The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

محمد صالح المنجد - 1997
    Therefore, a Muslim home should be a decent and comfortable residence which nurtures the Muslim family. In order to be so, your home life must be based on intimacy, love, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and the like. All these concepts and others are just applications of the Islamic principles. The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations presents necessary advice about building such a home. Acquiring this information will enable you to make your home the most secure and enjoyable place for yourself and your family.

Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles

Ahmed Deedat
    Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles is a brief exposition of the Text, Scope, Infallibility and Authenticity of the Last Testament, Al-Qur'an.Read online free at

Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women

Na'ima B Robert - 2021
    A personal story of the author reflecting on her journey of life with references to quotes from the Qur'an, Hadith and contemporary thinkers.

Children Around the Prophet (SAW): How Muhammad (SAW) Raised the Young Companions

Hesham Al-Awadi - 2005
    In introducing parents and potential parents to the Prophetic example of dealing with children, Dr. Hesham Al-Awadi tackles the challenges and complexity of raising children, and the necessity to understand and cater for their needs. Throughout these lectures recorded at Birkbeck College, University of London, Dr. Al-Awadi, a renowned Seerah historian draws upon instances from the Prophet's (SAW) life in order to address the emotional, spiritual, moral, sexual, and social dimensions of raising children in today's society.

A Treatise on Hijab

محمد بن صالح العثيمين
    Furthermore, there is no doubt that the greatest act of modesty that she can perform is to wear the hijab, which covers her face. It is the best thing with which she can adorn herself, because it protects Her and keeps her far removed from temptation.

History of Makkah

Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri - 2002
    This book mentions the different aspects of Makkah, and recorded the most important historical events that have direct effect on the establishment and sacredness of Makkah as well as its religious weight.This Book also highlights the sites that are highly important whenever Makhah is mentioned like the Black Stone, Zamzam Well, and others.A great part of the book has been dedicated to in speaking about the Holy Ka’bah and the Holy Mosque updating the extensions and the improvements, that have taken place from the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the Saudi era.At the end of the book there is a complete guide about Hajj and its rites.

The Favored Daughter: One Woman's Fight to Lead Afghanistan into the Future

Fawzia Koofi - 2012
    But she survived, and perseverance in the face of extreme hardship has defined her life ever since. Despite the abuse of her family, the exploitative Russian and Taliban regimes, the murders of her father, brother, and husband, and numerous attempts on her life, she rose to become the first Afghani woman Parliament speaker. Here, she shares her amazing story, punctuated by a series of poignant letters she wrote to her two daughters before each political trip—letters describing the future and freedoms she dreamed of for them and for all the women of Afghanistan.Her story movingly captures the political and cultural moment in Afghanistan, a country caught between the hope of progress and the bitter truth of history.

Pray for Me: The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis, First Pope from the Americas

Robert Moynihan - 2013
    Pope Francis, a native of Argentina, is not just the first Pope from the Southern Hemisphere, he is also the first Jesuit to ever hold the Chair of Peter. This means a bridging of the Northern and Southern hemispheres and religious traditions in a way we've never seen before, signifying a new global vision for the 1.2 billion people who call themselves Catholic.Now a leading expert on the papacy provides the ultimate introduction to this new Pope, including biographical information and an absorbing collection of Jorge Mario Bergoglio most persuasive words.

Real Life Lesson From Quran

Muhammad Bilal Lakhani - 2006
    It will have succeeded in its effort if this book helps Muslims understand their religion better so that they become better Muslims. The lessons in this book are meant to be powerful words of advice to Muslims who find themselves at a certain situation in their lives, the direct words of advice from Allah are quoted by quoting the Qur’an, and provide with an interpretation and an explanation to make it easier for the modern day Muslim to understand and use this advice practically.

Kalam Cosmological Arguments

Mohammed Hijab - 2019
    The author grapples with both medieval and contemporary interrogations of the argument with reference to Greek, Enlightenment and Medieval philosophers. It gives the reader an insight into some of the main areas of controversy (for example discussions of infinity and contingency) and attempts to make critical assessments throughout. The book concludes with the author’s understanding of the ‘strongest forms’ which attempt to postulate the most undercutting arguments for the existence of God.

Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam

Zakir Naik - 2011
    why ispolygamy allowed in Islam?If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, then why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband?Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword?Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?Ki l l ing an animal is a ruthless act . Why then do Musl ims consume nonvegetarian food?Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturing it and slowly and painfully killing it?Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one’s behaviour. Why then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of animals could make a person violent and ferocious?When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow downto the Kaaba in their prayer?Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?Under Islamic law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?How can you prove that the Qur'an is the word of God?When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there somany sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a persononly follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable,and involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.?Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them Kafirs? Read the logical answers......

Stay With Me, Rhys: The heartbreaking story of Rhys Jones, by his mother. As seen on ITV’s new documentary Police Tapes

Mel Jones - 2018
    ‘Please stay with me. I love you.’ There was still no expression in his eyes. I was talking and talking to him, desperate to let him know I was there, but there was no flicker in his face. In hindsight, it was like he’d already gone. It's a Wednesday evening in Liverpool in the summer holidays, and Melanie is expecting her Everton-mad eleven-year-old son back from football practice very soon. She turns on Coronation Street and sets about stripping the wallpaper off the walls in the lounge, which is long-overdue a makeover. Suddenly she receives a frantic knock at the door. Rhys has been shot on his way home.From that fateful day when Melanie cradled her child as he lay dying, repeating to him ‘Stay with Me, Rhys’, to the day in court when his killers were finally sent down, this is a story of a family in trauma, of a community united behind them and of how a notorious local gang who terrorised the neighbourhood was brought to justice.In 2017, more than 7 million people watched the drama unfold in the highly-acclaimed ITV series Little Boy Blue. And now Melanie Jones tells the family's unbelievable story for the first time.Melanie, her husband Steve and Rhys’s brother Owen have been through unimaginable pain. The grief doesn’t go away, but the strength they’ve found within it is an inspiration.

The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad

Lesley Hazleton - 2013
    In The First Muslim, Lesley Hazleton brings him vibrantly to life. Drawing on early eyewitness sources and on history, politics, religion, and psychology, she renders him as a man in full, in all his complexity and vitality.        Hazleton’s account follows the arc of Muhammad’s rise from powerlessness to power, from anonymity to renown, from insignificance to lasting significance. How did a child shunted to the margins end up revolutionizing his world? How did a merchant come to challenge the established order with a new vision of social justice? How did the pariah hounded out of Mecca turn exile into a new and victorious beginning? How did the outsider become the ultimate insider?        Impeccably researched and thrillingly readable, Hazleton’s narrative creates vivid insight into a man navigating between idealism and pragmatism, faith and politics, nonviolence and violence, rejection and acclaim. The First Muslim illuminates not only an immensely significant figure but his lastingly relevant legacy.

Misgod'ed: A Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance in the Abrahamic Religions

Laurence B. Brown - 2008
    Brown teases common threads in the complex world of organized religion from the tangled mass of religious misdirection. An earnest search for truth, this text unveils both the corruptions and commonalities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to fill the current void of intellectual discourse on the subject. For those readers who are intrigued but skeptical of organized religion, especially strict, literal interpretation of the Bible, this book articulates many of the questions readers have about religion, and poses others of its own. It provides a comprehensive, historically based analysis of documents, traditions and institutions. The central theme is to examine Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for truth in revelation, and trace the chain of revelation to its logical conclusion. Solicitous and precise, this text captures the essence of what it means to be a person of God.

The Fourteen Infallibles

Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - 2012
    Sayed Ammar Nashawani's lectures on the biographies of the fourteen infallible figures in Shi'a Islam.An invaluable resource that represents a Shi'a view of the history of Islam, the Prophet and Imams for the present day audience. This excellent book will be of benefit to many in understanding the true nature of Islam and also illustrate how the illustrious figures as representing and manifesting universal human values that can serve humanity at large