Fast 5K: 25 Crucial Keys and 4 Training Plans

Pete Magill - 2019
    In his fast-paced, ultimate guide to 5K running races, celebrated running coach Pete Magill reveals the 25 crucial keys to setting your next 5K PR. Magill shares hard-earned lessons he gained while leading 19 teams to USA national championships and setting multiple American and world age-group and masters records. Fast 5K shares Magill’s essential keys to finding your fastest running fitness and race readiness. The 25 keys include optimal training mileage, effective tempo runs, VO2 max workouts, hill repeats, plyometrics that work, ways to prevent injuries, recovery tips, guides to diet and racing weight, choosing racing flats, and much more. Offering three 12-week and one 16-week 5K training plans, Fast 5K is the key to your best 5K running times. Pete Magill is a world-class 5K runner, personally holds multiple American and world age-group records in track & field and road racing and is a 5-time USA Masters Cross Country Runner of the Year. Now in this distilled guide, you can get world-class advice on how to run your fastest 5K ever.

Fast-Track Triathlete: Balancing a Big Life with Big Performance in Long-Course Triathlon

Matt Dixon - 2018
    Developed for busy professionals with demanding schedules, the Fast-Track Triathlete program makes your PR possible in Ironman®, Ironman 70.3®, Rev3, and Challenge triathlon in about 10 hours a week. Training for long-course triathlons once demanded 15-20 hours each week—on top of work, family, travel and other time commitments. For many, preparing for long-distance triathlon is more challenging than the race itself. Now Fast-Track Triathlete opens the door to your best performance in full- and half-distance triathlons in half the traditional training time. Dixon’s laser-focused, effective approach to workouts, recovery, strength and mobility, and nutrition means you can prepare for triathlon’s greatest challenges in just 7-10 hours per week for half-distance and 10-12 hours per week for full-distance. Fast-Track Triathlete includes• Dixon’s complete guide to creating a successful sport and life performance recipe• How to plan out your triathlon training• Scaling workouts for time and fatigue• Training and racing during travel• Executing your swim-bike-run and transitions plan on race day• 10-week off-season training program with key workouts• 14-week pre-season training program with key workouts• 14-week comprehensive race-prep full and half training plans with fully integrated strength and conditioningDixon’s first book, The Well-Built Triathlete, revealed his four-tiered approach to success in all triathlon race distances. Fast-Track Triathlete turbocharges Dixon’s well-built program so even the busiest athletes can achieve their long-distance triathlon dreams without sacrificing so much to achieve them.

Relentless: Secrets of the Sporting Elite

Alistair Brownlee - 2021
    Winning gold in consecutive Olympic Games has only strengthened this need and desire.Over the last 4 years Alistair has been on a journey to learn from the best, talking to elite figures across multiple sports as well as leading thinkers and scientists, to understand what enabled these remarkable individuals to rise to the very top, and to push the limits of human capability in their relentless pursuit of perfection.Alistair uses these fascinating interviews, along with extensive research, to explore a range of sports and environments – athletics, cycling, football, rugby, horseracing, hockey, cricket, golf, motor racing, snooker, swimming and ultra-running – to reveal how talent alone is never enough and how hard work, pain, pressure, stress, risk, focus, sacrifice, innovation, reinvention, passion, ruthlessness, luck, failure and even a lockdown can all play a crucial part in honing a winning mentality and achieving sustained success.

Exercise For The Brain: 70 Neurobic Exercises To Increase Mental Fitness & Prevent Memory Loss: How Non Routine Actions And Thoughts Improve Mental Health

Jason Scotts - 2013
    As more and more persons seek better ways to retain and improve their memory this text is well timed. It gives the reader the solutions that they need to get started on the path to having a fantastic memory. Of course in quite a number of instances the memory loss cannot be helped as it may be hereditary but it can be slowed down with the use of these exercises. Just as the body needs physical exercises in order to function correctly, the brain needs to be exercised as well to prevent it from becoming sluggish.

