Book picks similar to
Black Book Volume 3, Part Ii: The Black Symphony, Second Movement by Christopher S. Hyatt
Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
M. Mitchell Waldrop - 1992
The science of complexity studies how single elements, such as a species or a stock, spontaneously organize into complicated structures like ecosystems and economies; stars become galaxies, and snowflakes avalanches almost as if these systems were obeying a hidden yearning for order. Drawing from diverse fields, scientific luminaries such as Nobel Laureates Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow are studying complexity at a think tank called The Santa Fe Institute. The revolutionary new discoveries researchers have made there could change the face of every science from biology to cosmology to economics. M. Mitchell Waldrop's groundbreaking bestseller takes readers into the hearts and minds of these scientists to tell the story behind this scientific revolution as it unfolds.
The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - 2008
This introduction to the Western esoteric traditionsoffers a concise overview of their historical development.Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke explores these traditions, from their roots in Hermeticism, Neo-Platonism, and Gnosticism in the early Christian era up to their reverberations in today's scientific paradigms. While the study of Western esotericism is usually confined to the history of ideas, Goodrick-Clarke examines the phenomenon much more broadly. He demonstrates that, far from being a strictly intellectual movement, the spread of esotericism owes a great deal to geopolitics and globalization. In Hellenistic culture, for example, the empire of Alexander the Great, which stretchedacross Egypt and Western Asia to provinces in India, facilitated a mixing of Eastern and Western cultures. As the Greeks absorbed ideas from Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia, they gave rise to the first esoteric movements.From the late sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, post-Reformation spirituality found expression in theosophy, Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. Similarly, in the modern era, dissatisfaction with the hegemony of science in Western culture and a lack of faith in traditional Christianity ledthinkers like Madame Blavatsky to look East for spiritual inspiration. Goodrick-Clarke further examines Modern esoteric thought in the light of new scientific and medical paradigms along with the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. This book traces the complete history of these movements andis the definitive account of Western esotericism.
Karma-Yoga & Bhakti-Yoga
Vivekananda - 1955
Karma-Yoga - the path of selfless action) and by sublimating human affection into divine love (i.e. Bhakti-Yoga - the path of divine love). Karma-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga, along with Jnna-Yoga and Rja-Yoga, are considered classics and outstanding treatises on Hindu philosophy. Swami Vivekananda's deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, and broad human sympathy shine forth in these works and offer inspiration to all spiritual seekers.
Coaching the Mental Game: Leadership Philosophies and Strategies for Peak Performance in Sports--And Everyday Life
H.A. Dorfman - 2001
Author H.A. Dorfman details appropriate coaching strategies aimed at perfecting the player's mental approach to performance. Coaching the Mental Game will become the Bible for coaches who strive to make their athletes the most complete performers possible. Not only a wonderful asset to athletic coaches, this book will also prove to be a motivational resource for workers in all industries as well as in the game of life.
Magic in Your Mind
Uell Stanley Andersen - 1940
Many people have locked themselves in prisons of their own making because they have been unsuccessful. The Magic in Your Mind teaches the magic by which men become free and begin to grow into the image of the secret self.Perfect action and perfect works stem from an inner conviction of the mental cause behind all things. A man changes the state of his outer world by first changing the state of his inner world. Everything that comes to him from outside is the result of his own consciousness. When he changes that consciousness he alters his perception and thus the world he sees. By understanding the process and effect of mental imagery, he goes directly along the correct path to his goal.
The Art of Thinking
Allen F. Harrison - 1982
Learning to distinguish and choose the right style of thinking is an art that can enhance success, help achieve goals and influence others.
Postmodern Magic: The Art of Magic in the Information Age
Patrick Dunn - 2005
Approaching magical practice from an information paradigm, Patrick Dunn provides a unique and contemporary perspective on an ancient practice. Imagination, psychology, and authority-the most basic techniques of magic-are introduced first. From there, Dunn teaches all about symbol systems, magical artifacts, sigils, spirits, elementals, languages, and magical journeys, and explains their significance in magical practice. There are also exercises for developing magic skills, along with techniques for creating talismans, glamours, servitors, divination decks, modern defixios, and your own astral temple. Dunn also offers tips on aura detection, divination, occult networking, and conducting your own magic research.
The Complete Picatrix: The Occult Classic of Astrological Magic Liber Atratus Edition
Maslama Al-Majriti
With all four books of the Latin Picatrix complete in one volume, translated & annotated by the noted scholars, magicians and astrologers John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopedic work with over 300 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic. Greer & Warnock’s complete translation is lucid and well annotated. Renaissance Astrology & Adocentyn Press have released the complete Picatrix in a variety of different editions, including the Liber Atratus and Liber Rubeus editions. All editions contain the same basic text, but add additional variant passages, either from the Arabic Picatrix or authors cited, but not found in the Latin Picatrix. The Liber Atratus edition adds a passage on poisons from Ibn Washiyya’s Book of Poisons.
