Best of
Allama Iqbal: Selected Poetry
Muhammad Iqbal - 2006
This collection of the works of Iqbal, considered to be one of the greatest poets of the Urdu language, showcases the musicality of style and unique rhyme and assonance that has made his work memorable. A lengthy introduction, discussing the important aspects of Iqbal's life and art, is also included.
Because They Hate
Brigitte Gabriel - 2006
In 1975 she was ten years old and living in Southern Lebanon when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into her country and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians. Lebanon was the only Christian influenced country in the Middle East, and the Lebanese Civil War was the first front in what has become the worldwide jihad of fundamentalist Islam against non-Muslim peoples. For seven years, Brigitte and her parents lived in an underground bomb shelter. They had no running water or electricity and very little food; at times they were reduced to boiling grass to survive. "Because They Hate" is a political wake-up call told through a very personal memoir frame. Brigitte warns that the US is threatened by fundamentalist Islamic theology in the same way Lebanon was-- radical Islam will stop at nothing short of domination of all non-Muslim countries. Gabriel saw this mission start in Lebanon, and she refuses to stand silently by while it happens here. Gabriel sees in the West a lack of understanding and a blatant ignorance of the ways and thinking of the Middle East. She also points out mistakes the West has made in consistently underestimating the single-mindedness with which fundamentalist Islam has pursued its goals over the past thirty years. Fiercely articulate and passionately committed, Gabriel tells her own story as well as outlines the history, social movements, and religious divisions that have led to this critical historical conflict.
America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It
Mark Steyn - 2006
Europeans already are. And liberals will still tell you that "diversity is our strength"--while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn't violate the "separation of church and state," and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy. If you think this can't happen, you haven't been paying attention, as the hilarious, provocative, and brilliant Mark Steyn--the most popular conservative columnist in the English-speaking world--shows to devastating effect. The future, as Steyn shows, belongs to the fecund and the confident. And the Islamists are both, while the West is looking ever more like the ruins of a civilization. But America can survive, prosper, and defend its freedom only if it continues to believe in itself, in the sturdier virtues of self-reliance (not government), in the centrality of family, and in the conviction that our country really is the world's last best hope. Mark Steyn's America Alone is laugh-out-loud funny--but it will also change the way you look at the world.
Real Life Lesson From Quran
Muhammad Bilal Lakhani - 2006
It will have succeeded in its effort if this book helps Muslims understand their religion better so that they become better Muslims. The lessons in this book are meant to be powerful words of advice to Muslims who find themselves at a certain situation in their lives, the direct words of advice from Allah are quoted by quoting the Qur’an, and provide with an interpretation and an explanation to make it easier for the modern day Muslim to understand and use this advice practically.
Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time
Karen Armstrong - 2006
There is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith, and yet his story is little known. Karen Armstrong's immaculately researched new biography of Muhammad will enable readers to understand the true origins and spirituality of a faith that is all too often misrepresented as cruel, intolerant, and inherently violent. An acclaimed authority on religious and spiritual issues, Armstrong offers a balanced, in-depth portrait, revealing the man at the heart of Islam by dismantling centuries of misconceptions. Armstrong demonstrates that Muhammad's life--a pivot point in history--has genuine relevance to the global crises we face today.
Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam Ali
Reza Shah-Kazemi - 2006
Abi Talib, son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, first Shi'i imam and fourth caliph, is a monumental figure within the Islamic tradition. But despite the immense importance of Imam Ali, there is a dearth of literature in Western languages about his life and thought. This book -- the first serious engagement in English with the intellectual principles underpinning his teachings -- is therefore a welcome and valuable addition to the sources available. It consists of three parts. Part one introduces the person of Ali in a general manner, and focuses particularly on the spiritual and ethical content of his teachings. Part two evaluates Ali's "sacred conception of justice" Part three addresses the theme of spiritual realization through the remembrance of God, the central mystical practice of the Sufis. Justice and Remembrance will be of great value to students and scholars of Islamic thought, as well as to those interested in the relationship between spirituality and ethics.
Sexual Ethics and Islam: Feminist Reflections on Qur'an, Hadith, and Jurisprudence
Kecia Ali - 2006
In this ground-breaking, lucid, and carefully constructed work, feminist Muslim scholar Dr Kecia Ali asks how one can determine what makes sex lawful and ethical in the sight of God.Drawing on both revealed and interpretative Muslim texts, Ali critiques medieval and contemporary commentators alike to produce a balanced and comprehensive study of a subject both sensitive and urgent, making this an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and interested readers.
The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Heart: An Insight Into The Heart Based On The Qur'an, Sunnah And Modern Science
Gohar Mushtaq - 2006
Muhammad ﷺ the Perfect Man
محمد بن علوي المالكي - 2006
Written by the leading Islamic scholar of recent times - Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani of Mecca, it is presented in English for the first time. The author writes with great erudition and love about the perfection of the last of the Messengers, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, sourcing every point from careful exegesis of ayat of the Quran, well known hadith and episodes from the Sirah. The book starts with the perfection of the noble lineage of the Prophet, followed by the perfection of his physical form and discusses in detail the perfection of the Muhammadan heart.In the 300 pages that follow the Perfection of the Prophetic attributes are listed in great detail - ranging from the perfection of the Prophetic knowledge, justice, mercy, humility, leadership, courage, generosity, patience, loyalty, wisdom, oratory and forbearance to name but just a few.The author was blessed with the gift of writing in clear concise narrative style which was highly readable but retained the grandeur of the discussion at hand without being overwhelmed by the scriptural evidence which he presents with meticulous authority. This is captured by Khalid Williams' lucid and exemplary translation which adds depth, breadth, and clarity making this within easy reach of the English speaking world.The book ranks among the most important works of the Sayyid Muhammad who contends from a traditional Islamic point of view that the message of Islam can only be perfect if the bringer of that message is himself perfect. It serves as a timely reminder to the characteristics of the greatest human being that ever lived, and presents an insight into the noble Prophetic way, the behavioural code of conduct - the Sunna - of the Perfect Man, that he, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, left behind for all peoples for all times.About the Author Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-'Idrisi al-Makki (1944–2004) was a prominent Sunni Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia.He was one of the foremost traditional Islamic scholars of contemporary times, and without doubt, the most highly respected and loved scholar of the holy city of Mecca and the entire Hijaz region.He is a grandson of the Prophet , a leader of the Ahlul Bayt, the Imam of Hadith in ourage, an authority of the four Madhhabs, a spiritual leader of the highest caliber, caller toAllah, and unparalleled in his standing in the world of traditional Islamic scholarship. A visit to him was considered imperative for the `Ulema who would visit Mecca.
