Flying to Norway, Grounded in Burma: A Hudson Pilot in World War II

Goronwy 'Gron' Edwards - 2008
    After gaining his wings he joined No 233 General Reconnaissance Squadron of Coastal Command based at Thornaby in Yorkshire. The aircraft he flew was the Avro Anson, a small twin engine aircraft that was originally designed for civilian use but had been hastily modified with the addition of two machine guns and a 280 lb bomb load. Before the outbreak of war the squadron was moved to Leuchers. Early in 1939, Coastal Command crews were ordered to ferry some Blenheim twin-engined bombers to Middle East Command and Gron was selected as a navigator for the flight to Egypt. Upon landing in Egypt they found that they had set a record time of 33 hours, 3 hours less than Imperial Airways. 233 Squadron were re-equipped with the Lockheed Hudson, a larger aircraft that enabled reconnaissance patrols along the Norwegian coast. In April 1940, as they were approaching the Norwegian coast, Gron spotted a Heinkell 115. He attacked from astern and damaged the aircraft. Although very nearly flying into the sea. Patrols continued, searching for German capital ships hiding in the Fiords. During the first five months of the Norwegian campaign 233 Squadron suffered 35% casualties even 50% on one shipping strike. Gron was awarded the DFC for his part in this operation. After becoming short-sighted and night-blind Gron was given a brief respite and then posted to the Navigational School at Cranage in Cheshire and a little later qualified as a Specialist Armament Officer. In September 1944 he sailed for Bombay and then travelled overland to Maniur, 500 miles north-east of Imphal. Gron took the job of Armament Officer of No 221 Group, a close-support fighter/bomber group of about 20 squadrons attached to the 14th Army. With the Japanese in retreat the group moved to Indianggye in Burma. Gron commanded the RAF advance party. During his service there he was Mentioned in Despatches.

Pictures of Walls

Banksy - 2005

Misery Obscura: The Photography of Eerie Von (1981-2009)

Eerie Von - 2009
    Beginning as the unofficial photographer for punk legends The Misfits and later taking charge of the bass guitar as a founding member of underground pioneers Samhain and metal gods Danzig, the evil eye of Eerie Von's camera captured the dark heart of rock's most vital and bleeding-edge period, a time when rock and roll was not only dangerous, but downright menacing. Eerie Von's lens has documented everything from The Misfits' humble beginnings in Lodi, New Jersey, to the heights of Danzig's stadium-rock glory alongside metal superstars Metallica. As well as an essential visual document of music history, Eerie's road stories of triumph and damnation bring to life an era the likes of which will never again be seen.

Master Builders of the Middle Ages

David Jacobs - 1969
    It is difficult for us now, even with all our engineering and architectural skills, to imagine the extraordinary ways these medieval houses of worship were constructed. Midway through the twelfth century, the building of cathedrals became a crusade to erect awe-inspiring churches across Europe. In their zeal, bishops, monks, masons, and workmen created the architectural style known as Gothic, arguably Christianity’s greatest contribution to the world’s art and architecture. The style evolved slowly and almost accidentally as medieval artisans combined ingenuity, inspiration, and brute strength to create a fitting monument to their God. Here are the dramatic stories of the building of Saint-Denis, Notre Dame, Chartres, Reims, and other Gothic cathedrals.

How to Master Lucid Dreaming: Your Practical Guide to Unleashing the Power of Lucid Dreaming

