Instagram Handbook

Bambang Dwi Atmoko - 2012
    Bentuknya yang ringkas, multifungsi, dan selalu dibawa kemana saja, membuat ponsel mulai menjadi favorit untuk mengabadikan momen dalam bentuk foto, yang kadang datang tidak terduga.Berkembangannya fotografi ponsel ini didukung oleh perkembangan teknologi, salah satunya aplikasi berbagi foto fenomenal bernama Instagram.Buku ini mengupas lengkap aplikasi Instagram, mulai dari langkah-langkah penggunaan sampai cara mengoptimalkannya, juga membahas teknik fotografi ponsel, olah digital secara langsung di ponsel, dan tool-tool pilihan lainnya yang membuat hasil foto kamu lebih keren.Ayo, jepret, abadikan, dan bagikan!-----With a compact forms, multifunctional, and always carry anywhere, makes smartphone as favorite devices to capture the moment, which sometimes come unexpectedly.The rise of mobile photography is supported by the development of technology, the one phenomenal photo sharing app called Instagram.The book examines in detail applications Instagram, ranging from the use of measures to optimize the way, also discusses photographic techniques phones, digital though directly on mobile phones, tools and other options that make the images you cooler.Come on, snap, capture, and share!

42 Rules of Product Management: Learn the Rules of Product Management from Leading Experts "From" Around the World

Brian Lawley - 2010
    The goal of this book is to expose you to the wisdom and knowledge from a group of the world's leading product management experts. Among the contributors, there are leading authors, professors, CEOs and vice presidents, bloggers, consultants, trainers, and even a few salespeople and engineers. In total, there are over five centuries of collected wisdom represented here.The contributors each share one rule they think is critical to succeed in product management based on their hands-on product management and product marketing experience with companies such as Apple, eBay, Intuit, SAP, and Yahoo!.Packed with pearls of product management wisdom, this book has something for everyone. You will learn: How to focus on market needs, not just individual requests How to clarify your product positioning before your next big decision How to align your product strategy with company strategy and then sell it Why agility is the key to product management success Why great execution trumps a great product ideaBest of all, it was written with the busy product manager in mind. Each rule is kept to two pages and designed to stand-on its own. The rules can be read in any order. In less than five minutes a day, you can learn from forty of the best product managers in the world. Whether you are a seasoned and experienced product manager or are just starting out, the "42 Rules of Product Management" will help you lead with greater effectiveness and influence.

A CEO Only Does Three Things: Finding Your Focus in the C-Suite

Trey Taylor - 2020
    Many owners and CEOs think they have to be involved in every aspect of their business. They spend valuable brainpower on low-priority decisions. Before long, they're overworked and burned out.Instead of doing everything, it's time to focus on the right things.A CEO Only Does Three Things zeroes in on the three pillars of business: culture, people, and numbers. Steeped in twenty-plus years of practical knowledge, training, and consulting with some of the world's largest companies, this indispensable guide shows how to articulate the right culture for your business, hire people with the right mindsets, and inspire your teams to produce optimal results.Hundreds of CEOs have used Taylor's methods to create fulfilled, efficient, professional lives, and you can join them. Learn how to focus on the work you love-and avoid CEO burnout.

The Irresistible Consultant's Guide to Winning Clients: 6 Steps to Unlimited Clients & Financial Freedom

David A. Fields - 2017
    Most solo consultants and boutique consulting firms are perpetually within six months of bankruptcy due to the sputtering unreliability of their new business engines.The problem, according to international consulting expert David A. Fields, is twofold: 1) lack of a consistent, proven plan, and 2) fundamental misunderstanding about what clients want in a consultant. Fields, who has helped hundreds of consultants and boutique firms worldwide build lucrative, sustainable practices, replaces the typical consultant's mindset of emphasizing expertise and differentiated processes with a  focus on building relationships, engendering trust, and solving clients’ existing problems. In The Irresistible Consultant’s Guide to Winning Clients: Six Steps to Unlimited Clients and Financial Freedom, Fields synthesizes his decades of experience into a step-by-step approach to winning more projects from more clients at higher fees. From nuts-and-bolts business advice and tactics to a deeply insightful breakdown of the human side of a very human profession, Fields delivers a comprehensive guidebook that is at once highly approachable and satisfyingly detailed.

