Behold, I Come Quickly: The Last Days and Beyond

Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. - 1994
    In this insightful book, the author looks at the teachings of ancient and modern prophets concerning the times we live in now and the times to come. In a clear and straightforward manner, he discusses dozens of signs of the latter days and examines many specific prophecies about what has happened and what will happen--and how we can be prepared for whatever comes. A memorable, easy-to-understand portrait of the last days

Letters to a Young Mormon

Adam S. Miller - 2018

Mothers of the Prophets (revised edition)

Leonard J. Arrington - 1987
    We know how she hid the gold plates from thieves, wrote Joseph's history, and was fiercely loyal to her son as he helped restore the gospel of Jesus Christ in this dispensation. But what of the mothers of other latter-day prophets? What were they like? What stories do we know of their lives? Each of the 14 prophets and presidents of the church since Joseph Smith had a mother who taught and influenced him as much as Lucy Mack influence Joseph. Their stories are perhaps not as well known to us, but are just as powerful.----------------------------[From the back flap]In this newly revised edition of Mothers of the Prophets, you will get to know these remarkable women, who taught their children to love the gospel and love the Lord. You will be moved by their stories and touched by their faith. Originally written by the father-daughter team of Leonard J. Arrington and Susan Arrington Madsen, this revised edition was recently updated by daughter and granddaughter Susan Arrington Madsen and Emily Madsen Jones. Expanded to include all the mothers of the latter-day prophets through President Gordon B. Hinckley, and enhanced with photographs throughout, this book is a must have for anyone interested in Church history or anyone who is curious about the power of a mother's influence.----------------------------[From the back]David McKay, father of the Prophet to David O. McKay, was telling his family about his mission to Scotland. As he described the fields of heather, the music of bagpipes, the imposing castles, and the thousands of sheep dotting the hillsides, one of his sons asked him if he had seen any miracles while on his mission. David's eyes immediately met those of his wife, Jeanette, and putting his arm around her and pulling her clothes, he replied, "Your mother is the greatest miracle I have ever seen on this earth." Filled with such stories, Mothers of the Prophets is a book that will both inspire and delight. In these pages, you will come to know and love the mothers of the latter-day prophets. And your testimony will be strengthened as you see how the Lord sent each of his prophets to a home with a mother that would love, nurture, and teach him--helping to prepare him for his calling to leave the Church in this dispensation.

Finding the Angel Within: Spirituality, Body Image, and Self-Worth

Pamela H. Hansen - 2008
    Bestselling author Pamela H. Hansen has received thousands of letters and emails from people struggling with issues of body image and self- worth. Her new book confronts society's obsession with the perfect body and examines the destructive belief that physical appearance determines worth. This spiritually sound approach to developing a healthy body image will change the way you think about yourself and others.

A Place to Belong: Stories from Modern Latter-Day Saint Women

Camille Fronk Olson - 2019

That All May Be Edified: Talks, Sermons & Commentary

Boyd K. Packer - 1982
    That All May Be Edified concentrates on building -- the building of souls.Exquisitely detailed illustrations of basic structural forms introduce the seven sections into which the book is divided: The foundation of the edifice is instruction. Walls of encouragement are lifted up. Comfort spreads a shelter against despair. Windows of enlightenment let in the light of faith. A closed door symbolizes a warning, for there are places that we must not enter if we are to be protected against danger. An exhortation is a buttress to correct error and strengthen the structure. Pure witness becomes the steeple, the capstone, the pinnacle.Each section begins with a specially written commentary and includes some of Elder Packer's most memorable addresses and writings on such timely tops as the plan of salvation, thought control, prayer, miracles, nonmember spouses, family life, marriage, morality, obedience, the arts, the Atonement, and many more. The author's clear expression, creative presentation, and powerful testimony ensure that every reader will indeed be edified.

Understanding Temple Symbols Through Scripture, History, and Art

Jack M. Lyon - 2016

Wilford Woodruff's Witness: The Development of Temple Doctrine

Jennifer Ann Mackley - 2014
    Understanding its origin and development through the experiences of Wilford Woodruff will answer questions posed by individuals inside and outside of the Church. What is the relationship of temple ordinances and Old Testament rituals? Why have some ordinances been discontinued? Why did married women choose to be sealed to Joseph Smith? What is priesthood adoption? When were proxy ordinances introduced?Many books and articles address a specific temple ordinance or a period of time in Mormon history, but the development of all temple ordinances has never been included in a single volume - until now.Jennifer Mackley's meticulously researched biographical narrative chronicles the development of temple doctrine through the examination of Wilford Woodruff's personal life. The account unfolds in Woodruff's own words, drawn from primary sources including journals, discourses, and letters. Mackley elucidates the doctrine's sixty-year progression from Old Testament practices of washings and anointings in the 1830s, to the endowment, sealings, and priesthood adoptions in the 1840s, through all of the vicarious ordinances for the dead in the 1870s, to the sealing of multigenerational families in the 1890s. Her narrative is enhanced by 120 archival images (some previously unpublished), as well as extensive footnotes and citations for the reader's further study. More information can be found at