Sean Kelly - 2014
    Grab it while it's practically FREE.Thanks to your support, "How to Master Lucid Dreaming" became a #1 Bestseller in 6 different categories including: Spirituality, Personal Growth, Self-Help. You're missing out on an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE part of your life. It's time to change that. There are a ridiculous amount of techniques online for lucid dreaming. Too many. Enough to overwhelm any beginner and annoy any expert. This book is a journey into mastery of lucid dreaming. No more trying random techniques from forums. It's time to build a sustainable practice and delve into the depths of your consciousness.I've helped thousands of people with lucid dreaming over the past 9 years. It's your turn. What's Included in the Book - The Biggest Obstacle to Lucid Dreaming and How to Overcome It- How to Achieve Anything You Set Your Mind To- How to Use Your Mind as a Rocket Booster Instead of Dead Weight- How to Remember More of Your Life With a Stupidly Simple Practice- The Forgotten Jewel of a Hidden Type of Memory- Why You've Been Doing Reality Checks Completely Wrong (and totally wasting your time)- How to Completely Let Go of Your Stressful Day- How Not To Waste Time With Lucid Dreaming Techniques- The 5 Things Every Good Lucid Dreaming Technique Has in Common- 5 Steps to Mastering Your TechniqueIf you just want to experience lucid dreaming once, then move on, this book isn't for you. But if you want to master lucid dreaming and be able to experience it any time you want, get this book. What are the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming? - Deep personal and spiritual exploration into the nature of consciousness and who you really are- Receive life-changing information from your subconscious- Artistic and creative Inspiration (imagine composing music while flying in the sky with rainbow colored sound streaming all around you...)- Wipe away years of minor depression- FUN! Fun! FUN! Tons of fun- Overcome fears that are holding you back in life- Explore different realms that you'll suddenly have access to- Heal emotional traumas through interacting directly with your subconscious mind- Overcome nasty nightmares that leave you feeling crappy in the morning- Add more hours of actually being ALIVE every day- Shift your entire perspective on life, reality, consciousness and what it's all about- Soar like a bird in the sky, feeling the wind against your skin (one of the most amazing experiences ever) What people are saying about the book "I'm on day 3 of the program today and had my first lucid dream last night! Thank you sooooo much for this book, I am loooving it and soo excited about my own lucid journey!"- Jess Webb"I’ve got LaBerge’s course, Lucid Dreaming Secrets Unveiled by Darius Thomas, Robert Waggoner’s Lucid Dream Workshop, etc. etc...

51 Dirty Tricks Bad Guys Really Hate: Sneaky Tactics used by Police, Private Investigators and Bounty Hunters

Larry Kaye - 2014
    Some tricks are completely unethical but, many can be used ethically, however any criminal would consider them unfair because they are sneaky and effective beyond what an investigator might use on a day-to-day basis to catch a criminal including...How a dirty cop can beat the daylights out of a completely compliant subject, on video, and get away with it every time!The Dirty Trick I wish I had learned YEARS ago! (This alone is worth the price of the book many times over.)The social media Dirty Trick Al-Queda used to blow up 4 Top Secret U.S. helicopters!The “How Much Do They Drink” Dirty Trick.WARNING: Don't even think about using any of the Dirty Tricks in the “Off Limits” chapter!The one Dirty Trick thieves hate even more than getting caught!Real-World Case Studies.The “Freakishly Effective” Dirty Trick to catch underage drinkers in a bar. (This is one I almost didn't include!)REVEALED: The Dirty Trick that saved me from a beating.The Dirty Trick cops use to shut down a Private Investigator's surveillance in 30 seconds or less. (Don't conduct another surveillance until you learn this one!)A cute little Dirty Trick to drive a stalker crazy. (I've used this one pro-actively for years!)One sneaky way to discover who installed a hidden cam.Bonus Tips!Section on Little Known Sources of Info (If you're a real-world P.I. you better learn these!)The best time of day to use “The Last Place You Look Dirty Trick”.The “Particularly Devastating” trick to catch a liar. (That's what the U.S Government said in a previously classified report!)The Post Card Dirty Trick. (This is so powerful it's one of my all-time favorites!)And Much, Much More!

Over 50, Overweight & Out Of Breath: A Year Of Going From Super Fat To Super Fit

Laura E. Sinclair - 2013
     "Before I wrote this book, I was diagnosed as MORBIDLY OBESE by my primary-care physician following a yearly visit. The only problem with this diagnosis was that we never discussed this issue. I knew that I was overweight, but it wasn't until I switched doctors and picked up my medical records that I saw this in writing. I saw myself in front of the mirror every day, so I knew things were bad, but it wasn't until I read those words, MORBIDLY OBESE, that the gravity of the situation sunk in." -LAURA SINCLAIR At 55, Laura Sinclair was grossly overweight; the future looked dim and dangerous. Carrying extra weight was setting her up for the possibility of developing a chronic illness--heart disease, stroke, or worse. She decided to take ownership of her life and pave a new road to optimum health and happiness. -Learn how Laura lost over 40% of her body weight and kept it off. -How she reached a level of fitness and athleticism that she thought not possible in her 50s and beyond.

