Convict Conditioning: Ultimate Bodyweight Training Log

Paul Wade - 2012

Diamond-Cut Abs: How to Engineer The Ultimate Six-Pack--Minimalist Methods for Maximal Results

Danny Kavadlo - 2014
    It’s about right eating, right drinking, right rest, right practice, right exercise at the right time, right motivation, right inspiration, right attitude and right lifestyle. If you don’t have that righteous set of abs in place, it’s because you have failed in one or more of these areas.With his 25-plus years of rugged research and extreme physical dedication into every dimension of what it takes to earn world-class abs, Danny Kavadlo is a modern-day master of the art. It’s all here: over 50 of the best-ever exercises to develop the abs—from beginner to superman level—inspirational photos, no BS straight talk on nutrition and lifestyle factors and clear-cut instructions on what to do, when. Supply the grit, follow the program and you simply cannot fail but to build a monstrous mid-section.In our culture, Abs are the Measure of a Man. To quit on your abs is to quit on your masculinity—like it or not. Diamond-Cut Abs gives you the complete, whole-life program you need to reassert yourself and reestablish your respect as a true physical specimen—with a thunderous six-pack to prove it.“Diamond-Cut Abs condenses decades of agonizing lessons and insight into the best book on ab-training ever written. Hands down.”—PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning“Danny has done it again! Diamond-Cut Abs is a no-nonsense, results driven approach that delivers all the goods on abs. Nutrition, training and progression are all included, tattoos optional!”—ROBB WOLF, author of The Paleo Solution “There are a lot of abs books and products promising a six-pack. What sets Danny's book apart is the realistic and reasonable first section of the book… His insights into nutrition are so simple and sound, there is a moment you wish this book was a stand alone dieting book.”—DAN JOHN, author of Never Let Go"As soon as I received Diamond-Cut Abs, I flipped to the table of contents. Amazingly I found what I have been fruitlessly looking for in ab books for decades: 66 pages dedicated to NUTRITION. Kavadlo passed his second Marty audition by not echoing all the bankrupt politically-correct, lock-step, mainstream nutritional commandments. When Dan starts riffing about eating like a horse, eating ample amounts of red meat, shellfish and the divine pig meat (along with all kinds any types of nutrient-dense food), I knew I had to give my first ever ab book endorsement. When he noted that he drank whiskey while getting his abs into his all time best shape, it sealed the deal for me. Oh, and the ab exercises are excellent.”—MARTY GALLAGHER, 3-Time Powerlifting Champion, Author of The Purposeful Primitive"Danny Kavadlo's book might be titled 'Diamond-Cut Abs' but the truth is that it goes way BEYOND just ab training. Danny has actually created a guide to Physical Culture & LIVING healthy. The traditional fitness industry has gone astray from what the body truly needs. Since 1989, I've read a ton of abs-related books—and they don't scratch the surface of what's inside Danny's masterpiece. From powerful nutrition methods to training the entire body with a holistic approach, Diamond-Cut Abs is a vital addition to anyone's library. I LOVE it!”—ZACH EVEN-ESH, author of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning“Danny's new book definitely hits the mark.

Bragg Healthy Lifestyle: Vital Living to 120!

Paul Bragg - 1983
    Their proven system of body purification, toxicless diet and healthy habits helps cleanse your body of toxins to strengthen nerves, increase energy, enhance mental clarity and promote longevity. This book inspires super health and youthfulness!

Yoga For Women

Shakta Khalsa - 2002
    Featuring exercises that target women's health issues and alleviate the symptoms of menopause, Yoga For Women shows how this ancient practice provides the solution to staying flexible, healthy, and youthful at any age. Packed with more than 500 full-color photographs, healing remedies, tips, and inspiring true stories, this is a practical manual that nurtures and empowers women at every stage of their lives.

The Good Skin Solution: Natural Healing for Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea and Acne

Shann Nix Jones - 2017
    Roughly one-fifth of all children today suffer with eczema, some experiencing symptoms so severe that they look like burn victims.    Until now, there has been no real solution to this problem. Steroid creams prescribed by doctors may keep symptoms at bay temporarily, but do not resolve the problem permanently; steroids may also cause topical steroid addiction with horrific consequences, if used over the long-term.  And eczema seldom rides alone – it's part of a larger "allergic march." If your child has eczema, chances are that they will also develop food allergies, hay fever, and eventually, asthma.    The good news is that the allergic march can be interrupted – and eczema, along with many other complicated skin conditions, can be resolved. Natural health author Shann Nix Jones healed her own son from eczema and her husband from an MRSA infection even when doctors couldn't help. The staggering revelation that Shann made is that eczema is not actually a skin condition – it's an autoimmune disorder. In order to heal the skin, you have to first heal the gut.   In this book, Shann shares her natural healing wisdom on healing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne, by healing the gut, in particular with the help of the probiotic drink kefir. You will learn astonishing things about new ways to care for your own body, your immune system, and your microbiome – the 2 kg of bacteria that sit inside your gut, and control the appearance and glowing health of your own skin. If you, or anyone you know, have been suffering from an ongoing skin condition, this book is the lifeline you’ve been waiting for.

