Book picks similar to
Teaching Positions: Difference, Pedagogy, and the Power of Address by Elizabeth Ellsworth
Strategic Management
John A. Pearce II - 2004
Pearce and Robinson have retained high level of academic credibility and market-leading emphasis on strategic practice with this edition. This text continues to have strong support from longtime adopters and growing support in schools with a desire to provide straightforward treatment of strategic management with a practical, systematic approach. The 12th edition offers 30 cases with a mixture of small and large firms; start-ups and industry leaders; global and domestically focused companies; and service, retail, manufacturing, technology, and diversified activities. Pearce and Robinson continue to use a unique pedagogical model they created to provide logic and structure to its treatment of strategic management which in turn makes the material more easily organized by the instructor and learned by the student.
Unfaithful Angels: How Social Work Has Abandoned its Mission
Harry Specht - 1993
As Specht and Courtney persuasively demonstrate, if social work continues to drift in this direction there is good reason to expect that the profession will be entirely engulfed by psychotherapy within the next twenty years, leaving a huge gap in the provision of social services traditionally filled by social workers. The authors examine the waste of public funds this trend occasions, as social workers educated with public money abandon community service in increasing numbers.
Words Their Way: Word Sorts for Within Word Pattern Spellers
Marcia A. Invernizzi - 2008
Notes for the Teacher, Organizational tips, and follow-up activities all assist teachers and future teachers to begin using word sorts with minimal preparation and to easily reinforce previous word sort skills as students learn and build new ones. KEY TOPICS: Designed for use as part of a reading curriculum where word pattern spelling is covered, topics provide step-by-step instructions on how to introduce and guide students through the sorting lesson. MARKET: Designed for use as part of a reading curriculum where word pattern spelling is covered.
Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step
Carl Chatfield - 2010
With Step By Step, you set the pace-building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them! Topics include building a project plan and fine-tuning the details; scheduling tasks, assigning resources, and managing dependencies; monitoring progress and costs; keeping projects on track; communicating project data through Gantt charts and other views.
Dealing with Difficult Parents: And with Parents in Difficult Situations
Todd Whitaker - 2001
It shows you how to deal with the parent who is bossy, volatile, argumentative, aggressive, or maybe the worst - apathetic. It provides specific phrases to use with parents to help you avoid using "trigger" words which unintentionally make matters worse. It will show you how to deliver bad news to good parents, how to build positive credibility to all types of parents, and how to foster the kind of parent involvement which leads to student success.
Five Miles Away, a World Apart: One City, Two Schools, and the Story of Educational Opportunity in Modern America
James E. Ryan - 2010
Board of Education, educational opportunities remain so unequal for black and white students, not to mention poor and wealthy ones? In his important new book, Five Miles Away, A World Apart, James E. Ryan answers this question by tracing the fortunes of two schools in Richmond, Virginia--one in the city and the other in the suburbs. Ryan shows how court rulings in the 1970s, limiting the scope of desegregation, laid the groundwork for the sharp disparities between urban and suburban public schools that persist to this day. The Supreme Court, in accord with the wishes of the Nixon administration, allowed the suburbs to lock nonresidents out of their school systems. City schools, whose student bodies were becoming increasingly poor and black, simply received more funding, a measure that has proven largely ineffective, while the independence (and superiority) of suburban schools remained sacrosanct. Weaving together court opinions, social science research, and compelling interviews with students, teachers, and principals, Ryan explains why all the major education reforms since the 1970s--including school finance litigation, school choice, and the No Child Left Behind Act--have failed to bridge the gap between urban and suburban schools and have unintentionally entrenched segregation by race and class. As long as that segregation continues, Ryan forcefully argues, so too will educational inequality. Ryan closes by suggesting innovative ways to promote school integration, which would take advantage of unprecedented demographic shifts and an embrace of diversity among young adults. Exhaustively researched and elegantly written by one of the nation's leading education law scholars, Five Miles Away, A World Apart ties together, like no other book, a half-century's worth of education law and politics into a coherent, if disturbing, whole. It will be of interest to anyone who has ever wondered why our schools are so unequal and whether there is anything to be done about it.
Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World
Joan Wink - 1996
Wink (California State University) describes an approach to pedagogy that requires teachers to name experiences in the classroom, reflect critically on their origins and implications, and act in response.
Language Assessment - Principles and Classroom Practices
H. Douglas Brown - 2003
*Thorough examination of standards-based assessment and standardized testing. * Practical examples illustrate principles. *End-of-chapter exercises and suggested additional readings provide opportunities for further exploration.
