Best of
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
Margaret Ferguson - 1970
The anthology offers more poetry by women (40 new poets), with special attention to early women poets. The book also includes a greater diversity of American poetry, with double the number of poems by African American, Hispanic, native American and Asian American poets. There are 26 new poets representing the Commonwealth literature tradition: now included are more than 37 poets from Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Caribbean, South Africa and India.
I Remember
Joe Brainard - 1970
In a book which uniquely captures 1950's America, Brainard constructs the story of his life through a series of brief entries, each beginning with the words "I remember", and continues with observations about family, film stars, lust, and the astonishing New York culture into which he moved to from Tulsa at the age of 18.
Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings
Yoko Ono - 1970
Back in print for the first time in nearly thirty years, here is Yoko Ono's whimsical, delightful, subversive, startling book of instructions for art and for life."A dream you dream alone may be a dream, but a dream two people dream together is a reality.""Burn this book after you've read it." -- Yoko Ono"This is the greatest book I've ever burned." -- John Lennon
Collected Poems
James Wright - 1970
A collection of authentic, profound and beautiful poems.
Black Feeling, Black Talk / Black Judgement
Nikki Giovanni - 1970
This book, electrifying generations with its revolutionary phrases and inspiring them with such Nikki Giovanni masterpieces as the lyrical "Nikki-Rosa" and the intimate "Knoxville, Tennessee," is the seminal volume of Nikki Giovanni's body of work. "Black Feeling, Black Talk/Black Judgement made Nikki Giovanni famous in 1968, and this reissue of her classic will enthrall those who have always adored her poems--and those who are just getting to know her work.As a witness to three generations, Nikki Giovanni has perceptively and poetically recorded her observations of both the outside world and the gentle yet enigmatic territory of the self. When her poems first emerged from the Black Rights Movement in the late 1960s, she immediately became a celebrated and controversial poet of the era. Written in one of the most commanding voices to grace America's political and poetic landscape at the end of the twentieth century, Nikki Giovanni's poems embody the fearless passion and spirited wit for which she is beloved and revered."Black Feeling, Black Talk/Black Judgement" is one of the single most important volumes of modern African-American poetry. This book, electrifying generations with its revolutionary phrases and inspiring them with such Nikki Giovanni masterpieces as the lyrical "Nikki-Rosa" and the intimate "Knoxville, Tennessee," is the seminal volume of Nikki Giovanni's body of work. "Black Feeling Black Talk/Black Judgement" made Nikki Giovanni famous in 1968, and this reissue of her classic will enthrall those who have always adored her poems-and those whoare just getting to know her work.As a witness to three generations, Nikki Giovanni has perceptively and poetically recorded her observations of both the outside world and the gentle yet enigmatic territory of the self. When her poems first emerged from the Black Rights Movement in the late 1960s, she immediately became a celebrated and controversial poet of the era. Written in one of the most commanding voices to grace America's political and poetic landscape at the end of the twentieth century, Nikki Giovanni's poems embody the fearless passion and spirited wit for which she is beloved and revered."Nikki Giovanni is sometimes gentle, sometimes angry, and always moving." --Julius Lester in "The Guardian."
Neruda and Vallejo: Selected Poems
Pablo Neruda - 1970
The Peruvian poet, Cesar Vallejo, part Indian and born in a mining village, ranks not far below Neruda. Robert Bly is one of America's foremost poets, and a translator of uncommon brilliance. The combination makes for a priceless volume."—Long Beach Press Telegram
Farming, a Hand Book
Wendell Berry - 1970
The sanity and eloquence of these poems spring from the land in Kentucky where Wendell Berry was born, married, lives, farms, and writes. From classic pastoral themes both lyrical and reflective, to a verse play, to a dramatic narrative and the manic, entertaining, prescient ravings of Berry�s Mad Farmer, these poems show a unity of language and consciousness, skill and sensitivity, that has placed Wendell Berry at the front rank of contemporary American poets.
