Book picks similar to
Aliens: Alien Harvest by Robert Sheckley
Aliens: Rogue
Sandy Schofield - 1995
Here Professor Ernst Kleist rules like the paranoid tyrant that he is, seeing everything, hearing everything, and making humans disappear. Wearing a yellow Harley-Davidson cap and a T-shirt, Captain Joyce Palmer is headed for the universe's darkest hell. Before her stay on Charon is over, she will uncover Kleist's mad plan.Using the drained bodies of his victims, the professor has given birth to his own murderous creation, the Rogue. He plans to use the monster against the alien queen in a battle for total dominion over Charon. Only Captain Palmer - and a handful of courageous marines - can stop him. Suddenly they are plunged into an all-out firefight against Kleist, the aliens, and the seemingly indestructible Rogue to save innocent lives... including their own.
Aliens: Genocide
David Bischoff - 1993
On a world bereft of its only guiding force a schism is taking place: two strains of alien, formerly united by one all-powerful mother, now divide their forces for a world-shattering, acid-drenched war. On Earth, after a generation of rebuilding in the wake of alien infestation, athletes from every corner of the world are flocking to humanity's Goodwill Games. But some come with a dangerous new tool: a drug called Fire, distilled from the very essence of the aliens' body chemistry. The military wants it, Pharmaceutical kingpin Daniel Grant wants it. And the only place the essential ingredient can be found is on a world convulsed by alien holocaust...
Aliens: Music of the Spears
Yvonne Navarro - 1996
Among them: the ruthless head of an entertainment conglomerate who seeks revenge by giving a maniacal artist his ultimate desire - an alien.Damon Eddington will shock the world with his newest composition, the Symphony of Hate. Wrapped within its bizarre music can be found the most tortured of human sounds, combined with the razor-steel screams of a Homeworld alien. Yet the supreme cry continues to elude him and, obsessed with complete his musical creation and controlled by his need for the life-form's harshest voice, Eddington knows that the sound he seeks lies deep inside the ruthless creature he has named Mozart. And he will stop at nothing to free it....
Aliens: Labyrinth
S.D. Perry - 1996
Only no one really knows it - or at least, no one who counts. Certainly Colonel Doctor Tony Crespi has no idea; he is simply eager to work with the infamous Doctor Paul Church, who believes that a mutated strain of alien can be made to obey human will.Church's captive creatures live in a warren of tunnels. Inside that labyrinth, Crespi and Lieutenant Sharon McGuinness are about to find the true meaning of Church's experiments. With a chamber of all-too-human horrors at its dark heart, the labyrinth is a death trap - designed by a man who is attempting what no other person in the universe would dare: to bring human and alien together as one!
Aliens: No Exit
B.K. Evenson - 2008
The alien threat has been subdued. Company interests dominate universal trade. Terraforming is big money now, with powerful men willing to do anything to assure dominance over other worlds. Full description
Aliens: DNA War
Diane Carey - 2006
With a moon, an atmosphere, and a thriving bio-system the world has all the keys necessary for human habitation. But while Rosamond 6 may look like an oasis among the stars, it harbors a fatal secret......Rosamond 6 is infested with the murderous xenomorphic aliens that have wiped out every life form in their path. Eager to prove her theory that the aliens can be reasoned with, anthropologist Jocasta Malvaux has set up an observation post on Rosamond 6. But when the monsters become aware of Malvaux and her expedition, something unexpected happens: the aliens don't attack. When Jocasta's son Rory races to the planet to save her, she won't leave. What is the secret behind the aliens' seeming lack of concern for the humans? Are the monsters evolving? Or is it simply a matter of time before every person on the planet is in a fight for their lives? The war is about to begin.
Predator: Forever Midnight
John Shirley - 2006
Humanity has seized the stars - using reverse-engineered alien technology to explore the far reaches of space. For 100 years the Predators, sadistic extraterrestrial hunters, have been a dim memory. For 100 years, we've been safe. That ends now.
