Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai

Masaaki Hatsumi - 2008
    Known as budo taijutsu, these specialized moves allow the practitioner to evade and receive an attack even from an opponent wielding a sword. Hatsumi covers such topics as Kihon Happo (Eight Basic Movements), Kosshijutsu (Attacks Against Muscles), Koppojutsu (Attacks Against Bones), Jutaijutsu (Flexible Body Arts), Daken Taijutsu (Fist Punching and Striking), Ninpo Taijutsu (Bodily Arts of the Ninja), discussing and demonstrating the many techniques which will enable the fighter to punch, kick and finally lock or control the body of his adversary.As Hatsumi tells us, the techniques have been secretly passed down from the masters to their students for more than a century, and have become the foundations for a range of other martial arts including judo, karate and aikido. This book will thus enhance the readers understanding of the roots of these various disciplines as well as provide fascinating insights into the spirit of the way of the warrior and the martial arts. Includes over 300 step-by-step photos and rare drawings.

OneNote: OneNote User Guide to Getting Things Done: Setup OneNote for GTD in 5 Easy Steps (OneNote & David Allen's GTD (2015))

Jack Echo - 2015
     Would you like to capture your thoughts and to-do's so they don't ALWAYS run loose and rampant in your mind?Would you like to significantly improve your efficiency and productivity so you free up YOUR time?Or maybe you'd like to reduce your stress AND still get more DONE. If so, you've found the right book!Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 13 years you would have heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) System detailed in his New York Times Bestseller Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Jack Echo has built upon the same best-selling productivity principles in the newly revised 2015 GTD system by providing a comprehensive guide on how to integrate these principles with OneNote (a free digital note-taking software developed by Microsoft). Through integration of the two systems you have the added benefit and ability to note-take wherever you are without a pen and paper whilst supercharging your productivity in all your daily activities.No matter how technologically illiterate you may be, this guide will walk you step by step on how to set up the GTD system in OneNote within 30 minutes by following the diagrams and 5 simple steps laid out for you. If you aren't familiar with the GTD productivity system by David Allen, Jack has you covered as he explains the foundations of the productivity system. Inside You'll Discover... What the 2015 GTD System Is and WHY It Significantly Improves Your Productivity What OneNotes All About and How to Easily Navigate the Features The #1 Thing You MUST Avoid for Enhanced Productivity The Answer to the Ever Eluding Question: OneNote or EverNote?! How to Set OneNote Up Rapidly in 5 Savvy Steps Why OneNote and GTD Form the Dream Team 6 Productivity Hacks & Tricks with OneNote that Will Make You a Productivity Ninja Integration of OneNote with Other Software 7 Lucrative Lists to Stress-free Productivity How to Use OneNote with GTD to Decrease Stress and Get More Done in Less Time The Core Principles of the GTD System Results from Studies Done by Cognitive Scientists on Productivity and the Implications It Has On You Three Reasons Why Things Are Always on Your Mind PLUS: How to Get Six Free Bonus eBooks Inside... What are you waiting for?Times ticking! Get more out of your TIME and EFFORT today by making the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself , your future and your productivity. Scroll up NOW and Buy with 1-Click!

The Anatomy of Martial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to the Muscles Used for Each Strike, Kick, and Throw

Lily Chou - 2010
    Its color drawings, helpful photos and clear text make it easy to identify the specific muscles you need to train for maximum speed, power and accuracy. More than just an anatomy book, each section is accompanied by exercises and stretches to strengthen muscles, prevent injury and improve form. •Kicks •Strikes •Takedowns •Throws The Anatomy of Martial Arts is designed for a variety of disciplines, including: •Hapkido •Jiujitsu •Judo •Karate •Kendo •Kung Fu •Muay Thai •Taekwando

108 Paths to Peace: Ramblings of a Contemplative Life

Michael Hetherington - 2015
     Quotes about: - love - meditation - inspiration - creativity - relaxation - joy - and much more Inspired over many years of practice and study in yoga, Buddhist meditation, Chinese medicine and the fine art of staring out of a window.

Fat-Burning Man: Intro to the Paleo Diet

Abel James - 2012
    At roughly 44-pages, this Introduction to the Paleo lifestyle is a brief, easy-to-read, and informative resource to help you rolling right away.Abel James, host of the wildly-popular Fat-Burning Man Show, covers a brief history of the natural human diet, paleo fitness, meal ideas, 9 delicious recipes, a shopping list, and a complete paleo-in-a-page resource to get you started (or back on track) right away.Take a look at “Paleo in a Page” if you’re in a hurry to get started.Learn where the concept of Paleo came from and where it’s going.See why you don’t need to buy expensive supplements, miracle fat loss potions, or do endless hours of cardio to lose weight and improve your health.Find out principles that spur fat loss by supercharging your metabolism and muscle growth.Eating less and exercising more is not necessary. A calorie is not a calorie. You do not need to tether yourself to a treadmill. When you embrace the Paleo lifestyle, you can be lean and enjoy life. It’s a piece of (gluten-free) cake.

