Big Girls Need Love

Rukyyah - 2012
    This raunchy love story is about Toya, Tershia, and Lauren. They are big beautiful women who are a force to be reckoned with because they stop at nothing when it comes to finding and keeping love. But, Lauren’s love is a little different from the rest. She rather have money than love and sex with wealthy men spells love to her. Toya is hopeless when it comes to love. She is no stranger to heartbreak and her husband is the cause of most of it. So, Toya wonders if her Mr. Right is out there or will she have to settle for a man that’s not worthy of her love. Tershia is married with kids. She is deeply in love with her husband. They have a big house, cars, and own a salon, so she feels that she is the envy of Toya and Lauren. Find out why Big Girls Need Love and how these ladies handle this twisted sensation they call love.

Daddy Sir!: A true story about surviving childhood incest and physical abuse

Christine McAteer - 2019
    It is the story of a young girl who was raised in a 1960’s rural Texas town where she was physically and sexually abused by her oldest brother, uncle, father and grandfather. As a result of the trauma, she developed DID. Creating several alter personalities to survive the abuse, she was forced to watch the battering and neglect of her siblings. A child already trying to nurture those siblings, she cared for an invalid and ineffectual mother. From child to adolescent to adult, she courageously lived, surviving the most traumatic abuse. Daddy Sir! is a story of healing, recovery and hope. Christine Anderson’s story is not fiction. . .

Droplets of God: The Life and Philosophy of Mavis Pittilla

Suzanne Giesemann - 2019
    One of these "spirit people" delivered a message that would ultimately save her life. Still, she wanted nothing to do with these visitors and sought help from her local Spiritualist church. There she learned to embrace these new experiences, opening her to a lifetime of service that has spanned continents. World-renowned and universally respected and beloved as a medium and teacher for over fifty years, Mavis Pittilla remains modest and humble. The story of her life reveals a multi-faceted, endearing woman who has overcome tremendous adversity, much of it caused by her own human frailties. Droplets of God is far more than Mavis's fascinating biography. It is a primer of the foundations of mediumship, the key philosophical teachings of Spiritualism, and of the soul's journey of self-realization.

Summary of the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

CompanionReads - 2017
    It is not the original book nor is it intended to replace the original book. You may purchase the original book here: http: // this fast guide you'll be taken by the hand through a summary and analysis ofThe main points made by the authorAn organized chapter by chapter synopsisReferences to noteworthy people mentionedThe author's most valuable tips, websites, books, and toolsMost CompanionReads may be read in 30 minutes.This book is meant for anyone who is interested in enhancing their reading experience. It will give you deeper insight, fresher perspectives, and help you squeeze more enjoyment out of your book. Perfect for a quick refresh on the main ideas or when you want to use it as a topic of conversation at your next meeting.Enjoy this edition instantly on your Kindle deviceEnjoy this edition instantly on your Kindle device!Now available in paperback, digital, and audio editions.Sign up for our newsletter to get notified about our new books

Raising A Thief

Paul Podolsky - 2020

A Starseed Guide Andromeda,Pleiades, and Sirius

Eva Márquez - 2016
    Their closest soul brothers and sisters are Andromedans and Sirians. Often, they all join in beautiful ceremonies and work in unity with other star nations to ensure peace across the Universe. Pleiadians are Soul Healers. Sirians are Knowledge Keepers. Andromedans are Healers and Scientists. Together they create a beautiful trinity of energies that synchronize with the energies of our mind (Sirius), body (Andromeda) and spirit (Pleiades). In this book you will embark on a journey to learn more about these star nations, their home world, special places, and their unique abilities. You will also learn about the characteristics of starseeds that have incarnated on Earth from these star nations. Are you one of them? Do you carry their ancestral DNA? While you read about these star nations you will automatically connect with them. You may consciously ask to be DNA attuned to their energy. If they are your original ancestors, you may experience sudden memories while reading, and your spiritual DNA will be activated. If they are just your galactic neighbors, then you can receive their energy imprint. You will be attuned to the energy that will assist you in the highest possible way in your current life here on Earth. Enjoy!

STOP! 10 Things Good Poker Players Don't Do

Ed Miller - 2015
    They use plays that are outdated, they make the same mistakes over and over, and they leave heaps of money on the table. This book was written to help you STOP! making those same mistakes. STOP! making the same mistakes as your opponents. STOP! getting crushed in your game. STOP! leaving stacks of chips on the table.

Harry Anderson's Games You Can't Lose: A Guide for Suckers

Harry Anderson - 1989
    Now, Harry shares many of his hilarious insider tips.

Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience

Stephen Arroyo - 1984
    The spontaneous quality of this book makes it especially informative and valuable, since it includes numerous insights and observations not found in more conventional presentations. As many reviewers have observed, the sections on precisely how to compare charts to analyze relationships and how to use the houses in such comparisons are completely unique and original contributions to the field of astrological psychology.

Rethinking Immortality

Robert Lanza - 2013
    Contemplation of time and the discoveries of modern science lead to the assertion that the mind is paramount and limitless.

Michelle's Story: One Woman's Escape from a Lifetime of Abuse

Shelley Chase - 2012
    Her first husband, and then her second husband end up abusing her also. Later on, both her surviving children were abused, one by her ex husband, another by a trusted boyfriend. Michelle finally manages to free herself from this cycle of abuse. This is her true story of her escape. It is Michelle's hope that her story will encourage others who are trapped in abuse to seek freedom.

