Operating System Concepts

Abraham Silberschatz - 1985
    By staying current, remaining relevant, and adapting to emerging course needs, this market-leading text has continued to define the operating systems course. This Seventh Edition not only presents the latest and most relevant systems, it also digs deeper to uncover those fundamental concepts that have remained constant throughout the evolution of today's operation systems. With this strong conceptual foundation in place, students can more easily understand the details related to specific systems. New Adaptations * Increased coverage of user perspective in Chapter 1. * Increased coverage of OS design throughout. * A new chapter on real-time and embedded systems (Chapter 19). * A new chapter on multimedia (Chapter 20). * Additional coverage of security and protection. * Additional coverage of distributed programming. * New exercises at the end of each chapter. * New programming exercises and projects at the end of each chapter. * New student-focused pedagogy and a new two-color design to enhance the learning process.

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory

Peter Barry - 1995
    This new and expanded third edition continues to offer students and readers the best one-volume introduction to the field.The bewildering variety of approaches, theorists and technical language is lucidly and expertly unraveled. Unlike many books which assume certain positions about the critics and the theories they represent, Peter Barry allows readers to develop their own ideas once first principles and concepts have been grasped.

Inorganic Chemistry

D.F. Shriver - 1990
    The bestselling textbook inorganic chemistry text on the market covers both theoretical and descriptive aspects of the subject, and emphasizes experimental methods, industrial applications, and modern topics.

Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales

John Tyler Bonner - 2006
    In his hallmark friendly style, he explores the universal impact of being the right size. By examining stories ranging from Alice in Wonderland to Gulliver's Travels, he shows that humans have always been fascinated by things big and small. Why then does size always reside on the fringes of science and never on the center stage? Why do biologists and others ponder size only when studying something else--running speed, life span, or metabolism? Why Size Matters, a pioneering book of big ideas in a compact size, gives size its due by presenting a profound yet lucid overview of what we know about its role in the living world. Bonner argues that size really does matter--that it is the supreme and universal determinant of what any organism can be and do. For example, because tiny creatures are subject primarily to forces of cohesion and larger beasts to gravity, a fly can easily walk up a wall, something we humans cannot even begin to imagine doing.Bonner introduces us to size through the giants and dwarfs of human, animal, and plant history and then explores questions including the physics of size as it affects biology, the evolution of size over geological time, and the role of size in the function and longevity of living things.As this elegantly written book shows, size affects life in its every aspect. It is a universal frame from which nothing escapes.

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction

Terence A. Brown - 2006
    Assuming the reader has little prior knowledge of the subject its importance, the principles of the techniques used and their applications are all carefully laid out, with over 250 clearly presented two-colour illustrations. In addition to a number of informative changes to the text throughout the book, the final four chapters have been significantly updated and extended to reflect the striking advances made in recent years in the applications of gene cloning and DNA analysis in biotechnology: Extended chapter on agriculture including new material on glyphosate resistant plantsNew section on the uses of gene cloning and PCR in archaeologyCoverage of ethical concerns relating to pharming, gene therapy and GM crops Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis remains an essential introductory text to a wide range of biological sciences students; including genetics and genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and applied biology. It is also a perfect introductory text for any professional needing to learn the basics of the subject. All libraries in universities where medical, life and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies available on their shelves. View the Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis webpage at www.blackwellpublishing.com/genecloning

Understanding Abnormal Behavior

David Sue - 1981
    The first abnormal psychology book to present a thoroughly integrated multicultural perspective--based on the authors' view that cross-cultural comparisons can greatly enhance the understanding of disorders--the text provides extensive coverage and integration of multicultural models, explanations, and concepts. The book also helps you gain an understanding of abnormal behavior as scientific and clinical endeavors, while providing insight into the tools that mental health professionals use to study and treat disorders.

Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology

George F. Brooks - 1991
    The aim remains to provide a reference to the aspects of medical microbiology particularly important for clinical infections and chemotherapy. Geo. F. Brooks (U. of California, San Francisco), Jane

The Norton Anthology of Poetry

Margaret Ferguson - 1970
    The anthology offers more poetry by women (40 new poets), with special attention to early women poets. The book also includes a greater diversity of American poetry, with double the number of poems by African American, Hispanic, native American and Asian American poets. There are 26 new poets representing the Commonwealth literature tradition: now included are more than 37 poets from Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Caribbean, South Africa and India.

Robbins Basic Pathology

Vinay Kumar - 2000
    Its clinicopathologic orientation highlights the impact of molecular pathology on the practice of medicine. And, it integrates clinical and anatomic pathology, and discusses laboratory diagnosis of specific disorders.

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

David A. DeCenzo - 2011
    The tenth edition includes an extensive update with new examples and timely HR topics added. Most opening vignettes and "Did You Know?" boxes are new to provide the most relevant information. The "Workplace Issues, Technology Corner," and "Ethical Issues" in HRM boxes have also been updated to reflect current ideas and issues in HR. HR professionals will find more detailed discussions on topics including HR as a career, outsourcing of HR, discipline and dismissal, employment branding, and more.

iGenetics: A Molecular Approach

Peter J. Russell - 2001
    Although molecular topics are presented first, instructors can assign the chapters in any sequence. Pedagogical features such as chapter-opening “Key Questions” and strategically placed “Keynotes” help readers to efficiently master genetic concepts. The Genetics Place Companion Website contains interactive iActivities and narrated animations that help readers visualize and understand processes and concepts that are illustrated in the book. Genetics: An Introduction, DNA: The Genetic Material, DNA Replication, Gene Control of Proteins, Gene Expression: Transcription,Gene Expression: Translation, DNA Mutation, DNA Repair, and Transposable Elements, Structural Genomics, Functional and Comparative Genomics, Recombinant DNA Technology, Mendelian Genetics, Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance, Extensions of and Deviations from Mendelian Genetic Principles, Genetic Mapping in Eukaryotes, Genetics of Bacteria and Bacteriophages, Variations in Chromosome Structure and Number, Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria and Bacteriophages, Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes, Genetic Analysis of Development, Genetics of Cancer, Quantitative Genetics, Population Genetics, Molecular Evolution Intended for those interested in learning the basics of genetics

Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight

Peter Atkins - 1999
    Unlike other texts, it begins with a detailed picture of the atom then builds toward chemistry's frontier, continually demonstrating how to solve problems, think about nature and matter, and visualize chemical concepts in the same ways as working chemists. The new edition incorporates features that extend the book's emphasis on modern techniques and applications while strengthening its problem solving approach. Atkins/Jones is the only book for this course featuring integrated book specific media that provides students with effective study help via a variety of electronic tools. The website at http: //www.whfreeman.com/chemicalprinciples3e has been developed simultaneously with the text and offers a range of tools for problem solving and chemical exploration


Alan R. Crossman - 1995
    It avoids overburdening the reader with topographical detail that is unnecessary for the medical student. Minimum assumptions are made of existing knowledge of the subject.'Key point' boxes for reinforcement and quick revision Glossary of important terms 'Clinical detail' boxes closely integrated with relevant neuroanatomyComplete revision and updating of text. Revision nad expansion of summary chapter, providing overview of entire subject. Clinical material updated to reflect current prevalence of neurological disease. Artwork entirely redrawn for improved clarity and closer integration with text.

Psychology: Themes and Variations

Wayne Weiten - 1900
    "Critical Thinking Applications" in every chapter give you specific critical thinking strategies you can apply to what you read. Every chapter of this book offers tools to help you focus on what's important-showing you how to study in ways that help you retain information and do your very best on exams.

Organic Chemistry

Paula Yurkanis Bruice - 1995
    The author's writing has been praised for anticipating readers' questions, and appeals to their need to learn visually and by solving problems. Emphasizing that learners should reason their way to solutions rather than memorize facts, Bruice encourages them to think about what they have learned previously and apply that knowledge in a new setting.