How To Eat To Live: Book 1

Elijah Muhammad - 2011
    For example, Moses taught his people, when they were slaves in Eygpt, not to eat the unclean food of the Pharaoh. Daniel, too, resolved not to defile himself with the king's meat and drink. Having complete faith inAllah, he challenged those who ate the "king's rich food" to a test. After the ten-day testing period, Daniel and his followers were far healthier than were the followers of the king. The law given to Moses and followed by Daniel istoday being followed by Messenger Muhammad and his people. They, like Moses and Daniel, reject the swine, the prized dish of America. They, like,Moses and Daniel, enjoy excellent health and a pleasing appearance. If you want good health, follow Messenger Muhammad's rules as they are outlined in this book. Remember his teaching, which is supported by the scriptures:"A sound mind dwelleth in a sound body."Since the creation of the white race, man has fallen from spiritual and physical correctness. Adam ignored God's instructions of what to eat, eating everything that delighted the eyes and that was desired. To give life to the dead and to restore the proper life of his people, Allah has chosen Messenger Muhammad to teach and instruct us on physical well-being. As the Holy Qur'an says (21 :7): "And We sent not before thee any but men to whom we sent revelations; so ask the followers of the Reminder if you knownot. Nor did We give them bodies not eating food." Even more clear are the words to the followers of the Last Messenger-Prophet. The Ummi whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and prohibits for them impure things."Throughout scripture there are conflicts and confusion over which foods are proper and which are not. As in the past, the confusion can be resolved only by listening to the instructions of divine men. Only by following the teachings "OfMessenger Elijah Muhammad can we learn Allah's Will.Let us accept this good from the table of knowledge which Messenger Elijah Muhammad is offering. Let us not be like Judas who so often ate with Jesus and then left his table to betray him. We now have the opportunity of eatingwith a Divine man of God as the disciples ate with Jesus.Remember the teaching of Messenger Elijah Muhammad as related in the Holy Qur'an (2:168): "0 Men, eat the lawful and good things from what is in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Surely he is an openenemy to you." If you follow this teaching and practice the rules set before you in HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, you can attain good health and a long life.John Ali, Former National SecretaryMuhammad Mosques of IslamThe Nation of Islam

On Being a Muslim: Finding a Religious Path in the World Today

Farid Esack - 1999
    Trampling over the boundaries between the religious and the secular in order to tackle some of the key questions facing Muslims in the contemporary age, this text presents an account of modern Islam.

Lessons from Surah al-Kahf (Pearls from the Qur'an)

Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi - 2020
    Each one, when its meaning is unpacked and understood, offers wisdom and guidance. Surah Kahf, chapter 18 from the Qur’an, is particularly thought provoking, and Muslims are advised to read it at least once a week.But why? And what can we gain from it?In this book Yasir Qadhi leads us through Surah Kahf, unfolding the lines, stories and symbols that have inspired people for over a thousand years: the people of the cave, Prophet Musa’s momentous encounter with Khidr, the two men and their gardens, and Gog and Magog.And surely We have explained matters in people in the Qur’an in diverse ways, using all manners of parables. (Qur’an 18:54)Through Yasir Qadhi’s unmistakeable voice, modern Muslims may glimpse some of the Qur’an’s profound meaning.Say: “If the sea were to become ink to record the Words of my Lord, indeed the sea would all be used up before the Words of my Lord are exhausted…” (Qur’an 18:109)

Inside the Soul of Islam: A Unique View into the Love, Beauty and Wisdom of Islam for Spiritual Seekers of All Faiths

Mamoon Yusaf - 2017
    Despite frequent news coverage, we remain poorly informed about the true beliefs at the heart of Islam. How many of us would be able to explain who the Prophet Muhammad was or what the Quran actually teaches?In this profound yet highly accessible book, practising Muslim Mamoon Yusaf provides a vital introduction to the essential teachings of Islam. In each short chapter he focuses on a core teaching from the Quran, such as loving kindness, resilience, gratitude or forgiveness, and shares his unique insight into how these teachings can lead to spiritual evolution in anyone, regardless of their beliefs, religion or background.Mamoon also considers the role of women in Islam, as well as the true nature and meaning of the words jihad and Shariah. Finally, touching upon current events, he demonstrates how acts of violence committed in the name of Islam are inherently un‑Islamic, and boldly concludes not only that Islam is not the cause of terrorism – Islam contains the cure for it.

Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth

Mirza Tahir Ahmad - 1998
    The underlying theme of the book is that the belief in a divine power, the Creator, is not in contradiction with the acceptance of scientific rationale.

Heaven Sent

Norhafsah Hamid - 2016
    Whilst she endures hardship, she also found friendship and love.Jonah is the 'modern day' Romeo and enjoys the company of women but when he met Sarah, his whole world changed.Both are from different background and religion but yet their path kept crossing. Is it fate or just coincidence?

Nearness to You

Nur Fadhilah Wahid - 2019
    Written as reflections on the author's travels meeting the seekers of God, these essays are meant to be make readers pause and think about their own journeys, their relationship with the One who has created them, and the path that lies ahead.

God, Islam, and the Skeptic Mind: A Study on Faith, Religious Diversity, Ethics, and the Problem of Evil

Saiyad Fareed Ahmad - 2004
    In doing so, the authors provide a balanced approach representing not only theistic and atheistic perspectives, but also a much-needed Islamic point of view that has largely been ignored or misunderstood.

The Amazing Qur'an

Gary Miller - 1992

The Prophetic Invocations

الحبيب عبد الله بن علوي الحداد الحضرمي الشافعي - 2000
    The original Arabic text of the litanies and English translation are presented in accessible format. In addition, a transliteration of the supplications is provided for easy use. A commentary rounds off the volume. "The Prophetic Invocations" is a solid glimpse at the practice of meditative Remembrance of God that has been the staple of spiritual growth throughout the history of Islam.Author Biography: Imam Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad was a late 17th- and early-18th-century Islamic scholar and spiritual master who lived in Yemen. To this day, he has a large following of admirers and is widely known for the breadth of his knowledge and the profundity of insight. Imam al-Haddad died in 1720.

Now You are a Mother

Du'aa' Ra'oof Shaheen - 2012
    Whilst motherhood is one of the most rewarding roles, it is also very heavy responsibility that brings many trials and challenges that cannot be covered fully in a single volume. It is hoped that having read this book, readers will go beyond its parameters to learn all they can about how to care for their infants. In the teachings of Islam, the voices of experience provided by our own mothers and grandmothers, and the exchange of ideas, and tips with other parents, new mothers can find guideline to follow as they embark upon the journey of motherhood. the help and advice of doctors, public health nurses and other professionals may also be added to the mother's "support system". Over and above all that, the Muslim mother can and must put her trust in Allah and seek His help and guidance.

Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America

P. David Gaubatz - 2009
      Muslim Mafia is the sensational result of a six-month undercover penetration of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of smoking-gun documents from this terror-linked front group for the dangerous, mob-like Muslim Brotherhood.   Muslim Mafia delivers all the elements of a top-flight mystery novel, except that the situations and conversations are totally real. The book's frightening allegations are supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential CAIR documents and hundreds of hours of video captured in an unprecedented undercover operation. This trail of information reveals the seditious and well-funded efforts of the Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to support the international jihad movement against the United States. Posing as an intern, Chris Gaubatz courageously gains the trust of CAIR's inner sanctum, working undercover while posing as a devoted convert to Islam, and blows the whistle on the entire factory fueling the wave of homegrown terrorism now plaguing America.

The Ideal Muslim: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim as defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah

محمد علي الهاشمي - 2005
    In his relation with his rabb' (lord), himself, family, parents, relatives, friends, and the community at large, he has a most excellent example in the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). His idealism is further strengthened by the characters of the first generations of Muslims who excelled in all the various fields of human endeavour. He is reassured by the teachings of Islam that he also can reach these noble heights by working to improve his character daily.In this title, the author gives a clear overview of the practical aspects of the Islamic lifestyle, as exemplified by the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his Companions. Moving from the innermost aspect of the individual's spiritual life to his dealings with all those around him, one can see how the Muslim is expected to interact with all others in his life.

رؤية إسلامية ليأجوج و مأجوج في العالم الحديث

Imran N. Hosein - 2009

The Purification of the Soul

ابن رجب الحنبلي - 1993
    Topics discussed include: sincerity, the nature of intention, types of heart, the four poisons of the heart, seeking Allah's forgiveness, supplication, praying at night, love of Allah, hope in Allah, fear of Allah and many others.