The Relief From Distress: An Explanation to the Du'a of Yunus
ابن تيمية - 2006
Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, was asked about the saying of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "The invocation of my brother Yunus: "None has the right to be worshipped save You; glory be to You, far removed are You from any imperfection; I have been amongst the wrong doers," None who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allaah would relieve him of his difficulty."What is the meaning of this d'uaa?Are their any unstated conditions that have to be met when one articulates it?What is the connection between belief in the heart and the meaning of this supplication such that it leads to the removal of difficulty?It is sufficient to acknowledge ones sin alone, or must this be accompanied by repentance and the firm resolve not to repeat that sin in the future?Why is it that difficulty and harm is removed only when a person relinquishes any hope, reliance and dependancy upon the creation?How can the heart relinquish the characteristic of putting hope in the creation and depending upon them, and instead put its hope in Allaah, Exalted is He, and turn to Him in its entirety?What are the methods that would aid the heart in doing this?
Miracle of Miracles: A Muslim Woman's Conversion to Christ and Flight from the Perils of Islam
Mina Nevisa - 2006
Hounded from nation to nation by Islamists close friends are kidnapped, imprisoned and martyred. Angelic deliverances and experiences with God’ s manifest presence. Addendum debunks PC Islamic assertions.
Virtues Of Sayyedah Fatimah: Daughter Of Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri - 2006
The status of Sayyedah Fatimah is so great that those who are oblivious to it are not only doing injustice to themselves by depriving themselves from her teachings but are also unknowingly showing disregard to the Prophet (peace be upon her). At a time when Muslim women are flooded with so-called female role models, who rather than encouraging a modest and pure lifestyle, practice and preach the contrary, it is indeed time for Muslim women to adopt the lifestyle of Sayyedah Fatimah (RA) who received divine praise for her morality. People will be shocked to learn of the high esteem which she was held by the Prophet (peace be upon her) and how divine commandments were revealed to the Prophet (SAW) which were specifically regarding Sayyedah Fatimah (peace be upon her)
The Universal Tree and the Four Birds
Ibn Arabi - 2006
Providing an excellent initiation into the often complex works of Ibn 'Arabi, this brief, delightful tale is the first English translation of an important, early work, complete with Arabic text, commentary, and notes.
Al-Hidayah: The Guidance
Burhan al-Din al-Farghani al-Marghinani - 2006
The Hidayah is arguably the most widely read book of Islamic jurisprudence in the Muslim world and is used as a primary text in Islamic schools and seminaries. An introduction by the translator contextualizes Islamic law and explores the nuances of its legal reasoning while a glossary of key and technical terms, a commentary, and a comprehensive index ensure that all readers can navigate this translation's technical legal vocabulary.
Goodnight Stories from the Life of the Prophet Muhammad
Saniyasnain Khan - 2006
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror
Nonie Darwish - 2006
When she was eight, her father died while leading Fedayeen raids into Israel. Her family moved from Gaza back to Cairo, where they were honored as survivors of a “shahid”—a martyr for jihad. She grew up learning the same lessons as millions of Muslim children: to hate Jews, destroy Israel, oppose America, and submit to dictatorship. But Darwish became increasingly appalled by the anger and hatred in her culture, and in 1978 she emigrated to America. Since 9/11 she has been lecturing and writing on behalf of moderate Arabs and Arab-Americans. Extremists have denounced her as an infidel and threatened her life. In this fascinating book, she speaks out against the dark side of her native culture—women abused by Islamic traditions; the poor and uneducated mistreated by the elites; bribery and corruption as a way of life. Her former friends and neighbors blamed all the their troubles on Jews and Americans, but Darwish rejects their bigotry and calls for the Arab world to make peace with the West. The only hope for the future, she writes, is for America to continue waging its War on Terror, seeding the Middle East with the values of democracy, respect for women, and tolerance for all religions.
Islam: Past, Present and Future
Hans Küng - 2006
In books that have inspired millions throughout the world, he has pioneered work towards a new dialogue between cultures. Following bestselling volumes on Christianity and Judaism, here he turns his attention to Islam. Providing a masterful overview of Islam's 1,400-year history, Kung examines its fundamental beliefs and practices, outlines the major schools of thought, and surveys the positions of Islam on the urgent questions of the day. Deft, assured, and comprehensive, this is the only objective introduction to Islam by a renowned Christian theologian.
Faizan e Sunnat: Blessings of Sunnah (Vol.1)
Muhammad Ilyas 'Attar Qadri Razavi - 2006
The author has made his books freely available on the official url.
Muslims in American History: A Forgotten Legacy
Jerald F. Dirks - 2006
The book pays homage to one such forgotten legacy--the role of Muslims in American history. By offering a review based on various scholarly sources, the book broadens the understanding of American public with regard to the substantial role played by Muslims throughout American history.
An Approach To The Qur'anic Sciences
Muhammad Taqi Usmani - 2006
The Sufi Science of Self-Realization: A Guide to the Seventeen Ruinous Traits, the Ten Steps to Discipleship, and the Six Realities of the Heart
Muhammad Hisham Kabbani - 2006
The path from submersion in the negative traits to the unveiling of these six powers is known as the Migration to Perfected Knowledge on the way to complete realization. In America, where false Sufi masters are increasingly prevalent, it is important that the writings and practices of authentic Shaykhs—with lineages going back to the Prophet Muhammed—are available for both the seeker as well as the professor.
The Encompassing Epistle: Al-Risalah al-Jami'ah
Ahmad ibn Zayn al-Habashi - 2006
The primary text is Ahmed ibn Zayn al-Habashi's Al-Risalah al-Jami`ah which has been a popular introductory text during the last four centuries. The text is read by students in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and, recently, North America and Europe. This edition includes a translation of the Arabic original and notes drawn from the translator’s other works. Readers of this text will learn the essential creed, acts of worship, and moral behavior that are considered personal obligations for all Muslims. They will also learn why these particular things are important. The notes are designed to equip students for personal practice and to prepare them for more advanced studies.
Liberating the Soul: A Guide for Spiritual Growth, Volume Five
Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani - 2006
Embraced and revered heads of state and common citizens of diverse faiths and cultures alike, Shaykh Nazim speaks straight to the heart, reconnecting the reader with their forgotten spiritual roots. These coveted lectures from his world travels transport us to a time rich in simplicity and spiritual focus. LIBERATING THE SOUL VOLUME FIVE presents practical steps to rid the heart of doubt; build self-confidence in one's unique identity; overcome negative characteristics such as anger, greed, and jealousy; express gratitude for unlimited divine bounty; develop intimate communion with the Creator; learn to respect and appreciate all creation; develop tolerance for others, and much more.