The Rookie Copywriter's Survival Guide: How To Make Six Figures With Little Or No Copywriting Experience... And Without Chasing After Clients!

Doberman Dan - 2014
    and without chasing after clients!In The Rookie Copywriter’s Survival Guide, master copywriter and serial entrepreneur Doberman Dan, shows how anybody with just mediocre... or even NO copywriting skills... can make a LOT of money in a very short period of time.This isn’t the typical “pay your dues and work for peanuts” advice often given to rookie copywriters or people who are thinking of getting into the business of copywriting. It’s a unique way you can get paid... and paid very well... while you learn the craft of direct response copywriting.Dan reveals the exact plan he used to break free from a low paying dead-end job and went on to make MILLIONS while becoming one of the most in-demand copywriters in the country. Dan has used his copywriting skills to “bootstrap” numerous businesses over the past 20 years... with nothing but a yellow notepad, pen and the gray matter between his ears. Time and time again... in a plethora of markets and niches.You’ll discover the highly profitable secrets from a battle-hardened grizzled veteran entrepreneur, marketer and copywriter that can only be gained from decades of hard-won “in the trenches” experience.Who is Doberman Dan?After twelve years as a full-time inner city police officer and 9 years of part-time consecutive entrepreneurial failures, Dan finally discovered the secrets of the most successful copywriters and direct marketers in the world. After his 9 years of “trial by fire” business failures, he finally “hit a home run” in the mail order business. He went on to apply his successful marketing and copywriting experience to online marketing... for his own businesses and also as a consultant to some of the most successful businesses in the country.

Email Marketing Demystified: Build a Massive Mailing List, Write Copy that Converts and Generate More Sales

Matthew Paulson - 2015
    In Email Marketing Demystified, digital marketing expert Matthew Paulson reveals the strategies and techniques that top email marketers use to build large mailing lists, to write compelling copy that converts and to generate substantially more sales using nothing but their email list. Inside the book, you'll learn how to: Build a massive mailing list using 15 different proven list building techniques. Write compelling copy that engages your readers and drives them to take action. Optimize every step of your email marketing funnel to skyrocket your sales. Grow a highly-engaged and hungry fan-base that will devour your content. Create six new revenue streams for your business using email marketing. Keep your messages out of the spam folder by following our best practices. Matthew Paulson has organically grown an email list of more than 250,000 investors and generates more than $1 million per year in revenue using the strategies outlined in Email Marketing Demystified. Regardless of what kind of business you are building, email marketing can serve as the rocket fuel that that will skyrocket your business.

The Audience Revolution: The Smarter Way to Build a Business, Make a Difference, and Change the World

Danny Iny - 2015
    Instead, you start by finding the people who resonate with your message and connect with your ideas, attract them to you, and then - once the audience is there - offering them the things that will help them the most. It's one of those ideas that may seem counter-intuitive at first, but once you think about it for a few minutes, it's hard to imagine how anything else ever made sense.In the Audience Revolution, this idea is explained in detail, along with examples of how this approach to business has been used by successful businesses ranging from Netflix and Copyblogger, to celebrity consultants like Jim Collins and Scott Stratten, to best-selling authors like Seth Godin and Jeff Walker, to internationally renowned speakers like Randy Gage and Mitch Joel.Through their examples, you'll learn how you can apply this Audience First strategy to your online business, to get you better results faster, make you more profitable, and decrease your risk, all at the same time.

