Best of
Great Short Works
Edgar Allan Poe - 1970
Dreams! in their vivid colouring of life-As in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strifeOf semblance with reality which brings To the delirious eye more lovely things Of Paradise and Love-and all our own! Than young Hope in his sunniest hour hath known. [1827, 1828]SPIRITS OF THE DEADThy soul shall find itself alone'Mid dark thoughts of the graytomb-stone--Not one, of all the crowd, to pryInto thine hour of secrecy: IIBe silent in that solitude, Which is not loneliness-for thenThe spirits of the dead who stoodIn life before thee are -againIn death around thee-and their will Shall overshadow thee: be still. IIIThe night-tho' clear--shall frownAnd the stars shall look not down, From their high thrones in the heaven, With light like Hope to mortals givenBut their red orbs, without beam, To thy weariness shall seem As a burning and a fever Which would cling to thee for ever. IVNow are thoughts thou shalt not banishNow are visions ne'er to vanishFrom thy spirit shall they pass No more-like dew-drop from the grass. VThe breeze---the breath of God-is still-And the mist upon the hillShadowy-shadowy-yet unbroken, Is a symbol and a token-How it hangs upon the trees, A mystery of mysteries!--[1827, 1839]EVENING STAR'Twas noontide of summer, And mid-time of night; And stars, in their orbits, Shone pale, thro' the lightOf the brighter, cold moon, 'Mid planets her slaves, Herself in the HeavensHer beam on the waves.On her cold smile; Too cold-too cold for me-There pass'd, as a shroud, A fleecy cloud, And I turn'd away to thee, Proud Evening Star, In thy glory afar, And dearer thy beam shall be; For joy to my heartIs the proud partThou bearest in Heav'n at night, And more I admireThy distant fire, Than that colder, lowly light.[1827]
God Is an Englishman
R.F. Delderfield - 1970
His struggle to succeed and his conquest of Henrietta, the spirited daughter of a rich manufacturer, drive a richly woven tale that takes the reader from the dusty plains of India to the teeming slums of nineteenth-century London, from the chaos of the great industrial cities to the age of the peaceful certainties of the English countryside. Filled with epic scenes and memorable characters, God is an Englishman triumphs in its portrayal of human strength and weakness, and in its revelations of the power of love.
Calico Palace
Gwen Bristow - 1970
These were the people who went up to the hills and came back staggering under the weight of the treasure they carried, and who began transforming San Francisco from a shantytown into one of the most brilliant cities in the world. This novel tells the unforgettable story of how these people walked into one of the most spectacular adventures in the world’s history. They saw the first samples of gold brought to the quartermaster, who said they were flakes of yellow mica. They were there when the first people who saw the gold were laughed at and called “crackbrains.” And they laid the foundation of the golden empire before the first forty-niners got there. Some of them could not meet the demands of this strange new world; others grew stronger and shared the greatness of the country they had helped build. Calico Palace is their story brought to vivid life.
The Love Poems of Lord Byron: A Romantic's Passion
Lord Byron - 1970
The man whose name is synonymous with romance gave his life in the noble cause of Greek liberty at the young age of thirty-six.Byron's love lyrics-like his epic works, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan-cast light on his legendary amorous exploits. The poems range from his schoolboy imitation of Catullus, to the poems praising such early loves as Mary Chaworth and Theresa Macri, to the tender lyrics for his half sister, Augusta Leigh, and poignant reflections on a failed marriage in "Fare Thee Well." Byron's poetry reveals a complex mix of self-revelation and breadth of knowledge plus an artistically modern sensibility.This selection of forty-four poems includes an introduction to Byron's life and notes on individual poems. Portraits of the various women in Byron's life contribute to this handsome collector's edition.The Love Poems of Lord Byron: A Romantic's Passion is the seventh volume in a poetry series that already includes The Sonnets: Poems of Love by William Shakespeare, The Love Poems of John Donne, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, A Poet to His Beloved: The Early Poems of W.B. Yeats, Sonnets from the Portuguese: A Celebration of Love by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and The Love Poems of John Keats: In Praise of Beauty.
Doré's London: All 180 Illustrations from London, A Pilgrimage
Gustave Doré - 1970
This comprehensive collection of drawings by Gustave Doré, France's most celebrated graphic artist of the period, presents a panoramic portrait of that engrossing city — from fashionable ladies riding in a sunlit park to ragged wretches in a shadowy side street. Here are amazingly perceptive sketches of workaday London, busy market places, the Christy Minstrels, a waterman's family, thieves gambling, the Devils' Acre in Westminster, flower girls, waifs and strays, a wedding at the Abbey, provincials in search of lodgings, a garden party, prisoners in the Newgate exercise yard, stalls at Covent Garden Opera House, and many other scenes that capture the London of a bygone era.