The Biography of Imâm Ibn Al-Qayyim
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2006
Anyone who looks in his books will bear witness to his great virtue. The works he authored are of outstanding excellence that have continuously been providing guidance to the scholars across the course of seven centuries. He has more than a hundred books to his credit concerning various sciences. Ibn al-Qayyim (Qayyem/Qayim/Qayem/Qayum/Qayyum) had an intense love for knowledge - studying it and writing about it.
Mohammed and the Unbelievers (The Islamic Trilogy Book 1)
Bill Warner - 2006
In one of the great stories of history, Mohammed went from being an orphan to the first ruler of all Arabia. Battles, raids, torture, deception, slavery, assassinations, heroes, secret agents, and religion all figure in his glorious triumph. Mohammed was the world’s supreme master of war. Poetry, passion, culture, immigration, history, sex, ethics, economics, Paradise and Hell were all used to define a new form of war—jihad. This is an epic story and sacred text. The Islamic Trilogy—Koran, Sira, Hadith Islam is a political system, a culture and a religion based upon the Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (the Traditions of Mohammed). The Islamic Trilogy series integrates the three primary sources to give the entire Islamic political doctrine—the treatment of non-Muslims. The Trilogy is authoritative and fact-based. All statements can be confirmed by the use of reference numbers. The knowledge is integrated—all of the primary sources are used to give the complete picture of Islam’s political doctrine.
Paths to Transcendence: According to Shankara, Ibn Arabi & Meister Eckhart
Reza Shah-Kazemi - 2006
الإنسان والإسلام
Ali Shariati - 2006
The first lecture, "Man and Islam", analyzes the creation of man according to Islamic doctrine and present man as God's vicegerent on earth as is described in the Holy Qur'an. In the second lecture, Shari'ati discusses the differences world-views of numerous regions and philosophies. The third lecture concerns the "Extraction and Refinement of Cultural Resources." In the fourth work, "Modern man and His Prisons," Shari'ati states that there are four constraints under which man is bound. Man can become a rue human being only after he has released himself from the yoke of these constraints. The fifth lecture in this series deals with Shari'ati addressing the question of the intellectual and categorizing him into three types. In the next lecture entitled "Ideology," Shari'ati explains the meaning of ideology as well as philosophy, and expounds on the question that those who relate to them. In the last lecture, Shari'ati addresses the question, "If we believe we a true free-thinking intellectuals, what must be our relationship with the society and what path should we follow?" In these seven brief lectures, Shari'ati brings an enlightening perspective to the study of Islamic ideology, its world-view, man's constraints, and the responsibility of the free-thinker towards the construction of a new society.
The Islamic Laws of Animal Slaughter: A Discussion on the Islamic Laws for Slaughtering Animals & a Survey of Modern-Day Slaughtering Methods
Muhammad Taqi Usmani - 2006
Health food stores have gained a prominent status in the US, and many consumers review every last ingredient listed in a food item's nutritional facts list to ensure that they meet their dietary standards. Muslims must be even more conscientious of what they consume, as a Muslim's diet must, above all, be lawful (halal) under Islamic law, as well as wholesome (tayyib). The Qur'an states, "O people, eat from whatever is upon the earth that is lawful and wholesome" (2:168). Of all types of food, one that has become the cause of controversy among Muslims the world over is slaughtered meat. Muslim sources without the guidance of scholars have spread inaccurate information about Islam's rules and regulations for animal slaughter, leaving Muslims confused about the facts. Authored by a Muslim scholar recognized worldwide for his mastery of Islamic jurisprudence, The Islamic Laws of Animal Slaughter clears up the confusion. The author presents a brief, structured analysis of Islam's laws for animal slaughter, as well an overview of their practical application in the modern world. A couple of articles, appended specially for this translation, round off the discussion by addressing matters particularly relevant to Muslims in the US and other Western nations.
The Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran
Arthur Jeffery - 2006
Each word is given in Arabic and in transliteration, followed by an extensive definition. As useful today as when it was first published, this volume will be welcomed by students of Arabic and especially those who are concerned with its relationship to foreign languages.
Judgment Day!: Islam, Israel, and the Nations
Dave Hunt - 2006
An eye-opening examination of ancient biblical prophecy and modern-day Middle East politics regarding Islam, Israel, and the nations draws parallels between the land for peace appeasement of Hitler and today's strategy of the nations united against Israel, revealing the ancient agenda against the Jews.
The Biography of Imam Shawkani
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2006
He was continually well nurtured and treated. He memorized many books of present time at the very early age even before beginning his serious studies. He learned the sciences of Hadith from al-Hafiz Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Amir and studied with many other teachers until he covered all the sciences.Both his supporters and opponents agreed that Imam ash-Shawkani reached a level of verifying scholarship. He became someone who all would point to as a reference in the sciences of ijtihad, and he was one who would clarify the subtleties of the Shriah.About the Series:This book is in a series of biographies of some of the scholars and Muhaddithin of this ummah which Allah has granted glory and honor until the Hour. It focuses on certain aspects of the lives of these scholars including their attributes, their manners, their religion, and how great is our need in this era to know about these matters. There can be no return to the glory and honor that this ummah possesses except by assuming the noble attributes that the first generation possessed.The biographies of these scholars are unknown to many Muslims. People have become tired of hearing empty talk. They want to see religion become a practical reality just as it was during the during the lives of these scholars and in the lives of those people that followed them. This religion was well established at their times and it filled their hearts and minds, it was part of their very flesh and blood. If they spoke, it was for Allah's sake that they spoke, and when they remained silent, that too was for Allah's sake.They illuminated the world with their piety, knowledge, worship, and their righteous deeds. Their character, morals, and manners were like those of the Prophet himself. If you look at their dealings you would see a living practical application of dealings of the Prophet himself. The very mention of these scholars softens the heart of the believer, leading to sincere worship of Allah.
