Cancer: Step Outside the Box

Ty M. Bollinger - 2006
    According to Dr. Rashid Buttar, author of The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away, "Ty Bollinger's book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box, is an extraordinarily thorough and courageously well written book, brought to fruition by the dedication of a son for his departed parents. I found it difficult to put down this exceptional book once I began reading it and plan on recommending it to all my patients suffering from cancer who seek treatment at our clinic so that the light of truth and hope contained within this book can shine brightly on them as well." In the words of cancer survivor, Brad Matznick, I am not a journalist, that 's Ty 's job, so I won t drag this out ... I am a cancer survivor and this book was a huge contribution to my survival (it 's one of the best books on the subject). Ty is a rebel... maybe even somewhat eccentric, but you can t ignore what he 's saying. Read this book if you or someone you care about has cancer ... nuff said. With satisfied readers in over 50 countries world wide, Cancer - Step Outside the Box is a roadmap to successfully treating cancer and regaining your health This book is chock full of the most effective, non-toxic cancer treatments in the world. Truth be told, there are many potent and well-proven alternative strategies for preventing and treating cancer... without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation (the Big 3 ). Inside this book, you will find a wealth of information that your doctor probably doesn't know. Here's why: while at medical school, doctors learn a very drug-intensive style of medicine, because multinational pharmaceutical companies ( Big Pharma ) funds the medical schools. As a result, most doctors are still thinking inside the box when it comes to cancer treatments. The cancer box is largely the creation of Big Pharma attempting to peddle their poisons (such as chemotherapy) in an effort to increase shareholder profits. Sadly, these profits are generated at the expense of cancer patients. In the words of radio talk show icon, Jeff Rense, I have been involved with so called 'alternative approaches to cancer' for a long time. This book is 'the Bible' - buy it and you will be amazed. It is a masterpiece." This book succinctly explains the facts and deceptions about cancer and cancer treatments, it documents multiple cases of persecution and suppression of effective natural cancer treatments, it details the most potent advanced cancer treatment protocols, and it clearly explains the relationship between nutrition and cancer. The author is not a medical doctor. He is a researcher who has compiled the most concise, easily readable, comprehensive book on alternative cancer treatments and health. This book is a gold mine of information, helpful to cancer patients, those attempting to prevent cancer, and health care practitioners alike. According to Dr. Pavel Yakovlev (Oncosurgeon in the Ukraine), the material in your book is enriching and hope-giving for clinical practice I made many notes while reading it to be applied to my work. Elaine Hulliberger, breast cancer survivor, states: I had terminal cancer and used Ty Bollinger's information on non-toxic supplements and the nutritional information along with traditional medicine. Anyone who has cancer, or knows someone with cancer should get this book and read it from cover to cover. I'm alive today because I did.

Healed - How Cancer gave me a new life

Manisha Koirala - 2018
    From her treatment in the US and the wonderful care provided by the oncologists there to how she rebuilt her life once she returned home, the book takes us on an emotional roller-coaster ride through her many fears and struggles and shows how she eventually came out triumphant.Today, as she completes six years of being cancer-free, she shares her story-one marked by apprehensions, disappointments and uncertainties-and the lessons she learnt along the way. Through her journey, she unravels cancer for us and inspires us to not buckle under its fear, but emerge alive, kicking and victorious.

Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors

Barbara Delinsky - 2001
    This updated edition features new material.

Water: The Shocking Truth That Could Save Your Life

Paul Bragg - 1970
    Learn what kind of water is safe to drink and use. A miraculous transformation occurs within your body when you drink the healthiest water available.