Predator: Cold War
Nathan Archer - 1997
Reluctantly, NYPD detective Shaefer, the only man to kill a Predator and live, is dispatched to investigate, followed by his ex-partner.
Aliens vs. Predator: Prey
Steve Perry - 1994
Little did she know that not only would she have to run the colony, she'd defend it with her life.First the carcass of a spiderlike alien is discovered. Then a rancher's family is massacred. Finally a creature unlike any ever seen before is brought to the colony medical center, near death. It soon becomes clear that not one but two strains of alien life have landed near the settlement of Prosperity Wells. One kind -- beetle black with shells hard as steel -- have been spawned as the prey in a deadly hunt. The other kind -- upright like humans but infinitely stronger and just as smart -- are the Predators. Between them are the human colonists, unarmed and vulnerable. With the entire colony at risk, Machiko Noguchi must choose between death and survival -- and may find her greatest ally in a Predator ready to kill her...
Aliens: Original Sin
Michael Jan Friedman - 2005
Only Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley managed to escape with her life, destroying the Nostromo rather than give the monster a chance to reach Earth.But she hadn't seen the last of the breed. Now, centuries after the death of the original Ripley, her clone has taken up the fight. And she has found, with the help of an android named Call, a brutal hired gun named Johner, and a paraplegic mechanic named Vriess, that there is more to the alien horror than meets the eye...In this all-new Ripley novel, best selling author Michael Jan Friedman asks the unasked questions that pierce the alien mystery to its seething acid-chamber of a heart -- leaving nothing in Ripley's universe the same.
Alien: Isolation
Keith R.A. DeCandido - 2019
She joins a Weyland-Yutani team sent to retrieve the Nostromo flight recorder, only to find space station Sevastopol in chaos with a Xenomorph aboard. Flashbacks reveal Amanda’s history and events that forced her mother to take the assignment aboard the Nostromo.
Alan Dean Foster - 1992
Abandoned hulks of machinery rust in the colorless landscape. Dark, oily seas beat against a jagged black shore. And the remnants of a reentry space vehicle crash into the rough waves. In it sleeps Ripley, a woman who has battled the enemy twice. It killed her whole crew the first time. The second time, it slaughtered a spaceload of death-dealing Marines. Now on this prison planet that houses only a horde of defiant, captive men, she will have to fight the ultimate alien horror one more time.
Predator: South China Sea
Jeff VanderMeer - 2008
but not the kind of expedition the participants expected. In this remote, jungle-covered island somewhere between Thailand and Indonesia some of the most exotic animals in the world have been gathered as the prizes in a challenge of human against nature. The hunters come from all walks of life. Each has come to the island for personal reasons, some secret, some deadly. But when the encampment's owner, ex-Khmer Rouge Colonel Rath Preap, finds the fences cut and his security men missing, it's clear that the game has turned. And as the hunters battle for survival, they discover there is another creature out for blood... an adversary that has faced death on a thousand worlds - a Predator with an unstoppable lust for conquest!
Aliens: Nightmare Asylum
Mark Verheiden - 1990
But their return to the solar system made them refugees once more, fleeing earth and its alien infestation in a desperate attempt to stay alive. Now, in an otherwise unmanned military transport, they hurtle through space, destination: unknown, while in the cargo hold they carry with them a legacy of death they thought they'd left behind
Alien Vs. Predator
Marc Cerasini - 2004
Assembled by a billionaire industrialist, a crack team of scientists, drillers, archaeologists and adventurers has traveled to the Antarctic wastes to make history by exploring what is believed to be a fully preserved pyramid predating those built by early Egyptian and Mexican civilizations. But once this expedition crew enters, there will be no way out - and no hope left for humankind. Because deep within the labyrinth, a terror is stirring - an alien monstrosity more vicious, cunning, evil, and unstoppable than any species in the universe - except one: the other-worldly Predators who brought the nightmare to Earth to begin with and who are now returning here to face the beast once more in the most unholy combat.The battle is about to begin - and to the victor will go the planet.