The Love Poems of Lord Byron: A Romantic's Passion
Lord Byron - 1970
The man whose name is synonymous with romance gave his life in the noble cause of Greek liberty at the young age of thirty-six.Byron's love lyrics-like his epic works, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan-cast light on his legendary amorous exploits. The poems range from his schoolboy imitation of Catullus, to the poems praising such early loves as Mary Chaworth and Theresa Macri, to the tender lyrics for his half sister, Augusta Leigh, and poignant reflections on a failed marriage in "Fare Thee Well." Byron's poetry reveals a complex mix of self-revelation and breadth of knowledge plus an artistically modern sensibility.This selection of forty-four poems includes an introduction to Byron's life and notes on individual poems. Portraits of the various women in Byron's life contribute to this handsome collector's edition.The Love Poems of Lord Byron: A Romantic's Passion is the seventh volume in a poetry series that already includes The Sonnets: Poems of Love by William Shakespeare, The Love Poems of John Donne, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, A Poet to His Beloved: The Early Poems of W.B. Yeats, Sonnets from the Portuguese: A Celebration of Love by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and The Love Poems of John Keats: In Praise of Beauty.
Wishes, Lies, and Dreams: Teaching Children to Write Poetry
Kenneth Koch - 1970
61, the children, excited by the opportunity to work with an instructor able to inspire their talent and energy, would clap and shout with pleasure. In this vivid account, Koch describes his inventive methods for teaching these children how to create poems and gives numerous examples of their work. Wishes, Lies, and Dreams is a valuable text for all those who care about freeing the creative imagination and educating the young.
The Matrix: Poems: 1960-1970
N.H. Pritchard - 1970
Pritchard (born 1939) was one of the few black practitioners of the concrete poetry movement, and his book The Matrix is one of just a few books of concrete poetry to have been published by a major American publishing house. Originally published in 1970 by Doubleday, The Matrix was given little support in its time, and Pritchard’s work was largely ignored or passed over by the international concrete poetry movement. However, The Matrix remains a cherished item for fans of poetry due to its unique composition and difficult yet rewarding poetics. Forcing the reader to straddle the line between reading and viewing, The Matrix, features visual poems that predate the work of some of the Language poets, including words that are exploded into their individual letters and columns of text that ride the edge of the page.
The Double Dream of Spring
John Ashbery - 1970
Ashbery fans and lovers of modern poetry alike will recognize here some of the century's most anthologized and critically admired works of poetry, including "Soonest Mended", "Decoy", "Sunrise in Suburbia", "Evening in the Country", the achingly beautiful long poem "Fragment", and Ashbery's so-called Popeye poem, the mordant and witty "Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape". The Double Dream of Spring helped cement Ashbery's reputation as a must-read American poet, and no library of modern poetry is complete without it
One Hundred More Poems from the Chinese: Love and the Turning Year
Kenneth Rexroth - 1970
Most of the songs are simple, erotic lyrics. Some are attributed to legendary courtesans, while others may have been sung at harvest festivals or marriage celebrations. In addition to the folk songs, Rexroth offers a wide sampling of Chinese verse: works by 60 different poets, from the third century to our own time. Rexroth always translated Chinese poetry—as he said—“solely to please myself.” And he created, with remarkable success, English versions which stand as poems in their own right.
Paul Celan - 1970
Once again this bilingual volume, translated in this edition for the first time in English, reveals the importance of the great Romanian-German poet, who lived for most of his life in France. Translator Pierre Joris has achieved a great feat in bringing these three volumes into the English language.
Postwar Polish Poetry: An Anthology
Czesław MiłoszBogdan Czaykowski - 1970
The stress of the anthology is on poetry written after 1956, the year when the lifting of censorship and the berakdown of doctrines provoked and explosion of new schools and talents. The victory of Solidarity in August 1980 once again opened new vistas for a short time; the coup of December closed that chapter. It is too early yet to predict the impact these events will have on the future of Polish poetry.