Fatty Liver You Can Reverse It

Thomas Eanelli - 2010
    This book provides effective and proven solutions to heal fatty liver.A new book from Dr Sandra Cabot and Dr Thomas Eanelli explains how to reverse fatty liver and restore your health.Can you imagine a world in which fatty liver will be as huge a public health concern as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes?Fatty liver disease is the most common type of liver disease seen in the world today.Dr. Cabot tells us that reversing fatty liver disease is not only an effective method of losing weight, but can also greatly reduce the most common diseases of today - namely diabetes, heart disease and cancer.Dr. Thomas Eanelli describes his battle with his own liver disease and food addiction in the section of the book, Confessions of a Fat Man. His fight for survival takes him on a journey - both physical and mental - to find his inner power and physical health.Well known American doctor, Thomas Eanelli, meets an Aussie doctor, Dr. Cabot, through her little green book The Liver Cleansing Diet. After searching through university medical libraries and visiting numerous liver specialists and surgeons and finding no real answers, Dr. Eanelli discovered that the liver could be healed without drugs or surgery - luckily the information in this little green book was the catalyst that would inspire him to go on and heal himself thus avoiding potentially dangerous surgery.Dr. Sandra Cabot has devoted her career to helping people heal themselves from this potentially fatal yet still under reported disease.Dr. Thomas Eanelli's courage has enabled him to "come out of the refrigerator" to share his tale so others may be saved.What sets this book apart from others is that rather than bravado and bragging by a set of new age gurus, Cabot and Eanelli instead forge an instant connection with their readers by their honesty and empathy when confronting the imperfections of dieting, especially where food addictions are concerned.This book may become one of the most timely and important health narratives in years.Dr Cabot tells us that the development of fatty liver is often silent and insidious but is the reason why many people feel unwell and/or continue to gain weight.Could this be happening to you?

Coleman's Laws: The Twelve Medical Truths You Must Know To Survive

Vernon Coleman - 2014
    Here's how Dr Coleman describes this book: `However good your doctor is, and however much you may trust him or her, you must share the responsibility for your own health, and you must know when to tell your doctor if you think that the treatment with which he or she is providing you, could be causing problems. After all, if things go wrong, your nice friendly doctor is more likely to kill you than is a burglar a deranged relative or a drunken motorist. Remember: one in six people in hospital are there because they have been made ill by a doctor. I have built this book around ther twelve basic laws of medicine which I have, over the years, formulated for my own benefit as a doctor, an observer and a patient. I have illustrated each of the 12 laws with clinical anecdotes and scientific data.' Here, for example, is Coleman's First Law of Medicine: `If you are receiving treatment for an existing disease and you develop new symptoms then, until proved otherwise, you should assume that the new symptoms are caused by the treatment you are receiving.' Dr Vernon Coleman is the author of over 100 books - many of them international bestsellers. His books have sold over two million copies in hardback and paperback in the UK alone and have been translated into 25 languages. Dr Coleman has written columns and articles for many of the world's leading newspapers and magazines and has presented numerous TV and radio programmes based on his books. In the mid 1980s he devised the world's first medical software for use on home computers. For more information about Dr Coleman's books please see the Vernon Coleman page on Amazon or visit What the papers say: Vernon Coleman writes brilliant books - Good Book Guide The calmest voice of reason - The Observer A godsend - Daily Telegraph Brilliant - The People No thinking person can ignore him - The Ecologist Marvellously succinct, refreshingly sensible - The Spectator Probably one of the most brilliant men alive today - Irish Times King of the media docs - The Independent Britain's leading health care campaigner - The Sun Britain's leading medical author - The Star Perhaps the best known health writer for the general public in the world today - The Therapist The patient's champion - Birmingham Post A persuasive writer whose arguments, based on research and experience, are sound - Nursing Standard The doctor who dares to speak his mind - Oxford Mail He writes lucidly and wittily - Good Housekeeping The man is a national treasure - What doctors don't tell you Compulsive reading - The Guardian His message is important - The Economist Revered guru of medicine - Nursing Times His advice is optimistic and enthusiastic - British Medical Journal It's impossible not to be impressed - Western Daily Press Outspoken and alert - Sunday Express Hard hitting - inimitably forthright - Hull Daily Mail Refreshingly forthright - Liverpool Daily Post Dr Coleman made me think again - BBC World Service

The Silver Lining: An Insightful Guide to the Realities of Breast Cancer

Hollye Jacobs - 2014
    It soon evolved into a daily must-read for thousands of women worldwide. Now, in a graceful, exquisitely illustrated work with full-color photographs by award-winning photographer Elizabeth Messina, Jacobs offers an informative, therapeutic guide for people who have been diagnosed with the disease.Part personal memoir, part professional guide, The Silver Lining is the book that Jacobs wished she’d had when she began her fight with cancer. She covers what every patient can expect as they go through their specific treatment and teaches other big issues, such as nutrition and how to talk to children about illness. While the book is brimming with action steps to help negotiate each phase of treatment and recovery, every chapter concludes with “Silver Linings”—the sources of inspiration and perspective that buoyed Jacobs through her own journey and that, taken together, comprise the heartbeat of the book.“Like a good friend, this book will be by your side as you travel through the world of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery,” says Dr. Susan Love, surgeon, breast cancer research advocate, and author of Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book. An invaluable guide, a gorgeously rendered object of beauty, The Silver Lining will be the manual for breast cancer patients and their loved ones.

