The Book of Questions

Gregory Stock - 1985
    Ask your parents. Ask someone you hardly know. THE BOOK OF QUESTIONS gives you permission to ask those things that are too bold, too embarrassing, or just too difficult to ask by yourself. You will find questions of integrity; of sex; of what you would do for money; even things too personal to talk about out loud.Whether you use it as a tool for self-discovery or as a provocative way to stimulate conversation, this book constantly challenges attitudes, orals, beliefs--and it challenges you.--back cover

Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders

Richard P. Halgin - 1998
    In Richard Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne’s Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, students are shown the human side of Abnormal Psychology. Through the wide

Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach

Curt R. Bartol - 1980
    Viewing the juvenile and adult offender as being embedded and continually influenced by multiple systems, it highlights how psychological, social, economic, political and ecological factors all play a role in influencing individual behavior. Streamlined in this edition, it offers a separate chapter on delinquency, updated examples and more on the link between psychology and specific crimes.

Becoming a Master Student

Dave Ellis - 2006
    With over 150 less pages than the full edition and 2 fewer chapters, BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT: CONCISE contains the key features and tools of the bigger version, such as interactive journaling, a motivational writing style, the Discovery Wheel, Discovery and Intention Journal Entries, Power Process articles, Master Student Profiles, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI), that have helped traditional students and adult learners alike to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and practice academic and life skills. In this latest edition, students will discover that study skills are really life skills with the renewed emphasis on the master student qualities throughout the book. Students will be challenged to apply the master student qualities to new Practicing Critical Thinking exercises and planning for a career by building an effective resume and learning interviewing strategies they can practice while in college.

Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy

Irvin D. Yalom - 1989
    Yalom uncovers the mysteries, frustrations, pathos, and humor at the heart of the therapeutic encounter. In recounting his patients' dilemmas, Yalom not only gives us a rare and enthralling glimpse into their personal desires and motivations but also tells us his own story as he struggles to reconcile his all-too human responses with his sensibility as a psychiatrist. Not since Freud has an author done so much to clarify what goes on between a psychotherapist and a patient.

Foundations in Microbiology

Kathleen Park Talaro - 1992
    It uses a taxonomic approach for the study of pathogens.

Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft

Janet Burroway - 1987
    A bestseller through six editions, Writing Fiction by novelists Janet Burroway and Elizabeth Stuckey-French explores the elements of fiction, providing practical writing techniques and concrete examples. Written in a tone that is personal and non-prescriptive, the text encourages students to develop proficiency through each step of the writing process, offering an abundance of exercises designed to spur writing and creativity. The text also integrates diverse, contemporary short stories in every chapter in the belief that the reading of inspiring fiction goes hand-in-hand with the writing of fresh and exciting stories.

Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are

Sebastian Seung - 2012
    Is it in our genes? The structure of our brains? Our genome may determine our eye color and even aspects of our personality. But our friendships, failures, and passions also shape who we are. The question is: how?Sebastian Seung, a dynamic professor at MIT, is on a quest to discover the biological basis of identity. He believes it lies in the pattern of connections between the brain’s neurons, which change slowly over time as we learn and grow. The connectome, as it’s called, is where our genetic inheritance intersects with our life experience. It’s where nature meets nurture.Seung introduces us to the dedicated researchers who are mapping the brain’s connections, neuron by neuron, synapse by synapse. It is a monumental undertaking—the scientific equivalent of climbing Mount Everest—but if they succeed, it could reveal the basis of personality, intelligence, memory, and perhaps even mental disorders. Many scientists speculate that people with anorexia, autism, and schizophrenia are "wired differently," but nobody knows for sure. The brain’s wiring has never been clearly seen.In sparklingly clear prose, Seung reveals the amazing technological advances that will soon help us map connectomes. He also examines the evidence that these maps will someday allow humans to "upload" their minds into computers, achieving a kind of immortality.Connectome is a mind-bending adventure story, told with great passion and authority. It presents a daring scientific and technological vision for at last understanding what makes us who we are. Welcome to the future of neuroscience.

Human Physiology: From Cells To Systems

Lauralee Sherwood - 1962
    Author Lauralee Sherwood has streamlined physiological study without dumbing it down by organizing the material around one central human process: homeostasis. In addition to the easy-to-understand text, Sherwood ties physiological study to real world scenarios in fields like pathophysiology and clinical physiology. Plus, it includes PhysioEdge, the most powerful CD-ROM you can get. PhysioEdge2 is packed with tutorials and fast access to answers. And Personal Tutor with SMARTHINKING (access to a live online human physiology tutor) and InfoTrac (an online university library that will save you a trek across campus), HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: FROM CELLS TO SYSTEMS is the text you need to succeed in physiology class and get ready for health-related careers.