Systems Analysis and Design
Alan Dennis - 2002
Building on their experience as professional systems analysts and award-winning teachers, authors Dennis, Wixom, and Roth capture the experience of developing and analyzing systems in a way that students can understand and apply.With
Systems Analysis and Design, 4th edition
, students will leave the course with experience that is a rich foundation for further work as a systems analyst.
Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom
Mark Barnes - 2013
A results-only classroom is rich with individual and cooperative learning activities that help students demonstrate mastery learning on their own terms, without being constrained by standards and pedagogy.By embracing results-only learning, you will be able to transform your classroom into a bustling community of learners in which?* Students collaborate daily on a number of long-term, ongoing projects.* Students receive constant narrative feedback.* Yearlong projects target learning outcomes more meaningfully than worksheets, homework, tests, and quizzes.* Freedom and independence are valued over punitive points, percentages, and letter grades.* Students manage themselves and all but eliminate the need for traditional classroom management.Learn how your students can take charge of their own achievement in an enjoyable, project-based, workshop setting that challenges them with real-world learning scenarios--and helps them attain uncommonly excellent results.
The Behaviour Guru: Behaviour Management Solutions for Teachers
Tom Bennett - 2010
Controlling a class isn't something that comes naturally to everyone - but it can be learned.This no-nonsense guide tells teachers what the teacher training didn't, and offers instant strategies for dealing with the most common, and extreme, classroom scenarios.Using his experiences of teaching in inner-city schools, as Behaviour Guru on the TES advice forum and working as a nightclub bouncer, Tom Bennett helps teachers, old and new, to assert their authority in the classroom.
The Culture of Education
Jerome Bruner - 1996
In a masterly commentary on the possibilities of education, the eminent psychologist Jerome Bruner reveals how education can usher children into their culture, though it often fails to do so. Applying the newly emerging "cultural psychology" to education, Bruner proposes that the mind reaches its full potential only through participation in the culture--not just its more formal arts and sciences, but its ways of perceiving, thinking, feeling, and carrying out discourse. By examining both educational practice and educational theory, Bruner explores new and rich ways of approaching many of the classical problems that perplex educators.Education, Bruner reminds us, cannot be reduced to mere information processing, sorting knowledge into categories. Its objective is to help learners construct meanings, not simply to manage information. Meaning making requires an understanding of the ways of one's culture--whether the subject in question is social studies, literature, or science. The Culture of Education makes a forceful case for the importance of narrative as an instrument of meaning making. An embodiment of culture, narrative permits us to understand the present, the past, and the humanly possible in a uniquely human way.Going well beyond his earlier acclaimed books on education, Bruner looks past the issue of achieving individual competence to the question of how education equips individuals to participate in the culture on which life and livelihood depend. Educators, psychologists, and students of mind and culture will find in this volume an unsettling criticism that challenges our current conventional practices--as well as a wise vision that charts a direction for the future.
Business Law: Text and Cases: Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment
Kenneth W. Clarkson - 2003
The book's strong reader orientation makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant, and the cases, content, and features of the Twelfth Edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. An excellent assortment of included cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions, and ethical, global, and corporate themes are integrated throughout. In addition, numerous features and exercises help you master key concepts and apply what you've learned to real-world issues, and the book offers an unmatched range of support resources--including innovative online review tools.
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Lesley Mandel Morrow - 2003
The field's leading authorities present accessible recommendations for best practices that can be tailored to fit specific classroom circumstances and student populations. Provided are strategies for helping all students succeed—including struggling readers and English language learners—and for teaching each of the major components of literacy. The book also addresses ways to organize instruction and innovative uses of technology. Chapters include concrete examples, Engagement Activities, and resources for further learning. New to This Edition*Incorporates the latest research findings and instructional practices.*Chapters on motivation, content-area teaching, new literacies, and family literacy.*Addresses timely topics such as response to intervention, the new common core standards, English language learning, and policy issues.
Evaluating Research in Academic Journals: A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation
Fred Pyrczak - 1999
For each question, there is a concise explanation of how to apply it in the evaluation of research reports.Numerous examples from journals in the social and behavioral sciences illustrate the application of the evaluation questions. Students see actual examples of strong and weak features of published reports.Commonsense models for evaluation combined with a lack of jargon make it possible for students to start evaluating research articles the first week of class.The structure of this book enables students to work with confidence while evaluating articles for homework.Avoids oversimplification in the evaluation process by describing the nuances that may make an article publishable even though it has serious methodological flaws. Students learn when and why certain types of flaws may be tolerated. They learn why evaluation should not be performed mechanically.This book received very high student evaluations when field-tested with students just beginning their study of research methods.Contains more than 60 new examples from recently published research. In addition, minor changes have been made throughout for consistency with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association."