Crow: From the Life and Songs of the Crow
Ted Hughes - 1970
In it, he found both a structure and a persona that gave his vision a new power and coherence. A. Alvarez wrote in the Observer, 'Each fresh encounter with despair becomes the occasion for a separate, almost funny, story in which natural forces and creatures, mythic figures, even parts of the body, act out their special roles, each endowed with its own irrepressible life. With Crow, Hughes joins the select band of survivor-poets whose work is adequate to the destructive reality we inhabit.'
I Like You Just Because: Thoughts on Friendship
Albert J. Nimeth - 1970
We need friends to maintain our peace of mind, to bolster our self-respect and to fulfill human aspirations. Friendship is not a game we play. There is a deep dimension to it that we overlook. There are demands made upon friends which are often unfulfilled. I Like You Just Because explores some of these. It explores the need we have of friends, the risk we take in developing friends, the obligations we assume and the sense of well being we experience in the give and take that friendships demand.
Archaeologist Of Morning
Charles Olson - 1970
An Anthology of New York Poets
Ron PadgettTom Clark - 1970
Regarding Wave: Poetry
Gary Snyder - 1970
The title, Regarding Wave,reflects "a half-buried series of word origins dating back through theIndo-European language: intersections of energy, woman, song and 'GoneBeyond Wisdom.'" Central to the work is a cycle of songs for Snyder'swife, Masa, and their first son, Kai. Probing even further than Snyder'sprevious collection of poems, The Back Country, this newvolume freshly explores "the most archaic values on earth… the fertilityof the soil, the magic of animals, the power-vision in solitude, theterrifying initiation and rebirth, the love and ecstasy of the dance,the common work of the tribe…”
Venus Trines at Midnight: Love Poems from Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman - 1970
Her three books, Sun Signs, Love Signs, and Star Signs have sold over 40 million copies in many languagaes. Known to her friends as both a poet and a romantic, Linda Goodman's view of the world was influencd by the astrology she understood so well. That unique combination of talents produced this charming and profound book.These poems about love and loss, death and reincarnation, beauty and romance, all seen through the prism of an astrological landscape, teach us how this fascinating science helps weave the fabric of our lives. But even more than that--like most great poetry, they make the heart sing and the spirit soar, and give us the wisdom to appreciate that the dance is eternal.
Aflame and Afun of Walking Faces
Kenneth Patchen - 1970
To give some notion of the fables, imagine Mark Twain and Leopardi collaborating on a script for the Marx Brothers to act out at the birth of the world--by no means necessarily this one!
Le Contre-Ciel
René Daumal - 1970
In Le Contre-Ciel, Daumal invites us, his readers, to go through this process of regeneration-through-negation with him in order to revive in ourselves a knowledge and understanding of our primordial sources.
Cawdor & Medea
Robinson Jeffers - 1970
She falls in love with his son, Hood, and the narrative unfolds in tragedy of immense proportions. Medea is a verse adaptation of Euripides' drama and was created especially for the actress Judith Anderson. Their combined genius made the play one of the outstanding successes of the 1940s. In Medea, Jeffers relentlessly drove toward what Ralph Waldo Emerson had called "the proper tragic element" terror.
Dear John, Dear Coltrane: Poems (Poetry from Illinois)
Michael S. Harper - 1970
When he is at his best, in both his public and his private voice, he creates a language humming with emotion and ennobled by a deeply felt human dignity." -- Virginia Quarterly Review ". . . one of the finest poets of our time." -- San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle Stephen Henderson Award, African American Literature and Culture Society (AALCS), 2013. Author is recipient of the Frost Medal for Lifetime Achievement, Poetry Society of America, 2008.
The Penguin Book of Irish Verse
Brendan Kennelly - 1970
From the 17th century to the present day, the poetry of Ireland is testimony to the power of the imagination to withstand systematic oppression and the forces of history. In this selection Brendan Kennelly has chosen to emphasize the fusion of Irish and Anglo-Irish poetry, with the beauty of many Gaelic poems rendered into eloquent English by Frank O'Connor. The whole spectrum of Irish verse is covered, with anonymous and lesser-known poems standing alongside those by such famous artists as Swift, Goldsmith, Yeats and, more recently, Beckett, MacNeice, Heaney and Muldoon.