Mawlid Ad-Dayba'i
Shaykh 'Abd ar-Rahman ad-Dayba'i - 2006
When our master 'Ali (r) was asked about the strength of his devotion to Allah's Prophet (s) he replied: "By Allah, we cherished him more than we did our children, our parents, and all of our possessions. He was much dearer to us than fresh water is for a thirsty soul." Such was the esteem and the honor the Prophet (s) was held in by his Companions. By the same token, the hearts of true believers ought to be filled with similar devotion to the Prophet (s). Sending blessings on Allah's Beloved (s) is certainly the best way of invoking him, in compliance with the command of the Lord Almighty. In thus blessing him we show him gratitude and acknowledge his countless favors to us. To send blessings on the Prophet (s) is only a negligible payment for the unending benefits and good we have seen through him. In truth, to thank the Prophet (s) is to thank Allah, and Allah Himself is Champion and Supporter of those who honor His Beloved Messenger (s). Blessing the Prophet (s) is a token of devotion, obedience and the highest form of worship to bring the believer closer to Allah. The Almighty reserves the best of rewards and the most complete forgiveness for those who continually bless His Prophet (s). Suffice it to point out in this respect that it is out of honor and commendation of His Prophet (s) that Allah, revealed this Quranic verse starting with His Divine Self and followed by His Angels, orders His servants thus: Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet; O ye who believe! Send your blessings on him and salute him With all respect. Following this verse, obligating believers to praise the Prophet (s), Allah then describes the incomparable Bounty that He (s) is: Allah did confer a great favor on the believers, when He sent among them a messenger from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the signs of Allah, purifying them and instructing them in the Book and wisdom, while, before that, they had been in manifest error. In obedience to the Divine Order and in expression of our love and admiration for the Treasurehouse of Allah's Munificence and the Manifestation of the Reality of The Almighty's Divine Names and Attributes, and in the blessed tradition of our ancestors and predecessors in faith, we present this book of perfumed verse dedicated to the love of our Master, and the Master of All Creation, Prophet Muhammad (s), upon whom be the choicest of Allah's peace and blessings, and upon his Family, Companions, House and Followers, up to the Day of Rising."
Antichrist: Islam's Awaited Messiah
Joel Richardson - 2006
Discover the startling similarities between the biblical Antichrist and Islam's Messiah figure known as Imam al-Mahdi. A must read for anyone interested in Islam, Bible prophecy or the underlying spiritual factors behind many of today's current events.
Getting The Best Out Of Al Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Abu Muneer Ismail Davids - 2006
It provides Figh related issues about Hajj, Salah and personal behavior according to the Quran and Sunnah, to enable you to obtain the best value for your time spent in the holy cities. It also provides information and suggestions about planning for the journey, what to expect and how to survive, so you can depart with full confidence. This is a must have for all those planning to go on Hajj. (Muhammed Online Islamic Book Store +91 99457 44117)
The Biography Of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2006
He was an Imam in Fiqh, Hadith, and many other sciences. In fact, his madh-hab is one of the four established madh-habs of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah. Yet, the one matter he is most remembered for… one of the most defining moments in the History of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah… is his stance in the time of the Mihnah (the Inquisition). Imam 'Ali ibn al-Madini, the great teacher of Imam al-Bukhari said, "Truly, Allah supported this religion with Abu Bakr as-Siddiq the day of the apostasy (ar-Riddah), and He supported it with Ahmad ibn Hanbal the day of the Inquisition ( al-Mihnah)." Imam ash-Shafi'I said, "I left Baghdad and did not leave behind me anyone more virtuous, more learned, more knowledgeable than Ahmad ibn Hanbal." Many topics covered. Some include:His Name and Lineage, His Wives, His Knowledge of the Arabic Language, His Lectures, Adherence to the Sunnah, his Piety, The People's Praise for him, Wonderful Wisdoms, His Supplications and His Confidences (with Allah), His Death.
Dutifulness to Parents: In the Light of the Holy Qur’an and the Authentic Sunnah
Nidham Sakkijha - 2006
After dutifulness to Allah, dutifulness to our parents comes next for Muslims, but what does our duty to our parents entail? In this little book, Nidhâm Sakkijha gives examples and evidence from the Qur’an and the Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) to explain, point by point, what these duties are, and how the fulfillment of these duties may lead us to Paradise, while their neglect may mean that we end up in Hell.
Voices of Resistance: Muslim Women on War, Faith and Sexuality
Sarah Husain - 2006
The contributors in this anthology hail from Yemen, Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Canada, and the United States.Sarah Husain conceptualized this collection as a means of redefining the stereotypical depictions of Muslim women that inundate current western discourse on the Islamic “other.” She seeks to dispel the image of the veil as the age-old symbol of Muslim women's repression and move beyond sterile representations and narrow debates about the contemporary realities of Muslim women. These women engage in discourses concerning their bodies and their communities. A woman mourns the death of a cousin killed in a suicide bombing; a transsexual remembers with fondness the donning of the veil he no longer wears as a Muslim man; a woman confronts sexism and hypocrisy on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia; and the experience of being judged on the basis of skin color and political and religious affiliation that is far more blatant and ubiquitous since the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The Grave: Punishment and Blessings
Shaykh Husayn al-Awayishah - 2006
Muslims, however, are encouraged to seek out this information.Islam has the answers to these questions. Being a practical and comprehensive religion, Islam tells us what we can expect when we have finally made our exit from this world. We are also given ample guidance as to how we may best prepare ourselves and earn the rewards of Paradise in the hereafter.In this little book, Husayn al-‘Awayishah outlines the Islamic teaching on death and the grave. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to learn what the authentic sources of Islam have to say about what happens in the grave.
Liberating the Soul: A Guide for Spiritual Growth, Volume Four
Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani - 2006
Embraced and revered by heads of state and common citizens of diverse faiths and cultures, Shaykh Nazim speaks straight to the heart, reconnecting the reader with their forgotten spiritual roots. These coveted lectures from his world travels transport us to a time rich in simplicity and spiritual focus. LIBERATING THE SOUL VOLUME FOUR presents practical steps to rid the heart of doubt; build self-confidence in one's unique identity, overcome bad characteristics such as anger, greed, and jealousy, express gratitude for unlimited divine bounty, develop intimate communion with the Creator, learn to respect and appreciate all creation, develop tolerance for others, and much more.
The Life of Prophet Muhammad
'Abdul Waheed Khan - 2006
As he grew up, he watched with disgust the great drama of evil around him. He witnessed how the human soul was suppressed, how men were oppressing and exploiting the have-nots, orphans, women, and the weakest members of society, and how the wealthy and strong enslaved the poor and weak. Through ignorance, error, superstition, and outright perversity, people were debauched by evil. Tyranny reigned supreme. The society was drunk with arrogance, empty religious formalism, and luxury.In those times of ignorance, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) grew up. He was upright and truthful, and earned the complete trust of the people of Makkah. Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) was never taught formally by any human, and yet, in years to come, he would teach the whole world such as no one else in human history has done. You owe it to yourself to find out about this giant of history: you owe it to yourself to read this book.
Selected Prayers of Prophet Muhammad and Great Muslim Saints
Ali Keeler - 2006
Includes section headings such as: Morning and Evening Prayers; Purification, the Mosque, the Call to Prayer (Adhan) and the Ritual Prayer (Salat); Food, Drink, Fasting, Zakat, Travel, the Pilgrimage, War and Marriage; Prayers Related to What is in the Sky or Comes From it; Everyday Life Situations; and, The Litany of the Protected.