Make It Till You Make It: 40 Myths & Truths About Creating

Brendan Leonard - 2016
    Nobody gets tapped with a magic wand and suddenly has the ability to produce art, music, photos, films, or writing—they just do it. And you probably should too. Make It Till You Make It breaks down 40 myths and truths about the pursuit of creative expression, whether you want to make $0 a year doing your thing or $100,000 a year.

How To Get to the Top of Google (November 2012 Edition - Updated for Penguin & Panda)

Tim Kitchen - 2012
    You will learn:- How to get your website on the first page of Google- How to get your website showing up multiple times on the first page (one of my websites shows up 6 in the first 7 results!!)- The 3 'Dirty Secrets' that expensive SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Experts don't want you to know- What you can do for the price of 2 ½ cups of coffee that could have your website ranking top in as little as a day (I have done exactly this and I’ll show you how)- The small things you can do to make a BIG difference- How to analyse your online competition and find their weaknesses- How to pull off the famous ‘Google Leapfrog’- What the recent Google changes mean for people using pre-April 2012 strategies – and it’s not good news!- How to make people click on your website even if it shows up below your competitors!- How to avoid the deadly mistakes that can lead to Google removing your site from the listings- How to survive and thrive post-PenguinWhat most people don't understand is that once you know what to do, it's actually extremely straightforward to rank highly in Google. But there's a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding out there.Tim Kitchen is a Search Engine ranking expert and online business owner currently personally in charge of SEO for over 50 businesses as well as his own businesses in some incredibly competitive markets. He also regularly teaches SEO to more than 2,000 small business owners through his books, courses and videos.In this updated version of the book he shares everything he has learnt from the past 7 years of getting websites to the top of Google.

Social Media Marketing for Publishers

Liz Murray - 2012

How to Achieve Success and Happiness: Increase your mind power, overcome negativity, achieve your goals, and live your dreams in record time (SUCCESS 101)

Beau Norton - 2014
    Free goal-setting/visualization guide and affirmation audio track included with purchase. Would you like to know the shortcut to achieving success and extreme happiness? In this life-changing book, you will learn the methods and techniques for creating dramatic, permanent change in your life. It took me many years of suffering and then many years of self-education to figure out the secrets of success and happiness, and now I'm thrilled to present to you this book that covers many of the strategies that I use to this day to help me achieve greater success and maintain my happy and optimistic attitude. How to Achieve Success and Happiness: Increase your mind power, overcome negativity, achieve your goals, and live your dreams in record time In this book, you will learn how to systematically adjust your mindset in order to create rapid change in your life and dramatically increase your levels of happiness. You will discover the step by step approach for manifesting all your desires, and you will also learn the common roadblocks to success so that you may avoid making mistakes along the way and accelerate your progress. Topics covered include: Subconscious programming Cultivating self-awareness Autosuggestion Visualization techniques Blocks to Abundance Eliminating stress Eliminating negative influences Increasing energy It is certainly possible for you to achieve success and live your dreams, and you can achieve your goals in much less time than you might think. Success starts from within. I learned that the hard way after having my life crumble before my eyes. I had to rebuild myself from within. Only when I learned to be happy did I start to see worldly success, and this book will describe exactly how I did that. You don't have to take the long path to success like I did. You can take the shortcut and begin realizing your wildest dreams faster than you could imagine.

Creativity For Sale: How I Made $1,000,000 Wearing T-Shirts and How You Can Turn Your Passion Into Profit, Too

Jason SurfrApp - 2014
    Creativity For Sale is the story of how Jason took a crazy idea (IWearYourShirt) and turned it into social media marketing empire that generated over $1M in revenue in just a few short years. Whether you work at a 9-5 desk job, currently own your own business, or are an aspiring creative entrepreneur, this book will serve as a practical guide to helping you make money doing what you love. Jason shares his exact strategies, tips, tricks, and processes that have helped him create profitable businesses that get noticed by the likes of The Today Show, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and many more media outlets. In Creativity For Sale, Jason shares stories of realigning his values and goals in life to become happier, healthier, and more focused. The world of online marketing and social media are noisy and crowded, this book will help you learn how to stand out from the crowd.