Collected Poems, 1916-1970
Conrad Aiken - 1970
Makes available all the published verse written by him since 1953, in addition to the full body of his poetry written up to that time.
The Pocket Book Of Verse Great English And American Poems
M.E. Speare - 1970
Anthology of the best of the english language, from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Frost and Sandberg.
Library Of World Poetry
William Cullen Bryant - 1970
Published by Amaranth Press 1970. Copyright 1970, ISBN 0808163124. Includes both Steel and Wood Engravings inside.
Pier Paolo Pasolini - 1970
His poems are widely considered the most important contribution to Italian literature since Montale and, along with the work of Brecht and Neruda, represent the most powerful political poetry of the century. This dual-language book presents his major poems as well as an autobiographical essay, which together make for an outstanding introduction to Pasolini's exceptional gifts as a poet.
Severance Pay: Poems, 1967-1969 (Writing 24)
Philip Whalen - 1970
The Poems of Robert Service
Robert W. Service - 1970
His simple verse is easy to read, beckoning you to plow through these adventure stories. Among them are:
"The Rhyme of the Restless Ones"
"The Black Sheep"
"Carry On!"
"The Shooting of Dan McGrew"
"The Cremation of Sam McGee"
"The Trapper's Christmas Eve"
"The Lone Trail"
During the First World War, Robert Service was an ambulance driver for the Red Cross in France and a war correspondent. He was born in the United Kingdom in 1874, and went on to travel throughout Canada, the United States, Mexico and Europe. He died in 1958.You may also be interested in his Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, available in eBook format.
The Thoughts of Nanushka, Volume One: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Nan Witcomb - 1970
Thorns of the Blood Rose
Victor Anderson - 1970
Poetry by Victor Anderson, founder and leader of the Feri Tradition of American neo-Paganism.
Poetry for My People
Henry Dumas - 1970
Louis, Henry Dumas had amassed a considerable body of work at the time of his death in 1968 at the age of thirty-four. These two volumes (Ark of Bones and Other Stories and Poetry for my People), comprise most of his work, published and unpublished. They amply show the sensitivity and skill with which he approached the themes of blackness and youth, the preoccupations of the stories, and, in the themes and techniques of the poems, demonstrate the awareness of what an African heritage can mean to an American writer.
The Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar
Chairil Anwar - 1970
In a few intense years he forged almost ingle-handedly a vital, mature literary language in Bahasa Indonesia, a language which formally came to exist in 1928. Anway led the way for the many Indonesian writers who have emerged during the past fifty years.This volume contains all that has survived of Anwar’s writing. It not longer need the sort of introduction it did soem thirty years ago when Burton Raffel first published English translations of Anwar’s work. Raffel now presents the complete poems and the small amount of surviving prose in new translations with new interpretations.
Complete Poetical Works
John Keats - 1970
A commentary by Buxton Forman on the early printed editions, a chronology of Keats's life, and a note on the wealth of manuscript material complete the authoritative text.
Milton: Complete Shorter Poems
John Milton - 1970
Explanatory notes are included as well as headnotes for each poem summarizing the judgements and disagreements of modern critics. Abstracts are taken from some 700 articles and 70 books, published since 1968 to create these headnotes.
Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse.
Edward Lucie-Smith - 1970
My life by water: Collected poems, 1936-1968
Lorine Niedecker - 1970
Selected Poems: In Five Sets
Laura Riding - 1970
Drawn from her Collected Poems of 1938, this is a remarkable distillation of Laura Riding’s poetic achievement. The extraordinary preface is perhaps Laura (Riding) Jackson’s most succinct explanation of her renunciation of the writing of poetry, and is a provocative commentary on the contemporary poetry scene.