This Heavenly Wine: Poetry from the Divan-E Jami
Jami - 2006
Following in the footsteps of the Persian mystical poets Rumi, Hafez, Nizami and others, the timeless works in this collection express the poet's overwhelming devotion to and longing for the Divine Beloved.
Tribal Politics in Iran: Rural Conflict and the New State, 1921-1941
Stephanie Cronin - 2006
It analyzes the political and socio-economic factors undermining tribal politics under the regime of Reza Shah, and examines the division which took place regarding the 'tribal problem'. The author argues that on the one hand, it lead to modern ethnic nationalism and on the other, detribalization and absorption into wider class or ideology-based organizations happened.Looking particularly at the land reform of the early 1960s, and the revolution of 1979, Cronin also discusses the final disappearance of the khans as a political force and the rise of a new tribal leadership loyal to and dependent upon the regime. This innovative and important work challenges conventional political and scholarly approaches to tribal politics.
Ibn Al-Haytham: First Scientist
Bradley Steffens - 2006
A young adult biography of Muslim scientist and Father of Optics Ibn al-Haytham
Book Of The End - Great Trials & Tribulations
ابن كثير - 2006
The signs of it have been foretold by our Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)Ibn Kathir has collected all the prophesies of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in his book Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah.In this volume, we have presented from them the signs of the Hour and the events that are yet to take place, although mentioning very few examples of those prophesies that have already been realized.
The Next World War: What Prophecy Reveals About Extreme Islam and the West
Grant R. Jeffrey - 2006
They are the first warning shots fired in a coming world war. For decades, prophecy expert Grant R. Jeffrey has been analyzing geopolitical developments through the lenses of history, religion, and prophecy. As current events unfold according to the prophecies of the Bible, Jeffrey says Islamic extremists are preparing to attack Israel and conquer western civilization–destroying our freedom.Drawing from firsthand interviews, intelligence reports, and ancient prophecy, Jeffrey reveals: ·Saddam Hussein’s role in the 9/11 attack on America·Where Iraq hid its Weapons of Mass Destruction ·How Russia and extreme Islam will launch World War III·The Bible’s prophecy of the destruction of extremist Islam·How Israel will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem With Grant Jeffrey’s incisive and sometimes surprising analysis, you can understand the hidden agenda and powerful players behind today’s news headlines.
The Adab of the True Seeker
Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Buzaydi - 2006
This lucid translation of al-Adab al-Murid al-Sadiq includes some of his letters to his disciples. The Shadhili master explains the meaning and significance of the death of one's ego and the inner and outer propriety of the novice upon the Path. The book provides an appreciation of Sheikh al-Buzaydi's method of spiritual training and his relationship with his students. It is, above all, a testimony as to why genuine Sufi masters are the heirs of the Prophet.
Islamic Calligraphy
Sheila S. Blair - 2006
Its author has carefully judged it to meet the demands not only of anyone interested in Arabic writing, but also of specialists. The Judges Panel agreed that this is a work of profound erudition and insight.'Now available in paperback, this stunning book is an important contribution to a key area of non-western art, being the first reference work on art of beautiful writing in Arabic script.The extensive use of writing is a hallmark of Islamic civilization. Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, became one of the main methods of artistic expression from the seventh century to the present in almost all regions from the far Maghrib, or Islamic West, to India and beyond. Arabic script was adopted for other languages from Persian and Turkish to Kanembu and Malay. Sheila Blair's groundbreaking book explains this art form to modern readers and shows them how to identify, understand and appreciate its varied styles and modes. The book is designed to offer a standardized terminology for identifying and describing various styles of Islamic calligraphy, and to help Westerners appreciate why calligraphy has long been so important in Islamic civilization.The argument is enhanced by the inclusion of more than 150 colour illustrations, as well as over 100 black-and-white details that highlight the salient features of the individual scripts and hands. Examples are chosen from dated or datable examples with secure provenance, for the problem of forgeries and copies (both medieval and modern) is rampant. The illustrations are accompanied by detailed analyses telling the reader what to look for in determining both style and quality of script.This beautiful book is an ideal reference for anyone with an interest in Islamic art.
Multicultural Nationalism: Islamaphobia, Anglophobia, and Devolution
Asifa M. Hussain - 2006
Focusing specifically on post-devolution Scotland, and based on statistical analysis of over 1500 interviews, Hussain and Miller critically examine the challenges of Scotland's largest visible and invisible minorities: ethnic Pakistanis and English immigrants.
The Development of Islamic Ritual
G.R. Hawting - 2006
The focus is upon the rituals associated with the five "pillars of Islam": the credal formula, prayer, alms, fasting and pilgrimage.
Voices of Islam [Five Volumes] [5 Volumes]
Vincent J. Cornell - 2006
This set presents the diversity and richness of Islam, filling in the blanks and expanding our knowledge and understanding. Portraying Muslims in all their humanity and diversity balances the images that have bombarded society and presents the reader with a fuller and more accurate picture of the Islamic faith and what it means to live as a Muslim--in Muslim communities, and as part of a broader tapestry of pluralism in the nations of the world.What does it mean to share Muslim concerns? To experience Muslim spirituality? What is the difference between Sunni and Shiite sects? Why do Muslims pray so frequently? What is the reality of Muslim marriage and gender relations? What is the meaning of jihad and martyrdom to a practicing Muslim? What role do the arts and humanities play in modern Muslim life? How are Islamic children raised? These questions and others are answered in these volumes, which bring together Muslim voices from around the world, including men and women, scholars and laypersons, fundamentalists and progressives, and others from various cultural, political, and Islamic backgrounds. Personal experiences and poetry are included to illustrate the many different expressions of Islam.
The Path to Virtue: the Ethical Philosophy of al-Raghib al-Isfahani
Yasien Mohamed - 2006
Mohamed does far more than examine the ethical philosophy of al-Raghib al-Isfahani, he traces the origin, adoption and evolution of that thought over the centuries from ancient Greek thinkers through earlier Muslim philosophers, to al-Isfahani, and ultimately to al-Ghazali and Ibn Khaldun. Mohamed’s approach is methodical and rigorous. After establishing al-Isfahani’s place in the history of Islamic thought – between Miskawayh and al-Ghazali – through painstaking biographical research, he turns to an examination of every element that makes up al-Isfahani’s ethical system, devoting an independent chapter to each. These chapters are devoted to cosmology, epistemology, psychology, the virtues, justice, love and friendship, which are then followed by chapters expounding upon al-Isfahani’s economic and educational ethics.The book is completed with an annotated translation of the first chapter of al-Isfahani’s principal work in ethics, al-Dhari’ah ila Makarim al-Shari’ah. This is the first time that any portion of this book has been translated. - David Jalajel, King Saud University.
Where's the Soap?
