, wonderful, and transcendent meaning in it. Like the bread that was blessed, broken, and given; readers will see how God uses ordinary experiences to cultivate their mission and their brokenness to bring healing to the world. The ordinary is not the enemy; it is the means by which God accomplishes the miraculous. Through clear biblical teaching and practical steps, Packiam leads the reader into a more purposeful, directed, hopeful future.

Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Jennifer Rothschild - 2012
    This Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense - Bible Study Book provides a personal study experience for this video-driven women's Bible study. Explore these and other questions in this realistic look at the messy, mysterious uncertainties of faith. God's ways don't always make sense, but He is trustworthy. Come close to Him. Trust Him more than your feelings. God will reveal Himself and fill in your missing pieces.Participants who take this study will:Experience unexpected peace in spite of unexpected heartacheHang on to God's answers when you feel you are at the end of your ropeMove forward when you feel stuck in your circumstancesHave a greater sense of peace through every storm you faceStrengthen your faith when you feel beat down by lifeSurvive unexpected storms knowing God is in your boatExperience stability when tidal waves of emotion hitTrust God more than your feelings

What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts?

Henry T. Blackaby - 2004
    That pattern is this: God gives an assignment to a person; then the Holy Spirit is given to equip him or her for the assignment. The proof of the Spirit's presence is that the person is able to complete the assignment effectively through the supernatural enabling of the Holy Spirit. Truly understood and embraced, the Holy Spirit's gifts allow the Church to be Christ-centered, to maintain unity and oneness of heart, and to practice genuine, powerful love.WHAT EXACTLY HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN? Surprises are in store when we explore biblically what spiritual gifts really are, how they fit with our natural strengths and talents, and how they match our calling and assignments from God. This book will help restore the Holy Spirit to the center of your understanding and practice of spiritual gifts, and set you free to serve God as never before.Story Behind the BookThe Old Testament is our "kindergarten" for understanding the pattern of the Holy Spirit’s gifting and work. That pattern is this: God gives an assignment to a person; then the Holy Spirit is given to equip him or her for the assignment. The proof of the Spirit’s presence is that the person is able to complete the assignment effectively through the supernatural enabling of the Holy Spirit. Truly understood and embraced, the Holy Spirit’s gifts allow the church to be Christ-centered, to maintain unity and oneness of heart, and to practice genuine, powerful love.

Prophets and Personal Prophecy

Bill Hamon - 1986
    Many of the stories included are taken from Dr. Bill's ministry and add that hands on practicality that is quickly making this book a best-seller.