So You Think You Can Write? The Definitive Guide to Successful Online Writing

Julia McCoy - 2016
    Written by Julia McCoy, who spent years of her life teaching herself the elements of successful online writing and launched a writing business that hit seven figures within five years, this book is your essential blueprint to learning what it takes to write great online copy, both as a freelancer and brand/business owner.In this book, Julia walks you step-by-step through the process of how to craft the seven forms of online content:1. Web Content2. Blogging3. Social Media4. Advertising/Sales Copy5. Industry Writing6. Journalism 7. Creative WritingJulia also takes you through the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) for the online writer and creator, without overloading you: you'll get a key list of the top tools on the web to research keywords, learn how to hone your best key phrases, and the tactics of how and where to place them in your content. Illustrated, easy-to-understand, and fun to read, this is a comprehensive yet digestible resource for writers and businesses alike on how to create successful online content.After you read this book, you'll be able to: Define your audience and the terms they use to search in Google Write great content that will get picked up by Google Know the basics of what it takes to write all seven forms of online copy Create blogs that are evergreen and engaging Know how to write the "secret" bits of copy that search engines love: meta descriptions, tags and more Know how to use Twitter chats, live streaming, and Facebook groups, and other platforms to find your people and confidently market yourself as a writer Access a comprehensive list of online writing tools and resources in the final Appendix Julia McCoy has built a successful freelance writing career and a multi-million dollar copywriting agency out of nothing but the amount of hard work, time, and self-teaching she put into it: and she believes any writer has what it takes to create great online content, provided they learn the essential tactics of adapting to all online copy forms. But she knows it's hard to find these fundamentals in one place: which is why she decided to write a book to offer everyone just that opportunity. A writer and internet marketer from an early age, Julia started three companies, enrolled in college, and wrote a book by 16.

Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue

Jim F. Kukral - 2010
    When you direct more attention online to your brand or business, you drive more long-term revenue. Regardless of who you are or how small your business is, you can have a huge impact using free Internet tools...provided you understand and correctly apply the latest techniques.Attention! gives you an educational and motivational guide to using social media to market your brand or business online. In three parts, you'll discover everything you need to know to get off the ground and thrive in the social mediasphere, includingThe tools, techniques and tricks to get attention online and turn that attention into profit The theory behind the importance of making your mark on the Internet How other businesses and individuals made money from online marketing Whether you're just starting your business, just moving it online, or already established and looking to take your business to the next level, Attention! is the key to success.

Marketplace 3.0: Rewriting the Rules of Borderless Business

Hiroshi Mikitani - 2013
    And that evolution has huge implications for everything we see, buy and do online. Rejecting the zero-sum, vending-machine model of ecommerce practiced by other leading internet retailers, who view the Internet purely as a facilitator of speed and profit, Hiroshi Mikitani argues for an alternate model that benefits merchants, consumers, and communities alike by empowering players at every step in the process. He envisions retail "ecosystems," where small and mid-sized brick-and-mortar businesses around the world partner with online marketplaces to maximize their customer bases and service capabilities, and he shows why emphasizing collaboration over competition, customization over top-down control, and long-term growth over short-term revenue is by far the best use of the Internet's power, and will define the 3.0 era.Rakuten has already pioneered this new model, and Marketplace 3.0 offers colorful examples of its success in Japan and around the world. Mikitani reveals how the company enforces a global mindset (including the requirement that all its employees speak English, even in Tokyo); how it incorporates new acquisitions rather than seeking to completely remake or sell them for a quick profit; and how it competes with other retailers on speed and quality, without sacrificing the public good. Marketplace 3.0 is an exciting new vision for global commerce, from a company that's challenging all the accepted wisdom.