Management: Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World

Thomas S. Bateman - 2005
    This text discusses and explains the traditional, functional approach to management, through planning, organising, leading and controlling.

A Short History of Myth

Karen Armstrong - 2005
    She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the “Great Western Transformation” of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. The history of myth is the history of humanity, our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand the world, which link us to our ancestors and each other. Heralding a major series of retellings of international myths by authors from around the world, Armstrong’s characteristically insightful and eloquent book serves as a brilliant and thought-provoking introduction to myth in the broadest sense—and explains why if we dismiss it, we do so at our peril.

My Grammar and I... Or Should That Be Me?: How to Speak and Write It Right

Caroline Taggart - 2008
    Avoid Grammatical Minefields with this Entertaining GuideConfused about when to use "its" or "it's" or the correct spelling of "principal" and "principle"? My Grammar and I...or Should That Be me? is a refresher course for anyone who has ever been stumped by spelling confusion, dangling modifiers, split infinities, or for those who have no idea what these things even are.Clever, informative, and fun, this delightful little handbook offers practical and humorous guidance on how to avoid falling into language pitfalls.* Sentence Structure: Let's ponder the subject or object: Is it "I" or is it "me"?* Parts of Speech: "whose" or "who's"? "which" or "that"?* Punctuation: So where does that comma go, anyway?* Spelling and Confusables: There are times when the spelling "rules" confuse.* Elements of Style: You'll find there's lots more to know about grammar.* ...and for grammar know-it-alls, there are entertaining "Smart Aleck" tidbits throughout.

Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures

Raymond G. Miltenberger - 1996
    Case studies and examples illustrate key principles.

Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression

Frederick K. Goodwin - 1990
    Hailed as the most outstanding book in the biomedical sciences when it was originally published in 1990, Manic-Depressive Illness was the first to survey this massive body of evidence comprehensively and to assess its meaning for both clinician and scientist. It also vividly portrayed the experience of manic-depressive illness from the perspective of patients, their doctors, and researchers. Encompassing an understanding about the illness as Kraeplin conceived of it- about its cyclical course and about the essential unity of its bipolar and recurrent unipolar forms- the book has become the definitive work on the topic, revered by both specialists and nonspecialists alike. Now, in this magnificent second edition, Drs. Frederick Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison bring their unique contribution to mental health science into the 21st century. In collaboration with a team of other leading scientists, a collaboration designed to preserve the unified voice of the two authors, they exhaustively review the biological and genetic literature that has dominated the field in recent years and incorporate cutting-edge research conducted since publication of the first edition. They also update their surveys of psychological and epidemiological evidence, as well as that pertaining to diagnostic issues, course, and outcome, and they offer practical guidelines for differential diagnosis and clinical management. The medical treatment of manic and depressive episodes is described, strategies for preventing future episodes are given in detail, and psychotherapeutic issues common in this illness are considered. Special emphasis is given to fostering compliance with medication regimens and treating patients who abuse drugs and alcohol or who pose a risk of suicide. This book, unique in the way that it retains the distinct perspective of its authors while assuring the maximum in-depth coverage of a vastly expanded base of scientific knowledge, will be a valuable and necessary addition to the libraries of psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, clinical social workers, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and the patients and families who live with manic-depressive illness.

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

Edmund J. Bourne - 1990
    Packed with the most effective skills for assessing and treating anxiety, this workbook can be used alone or as a supplement to therapy to help you develop a full arsenal of skills for quieting worried thoughts and putting yourself back in control.This new edition has been thoroughly updated with the latest anxiety research and medications, and also includes new therapeutic techniques that have been proven effective for the treatment of anxiety and anxiety-related conditions. Each worksheet in this book will help you learn the skills you need to manage your anxiety and start living more freely than you ever thought possible. With this workbook, you'll learn a range of proven methods for overcoming anxiety, such as relaxation and breathing techniques, challenging negative self-talk and mistaken beliefs, and imagery and real-life desensitization. In addition, you will learn how to make lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise changes and cultivate skills for preventing and coping with and preventing panic attacks.