The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes & The Kybalion: Two Classic Books on Hermetic Philosophy
Hermes Trismegistus - 2008
Traveling home with the Crusaders, this seminal work is alleged to be written by Hermes Trismegistus-Thoth. The work deeply influenced Western Magick, and the tenets presented influence modern magick to this day. The Kybalion was first published by The Yogi Publication Society of the Masonic Temple in Chicago in 1912. The authors of The Kybalion chose to remain anonymous, because the principles and philosophy are a summation of theTimeless Wisdom and Truth of the Hemetic Philosophy.
A Blue Fire
James Hillman - 1989
A vitally important introduction to the theories of one of the most original thinkers in psychology today, A Blue Fire gathers selected passages from many of Hillman's seminal essays on archetypal psychology.
In the Shadow of the Shaman: Connecting with Self, Nature, and Spirit
Amber Wolfe - 2002
This guide to shamanism--filled with examples of guided journeys, secrets of shamanic divination, visualization techniques, healing practices, spells, rituals, and recipes--provides all one needs to begin dancing in the shadow of the shaman.
Druid Plant Oracle (Book & Card Pack)
Philip Carr-Gomm - 2007
This stunning deck of thirty six cards presents many of the most significant plants and describes their associated folklore and mythology. Will Worthington's rich images depict each plant in its natural habitat in exquisite detail, alongside closely associated plants, trees, animals and symbolism. Philip and Stephanie Carr Gomm's text describes the virtues and qualities of each species, and shows how the cards can be used as an oracle to gain wisdom, guidance and inspiration. Boxed set: 144pp book, 36 colour illus. cards, 160mm x 215mm, 2007
Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult
Richard MetzgerDaniel Pinchbeck - 2003
Just as Russ Kick's Guides focusing on secrets and lies from the mainstream media, government, and other establishment institutions rethought what a political science book could look like and whom it would appeal to, Book of Lies redefines occult anthologies, packaging and presenting a huge array of magical essays for a pop culture audience. Just some of the contents:An introduction by comics genius Grant Morrison, who also contributes a threepart article on Pop Magick.Mark Pesce, author of The Playful World, compares computer programming and spellcasting.Genesis POrridge, father of Industrial Music and Rave culture explains how samples in a rave song can have magical consequences.Paul Laffoley discusses his magical artistic strategies (Metzger compares Laffoley to Merlin the Magician).Magical Thinking--an extended excerpt from Daniel Pinchbeck's Breaking Open the Head.William Burroughs and the occult.Nevill Drury, Australia's most noted occult writer, tells of Dion Fortune, Austin Spare, and Rosaleen Norton.Why Does Aleister Crowley Still Matter?Donald Tyson's "The Enochian Apocalypse Working." Were the seeds of the end of the world sown in the Elizabethan era?.The first ever biographical essay on Marjorie Cameron, the fascinating character from Los Angeles' occult and beatnik scene.Hitler and the occult--Peter Levenda interview by Tracy Twyman.Robert Temple on how his book The Sirius Mystery's, controversial thesis (for which he was ridiculed) was proven by the Hubble telescope twentyfive years late.An exclusive Anton LaVey interview by Michael Moynihan, author of bestselling book Lords of Chaos.Erik Davis, author of Techgnosis, looks at H. P. Lovecraft's Magick Realism.
Shakespeare's Freedom (Rice University Campbell Lecture)
Stephen Greenblatt - 2010
With the elegance and verve for which he is well known, Stephen Greenblatt, author of the best-selling Will in the World, shows that Shakespeare was strikingly averse to such absolutes and constantly probed the possibility of freedom from them. Again and again, Shakespeare confounds the designs and pretensions of kings, generals, and churchmen. His aversion to absolutes even leads him to probe the exalted and seemingly limitless passions of his lovers.Greenblatt explores this rich theme by addressing four of Shakespeare’s preoccupations across all the genres in which he worked. He first considers the idea of beauty in Shakespeare’s works, specifically his challenge to the cult of featureless perfection and his interest in distinguishing marks. He then turns to Shakespeare’s interest in murderous hatred, most famously embodied in Shylock but seen also in the character Bernardine in Measure for Measure. Next Greenblatt considers the idea of Shakespearean authority—that is, Shakespeare’s deep sense of the ethical ambiguity of power, including his own. Ultimately, Greenblatt takes up Shakespearean autonomy, in particular the freedom of artists, guided by distinctive forms of perception, to live by their own laws and to claim that their creations are singularly unconstrained.A book that could only have been written by Stephen Greenblatt, Shakespeare’s Freedom is a wholly original and eloquent meditation by the most acclaimed and influential Shakespearean of our time.