Book picks similar to
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance & Assurance by Thomas R. Schreiner
Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology
Richard B. Gaffin Jr. - 1987
A study of the structure of Paul's theology of Jesus' resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul's total theology.
The Sovereign Grace of God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism
James R. White - 2003
Without an accurate understanding, we can never fully comprehend or appreciate the awesome sovereign grace of God. Does the Bible really teach the doctrines known as Calvinism? Are the concepts of total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistable grace, and perserverance of the saints based merely on the speculations of theologians or are they actually found clearly revealed in Scripture? In this essential book, the reader is led through a fundamental study of Scripture to scrutinize what God declares concerning these vital doctrines. Whether lay Christian or clergy, we each need to struggle through these difficult questions with the assurance that the Holy Spirit of God will not reveal something in the Scriptures that is not important for God's people to understand, embrace, and benefit from. Come along and learn about the incredible sovereign grace of God!
The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 2016
If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?By revisiting the Marrow Controversy—a famous but largely forgotten eighteenth-century debate related to the proper relationship between God's grace and our works—Sinclair B. Ferguson sheds light on this central issue and why it still matters today. In doing so, he explains how our understanding of the relationship between law and gospel determines our approach to evangelism, our pursuit of sanctification, and even our understanding of God himself.Ferguson shows us that the antidote to the poison of legalism on the one hand and antinomianism on the other is one and the same: the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ, in whom we are simultaneously justified by faith, freed for good works, and assured of salvation.
Counted Righteous in Christ: Should We Abandon the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness?
John Piper - 2002
Many question how—or if—we receive the full righteousness of Christ.Martin Luther said that if we understand justification “we are in the clearest light; if we do not know it, we dwell in the densest darkness.” And now, in this new and important book, John Piper accepts Luther’s challenge. He points out that we need to see ourselves as having been recipients of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness and therefore enjoy full acceptance with God and the everlasting inheritance of life and joy.Piper writes as both a pastor and a scholar. His pastor’s heart is shown in his zeal for the welfare of the church. His careful scholarship is evident in each explanation and undergirds each conclusion.
Justification and Regeneration
Charles Leiter - 2008
These two great miracles lie at the very heart of the gospel, yet even among genuine Christians they are surrounded by confusion and ignorance. This book attempts to set forth in clear Biblical light the nature and characteristics of justification and regeneration that God may be glorified and His children brought to know more fully the liberty that is theirs in Christ.
Saved by Grace
Anthony A. Hoekema - 1988
In discussing the facets of the working out of salvation -- the role of the Spirit, union with Christ, the gospel call, regeneration, conversion, repentance, and so on -- Hoekema does away with the classical ordo salutis ("order of salvation") by viewing these facets largely as simultaneous aspects in the process of salvation rather than sequential steps on the way to salvation.
Redemption Accomplished and Applied
John Murray - 1954
Murray explores the biblical passages dealing with the necessity, nature, perfection, and extent of the atonement, and goes on to identify the distinct steps in the Bible's presentation of how the redemption accomplished by Christ is applied progressively to the life of the redeemed.
Progressive Dispensationalism
Craig A. Blaising - 1991
An overview of the important issues in dispensationalism.
Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace?: Recovering the Doctrines That Shook the World
James Montgomery Boice - 2001
We've achieved success, but in a worldly sort of way--big numbers, big budgets, and big outreaches. Yet church attendance is actually down and alleged born again believers do not differ significantly in their worldview from their neighbors. Why? We have forgotten our theology and, consciously or not, have pursued the wisdom of the world, accepted its doctrines, and utilized its methods. Pastor James Montgomery Boice believed that our ignorance of God and neglect of the gospel of grace is the root of the problem. Here he identifies what's happening within the church and explains how the five doctrinal truths that transformed the world during the Reformation not only offer the solution but can shape a renewal today. By offering people what they desperately lack--the Word of God and salvation through Christ--rather than giving them an imitation of what they already have, we will see Christianity thrive once again. And in holding fervently to the foundational truths of the gospel, we will know the power of spiritual renewal in our churches. Without these five confessional statements--Scripture alone, Christ alone, grace alone, faith alone, and glory to God alone--we do not have a true church, and certainly not one that will survive for very long. For how can any church be a true and faithful church if it does not stand for Scripture alone, is not committed to a biblical gospel, and does not exist for God's glory? A church without these convictions has ceased to be a true church, whatever else it may be. --JamesMontgomery Boice
Chosen By God: Know God's Perfect Plan for His Glory and His Children
R.C. Sproul - 1986
Through this view of a truly sovereign God, readers will see how sinfulness prevents man from choosing God on his own; instead, God must change people's hearts.
Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God
J.I. Packer - 1961
Packer shows in this classic study how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God's sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it.
Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel
Michael S. Horton - 1991
This title lays out the scriptural basis for this doctrine.
Great Exchange: My Sin for His Righteousness
Jerry Bridges - 2007
Beginning with the Old Testament sacrifices and the prophecies that foreshadowed Christ, authors Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington guide believers through the biblical overview of Christ's atonement. The Great Exchange helps believers see how the Old Testament practices tie in with the New Testament discussion of Christ's great work of salvation.As believers work through these principles, they will begin to recognize that even though we deserve condemnation and punishment from a holy God, he has given us the opportunity to experience his great riches through his Son, Jesus Christ. The clear gospel message presented throughout the entire book offers a great appreciation of Christ for believers and an opportunity for salvation for unbelievers.
Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 Vols
John Calvin
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Systematic Theology
Louis Berkhof - 1939
Written in a scholarly yet simple style, the work includes a thorough bibliography and study questions at the end of each chapter.