Hard Times and Holy Places

Kristin Warner Belcher - 2009
    First diagnosed with bi-lateral retinoblastoma at the age of seven months, she had feared blindness since childhood. Ironically, the treatment that had saved her life as a baby was responsible for the radiation- induced cancer that again threatened her life as an adult. Now a wife and mother of two young sons, she faced her greatest challenge. Five major surgeries within the space of five months left her physically and emotionally devastated-- and completely blind. Yet during that horrendous time, Kris discovered moments of spiritual strengthening that became holy places in her life-- places where she could feel the purifying, transforming power of Christ that enabled her to survive and to learn how to live in a world of darkness. Compelling, honest, and at times humorous, her story and the insights she gained will help others find hope and healing in the midst of their own trials.

The Time is Now

Julie Rowe - 2014
    During her visit to the Spirit World, she was shown a panorama of the earth’s history and future. In this new volume, Julie focuses on giving additional details about the future events she was shown, and how we can best prepare for them.Julie shares what she saw concerning:• The hastening of the Lord’s work• The power of family history and temple work• Spiritual and temporal preparations for the future• The gathering of the righteous to places of safety• Upcoming natural disasters across the earth• Plagues and sicknesses that will strike• The implementation of martial law• Foreign troops arriving in the United States• The Elders of Israel defending their liberty• Life in New Jerusalem• The Second Coming of Jesus ChristThroughout the book, Julie stresses that we must not delay our preparations. These events are not far off, and The Time is Now will help you be ready for what awaits us.

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers

Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998

The Belonging Heart: The Atonement and Relationships with God and Family

Bruce C. Hafen - 1994
    This book's theme deals with how the Atonement helps us build our relationships with the Lord and with others, especially family members. As we accept the Atonement, the Lord blesses us with a belonging heart. When we commit our lives to God, we show that commitment by how we give our lives, a day at a time, for the benefit of those we love_by how fully we let ourselves belong to them. The authors explain, 'In this kind of life, a full life of gracious connections with God and with other people, we may find where we really belong_for what we really were made.' This thought-provoking book helps us learn to gain the fulness of mortality by 'always abounding in good works, . . . [that] Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal [us] his.' (Mosiah 5:15.)

Trails to Testimony: Bringing Young Men to Christ Through Scouting

Bradley D. Harris - 2009
    Hinckley said, "There is no more significant work in this world than the preparation of boys to become men . . . who are qualified to live productive and meaningful lives." And President Thomas S. Monson underscores this thought when he says that "It's easier to build boys than to mend them." Bradley D. Harris, professor of recreational management and youth leadership at Brigham Young University, and past member of the LDS Young Mens General Board, challenges parents and youth leaders alike to rediscover the spiritual dimensions of Scouting-to focus on the close relationship that should exist between Scouting and the Aaronic Priesthood. The author's 22-year professional career with the Boy Scouts of America, combined with extensive experience within the Church in various priesthood leadership capacities, gives him invaluable insights into the responsibilities that parents and leaders have in bringing young men to Christ. "The family is the first institution charged with bringing young men to Christ. . . . Working in harmony, the family and the Aaronic Priesthood should create an atmosphere where young men's individual testimonies can . . . flourish." Trails to Testimony is a powerful guide for families and leaders entrusted with the sacred responsibility of teaching and guiding the young men of the Church.

Through the Window of Life: A Vision of the Glorious Future Awaiting the Lord's Followers

Suzanne Freeman - 2005
    In the Bible we find that the Savior himself foretold such events. But we are also told that the Lord's followers will find refuge from the storm. How will that occr, and where will that happen?

Prophecy, Key to the Future

Duane S. Crowther - 1962
    This book is throughly researched-its scope is far-reaching and its evidence is reliable. The research in this book will help all who read it to prepare for the events to come. With over 450,000 copies in print, Prophecy, Key to the Future, is a must-have for every Latter-day Saint and Christians everywhere. ISBN: 0-882-90781-6, SIZE: 6x9", paperback