Physical Intelligence: How the Brain Guides the Body Through the Physical World

Scott Grafton - 2019
     Using behavioral neurology and cognitive neuroscience as a lens, Scott Grafton accounts for the workings and the design of the action-oriented brain, bringing to light the action intelligence inherent in all of us and which is always busy solving problems of physicality: Ever wonder why you don't walk into walls or off cliffs? How do you decide if you can drive through a snowstorm? How high are you willing to climb up a ladder to change a lightbulb? Grafton draws from the insights and discoveries of engineers who have learned to emulate the sophisticated solutions that Mother Nature created for managing incredibly complex behavior, and demonstrates the relevance of action intelligence with examples that each of us might face, whether it be in the mundane (walking down the street), in the exceptional (winning a foot race), in the extreme (walking to the South Pole), or in the impaired (walking with a limp).

Zen Mind, Strong Body: How To Cultivate Advanced Calisthenic Strength--Using The Power Of "Beginner's Mind"

Al Kavadlo - 2015
    It’s also a philosophy that’s allowed Al to sculpt a magnificent physique—while maintaining an ever-burning passion to further develop his calisthenic excellence.Al’s “secret sauce”? A Zen-like attitude to physical cultivation—which marries intense focus with a light-hearted “joy-in-the-journey.” Zen-like too, is Al’s insistence on intuitive simplicity and his celebration of personal, direct experience as the most trustworthy teacher.Zen Mind, Strong Body culls 26 of Al’s favorite articles, elaborating his position on a wide spectrum of fitness subjects from diet and supplements, to machines and free weights, to cardio options, to mental training. For Al, though, all roads finally lead to Bodyweight Exercise—as the supreme path for all-around, everyday athleticism and practical functionality.Want what Al Kavadlo has? Absorb the hard-earned, earthy training wisdom in Zen Mind, Strong Body—and you will be on your way.Discover:•How to put the fun back into your fitness—instead of treating your workouts as a chore…•How to combine “presence” and joy—for a deeper, more rewarding training experience…•How “light heart” translates to “heavy payload”—when it comes to spectacular, long-term physical gains…•How to infuse “warrior spirit” into your body-mind—and attain the calisthenic ideal of physical excellence…•How to recruit the power of the “Big 3”—Experience, Logic and Intuition—as your preferred allies in the battle against weakness, fatness, slowness and tiredness…•Why to beware of the “Tricky 3”—Dogma, Faith and Science”—when it comes to wise practice in diet and exercise…•The empowering secret of “open-ended” program design—to free you from the shackles and restrictions of one-size-fits-all fitness shibboleths…•The key differences between gymnastics and calisthenics—when considering your optimal goals for physical development…•How to make impressive gains year-after-year—while staying off the “injured reserve” list…•How to marry fun and function—for athletic longevity and enhanced well being…•How to use your mind to manifest what you choose—including the body of your dreams...•The “Specificity Principle”—and the direct approach to getting better and better and better…•The hows and whys of building strength without mass—when whipcord-functionality is your goal…•The #1 factor to consider in practicing strength as a skill—it’s the difference between longterm success and the also-rans…•What “business” you need to focus on first—if being a lean ‘n mean machine is what you want…•Why “subtle nuance” can be more important than “gross motor”—when developing supreme movement skills…•The 5 major levels of bodyweight strength—so you know where you stand in the chain of greatness…•The 4 best bodyweight drills to emulate the benefits of the traditional deadlift—when you don’t want to bother with a barbell…•The

