Happiness, Finders' Keepers

Mary Ellen Edmunds - 1999
    What is it, and where can it be found? Is it an ideal to be hoped for in the next life, or a reality to be sought here and now? "To me there was never a time when we had a greater need for happiness and for the peace, contentment, serenity, hope, gratitude, and joy that are part of it," writes Mary Ellen Edmunds. In Happiness: Finders, Keepers, she offers a wealth of practical, cheery, spirit-filled suggestions for living a happier life. Since our Father in Heaven's plan is "the great plan of happiness," and since one of the reasons for our very existence is that we "might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25), it's clear that we're meant to be happy right now, here, today! We can do so, even in the midst of trials, if we understand the true nature of this heavenly gift. "I am convinced that even with the heavy burdens, the awful injustices, and the tragedies in the world, there is happiness all around us," writes the author. "We must be the finders and the keepers — those who are aware of and who cherish this holy, abundant blessing." Overcoming stress, maintaining a sense of humor, remembering our blessings, feeling gratitude — these are just some of the paths to happiness discussed in this delightful book. Warm personal stories and solid insights from the scriptures and the words of Church leaders help shape our perspective. The message is one of hope: There are things we can do and feel that will make us almost instantly happier. As Mary Ellen says: "May we remember that we already chose the great plan of happiness, but we need to choose it again, hour after hour and day after day, through all our earthly experiences. . . . If we will, we can live happily ever after!"

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers

Maria Covey Cole - 2009
    And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1- First and Second Nephi

Joseph Fielding McConkie - 1987
    Naturally it is read with varying degrees of understanding. This suggests that most of us could benefit by some aid to that undrstanding. In offering such aid, this commentary focuses on the most significant aspect doctrine. This first volume covers First and Second Nephi, which contain a concentration of some of the most choice, beautiful doctrinal expressions in the entire record. Dividing the material into convenient topical sections, the book quotes the Book of Mormon verses in each case and gives a detailed commentary on them that not only reflects the authors own considerable scholarship and research but also quotes frequently from scriptures, from Joseph Smith, and from other authorities

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers

Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998

The Priesthood Power of Women: In the Temple, Church, and Family

Barbara Morgan Gardner - 2019
    Nelson recently voiced a concern that “too many of our brothers and sisters do not fully understand the concept of priesthood power and authority. I fear that too many of our brothers and sisters do not grasp the privileges that could be theirs.”Some are surprised to learn that priesthood authority, privileges, and power apply to women as well as men. On the other hand, many women feel undervalued, voiceless, and marginalized regarding the priesthood. Our limited understanding and frustration often stems from the priesthood being taught too narrowly.The Priesthood Power of Women relies on the standard works and teachings of the living prophets to help all members, especially women, more fully understand God's power and take full advantage of the powers, blessings, and privileges available to them in this mortal journey by clarifying truth regarding the priesthood, for both men and women. further expanding our knowledge of the priesthood, and strengthening and empowering us as we seek to better fulfill our priesthood responsibilities and make full use of priesthood privileges.

Spiritual Plateaus

Glenn L. Pace - 1991
    Sometimes we stay on one plateau thinking that is all we need to do, but if we can move forward toward the next plateau we would find that there is more to learn and more to do.

The John Bytheway Collection: 15-Year Anniversary Boxed Set

John Bytheway - 1997
    Inspire the whole family with these ten Bytheway favorites: -Whose Values Do You Values? - First Solo -Get an Attitude! -The Tour de Family -Turn Off the TV and Get a Life! -Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get Through Almost Anything -No-Brainers -Rough Start, Great Finish -Weed Your Brain, Grow Your Testimony -Righteous Warriors

LDS - The Family: A Proclamation to the World

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1995
    It was first announced by church president Gordon B. Hinckley at the worldwide General Relief Society Meeting on September 23, 1995.Doctrinal assertions * All human beings are created in God's image. * Gender is an essential part of human identity before, during, and after life on Earth. * "In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshiped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan..." * "Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples [of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally."Items of counsel * Sex is sacred and must only take place between a married man and woman. * Parents have a serious responsibility "to love and care for each other and for their children." * Happiness and success come through following the teachings of Jesus and through "faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." * "...fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." * "Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children." * "...fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."Warnings * Those who commit adultery or "abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God." * Disintegration of the family will bring "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets".For more information, visit our website at: StandardWorksApp.com/Kindle