The Nipper
Catherine Cookson - 1970
15-year-old Sandy loses his job and his home when the small farm he lives on is sold, and then is horrified when "The Nipper" is sold as a pit-pony.
Selected Poems of Christina Rossetti (Wordsworth Poetry Library)
Christina Rossetti - 1970
No reading of nineteenth century poetry can be complete without attention to this prolific and popular poet. Rossetti's inner life dominates her poetry, exploring loss and unattainable hope. Her divine poems have a freshness and toughness of thought, while many of her love poems are erotic, and as often express love for women as for men. The varied threads of Rossetti's concerns are drawn together in what is perhaps her greatest poem, the strange and ambiguous Goblin Market.304
Talleyrand: The Art of Survival
Jean Orieux - 1970
Talleyrand, descended from the cadet branch of a noble family as old as that of the king, survived and prospered under every regime in France from monarchy thru the directorate and Napoleon's empire and beyond. (On taking his oath of allegiance to King Louis Phillipe, Talleyrand remarked, "Well, sire, that makes my thirteenth.") A major force in the post-Napoleanic world, his air of mystery and his laconic manner earned him the nickname "The Sphinx." In both virtues and vices, he was an odd mix; greedy, vain, amoral in many respects, but he had an iron will and an unquenchable love for France, no matter who ruled her. Orieux's book is both informative and eminently readable."-By James K. Burk (Wichita, Kansas United States)
Four Major Plays, Vol. 2: Ghosts / An Enemy of the People / The Lady from the Sea / John Gabriel Borkman
Henrik Ibsen - 1970
Hedda Gabler, 'a-crawl with the foulest passions of humanity', as one contemporary reviewer claimed, is also a flawed idealist in an anguished private dilemma; in creating her Ibsen brought dramatic prose towards the expression of a reality beneath the surface of words. This collection of plays is taken from the Oxford Ibsen, James McFarlane's acclaimed scholarly edition.
Savannah Purchase
Jane Aiken Hodge - 1970
They were cousins, but they looked enough alike to be twins.Life and war separated them, but the years didn't dim the astonishing resemblance.Now Fate suddenly threw them together again -- two beautiful, desirable women playing out a deadly masquerade.Set against the elegance, splendor and gentility of the early 19th-century South, this is a suspenseful tale of high intrigue and dangerous deception.
To Purge This Land with Blood: A Biography of John Brown
Stephen B. Oates - 1970
In 1970, Stephen B. Oates wrote what has come to be recognized as the definitive biography of Brown, a balanced assessment that captures the man in all his complexity. The book is now back in print in an updated edition with a new prologue by the author.
The Victorian Underworld
Kellow Chesney - 1970
Policemen could only stand in awe of the occupations and illegal practices which grew up.Kellow Chesney begins his book by taking a general look at the society and its penal methods. Then, ranging over the whole spectrum of underworld life from travelling showmen and religious fakes to cracksmen, garrotters, and incorrigible pickpockets, he recreates in detail the squalid lives and the 'lays' of those who thronged the rookeries and alleys of Victorian cities. Curious stories emerge from this world of crime and penury, and, throughout, the study highlights the vast substratum of vice feeding on that 'most enlightened age'.
Whale Hunt: The Narrative of a Voyage by Nelson Cole Haley, Harpooner in the Ship Charles W. Morgan 1849-1853 (Maritime)
Nelson Cole Haley - 1970
The narrative of a voyage by Nelson Cole Haley, Harpooner in the Ship Charles W Morgan 1948-1853.
On Art, Religion and the History of Philosophy: Introductory Lectures
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1970
A new Introduction, Select Bibliography, Analytical Table of Contents, and the restoration in the section headings of the outline of Hegel’s lectures make this new edition particularly useful and welcome.
Moby-Dick as Doubloon: Essays and Extracts, 1851-1970.