The Power of Positive Affirmations: Each Day a New Beginning

Alex Uwajeh - 2015
     ***Please Note: This book contains Bible references*** Did you know that focusing on the negative aspects of things could actually make more negative things appear in your life? If you’re serious about living a happy, healthy and abundant life, the key is to change your thoughts. Take control of those negative thoughts and emotions and turn them around. Find affirmations that help you stick to a positive frame of mind, and then repeat them until you feel more confident about them. It makes no difference what aspect of your life you consider, there’s always something to be grateful for. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” - Hebrews 4:12 New King James Version. God bless you! Other Books: *Christian Living: 2 Books with Bonus Content. *Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide. *Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion - The Ultimate Safe Haven Investments. *Nigerian Stock Market Investment: 2 Books with Bonus Content. *The Dividend Millionaire: Investing for Income and Winning in the Stock Market. *Economic Crisis: Surviving Global Currency Collapse - Safeguard Your Financial Future with Silver and Gold. *Passionate about Stock Investing: The Quick Guide to Investing in the Stock Market. *Guide to Investing in the Nigerian Stock Market. *Building Wealth with Dividend Stocks in the Nigerian Stock Market (Dividends - Stocks Secret Weapon). *Beginners Basic Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver Boxed Set. *Beginners Basic Guide to Stock Market Investment Boxed Set. *Precious Metals Investing For Beginners: The Quick Guide to Platinum and Palladium. *Child Millionaire: Stock Market Investing for Beginners - How to Build Wealth the Smart Way for Your Child - The Basic Little Guide. *Beginners Quick Guide to Passive Income: Learn Proven Ways to Earn Extra Income in the Cyber World. *Taming the Tongue: The Power of Spoken Words.

The Magic Feeling Which Creates Instant Manifestations

Richard Dotts - 2014
    An accidental brush with this magical feeling changed the course of his life forever. You can read his amazing story in the free preview chapter of this book. For the next 10 years, Dotts spent every waking moment he could trying to understand what happened that faithful day, and how he could get back to that amazing state of being. Along the way, he immersed himself in the teachings of ancient spiritual teachers and modern scientists, and found the single element that is always present in ANY manifestation or physical demonstration. Now more than 10 years later, Dotts writes candidly and with authority: There is a magic feeling which results in instant manifestations, and I can teach you how to find it. This is the way we were made to function and this is the only way we can live our highest potential. Learn as Dotts reveals: * The miraculous story of how the Universe delivered a pile of money to him, during a special time in his life where he COULD NOT have made money any other possible way. The Universe truly knows no physical space and time limitations. * What the Magic Feeling that results in instant manifestations feels like… and how you can access this feeling at will (This does not depend on how spiritual or “worthy” someone is) * How the Magic Feeling relates to the latest scientific developments about brainwave frequencies, and the brainwaves of high priests, shamans and spiritual healers (Dotts knows this because he has personally tried these spiritual healing techniques and compared it to his Magic Feeling.) * A completely new, never-before-seen explanation, about why visualization (or feeling AS IF as taught in “The Secret” and by many new-age authors) does not work for most people * How to make your visualizations so effective and attractive, you may have to change what you’re asking for! The missing secret is NOT to feel “as if” your desires have already materialized as commonly taught! Instead, you need to ____ while doing so. * The hidden meaning behind Rumi’s mystical poem, the Breezes at Dawn, written 7 centuries ago and how it relates to modern day manifestations Updated 2nd edition includes new chapter at the end. Readers of the bestselling first edition can skip directly to the last chapter.