Moving in His Majesty and Power

Neal A. Maxwell - 2004
    By that time he had little energy, but in the last weeks of his life, he was focused intently on two almost-consuming priorities: spending time with his family, including giving blessings to grandchildren who had not yet received one, and finishing his last manuscript. As these priorities exemplify, Neal A. Maxwell was a teacher. He loved the word of the Lord. He believed with the psalmist that the word of the Lord "is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105). He observed, "When one sees life and people through the lens of His gospel, then one can see forever" ( Ensign,  May 1974, 112). That perspective guided his life's work. Dad often said the gospel was inexhaustible, and his actions underscored that belief. The gospel was for him an endless source of truth and joy; he found the study of it invigorating. He taught it in his daily walk and talk and through his sermons and books. His desire to capture in words the insights and connections his perceptive mind noted stayed with him throughout his mortal life. At my father's funeral, President Gordon B. Hinckley noted: "I know of no other who spoke in such a distinctive and interesting way. When he opened his mouth we all listened. We came alive with expectation of something unusual, and we were never disappointed. . . . Each talk was a masterpiece, each book a work of art, worthy of repeated reading. I think we shall not see one like him again" ( Church News,  31 July 2004, 3). Moving in His Majesty and Power  is the last installment in Elder Maxwell's printed legacy. It includes, in revised form, three talks he gave in the last two years of his life and which he felt were worthy of publication. It also includes a section of succinct, penetrating gospel insights on a wide variety of topics, similar in format to that of his previous work, W hom the Lord Loveth. I hope you will enjoy this book. More importantly, though, I hope my father's objective in writing it will be achieved, namely, to help us resolve to become more committed disciples and to deepen our gratitude for the inexhaustible gospel he loved so deeply and proclaimed so tirelessly. Cory H. Maxwell

You Are Stronger than You Think: Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits You

Joel Osteen - 2021
    When you feel overwhelmed, like you can’t go on, He comes in and gives you special strength. Strength that you didn’t get on your own. Strength to move forward when you should be stuck, strength to overcome that hurdle, strength to outlast that opposition. You’re going to feel strength that you didn’t have, joy when you could be discouraged, and hope when you should be depressed. You’re going to have the power to endure, the favor to overcome, and the determination to outlast.He’s going to bring blessings, increase, favor, and healing that He’s already prepared. It’s going to be easier than you thought, and it’s going to happen sooner than you think. As you read You Are Stronger Than You Think, feel a power rising that you have never felt—a strength, a courage, a determination, a stamina. He won’t let you stay overwhelmed. You may feel that way at times, but that’s not how your story ends. You’re going to feel a strength that pushes you forward, a power to do what you couldn’t do before.​Believe and declare that you are strong, you are victorious, and you are able. You’re going to accomplish dreams bigger than you imagined, overcome obstacles that look insurmountable, and reach the fullness of your destiny!

The Doctrine and Covenants Made Easier: Part 1: Sections 1-42

David J. Ridges - 2004
    From beloved gospel scholar David Ridges, this valuable book contains the complete text of the Doctrine and Covenants, sections 1-42, including Brother Ridges's classic in-verse notes, and additional insights and commentary. Bring your family together and master latter-day scriptures with this helpful study companion.

Mary, Martha, And Me: Seeking the One Thing That Is Needful

Camille Fronk Olson - 2006
    We understand that Marthas are certainly useful and necessary, but it's usually Mary that gets the halo. Author Camille Fronk Olson brings unique insights and perspectives to the biblical story of two sisters, Mary and Martha, who serve Jesus in different ways. Exploring the mixed messages in daily life, she discusses the motives and focus that determine our choices and the problem of comparing our gifts and contributions to others. In her warm, engaging style, the author brings to light the lessons Mary and Martha learn from each other and the "one thing [that] is needful" for both.

The Heavens Are Open

Wendy Watson Nelson - 2019
    And He will speak to you, too.That is the powerful testimony of Sister Wendy W. Nelson, wife of President Russell M. Nelson, as she shares her personal witness of truths that will increase our capacity to receive and act on revelation from the heavens. In this volume, she offers a number of ideas for things we can do—and stop doing—in order to understand the Spirit’s direction more clearly.“All I have witnessed, all I have experienced tells me that our Father wants to communicate with each one of His children and will do so commensurate with our desire and earnest seeking,” writes Sister Nelson. This remarkable book will help readers learn how to open that door.

Forget Me Not

Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 2012
    Uchtdorf reminds us of five things we will be wise to never forget:To be patient with ourselvesTo distinguish between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrificeTo be happy nowTo focus on the “why” of the gospelTo know that the Lord loves each of us infinitely.

When You Can't Do It Alone

Brent L. Top - 2008
    But what happens when you experience challenges and difficulties that leave you so spiritually exhausted that you can't see God's hand in your life? As a newly called mission president for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, author Brent L. Top experienced a severe emotional and spiritual crisis. Desperate for help, he discovered that knowing where to turn is not enough; we must allow the Savior to rescue us. With remarkable candor, this gospel teacher shares a deeply personal story as he describes six essential ways to survive whatever trials we face. With compassion and understanding, he offers practical suggestions on how to say focused on Christ and take hold of His outstreched hand when the storms of life are raging. This insightful and encouraging book is a must for anyone dealing with adversity.