FeMALE TRAITS "The Trilogy"

Lurea C. McFadden - 2011
    She is married to a successful, loving husband but somehow she requires more attention than this fine upstanding man can offer. She plays hard; in fact she is a playa in her own right. But Grace forgets that Game recognizes Game when she runs into Sonia, her husband’s best friend. This is the tale of Grace’s extra-marital love affair, love and support of good friends, and lessons learned along the way.

Your Best Body at 40+: The 4-Week Plan to Get Back in Shape-and Stay Fit Forever!

Jeff Csatari - 2009
    Revolutionary new science shows that you can build and maintain your best body ever--and outlive, outwit, and outlast men half your age—if you tap into the special powers of you in your prime.That's why we've created Your Best Body at 40+, your step-by-step guide to meaningful and lasting changes that will sculpt your body and prepare you for the prime of your life.Looking and feeling 10 years younger is within your grasp! Here's what you can expect to gain in as little as 4 weeks:• You will build muscle and lose up to 15 pounds of flab. We'll tell you why it's easier now than ever!• You will strip away stress and reduce your risk for age-related health problems. High cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure--they're preventable, even reversible, say our experts!• You will look trimmer in your face and waist within 12 days! Just get to know the 10 foods you should eat every day.• You will feel energetic and athletic, and you'll look better than you did in your 30s. All it will cost you is 20 to 30 minutes a day!• You will have the best sex of your life, and more of it! Discover the secret sexual powers of the 40+ male body and how to unleash yours!• You will be happier, achieve greater success, and sleep more restfully than you ever imagined! Employ the mind-centering breathing trick before every important moment.Packed with tons of useful advice; no-gym, no-crunches workouts; tasty recipes with fat-fighting superfoods; plus a troubleshooter's reference guide to body maintenance and repair, Your Best Body at 40+ is the ultimate handbook for reinventing your life.

Prepared: The 8 Secret Skills of an Ex-IDF Special Forces Operator That Will Keep You Safe - Basic Guide

Roy Shepard - 2017
    Our world is truly strange that so many good and helpful people find themselves preyed upon by the criminal elements. In case of an emergency or a catastrophe those odds may become even worst. My name is Roy Shepard and I’m a former IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Special Forces Operator. During my military service, I took part in countless missions behind enemy lines and later trained young cadets as a Master Sergeant. I specialize in weapons training, stealth and camouflage, and Krav-Maga. I’ve been in active reserve duty for the past 20 years and spent much of that time formulating and implementing defense strategies and drills in military bases all over Israel. Highly trained in martial arts, I specialize in Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Russian Systema—with both hand-to-hand combat and melee weapon handling. I am also an expert marksman with both close-quarters and long-range weapons. The IDF is one of the most effective militaries in the world with proven strategies and tactics that have kept Israel safe for the last 70 years. The harsh reality is that Israel is a small country surrounded by hostile nations that have been intent on destroying it since it was formed in 1948. The IDF has defended Israel in eight full-out wars and fended off many incursions and terrorist attacks. The skills that I’m about to share with you are the same ones used by the IDF Special Forces Operators to stay safe in hostile situations and will allow you to do so as well. Be it fending off a mugger in a dark parking lot or surviving a post-catastrophe scenario. The reality is that we are always only moments away from danger and knowing the exact step-by-step response can be the difference between life, injury, or even death. Using the knowledge in this book you will learn how to avoid, escape, or survive numerous dangerous situations using minimal effort. The number one thing you must remember is that being efficient can save your life. If you don’t take steps to conserve your energy, you will get tired very quickly and may lose the battle. Professional fighters can hold a full combat event for a few seconds and after that they rely solely on technique to survive and accomplish the mission. This book will teach you eight of the most effective techniques to stay safe: 1. Situational awareness 2. Tactical relocation 3. Planning for emergencies 4. Survival self-defense 5. Team roles 6. Communications 7. Fitness 8. Survival tools I look forward to seeing you as part of our community at Prepper Legend and hope you enjoy this book at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. And above all else stay safe! Your friend always, Roy Shepard

Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected

Rory Miller - 2011
    There are seven elements that must be addressed to bring self-defense training to something approaching 'complete.' Any training that dismisses any of these areas leaves you vulnerable.1. Legal and ethical implications. A student learning self-defense must learn force law. Otherwise it is possible to train to go to prison. Side by side with the legal rules, every student must explore his or her own ethical limitations. Most do not really know where this ethical line lies within them. 2. Violence dynamics. Self-defense must teach how attacks happen. Students must be able to recognize an attack before it happens and know what kind they are facing. 3. Avoidance. Students need to learn and practice not fighting. Learning includes escape and evasion, verbal de-escalation, and also pure-not-be there avoidance. 4. Counter-ambush. If the student didn't see the precursors or couldn't successfully avoid the encounter he or she will need a handful of actions trained to reflex level for a sudden violent attack. 5. Breaking the freeze. Freezing is almost universal in a sudden attack. Students must learn to recognize a freeze and break out of one. 6. The fight itself. Most martial arts and self-defense instructors concentrate their time right here. What is taught just needs to be in line with how violence happens in the world. 7. The aftermath. There are potential legal, psychological, and medical effects of engaging in violence no matter how justified. Advanced preparation is critical.Any teacher or student of self-defense, anyone interested in self-defense, and any person who desires a deeper understanding of violence needs to read this book.We strongly recommend this book to anybody wishing to learn self-defense, or understand how to stay safe should violence rear it's ugly head

Surgical Speed Shooting: How to Achieve High-Speed Marksmanship in a Gunfight

Andy Stanford - 2001
    These cutting-edge techniques for managing recoil in rapid fire, high-speed trigger control and more are used by today's hostage rescue teams and competitive grandmasters.

Deadly Force - Understanding Your Right to Self Defense

Massad Ayoob - 2014
    Deadly Force discusses: Understand the legal and ethical issues surrounding use of lethal force by private citizens Learn about the social and psychological issues surrounding use of lethal force in defense of self or others Preparation and mitigation--steps the responsible armed citizen can/should take "After forty years as a practicing criminal defense attorney, I know that what Mas says, teaches, and writes is the best, state-of-the-art knowledge you can get." ~Jeff Weiner, Former President, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Bluffer's Guide to Wine

Jonathan Goodall - 2013
    From 'swilling and swirling' to 'Syrah and Chardonnay', The Bluffer's Guide to Wine contains everything you need to know to pass yourself off as an informed imbiber.

Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training

C.M. Shifflett - 1999
    Included are a general introduction for beginners, common questions and observations, relationships between exercises and throws, an approach for safe mastery of rolling and ukemi skills, an anatomy of wristlocks, verbal self-defense, as well as exercises for individual off mat practice.

Ultimate Cuts: 7 Secrets to Burn Fat Fast as Hell

Brandon Carter - 2014
    Fifteen years ago, I started working out and I was totally clueless. I wasted a lot of time with bs diets and workout plans and I was never able to get as ripped as I wanted.After years of trial and error, I finally found the few secrets to getting ripped and losing fat fast! I do not want you to have go through years of trial and error to lose fat! I am going to give you all of the fat loss secrets you will ever need to know!Getting ripped and burning fat is not as complex as people make it out to be. In fact it is quite simple! Here are a few things you will learn from this book that will help you burn fat FAST.• How To burn More Fat By Working Out LESS• How To Burn Fat Without Counting Calories (it’s so simple!)• How Eating Pizza, Burgers, and Fries Can Help You Burn FAT!• How To Lose 14 Pounds In 14 Days With “Intermittent Fasting”• How To Burn Fat In Your Sleep• And Much More!This book is a collection of some of the best methods I know to burn body fat in the fastest amount of time possible. I have been a personal trainer for over 10 years. I have worked for many of the top gyms in New York City. I have trained professional athletes and top models. I have also worked as a fitness model for Nike, Adidas, Jordan, Puma, and others. I say all that to say this: I know what I am talking about.I have used every technique written here on myself and my clients over the years. They all work! You do NOT have to use them all at once. You can pick and choose what works according to your lifestyle. But the FASTEST way to get ripped would be to use ALL of the techniques at once. If you follow the outline for three months you will become more lean than you have ever been in your entire life!For a limited time, you will also get 5 FREE bonus chapters!• 8 Ways To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels• Best Supplements To Burn Fat FAST• How To Drink Away Fat• How To Motivate Yourself To Workout• Top 5 Ways To Get A Six Pack FAST

Zen Jiu Jitsu - White to Blue

Oliver Staark - 2013
    This is the simplest and easiest way to break down and simplify the many and varied ideas, philosophies and combinations in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu arsenal. For both competition jiu jitsu and self defense jiu jitsu most white belts need to fully understand the concepts, but it can be VERY confusing!Here is a short list of a few of the questions students ask, that are covered in depth: What is the guard and how do we utilize it best? What options do we have from guard? Why is posture and distance important? The mount is a powerful position but how do I get there? ... And when I do get there, how do I stay there?>>>Zen Jiu Jitsu - White to Blue Answers these Questions and Many More... It covers, Core Principles, Drilling techniques, Choosing a School, Technique Concepts, Tactical Considerations and more. It even includes some technique chains and Maps for the white belt to try when doing specific training or sparring.>>>Don't forget every black belt started out as a white belt. This manual also covers the motivational strategies to keep you moving along the path and towards becoming a competent blue belt.This is a great manual for anyone just starting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Traditional Jiu Jitsu, MMA and Grappling.