What is CBD - The Truth about Cannabidiol - Medication

Ray Tokes - 2016
     Ray Tokes is challenging big pharma as well as the tobacco industry by putting fiction to rest with a fistful of facts about CBD and what it is as a medication. Ray Tokes evolves the conversation from his first book The Revolutionary Cannabidiol and answers the challenging questions about CBD such as: What is CBD? - Ray Tokes gives an informative summary about what CBD is and isn't. What does CBD stand for? - Most people know what it is, but what does it mean? Where does CBD come from? - An in-depth look into CBD. What Are the Benefits of Using CBD? - Are there benefits to CBD? Why is CBD so good for the body? - How are cancer patients able to use CBD? What is the Difference between CBD and THC? - Learn the differences between CBD and THC. What is the Difference between CBD and CBN? - A look at CBD and CBD. Is CBD Legal Everywhere? - The legality of CBD. Is CBD Really as Special as They Say? - Ray Tokes addresses the power of CBD. Why Does CBD Work as a Medication? - Learn how CBD works to help cancer patients. What is the Difference between Medical Marijuana and CBD? - Learn about the differences between Medical Marijuana and CBD. Is THC or CBD the Best Option? - Ray Tokes addresses the variety of options available. What Can CBD Be Used For? - Ray Tokes goes into length about the healing properties of CBD. What is CBD E-Liquid? - Find out what CBD E-Liquid is. What is the Future of CBD? - The future surrounding the debate and legality around CBD.

Clear Body, Clear Mind

L. Ron Hubbard - 2002
    Hundreds of thousands have done this program and live happier, more perceptive and aware lives as a result.   Read the book Clear Body Clear Mind.Purification and Life, by L. Ron Hubbard"We live in a chemical oriented society."One would be hard put to find someone in the present-day civilization who is not affected by this fact. The vast majority of the public is subjected every day to the intake of food preservatives and other chemical poisons including atmospheric poisons, pesticides and the like. Added to this are the pain pills, tranquilizers and other medical drugs used and prescribed by doctors. And we have as well the widespread use of marijuana, LSD, angel dust and other street drugs which contribute heavily to the scene."I have even found that there is such a thing as the 'drug personality.' Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface. While this possibly is not always the case, it does establish a linkage between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, production, program execution and the modern breakdown of the social and industrial culture."These factors are all part of the biochemical problem."WHY "PURIFICATION"?"We have known since 1968 that it is a mistake to try to do mental and spiritual handling on somebody who has been on drugs. People who have been on drugs do not make case gain* until the drugs are handled."In 1977, I stated that LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in the tissues and mainly the fatty tissues of the body and is liable to go into action again, giving the person unpredictable 'trips.'"From the most recent research developments, it now appears that: Not only LSD but other chemical poisons and toxins, preservatives, pesticides, etc, as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs (angel dust, heroin, marijuana, etc.) can lodge in the tissues and remain in the body for years."Even medicinal drugs such as diet pills, codeine, novocaine and others have gone into 'restim' [restimulation] years after they were taken and had supposedly been eliminated from the body."Thus it seems that any or all of these hostile biochemical substances can get caught up in the tissues and their accumulation probably disarranges the biochemistry and fluid balance of the body."Drug residues can stop any mental health. They also stop a person's life!"The removal of these life-hostile chemical substances from the body of any person apparently speeds, and in some cases even makes possible, case gain. It is even worth doing for its own sake."The Purification Rundown, therefore, is for anyone."—L. Ron HubbardFind out exactly what the Purification® Program can do for YOU. Buy Clear Body Clear Mind by L. Ron Hubbard.