Hershel Parker - 1970
The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
Hugh GreeneErnest Bramah - 1970
Ltd"'Clifford Ashdown: 'The Assyrian Rejuvenator'L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace: 'Madame Sara'Clifford Ashdown: 'The Submarine Boat'William Le Queux: 'The Secret of the Fox Hunter'Baroness Orczy: 'The Mysterious Death on the Underground Railway'R. Austin Freeman: 'The Moabite Cipher'Baroness Orczy: 'The Woman in the Big Hat'William Hope Hodgson: 'The Horse of the Invisible'Ernest Bramah: 'The Game Played in the Dark'
Complete Poetical Works
John Keats - 1970
A commentary by Buxton Forman on the early printed editions, a chronology of Keats's life, and a note on the wealth of manuscript material complete the authoritative text.
Drawings of William Blake: 92 Pencil Studies
William Blake - 1970
Composed in the first flush of creativity, 92 plates showcase the artist's finest pencil drawings, selected from Book of Job, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, visionary heads, mythological figures, Laocoön, and more.
The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
Albert Boime - 1970
Elizabeth Longford - 1970
The sensitive, withdrawn child of Irish aristocrats, Wellington was pushed into the army as 'food for powder', stumbling his way through Flanders fields, an abortive love affair and the banqueting halls of Dublin Castle to reach India at the age of twenty-seven. It was there he made his name and he returned to England, and marriage to Kitty Pakenham, as Sir Arthur Wellesley. He then took command of the Allied Armies in Portugal and Spain against Napoleon, a prolonged campaign which ended in victory. In the gaiety of Paris, Mme de Stael, Harriet Arbuthnot and others vied to entertain the victorious general. After Napoleon's escape from Elba, Wellington became commander-in -chief of the British forces, and in 1815 confronted the French at Waterloo.
Selected Tales and Sketches
Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1970
Higginbotham's CatastropheAlice Doane's appealGray ChampionYoung Goodman BrownWakefieldAmbitious GuestMinister's Black VeilMay-Pole of Merry MountGreat CarbuncleMan of AdamantLady Eleanor’s MantleEgotism, or, the Bosom SerpentBirthmarkChristmas BanquetArtist of the BeautifulRappacini’s DaughterEthan BrandFeathertop, A Moralized LegendSketches (12)Sights from a SteepleHaunted MindSunday at HomeFancy's Show BoxNight SketchesVirtuouso's CollectionOld Apple DealerHall of FantasyCelestial RailroadFire WorshipEarth's HolocaustMain StreetPrefaces:The Old MansePreface to the third edition of Twice-told tales --Preface to The Snow Image and other twice-told talesJournalism:From: Chiefly about War Matters
This Fabulous Century, 1870-1900 (This Fabulous Century Series)
Time-Life Books - 1970
A Curious Life for a Lady: The Story of Isabella Bird, Traveller Extraordinary
Pat Barr - 1970
In 1872, at the age of forty, this rather earnest daughter of a country parson abandoned the rectory nest and began her pioneering journeys to some of the most inhospitable corners of the world. Undismayed by discomfort or danger she was to spend almost thirty years travelling - to the Rocky Mountains, the Sandwich Isles, to Japan, Malaya, Kashmir and Tibet, to Persia, Korea and China - where an indomitable spirit, an unassuming cordiality and, above all, a limitless capacity for being interested won her universal welcome. Her accounts of her experiences became best-selling books and established for Isabella Bird a reputation as one of the great travel writers of her day.'Miss Barr has her measure. She and Miss Bird are well suited. The style of both is fresh, energetic, visual, making an enchanting book.'"Evening Standard"""'Rich and riotous as her intrepid heroine moves at the speed of a silent movie through landscapes lusher than any technicolour.'"Times Literary Supplement"""'A rare book.'"Sunday Telegraph"
Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth
Dorothy Wordsworth - 1970
The journals she kept at Alfoxden, in 1798, where her brother and Coleridge were composing the Lyrical Ballads and at Grasmere from 1800 to 1803, when she and Wordsworth were living at Dove Cottage are printed here for the first time as Dorothy wrote them. Two of Dorothy's poems are included in the appendix, along with thirty-three poems by Wordsworth, which are referred to in the journals.
The Artist in American Society: The Formative Years
Neil Harris - 1970
What was the place of the artist in a new society? How would he thrive where monarchy, aristocracy, and an established church—those traditional patrons of painting, sculpture, and architecture—were repudiated so vigorously? Neil Harris examines the relationships between American cultural values and American society during the formative years of American art and explores how conceptions of the artist's social role changed during those years.
Britain and Her Army, 1509-1970: A Military, Political & Social Survey
Correlli Barnett - 1970
A complete history of the British Army Provides all the details about the way the Army is run that are impossible to find elsewhere Packed full of maps, photos and line drawings Correlli Barnett is renowned for making military history both exciting and readable