Deadlift Dynamite: How To Master The King of All Strength Exercises

Andy Bolton - 2013
    And who better to help you to achieve your ultimate strength and power gains than 6-time world champion and multiple record holder, Andy Bolton—backed by the expertise of renowned strength authority, Pavel Tsatsouline? The first section of Deadlift Dynamite "How to Lift", provides a safe, progressive, technically-detailed plan on how to get started right in the iron game, avoid the typical mistakes and years of frustration, and see extraordinary results in even the first year of training. Intermediate lifters will appreciate the world of subtle tips and masterly insights—which will help them bust through plateaus and surge forward in their gains. And the savvy coach will recognize he now owns the ultimate blueprint for producing champions—in many athletic fields. Whether your goal is to excel in the sport of powerlifting or you just want to become stronger and more muscular— Deadlift Dynamite is for you. There are many approaches to muscle and strength building, some effective, more marginal, most nearly worthless. Powerlifting’s half century of existence has undeniably proven that this sport offers the most time-efficient methods for making you BIG and STRONG. As one of the strongest men on the planet, Andy Bolton’s contribution to Deadlift Dynamite is unassailable—yet couched in a simple, direct and totally accessible style. Pavel’s goal is to compress the period it would take you to master championship lifting technique, like Andy’s, from decades to years and even months—while avoiding the many health problems lifters who train incorrectly develop along the way. Discover also Pavel’s state of the art flexibility and mobility exercises specific to lifting—exercises which have received a strong thumbs up from the elite of the iron game. The secondary goal of these exercises is health and longevity. The primary goal is strength.

Get Serious

Brett Osborn - 2014
    Osborn cuts through the nonsense with his logical approach. A board-certified Neurosurgeon with a secondary certification in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Osborn combines his 30+ years of training experience with his medical knowledge to give you an easy-to-read, science-based guide to health and longevity. No stone is left unturned in Get Serious. There are dedicated chapters on nutrition, supplements, smart drugs and strength training. And Dr. Osborn’s time-tested, comprehensive training protocol is included as an appendix! This straightforward regimen will help you build strength while enhancing your body’s ability to burn fat without the fancy overpriced gadgets often touted by fitness “experts.” Stop wasting time and money on such quick-fixes. They don’t exist. There are no shortcuts. There are no entitlements. Dr. Osborn will encourage you to take the bull by the horns and thwart the assault of the failed healthcare system. Assume control of your health and Get Serious! Dr. Osborn will show you how in this information-packed, life-changing guide. Get Serious is a must-read!

The Juggernaut Method 2.0: Strength, Speed, and Power For Every Athlete

Chad Wesley Smith - 2012
    The Juggernaut Method 2.0 is not just a sets and reps program to help your squat, bench and deadlift skyrocket, it is also a guide to sprint/jump training, medicine ball throws and sport specific energy system training to turn you into an athletic powerhouse.The Juggernaut Method 2.0 is over 100 pages worth of physical preparation material geared at making you the fastest, strongest, most powerful and well conditioned athlete possible. In this informative ebook, you’ll learn the following…INTRODUCTION AND PHILOSOPHY-The foundational ideas of athletic performance training-The value of submaximal training and results driven progressTHE PROGRAM-Explanation and outline of the different phases of The Juggernaut Method-How to progress through each training session and from one training wave to the next-The percentage, set and rep schemes that have produced champion strength athletes and All-Americans across a variety of sportsWARM-UPS-Specific warm-ups to prepare you for training sessions with a variety of emphasis and goals-Video demonstrations of every warm-up maneuver and techniqueALTERNATE PERIODIZATION MODELS-The Inverted Juggernaut Method-Undulating Periodization Model-The Juggernaut Method and The 9 Day Work WeekASSISTANCE WORK-Assistance training aimed at every physical goal-Weighted dip and chin-up programs to build tremendous relative strengthSPEED/POWER WORK-How to organize sprint training for maximum acceleration, speed and change of direction performance-Jump training to enhance rate of force development and explosive strength-Medicine ball throws to improve total body coordination and explosive power with video demonstrations and explanations of each throwing variationCONDITIONING-How to increase your alactic capacity, aerobic capacity and lactic capacity-How to manipulate conditioning to enhance your recovery-Specific Football conditioning programTJM2.0 FOR POWERLIFTING AND STRONGMAN-Proper peaking strategies to ensure you are your strongest on the day of the meet-Implementing strongman event training into your TJM program-Periodization schemes for Strongman eventsNUTRITION-Dietary guidelines for mass gain, body recompisition and fat loss-Juggernaut’s favorite recipes with macronutrient breakdownsThe information in this product outlines all of the details of athlete’s training at Juggernaut which they pay up to $1000/month for.TONS OF VIDEOS-These videos will allow you to see what you should and shouldn’t be doing to ensure you are doing things exactly correctly.This program gives you everything necessary to build your own athletic and strength training programs: Sets, reps, rest periods, special exercises, the works!

