Book picks similar to
Pharmaceutical Calculations by Howard C. Ansel
Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional [With Online Access Code and DVD]
Donald P. Kauchak - 2001
Three themes central to teaching today-- professionalism, diversity, and decision-making-- are woven through the text to give students deeper understanding of the teaching profession and to better prepare them for that profession. Two questions frame the text, "Do I want to be a teacher?" and "What kind of teacher do I want to become?." Case studies at the beginnings of chapters provide a frame of reference for understanding chapter content while numerous teaching vignettes throughout the chapters provide vivid examples that increase reader understanding and interest.
Prebles' Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts
Patrick L. Frank - 2005
We form Art. Art forms us. The title of this book has a dual meaning. Besides the expected discussion of the various forms of art, the title also reflects the fact that art does indeed help to form us as people. As we create forms, we are in turn formed by what we have created. Several years ago, the title was changed to "Preblesa Artforms," acknowledging the pioneering contribution of the original authors, Duane and Sarah Preble, to the study of art. Their vision and spirit have touched hundreds of thousands of students who have studied this book. "Artforms "grew out of a desire to introduce art through an engaging visual experience, and to expose students to a culturally diverse canon of work. It is written and designed to help readers build an informed foundation for individual understanding and enjoyment of art.By introducing art theory, practice, and history in a single volume, this book aims to draw students into a new or expanded awareness of the visual arts. Beyond fostering appreciation of major works of art, this booka s primary concern is to open studentsa eyes and minds to the richness of the visual arts as unique forms of human communication and to convey the idea that the arts enrich life best when we experience, understand, and enjoy them as integral parts of the process of living.
A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development
John W. Santrock - 2001
Drawing on a who's who list of expert consultants in all areas of developmental psychology, Santrock once again provides a trusted, comprehensive, readable, and engaging survey of the field. Rich applications and examples from a range of areas such as parenting, health care, and education ensure that students will remain engaged with the material. Significant revisions for the 5th edition include updated discussions of health and well-being as well as expanded coverage of diversity, culture, and gender.
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
Michael E. Aulton - 2007
In brief, it is concerned with the scientific and technological aspects of the design and manufacture of dosage forms for medicines. An understanding of pharmaceutics is therefore vital to all pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists who are involved in converting a drug or a potential drug into a medicine that can be delivered safely, efficiently and conveniently to the patient.Professor Aulton's Pharmaceutics has become established as the clearest, most comprehensive textbook on this subject. The book provides pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students with the latest information on all aspects of pharmaceutics.provides a logical, comprehensive account of drug design and manufactureincludes the science of formulation and drug deliverydesigned and written for newcomers to the design of dosage formstwo new chapters on the principles and practice of sterilizationdosage-form design and delivery material thoroughly updatedproduct stability and stability testing of medicinal products section totally rewritten and expanded to include more of the relevant chemistryreflects current and future use of biotechnology products throughoutchanges in our understanding of biopharmaceutics, certain areas of drug delivery and the significance of the solid state all reflectednew page size and designnew photographs of equipment and apparatus
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
Bertram G. Katzung - 1982
Katzung provides a current, authoritative, and comprehensive pharmacology book for medical, pharmacy, and other health science students.
Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination & Board Review (Mc Graw Hill Specialty Board Review)
Anthony J. Trevor - 1990
The latest version is far superior, both in content and presentation, to previous versions. I give it my highest recommendation."--"Doody's Review Service"From the authors of "Basic and Clinical Pharmacology," the leading pharmacology textbook, here is the newest edition of the best review book available for medical pharmacology course exams and board examinations. This skill-building guide comes with over 1000 review questions and answers -- far more than most other pharmacology reviews -- and a chapter-based approach that facilitates use with course notes or larger texts. Features: A new full-color presentation Organized to reflect course syllabi, focusing on the clinical use and pharmacology of drug categories, rather than individual drugs Two complete practice exams A valuable appendix of test-taking strategies Chapters that include valuable learning aids such as: --Short discussion of the major concepts that underlie basic principles or drug groups--Explanatory figures and tables--Review questions followed by answers and explanations--Drug Trees in drug-oriented chapters that visually organize drug groups--A list of high-yield terms and definitions you need to know Skill Keeper questions that prompt you to review previous material to understand links between related topics A checklist of tasks you should be able to do, once you have finished the chapter Summary Tables that list the important drugs and include key information about their mechanisms of action, effects, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and toxicities
Rang & Dale's Pharmacology
Humphrey P. Rang - 1987
Progressing logically from a molecular understanding of receptors and drug actions to the clinical uses of the most important groups of drugs, it delivers the latest information on cannabinoids and rimonabant, Cox 2 inhibitors, pharmacogenetics, biopharmaceuticals, and drug abuse-as well as "lifestyle drugs" such as performance-enhancing substances, botulinum toxin, and Viagra?. And now, online access via STUDENT CONSULT makes it an even more effective learning resource
Medical Physiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Walter F. Boron - 2002
The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
Linda Lane Lilley - 1996
With an eye-catching design, full-color illustrations, and helpful, practical boxed features that highlight need-to-know information, the new edition of this bestseller continues its tradition of making pharmacology easy to learn and understand.A focus on prioritization identifies key nursing information and helps in preparation for the NCLEX(R) Examination.Presents drugs and their classes as they relate to different parts of the body, facilitating integration of the text with your other nursing courses.Features numerous full-color photos and illustrations pertaining to drug mechanisms of action and step-by-step illustrations depicting key steps in drug administration for various routes, so you can clearly see how drugs work in the body and how to administer medications safely and effectively.Drug Profiles highlight the pharmacokinetics and unique variations of individual drugs.Includes Patient Teaching Tips in each chapter to foster patient compliance and effective drug therapy.Helpful summary boxes are integrated throughout, covering Evidence-Based Practice, Preventing Medication Errors, Laboratory Values Related to Drug Therapy, Cultural Implications, Herbal Therapies, Life Span Considerations, Points to Remember, and Legal and Ethical Principles.Illustrated Study Skills Tips in each unit cover study tips, time management, and test taking strategies related specifically to nursing pharmacology.Includes a convenient tear-out IV Compatibilities Chart that alerts you to drugs that are incompatible when given intravenously.Evolve Student Resources include online access to additional chapter-specific NCLEX(R) review questions, animations, medication errors checklists, IV therapy checklists, printable handouts with need-to-know information about key drug classes, calculators, an audio glossary, answers to case studies and critical thinking activities in the text, frequently asked questions, content updates, nursing care plans covering key drug classes, and online appendices. Critical Thinking Activities and Best Action Questions focus on prioritization, challenging you to determine the best action to take.NCLEX(R) Examination Review Questions now include Alternate-Item Format questions, preparing you for these new types of questions found on the NCLEX(R) exam.New case studies have been added, and all cases now include patient photos along with accompanying questions to provoke critical thinking.Pharmacokinetic Bridges to the Nursing Process sections now cover ACE inhibitors, iron, and women's health issues applying key pharmacokinetics information to nursing practice.
Human Anatomy & Physiology [With Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite and Paperback Book and Access Code]
Elaine N. Marieb - 1989
Marieb and Katja Hoehn have produced the most accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and visually stunning anatomy & physiology textbook on the market. Marieb draws on her career as an A&P professor and her experience as a part-time nursing student, while Hoehn relies on her medical education and classroom experience to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. The most significant revision to date, the Eighth Edition makes it easier for you to learn key concepts in A&P. The new edition features a whole new art program that is not only more visually dynamic and vibrant than in previous editions but is also much more pedagogically effective for today's students, including new Focus figures, which guide you through the toughest concepts in A&P. The text has been edited to make it easier than ever to study from and navigate, with integrated objectives, new concept check questions, and a new design program.
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses
April Hazard Vallerand - 2012
BONUS! FREE DIGITAL ACCESS One-year subscription to, Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine. You'll have access to over 1,100 monographs from your desktop, laptop, or any mobile device with a web browser. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE... AT A GLANCE Red tab for high alert medications, plus in-depth high alert and patient safety coverage Red, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects Drug-drug, drug-food, drug-natural product interactions Pedi, Geri, OB, and Lactation cautions IV Administration subheads NEW! REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon Pharmacogenomic content Canadian-specific Much more! LEARNING, CARE PLANNING, AND PATIENT EDUCATION TOOLS Online at DavisPlus Interactive flash cards MORE! Audio podcasts Video clips Animations Schematic brain illustrations Much more!
Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients
Ben Goldacre - 2012
We like to imagine that it’s based on evidence and the results of fair tests. In reality, those tests are often profoundly flawed. We like to imagine that doctors are familiar with the research literature surrounding a drug, when in reality much of the research is hidden from them by drug companies. We like to imagine that doctors are impartially educated, when in reality much of their education is funded by industry. We like to imagine that regulators let only effective drugs onto the market, when in reality they approve hopeless drugs, with data on side effects casually withheld from doctors and patients.All these problems have been protected from public scrutiny because they’re too complex to capture in a sound bite. But Dr. Ben Goldacre shows that the true scale of this murderous disaster fully reveals itself only when the details are untangled. He believes we should all be able to understand precisely how data manipulation works and how research misconduct on a global scale affects us. In his own words, “the tricks and distortions documented in these pages are beautiful, intricate, and fascinating in their details.” With Goldacre’s characteristic flair and a forensic attention to detail, Bad Pharma reveals a shockingly broken system and calls for something to be done. This is the pharmaceutical industry as it has never been seen before.
Understanding Pathophysiology
Sue E. Huether - 2008
The most current information on the mechanisms, manifestations, and treatments of disease are clearly and concisely presented. Accessible writing, numerous illustrations in full-color, and complete and separate treatment of pediatric pathophysiology are the hallmarks of this popular and respected text. The new third edition features extensively revised and updated content and an enhanced art program.The book is divided into two parts. Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology, including cell injury and repair; genetics; fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases; immunity, inflammation, and infection; stress; and cancer. Part Two is organized by body system, and for each system it covers normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.• Complete but concise coverage provides a thorough discussion of general pathophysiology and specific disease processes. • Outstanding full-color art program illustrates normal anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease. • Pediatric content is presented in 9 separate chapters to provide thorough coverage of how disease processes specifically affect children. • Health Alert boxes present brief discussions of new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, treatments, or other developments related to health or specific diseases. • Quick Check questions appear at the end of major sections of text and are designed to promote critical thinking. Suggested answers to the questions are found on the CD companion included with the text. • Risk Factor boxes illustrate how certain risk factors are associated with specific diseases. • Did You Understand? chapter summaries provide students with a comprehensive review of the major concepts presented in each chapter. • Aging content is identified with a special icon within the adult chapters. • Algorithms are used throughout the text to illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology. • Key terms are boldface in text and listed with page numbers at the end of each chapter for easy reference and chapter review.• Approximately 250 new full-color drawings have been added. • An Introduction to Pathophysiology included in the front matter defines pathophysiology — and related terms such as etiology and epidemiology — and explains why it is important. • Extensive updates, based on the most current research, have been made throughout the book. • To reflect the latest developments, the Biology of Cancer chapter has been completely rewritten. • Several chapters, including Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases and Alterations of the Reproductive Systems have been extensively edited.
Health Psychology
Shelley E. Taylor - 2008
It provides explanations of biological, psychological and social factors in health issues, reinforced with case studies.
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease [with Student Consult Online Access]
Vinay Kumar - 2009
A who's who of pathology experts delivers the most dependable, current, and complete coverage of today's essential pathology knowledge. At the same time, masterful editing and a practical organization make mastering every concept remarkably easy. Online access via Student Consult includes self-assessment and review questions, interactive case studies, downloadable images, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets you view slides at different magnifications. The result remains the ideal source for an optimal understanding of pathology. Offers the most authoritative and comprehensive, yet readable coverage available in any pathology textbook, making it ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation as well as for course work. Includes access to the complete contents online via Student Consult, along with self-assessment and review questions, over 100 interactive clinical case studies, videos, and a virtual microscope that lets users view slides at different magnifications.Delivers a state-of-the-art understanding of the pathologic basis of disease through completely updated coverage, including the latest cellular and molecular biology.Demonstrates every concept visually with over 1,600 full-color photomicrographs and conceptual diagrams - many revised for even better quality.Facilitates learning with an outstanding full-color, highly user-friendly design.