Mohammed Jones - 2006
Beautifully printed, divinely bound, this book is a must-have for any collector of prophet-themed cartoons.
The Druze and Their Faith in Tawhid
Anis I. Obeid - 2006
Veiled from the outside world, the religious tenets have been vulnerable to distortion, misunderstanding, and misrepresentation. In this book Dr. Anis Obeid, a Druze layman, provides a penetrating analysis of Druze scriptures and beliefs (Tawhid). Presenting a chronological narrative of the foundation and development of the faith, he explains the historical conditions and religious rationale behind this closed religion.The Druze faith is the product of Abrahamic monotheism as it coalesced with other philosophies, belief systems, and political structures of the West and the East and, as Obeid maintains, should be recognized for its core monotheism, and not fundamentally different from Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. He argues convincingly, with examples and translations from the Druze scriptures, only now accessible to a non-initiate public, that Tawhid is a progressive and dynamic spiritual process based on freedom of choice. This rich exploration of their faith, the author's appeal for a sincere cultural dialogue will resonate with a wide audience in the West and in the Middle East.
The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi
Ayman Shihadeh - 2006
A complex picture emerges, across his philosophical, theological, ethical and juristic works, of a consistent and multi-layered ethical theory. Al-R'z' departs from classical Ash'ar' divine command ethics to develop both a consequentialist ethics of action, which seriously rivals Mu'tazili deontological ethics, and a perfectionist ethics of character. Within the latter framework, he sets out his later, teleological theory of prophecy. The volume includes the text, published for the first time, of one of al-R'z's latest and most fascinating works, "Censure of the Pleasures of This World," which expresses pronounced moral and epistemological pessimism.
God: A User's Guide
Sean Moncrieff - 2006
- Ethiopians, not Jews, are the real chosen people. - A religion in Iran predicted the Virgin Birth, hundreds of years before Christ. - Abraham was an Iraqi. - Lenin was a Saint. - Worms have souls. - There’s no such thing as the Holy Trinity. - All religions are the same. These are not conspiracy theories – but the genuine beliefs of the some of the world’s major religions. In God: A Users’ Guide, broadcaster Sean Moncrieff takes us through the history and development of the twenty largest religions in the world – in the process demonstrating that the truth is far more compelling than the fictional accounts. In the name of religion, millions have been killed, and millions have been saved. Political dynasties have been built on the back of religious belief, or been destroyed because of them. The history of religion is one of tyranny, betrayal, sacrifice, generosity and faith: where the same ‘facts’ have often brought believers to dramatically different conclusions. From religions which have a multiplicity of Gods, to religions which have no God at all, God: A Users’ Guide demonstrates how the vast majority of the world’s religions did not develop in isolation, but were influenced by already existing belief systems. We have far more in common than you might think.
The Political Traditions Of Mohammed
Center for the Study of Political Islam - 2006
Mohammed�s speech and actions are called the sunna and are recorded in the Traditions (the Hadith). The Traditions are more important in the daily practice and world-view of a Muslim than the Koran. Without the Traditions there can be no Islam. There is no subject so great or small that is not covered. Ethics, jihad, sex, slavery, art and everyday habits are all given in great detail. The Traditions are a tactical manual of Islamic politics and are a key to understanding Islam. Islam is a political system, a culture and a religion based upon the Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (the Traditions). The Islamic Trilogy series integrates the three primary sources to give the entire Islamic political doctrine�the treatment of non-Muslims. The Trilogy is authoritative and fact-based. All statements can be confirmed by the use of reference numbers. The knowledge is integrated�all of the primary sources are used to give the complete picture of Islam�s political doctrine.
The Biography of Imam Sufyan Ibn 'Uyaynah
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2006
He was the rare and unique scholar of his age, and he was a torch for the Sunnah and a proof upon the Ummah, may Allah Have mercy upon him.
Rebel Between Spirit and Law: Ahmad Zarruq, Sainthood, and Authority in Islam
Scott Alan Kugle - 2006
It analyzes the power generated in religious communities through their allegiance to saints, a power usually identified with the term "Sufism." In the late 15th and 16th centuries, a community of Sufis in Fes (Fez), Morocco, and other urban centers in North Africa advocated this paradigm of sainthood during a time of intense political and religious crisis. Juridical sainthood, a concept that fuses Islamic legal rectitude and devotional piety, was the center of their reformist agenda. The juridical saint was to be absorbed in legal training and religious values, in ways that questioned political loyalty and dynastic legitimacy. Scott A. Kugle explores this tradition by focusing on the life and writings of Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq. Following his exile from Fes, Zarruq traveled widely over North Africa, spreading his teachings and writings and attracting followers from Morocco to Mecca. The life and teachings of Zarruq remain useful for Muslims. They are a piece of the past that present-day Muslims are rediscovering and redeploying to reconcile Islam's heritage with its very troubled post-colonial present.
Is the Injeel Corrupted?
Fouad Masri - 2006
But somewhere along the line, we began viewing the New Testament as unreliable and unimportant for Muslims to read and obey.Is the Injeel Corrupted? tackles a critical question for all those who love the truth and submit to God. Can the present-day Injeel be trusted? Should believers read and follow its teachings?Uncover the truth about the New Testament as we consider the question: "Is the Injeel corrupted?"
The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an
Andrew Rippin - 2006
The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an is a reader's guide, a true companion for anyone who wishes to read and understand the Qur'an as a text and as a vital piece of Muslim life.Comprises over 30 original essays by leading scholars Provides exceptionally broad coverage - considering the structure, content and rhetoric of the Qur'an; how Muslims have interpreted the text and how they interact with it; and the Qur'an's place in Islam Features notes, an extensive bibliography, indexes of names, Qur'an citations, topics, and technical terms
Initiating and Upholding an Islamic Marriage
Hedaya Hartford - 2006
Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World
Gregory M. Davis - 2006
This widely circulated claim is false. Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against the World demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government. Further, it shows that the jihadis that Westerners have been indoctrinated to believe are extremists, are actually in the mainstream.
Pioneers of Islamic Scholarship
Adil Salahi - 2006
This work summarizes the thought of ten key personalities whose influence encompasses the vast majority of Muslims living today, whilst also describing their life, personality, and the civilization in which they lived.