Hormones, Health, and Happiness: A Natural Medical Formula for Rediscovering Youth

Steven F. Hotze - 2005
    Unlike the prevailing medical approach of treating individual symptoms with the familiar 'anti' drugs - such as antibiotics, antihistamines, and antidepressants - Dr Hotze addresses the underlying causes of poor health. Built around a regimen of biologically identical hormones and other natural treatments, Dr Hotze's model will help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. In this book you are shown how to reach and maintain optimal cell, tissue, and organ functioning so that you will feel at your peak physically, mentally, and emotionally. After your twenties, your hormone levels have already peaked and begun a slow, inexorable decline that may cause you to lose energy and gain weight. You may experience mood problems or have difficulty with thinking, concentration, and short-term memory. Your immune system is likely to become less efficient, leaving you vulnerable to infectious diseases. Dr Hotze reveals how you can restore hormones to their optimal levels using natural, biologically identical hormones in a safe, effective way that preserves vitality as you mature. In his eight-point treatment program, Dr Hotze addresses the entirety of your wellness: airborne allergies, food allergies, yeast overgrowth, low thyroid function, natural hormone replacement, treatment of adrenal fatigue, nutritionally balanced eating, and vitamin and mineral supplementation. He reveals how most illnesses are due to poor dietary habits and nutrition, lack of exercise, allergic disorders that weaken the immune system and make it more prone to infection, yeast overgrowth due to overuse of antibiotics, an imbalance and decline in the body's production of thyroid and sex hormones, and stressed adrenal glands. All of these factors can be addressed safely, effectively, and naturally without drugs.

Niacin: The Real Story: Learn about the Wonderful Healing Properties of Niacin

Abram Hoffer - 2011
    This book is for people who want to learn more about niacin and its wonderful healing properties.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques

Peggy Huddleston - 2012
    Documented by research, it is recommended by hospitals in the US, including Brigham and Women's Hospital, which is a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center in New York. It also includes chapters about using mind-body techniques to reduce the side-effects of chemotherapy, how to prepare children for surgery, and vitamins to speed healing. An updated edition was published in 2012.

Metabolic Autophagy: Practice Intermittent Fasting and Resistance Training to Build Muscle and Promote Longevity (Metabolic Autophagy Diet Book 1)

Siim Land - 2019
     One of the few known ways of increasing lifespan in almost all species is caloric restriction and energy deprivation. This triggers many metabolic pathways and processes that make the organism more adaptable to environmental stressors and thus live longer. The metabolism has two sub-categories or sub-processes called anabolism and catabolism. * Anabolism, meaning ‘upward’ in Greek, describes the synthesis of biological molecules to build up new physical matter in the body. * Catabolism, meaning ‘downward’ in Greek, describes the breaking down of biological molecules to release energy. This can apply to the breakdown of bodily tissue as well as the digestion of food that then gets assimilated into the body through anabolic processes. In addition to ’Metabolic’, you can also find another word in the title - ’Autophagy’, which translates from Ancient Greek into ’self-devouring’ or ’eating of self’. This is central to the main practice of this book. By maintaining a balance between anabolism and catabolism, you can effectively extend your lifespan. The process of autophagy entails your healthy cells devouring the old, worn-out, weak ones and converting them back into energy. It’s literally your body eating itself and using that to maintain homeostasis. There are many longevity-boosting benefits to this as illustrated in virtually all other species. This book is a collection of guidelines about the principles of the anabolic-catabolic cycles in regards to nutrition and exercise. It’s definitely not a panacea – a solution or remedy for all conditions and circumstances. Instead, it’s a very specific protocol that’s not supposed to apply for all situations. Metabolic Autophagy will teach you: * What increases lifespan in humans and other species * Why there's so much disease and obesity in society * How to promote health and longevity with intermittent fasting * What is Autophagy and how it works * How to age slower and be vigorous throughout your life * Which foods make you live longer and build muscle * How the nutrient regulators of mTOR, AMPK, sirtuins, FOXO proteins, hormesis and others affect longevity * What are circadian rhythms and how they affect your health * Metabolic Autophagy Foods list and their anabolic-catabolic score * Supplements that support muscle growth and longevity * Many extras and bonuses in regards to food and exercise Siim Land is a best-selling author, anthropologist, entrepreneur, high-performance coach and a biohacker who writes about optimizing health and human performance. This book incorporates daily lifestyle and dietary practices that help to cross the chasm between longevity and high performance.

Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee l Summary & Study Guide

BookRags - 2012
    This study guide includes the following sections: Plot Summary, Chapter Summaries & Analysis, Characters, Objects/Places, Themes, Style, Quotes, and Topics for Discussion.

The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss

Gary Foster - 2021