Do Your Om Thing: Bending Yoga Tradition to Fit Your Modern Life

Rebecca Pacheco - 2015
    Have you ever wondered how would it feel to bring that experience of awareness and calm out of the yoga studio and into your everyday life? After all, we know that practicing yoga can give us a leaner body and more sculpted limbs, but isn't its most important benefit the way it makes us feel?In Do Your Om Thing, master yoga teacher and creator of the popular blog Rebecca Pacheco shows us that the true practice of yoga is about much more than achieving the perfect headstand or withstanding an hour-long class in a room heated to 100 degrees. "Yoga is not about performance," she tells us, "it's about practice, on your mat and in your life. If you want to get better at anything what should you do? Practice. Confidence, compassion, awareness, joy—if you want more of these—and who doesn't?—yoga offers the skills to practice them."In her warm, personal, and often hilarious prose, Rebecca translates yogic philosophy for its twenty-first-century devotees, making ancient principles and philosophy feel accessible, relatable, and genuinely rooted in the world in which we live today. And by illuminating how the guiding principles of yoga apply to our modern lives, Rebecca shows us that the true power of a yoga practice is not physical transformation, but mental and spiritual liberation.

Gladiator: A True Story of 'Roids, Rage, and Redemption

Dan Clark a.k.a. Nitro - 2009
    But a twenty-year affair with steroids led to a life of pissing blood, smuggling drugs, destroying hotel rooms, getting arrested, growing breasts, and lying bloodied in the street after a vicious fight with his best friend.This is Clark's riveting, fiercely candid account of his life, career, and steroid addiction. From an upbringing defined by tragedy and a difficult search for identity to tales of performing center stage at Madison Square Garden and bedding Playboy Bunnies and porn stars, Clark explores the price of fame, the pressure of stardom, and how the whole steroid-fueled fantasy finally imploded.What began in high school as a way to speed up recovery from injury rapidly turned into an all-consuming addiction. With selfdeprecating humor and a trove of incredible stories, Clark provides an eye-opening report on the dangers of steroids both obvious and hidden -- and offers his thoughts on why steroid use remains a persistent problem today. More than just a pulpy expose, "Gladiator" is a triumphant story of self-discovery and redemption.

The Mountain Biker's Training Bible

Joe Friel - 2000
    Covering every aspect of training, he helps riders maximize their experience and minimize problems.

Engaging Learners

Andy Griffith - 2012
    A class can be skilled and motivated to learn without a teacher always having to lead. Engaging learners in this way unpicks intrinsic motivation, the foundation that underpins a productive learning environment and helps to develop independent learning.Based on five years of intensive research through Osiris Education's award-winning Outstanding Teaching Intervention program this book is packed with proven advice and innovative tools that were developed in these successful outstanding lessons. Written in the same humorous, thought-provoking style with which they both teach and train, the authors aim to challenge all who teach, from newly qualified teachers to seasoned professionals, to reflect on their day-to-day practice and set an agenda for sustainable improvement.

The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies: Thousands of Tips and Techniques Anyone Can Use to Heal Everyday Health Problems

Prevention Magazine - 1990
    Book dimensions are 6 1/2" x 9 1/8."

The Belly Fat Cure: No Dieting with the NEW Sugar/Carb Approved Foods

Jorge Cruise - 2009
    a week without dieting For years, experts have told you that you're overweight because you eat too much and don't exercise enough. They were WRONG. The truth is that you are eating foods packed with hidden sweeteners that deliver a belly-fattening Sugar/Carb Value. This simple guide makes smart eating effortless and affordable. It includes more than 1,500 options customized for: carboholics, meat lovers, chicken and seafood fans, chocoholics, fast-food junkies, and even vegans What are you waiting for? Dig in. 4-color Photo-filled, spiral-bound Tradepaper