The Dark Side Of The Moon (Volume 1)

Shubham Arora - 2019
    Volume 1 includes three fast paced stories which are bound to keep you hooked - THE LAST SKYPE: What do you do when you are thousands of miles away from the person you love? You Skype.But what if what you see isn't what it actually is?IN MY HEAD: All killers have a motive. People don’t kill out of necessity; people kill because they want to kill. Would a mother murdering her own child have a motive too? He has seven days to find out.THE RITUAL:It's been 33 years. The comet is returning. His god is returning. The time is right for The Ritual. Will his god come home?

The Wisdom Tree: Bringing Wisdom Into Lives

Radhanath Swami - 2013
    Every experience one undergoes in the course of life is like a seed. The learning that comes out from that experience is like a tree. The biggest of trees manifest from the smallest of seeds. How easy it is to misjudge the depth of content that is stored in the tiny seed! If only we could learn to decode the hidden wisdom contained in every experience, life would become a journey of learning, rather than a series of frustrating experiences. The Wisdom Tree is a book that helps you see the world from the perspective of a learner.The Wisdom Tree is based on various talks given by H.H. Radhanath Swami. This is neither an exact transcription nor an overly corrected version.

How To Become A Modern Viking: A Man's Guide To Unleashing The Warrior Within

Liam Gooding - 2016
    They came, they conquered, and they took whatever they wanted. They were strong men in both body and mindset - their culture and religion promoted men to be "men" and their skill and bravery in battle was rewarded with status, plunder and women!Vikings were passionately devoted to their brothers, bonds formed in the bloody danger of battle. And they enjoyed these bonds of brotherhood with feasting and a lot of mead during the winter!But today, you live in a modern world of smartphones, suits and safety. Pillaging and plundering opportunities are limited, and many of your friends are probably too concerned with their iPhones or Gluten Free Diets to be interested in going on a foreign Viking campaign together.But is there still hope?Could the ancient Viking warrior lifestyle help you to rediscover your masculinity? Could it inspire you to become stronger, to become happier, to become more successful?...In this book, Liam Gooding walks you through his personal journey from the top to the bottom. He lost his multi-million dollar company, his house and his fiance. But worst of all, he lost his masculinity.But that's when he discovered the power and strength hidden within ancient Vikings. The liberating freedom of their mythology, the guiltless pride in building a strong and muscular body, the confident ambition of getting what you want in life (no matter who or what stands in your way).Becoming a Modern Viking allowed Liam to become a man again. To rebuild himself stronger than before, to embrace the body and the mindset that evolution and natural selection had intended, and to remove the chains and limitations of modern western society.... Chapter Highlights:• Build a Viking Body using principles and guidelines such as 'Lift Like A God' and 'Train Like A Warrior'• Follow a spreadsheet-free nutrition diet that allows a man to eat as much as he wants, and still boost testosterone and build muscle, or lose fat, depending on his goals• How to stop worrying about overwhelming situations by thinking like a Viking in the shield wall• How to become more assertive in social and professional situations• How to live in Winter Season or Raiding Season to encourage your body to build muscle or lose fat with just a few small changes to your routineModern Viking is not a fitness and exercise book promising to help you look like an Instagram model. It isn't a book about deep meditation and mindfulness.Modern Viking is a practical, no-nonsense self improvement book for men who want to become better men. Modern Viking is especially effective for bigger men - Liam Gooding stands at 6'5" and weighs 230 lb. He eats 4000 - 5000 kcal every day. And none of the women in his life every complain that he doesn't have "Instagram Abs"! Modern Viking is about looking like a man who can swing an axe, row a boat, build a house, and then carry his woman to bed after the days work!

24 Minutes On The Other Side: Living Without Fear of Death

Tessa Romero - 2020
    She returned to save another life. This experience transformed her, allowing her to enjoy a full and happy life, free from fear.In “24 Minutes on The Other Side”, Tessa tells us about her amazing journey to the afterlife―where she established contact with other beings―to help you understand the sense of life and death. One cannot exist without the other. Thanks to her experience with patients suffering from a terminal disease, the author learned that it is possible to live without fear of death and presently helps others to overcome their fear and die in peace, with dignity, knowing that death is only an awakening to a new life.Why are we afraid of dying? Is there life after death? Can we live without fear? Tessa invites us to follow her during her journey with the object of finding an answer to these fascinating mysteries. SELECTED REVIEWS “This shocking book gave me goosebumps. It successfully combines experience with science. The story is clear and the reading is fluid. Its pages present the author as a benevolent person with good intentions to help us. In hard times, I remember Tessa and her story, and try not to forget that there is life before death.” Benjamín Espinoza. Chemical engineer “This book has helped me face my death-related fears. It made me aware of how easy it is to live without fearing death as such. It gave me a lot of strength, energy and, most preciously, Love. Tessa taught me that instead of living in fear we should learn how to live.” Filli Ramírez. Entrepreneur. THE AUTHOR Tessa Romero is a writer, journalist, sociologist, and life coach. She is a volunteer for the defense of human rights and a journalist with a wide experience in Spain’s leading news media. She has written educational manuals on lyrical and symphonic music, tourist guides for several countries, as well as touristic and cultural articles for both the Spanish and the international printed press. She won her first literary award when she was only 8 years old and was prompted by her true vocation, as an author, to write her story and thus give life to this, her first personal-growth book, thus fulfilling her dream of helping others. Copyright©TessaRomero2020