My Advice to the Women
Umm 'Abdillaah al-Waadi'iyyah - 2006
All praises are for Allaah and may the salutations and the du’aa of salaams be upon the Prophet and I bear witness that no deity has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, having no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.Indeed the brother, Abul Layth, has performed the task of translating My Advice to the Women [Darul-Hadeeth edition] into the English language so that those who do not know the ‘Arabic language are able to benefit from the book. I truly advise the non-‘ Arabic speaking women, those who seek the correct methodology, in which there is no crookedness, to devote their attention to gaining the ‘Arabic language and understanding of it in order that they may gain understanding of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet , for the are both authentic, free from doubt and deviance and misguidance.There is no way of knowing this except by studying the ‘Arabic language, for indeed the Qur’aan and the Sunnah are both ‘Arabic as Allaah has said,“An ‘Arabic Qur’aan without crookedness so that you may become of those who fear [Allaah].” [Sooratuz-Zumar 39:28]And He has said,“And verily it is most certainly Revelation from the Lord of all that exists. The trustworthy spirit [Jibreel] descended with it upon your heart so that you can be of the warners in a clear ‘Arabic language.” [Sooratush-Shu’araa 26:192-195]And as Allaah I has said,“Verily we descended it as an ‘Arabic Qur’aan, so that you may understand.” [Soorah Yoosuf 12:2]And as Allaah I has said,“Verily We made it an ‘Arabic Qur’aan so that you can understand.” [Sooratuz- Zukhruf 43:3]And it should be known that the ‘Arabic language is superior over all other languages, however in light of this many of the sons and daughters of the Muslims today shun away from it (i.e. the ‘Arabic language) choosing to follow the ways of the West. This is surely one of the signs from the signs of prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad. He has indeed informed us that his nation would follow the Jews and the Christians. He said this as a warning to his nation from following the ways of the kuffaar, not in support of that action.Therefore, be conscious of this, may Allaah grant you success. And all praises belong to Allaah, the Lord of the ‘Aalameen.
The Book of Nature: A Sourcebook of Spiritual Perspectives on Nature and the Environment
Camille Helminski - 2006
Each chapter is introduced with a passage from the Qur’an and followed by pieces that highlight the human role in maintaining balance in the world. Selections range from poems to short essays and cover topics such as unity, interdependence, communication, the four elements, diversity, and wonder. Including contributions from Muhammad Asad, Alain de Botton, Thomas Berry, Guy Eaton, Seyyid Hossein Nasr, and Vanda Shiva, these reminders of the power of the Divine Order allow for a deeper appreciation of the interdependence of life and nature.
Fulcrum of Evil: CIA, ISI, Al Qaeda Nexus
Maloy Krishna Dhar - 2006
More than a decade later, people continue to be surprised at the layered and complex nature of the War on Terror, where our allies are often not what they seem, and elements of the Pakistani establishment and Inter Services Intelligence are actively helping Al Qaeda and the Taliban against US forces. In this brutally honest and incisive book, Dhar, a career Intelligence Operator who has grappled first hand against Islamic terror long before US readers became aware of the threat they posed, lays bare the unholy nexus between the ISI, Islamic fundamentalists and elements within the Central Intelligence Agency. A nexus that has perhaps cost thousands of innocent lives throughout the world. Fulcrum of Evil is essential reading for anyone who wants to go beyond the headlines fed to us by an ignorant and sometimes complicit mainstream media and to learn about the true background behind the War on Terror that is being waged in the name of freedom.ABOUT THE AUTHORMaloy Krishna Dhar began life as a journalist and a teacher, but ended up spending more than thirty years as an officer in India’s Intelligence Bureau, retiring as its Joint Director. During his highly decorated career, he handled the sensitive Pakistan and Counter-terror desks, where he got a first-hand exposure to fighting the specter of Islamic terror that many Western readers were to remain blissfully unaware of till the tragic events of 9/11. After his retirement, he went back to his original love, and became a bestselling author and a recognized and highly respected authority on security matters. He passed away in May 2012, and his son, bestselling author Mainak Dhar, is now bringing his work to readers worldwide. Learn more about Maloy’s remarkable life and work at
Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the Us
Steven Emerson - 2006
The Project assists the White House, the FBI, the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, and other government departments with counterterrorism activities. Together with a staff of experts, Executive Director Steven Emerson has compiled this thorough factual overview of the Islamist terrorist threat to the United States. Unlike The 9/11 Commission Report, which was focused mainly on the retrospective analysis of al Qaeda activities leading up to the attack of September 11, 2001, Jihad Incorporated provides an in-depth examination of radical terrorist organizations and their financial support networks operating in the United States and abroad. Divided into three sections, the work first sets the stage for the current situation by reviewing the lessons learned from previous terrorist plots and attacks both within our borders and against American interests abroad. Emerson and colleagues profile key players in the terrorist network and describe their various criminal activities before and since 9/11. The second section analyzes organizations in the Middle East besides al Qaeda that have established ties in the United States: Hamas, Hizballah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and radical groups in Pakistan. The third section analyzes the subtle, wide-ranging support system for terrorist activities that exists within our own borders: charities and foundations that secretly solicit for terror; the complex corporate web of companies, charities, and nonprofit corporations known as the SAAR Network; mosques that provide cover for terrorists; the use of the Internet for terrorist communication; and lobbying efforts by Muslim American organizations to influence the top echelons of the federal government. In a dangerous age, this is an important book for all Americans to read.
Why Not Cover Your Modesty
ʻAbdul Ḥameed Al-Balali - 2006
Both, the Qur’an and the Sunnah have specific directives regarding the veiling of women (and even the appropriate dress for men). However, the influence of western and atheistic cultures has had great impact, attempting to infuse its norms on the Muslim lands. The very concept of Hijab has been under attack, singled out for criticism. This small book addresses the importance of the Islamic concept of Hijab and how it seeks to honour women and protect the family unit. The author quotes from the Qur’an and the Sunnah to support Hijab. He also critically appraises the dangerous outcome of the unveiling campaign in the so-called free societies in the east and the west.
Fasting, Taraweeh & Zakah
محمد بن صالح العثيمين - 2006
The first and third of them are pillars of Islam, and obligatory; the second is supererogatory, or optional and recommended.This booklet by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sâlih al-‘Uthaymeen shows both the wisdom implied in the prescription of these acts and the benefits resulting from their performance. In order to grasp both aspects and improve your practice of these beautiful acts of worship, you are invited and advised to read this booklet. Allah willing, you will find that the regular practice of these three approaches to Allah’s pleasure will make your life much better in this world and in the hereafter.
Mohammed and the Unbelievers
Cspi - 2006
In one of the great stories of history, Mohammed went from being an orphan to the first ruler of all Arabia. Battles, raids, torture, deception, slavery, assassinations, heroes, secret agents, and religion all figure in his glorious triumph. Mohammed was the world's supreme master of war. Poetry, passion, culture, immigration, history, sex, ethics, economics, Paradise and Hell were all used to define a new form of war-jihad. This is an epic story and sacred text and a part of the Islamic Trilogy Series. Islam is a political system, a culture and a religion based upon the Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (the Traditions of Mohammed). The Islamic Trilogy series integrates the three primary sources to give the entire Islamic political doctrine-the treatment of non-Muslims. The Trilogy is authoritative and fact-based. All statements can be confirmed by the use of reference numbers. The knowledge is integrated-all of the primary sources are used to give the complete picture of Islam's political doctrine.