Air Crashes and Miracle Landings: 85 CASES - How and Why

Christopher Bartlett - 2018
    Air Crashes and Miracle landings is a great resource for every pilot who wants a clear summary of the Whats, Hows and Whys behind the key aviation accidents. This book should be part of Human Factors and Crew Resource Management training." Richard de Crespigny--captain of Qantas QF32 Now has eighty-five accounts, some short, some long, with hard-hitting analyses, ranging from the disappearance of Amelia Earhart to that of Malaysian Airlines MH370, not forgetting AF447 where many human factors in addition to technical ones were responsible. Each chapter covers a specific type of incident in chronological order showing the evolution of accidents over time, and how many should never happen again because of advances in technology. Covering so many incidents, it provides background facts and insights for professionals and aficionados of the Air Accident Investigations/MAYDAY TV series, amongst others Lessons from these incidents made flying so safe today.

Green Ink: Memoirs of a Fighter Pilot

H. Denny Wisely - 2018
    He found himself in the navy while growing up during Vietnam. He was the first to shoot down two enemy airplanes and flew 350 combat missions during three deployments aboard USS Kitty Hawk. The ledger he kept will bring you right there with him as he recounts many of those more than exciting missions including being shot down near Hanoi. He flew F4 Phantom to 85,000 feet during operational test flights at the McDonnell-Douglas factor in St Louis. Later at VX-4 in Pt Mugu, California he tested the F 14 Tomcat and flew the MiG 21 from Area 51. He went on to command a Fighter Squadron from USS Midway home-ported in Japan and then went on to be Flight Leader and Commanding Officer of the Blue Angels. He went on to Command the aircraft carrier John F Kennedy.


Pasquale Buzzelli - 2012
    He spoke to his pregnant wife on the telephone before he began his evacuation after the South Tower fell. Sensing something ominous, Pasquale crouched down and huddled into a corner of the stairwell as the 110-story tower came crashing down around him. He survived the tower collapse and woke up in the open air hours later on The Pile, a stack of debris seven stories high. The firemen who rescued Pasquale shared his remarkable story of survival with the media, as did others who cared for him that day. His story became a myth, an urban legend, and an enigma that gave rise to much speculation. Here he tells his story in captivating detail of falling and "surfing' the collapse of the North Tower.Visit for more details.

Letter to Father

Bhagat Singh - 2019
    His father had requested the courts to look into evidences that would prove his son’s innocence, but the letter only goes on to show why Bhagat Singh is a true revolutionary who paved a new path for Indian Independence.

Fast Freehand Fills: Vol 1: Basic Fills

Dawn Summerall - 2013
    Always have a fresh fill on hand with this catalog of basic fills and patterns. The Fast Freehand Fills series provides zen expressionists with a repertoire of found and unique basic patterns that are easy to draw freehand. Wavy checkerboards, fishnets, pinstripe pajamas and dog bones are all waiting inside this catalog of fills. Great for zen drawing, mandalas and artistic journaling.

Scatterling of Africa: My Early Years

Johnny Clegg - 2021
    Suspended for a few seconds, they float in their own space and time with their own hidden prospects. For want of a better term, we call these moments “magical” and when we remember them they are cloaked in a halo of special meaning.’For 14-year-old Johnny Clegg, hearing Zulu street music as plucked on the strings of a guitar by Charlie Mzila one evening outside a corner café in Bellevue, Johannesburg, was one such ‘magical’ moment. The success story of Juluka and later Savuka, and the cross-cultural celebration of music, language, story, dance and song that stirred the hearts of millions across the world, is well documented. Their music was the soundtrack to many South Africans’ lives during the turbulent 70s and 80s as the country moved from legislated oppression to democratic freedom. It crossed borders, boundaries and generations, resonating around the world and back again. Less known is the story of how it all began and developed. Scatterling of Africa is that origin story, as Johnny Clegg wrote it and wanted it told. It is the story of how the son of an unconventional mother, grandson of Jewish immigrants, came to realise that identity can be a choice, and home is a place you leave and return to as surely as the seasons change.