How To Become The Happiest Muslim Woman On Earth
عائض القرني - 2006
We are all looking for an escape from Worry, stress and Depression', This Book may just have the answers for you. 'I have made this book like a jewel with which to adorn yourself' This is the UK Published Paperback version of the ôYou can be the Happiest Woman in the Worldö By al-Qarni. This book implores the Muslim woman to be pleased wither religion, to enjoy AllahÆs Grace upon her and take pleasure in the blessing bestowed upon her. This book is a sign of hope and glad tidings to every woman whose heart has been depressed and her worries increased. It urges her to look forward to ease after hardship; it addresses her purified soul, her chaste heart and her pure spirit and says to her: be patient and anticipate your reward from Allah; do not lose hope or despair of the Mercy of Allah; be optimistic, for Allah is with you; He is all sufficient for you; He is your only Protector and Supporter. Dear Sister read this book where you will find clear Verses of the Quran. True Hadiths, inspiring stories, sound ideas and rightly guided experiences. Read this book in order to chase away your worries and concerns. Study its volume to help you cleanse your mind from all aspects of illusions and devilish whispers. This book will rather guide you towards the gardens of happiness and the land of faith, in the hope that Allah makes you happy both in this life and in the Hereafter. 'For them there is the glad tiding [of happiness] in the life of this world and in the life to come; [and since] nothing could ever alter [the outcome of] Allah's promises, this, this is the triumph supreme!' {TMQur'an An-Nasr 10:64}
Zheng He (Discovery)
Michael Yamashita - 2006
With his fleet of hundreds of junks, he traveled from Southeast Asia to Africa, from India to the Middle East, gathering riches, scientific knowledge, fame, and power for his emperor. He came close to conquering the world, until the Ming Dynasty's power shriveled and the explorer's accomplishments were all but forgotten. More than six centuries after his first voyage, acclaimed photographer Michael Yamashita restores the deeds of the "Forgotten Admiral" to their rightful place in history. In this compelling tribute to Zheng He, Yamashita traces each of his journeys and pays homage to the impressive achievements of this explorer whose feats equal or surpass those of other better-known explorers. In a meticulous visual recreation that has become his signature style, Yamashita presents the details of each voyage, chronicling the interactions and commercial exchanges, and documenting, through his exceptional photographs, the diverse locales Zheng He discovered in nearly three decades of intense exploration.
A Sufi-Jewish Dialogue: Philosophy and Mysticism in Bahya ibn Paquda's "Duties of the Heart"
Diana Lobel - 2006
Readers who know the book primarily in its Hebrew version have likely lost sight of the work's original Arabic context and its immersion in Islamic mystical literature. In A Sufi-Jewish Dialogue, Diana Lobel explores the full extent to which Duties of the Heart marks the flowering of the "Jewish-Arab symbiosis," the interpenetration of Islamic and Jewish civilizations.Lobel reveals Bahya as a maverick who integrates abstract negative theology, devotion to the inner life, and an intimate relationship with a personal God. Bahya emerges from her analysis as a figure so steeped in Islamic traditions that an Arabic reader could easily think he was a Muslim, yet the traditional Jewish seeker has always looked to him as a fountainhead of Jewish devotion. Indeed, Bahya represents a genuine bridge between religious cultures. He brings together, as well, a rationalist, philosophical approach and a strain of Sufi mysticism, paving the way for the integration of philosophy and spirituality in the thought of Moses Maimonides.A Sufi-Jewish Dialogue is the first scholarly book in English about a tremendously influential work of medieval Jewish thought and will be of interest to readers working in comparative literature, philosophy, and religious studies, particularly as reflected in the interplay of the civilizations of the Middle East. Readers will discover an extraordinary time when Jewish, Christian, and Islamic thinkers participated in a common spiritual quest, across traditions and cultural boundaries.
A Short History of Islam
S.E. Al-Djazairi - 2006
The Mission of the Messenger (Mercy to the Worlds) accompanied by the Qur'an (Guides to that which is most right) has made a unique difference to the life of man. It transformed him from an ignorant being to a learned one. How did Islam arrive, and what were the first important events of Islamic history? Was Islam spread by the sword? What happened to the millions of Muslims in Spain? These and many other questions are answered in this book. Islamic History, however, like other subjects related to Islam, has been written by, and taught from, non Muslim sources. This has led to a considerable number of misconceptions and distortions. This book seeks to reclaim Islamic history from such distortions.
Ibn Ashur: Treatise On Maqāṣid al-Shariʻah
Muhammad al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur - 2006
The publication of this translation of Shaikh Ibn Ashur s Treatise on Maqasid al-Shari ah is a breakthrough in studies on Islamic law in the English language. In this book, Ibn Ashur proposed Maqasid as a methodology for the renewal of the theory of Islamic law, which has not undergone any serious development since the era of the great imams. Ibn Ashur quite courageously also addressed the sensitive topic of the intents/Maqasid of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) behind his actions and decisions. He introduced criteria to differentiate between the Prophetic traditions that were meant to be part of Islamic law and the Prophetic actions/ sayings that were meant to be for the sake of specific purposes such as political leadership, court judgment, friendly advice, and conflict resolution. But Ibn Ashur s most significant contribution in this book has been the development of new Maqasid by coining new, contemporary, terminology that were never formulated in traditional usul al-fiqh. For example, Ibn Ashur developed the theory of the preservation of lineage into the preservation of the family system , the protection of true belief into freedom of beliefs , etc. He also introduced the concepts of orderliness , natural disposition , freedom , rights , civility , and equality as Maqasid in their own right, and upon which the whole Islamic law is based. This development opens great opportunities for Islamic law to address current and real challenges for Muslim societies and Muslim minorities.
Muslim Diaspora: Gender, Culture and Identity
Haideh Moghissi - 2006
They show how religious identity in diaspora is mediated by many other factors such as:Gender Class Ethnic origin National status A central aim is to understand Diaspora as an agent of social and cultural change, particularly in its transformative impact on women. Throughout, the book advances a more nuanced understanding of the notions of ethnicity, difference and rights. It makes an important contribution to understanding the complex processes of formation and adoption of transnational identities and the challenging contradictions of a world that is being rapidly globalized in economic and political terms, and yet is increasingly localized and differentiated, ethically and culturally.Muslim Diaspora includes contributions from outstanding scholars and is an invaluable text for students in sociology, anthropology, geography, cultural studies, Islamic studies, women's studies as well as the general reader.