The Genius of Flexibility: The Smart Way to Stretch and Strengthen Your Body

Bob Cooley - 2005
     The Program: THE MERIDIAN FLEXIBILITY SYSTEM® provides stretches for 16 unique muscle groups with physiological and psychological benefits.

At Last a Life and Beyond

Paul David - 2015
    This latest title is packed with information on how to overcome anxiety and what keeps people in the loop. The book will cut out all the jargon and give you a clear perspective on how to overcome all of your anxiety and panic issues. In this book you won’t find a list of techniques, rules or methods, as you don’t need them. I am sure you have tried enough of these and still found little relief. Techniques, rules and methods usually take effort and are mostly built on suppression of feelings, which is the complete wrong approach. Anxiety is your mind and body’s way of telling you that you are already overdoing it with effort, both mentally and physically, so the last thing you want is to add more effort. If you want to free yourself from the prison you currently find yourself in and rediscover the true you, then this book will finally give you all the answers you need. Contents:Chapter 1: You are not broken 12 Chapter 2: Letting go of crutches 23 Chapter 3: Anxiety backpack 29 Chapter 4: What is the need for fear and anxiety 41 Chapter 5: Struggling with thoughts 48 Chapter 6: The inner critic 61 Chapter 7: Overworking the mind 67Chapter 8: Avoiding anxiety 78 Chapter 9: Resistance only increases suffering 83Chapter 10: Our obsession with worry 88 Chapter 10: Setbacks 92 Chapter 11: Other people’s success stories 98 Chapter 12: Q & A section 126 Chapter 11: Social anxiety 138 Chapter 12: Anxiety loop 143Chapter 13: Living without stress 148Chapter 14: Summing up 151

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains

Pavel Tsatsouline - 2010
    Several champions made astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gains--at least two broke new powerlifting world records—thanks to kettlebell training. Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by the champions—so all others could benefit from their success. Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research—combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific breakthroughs. Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean, classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk. Like the Breakfast of Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch yourself grow—and grow! Chapter 1: The Science of Big Heresy, but it works! Maverick superstar Vasily Alexeevev snuck this renegade method past the apparatchiks' noses—and packed serious pounds of beef on his grateful students in record time… Page 2 Why the Russian kettlebell beats all comers as the ideal tool for repetition quick lifts… Page 3 Why "fast eccentrics" are now all the rage among serious hypertrophy experts Understand how to manipulate Z-band streaming for faster muscle growth… Page 4 Shoot from both barrels! How a double whammy of "quick wacks" and "slow squeezes" will leave no muscle untrashed in your quest for explosive growth… Page 5 3 styles of Russian kettlebell training—which one is right for you?… Pages 6–8 Chapter 2: Explode and Grow This "Smokers' Delight" will jack your heart rate through the roof… Page 11 The best starting position for more powerful—and safer—shoulder contractions… Page 13 The ladies' way to trouble-free Double Cleans… Page 17 Yes, this will build monstrous biceps—but you'll be risking a serious injury… Page 19 Bad idea! Why "scooping" can only hurt your future strength development… Page 20 The difference between anatomical and biomechanical breathing—and which to choose for greater strength development… Page 21 The essential prerequisites for a powerful Double Snatch… Page 22 You MUST employ this secret in the Double Snatch—or risk your back and face… Page 24 Could this method be the best ever upper back and shoulder builder?... Page 26 Employ this little-known method for the ultimate in lateral deltoid development… Page 28 How to correctly perform the Viking Push Press—for way more powerful quads and tris… Page30 The 2 biggest problems a beginner faces with the Push Press—and the perfect solution to both. The correct grip for optimal explosiveness in the Snatch… Page 33 The essential prerequisite for maximal force transmission in the arms and legs… Page 34 The correct neck position for a truly effective Push Press—and a great way to save your back… Page 36 The 4 major keys to efficient and painless shock absorption 3 important reasons NEVER to raise your heels when push pressing… Page 40 Why it's best to stay "light" with the Viking Push Press… Page 43 Risk being accused of steroid abuse—when you gain like crazy from this ultimate kettlebell lift… Page 46 How to optimize your Clean and Jerk—for inhuman results 4 superb Russian drills to i

Pressing Reset: Original Strength Reloaded

Tim Anderson - 2018
    The fact is, you were created to move! You were also created to be strong enough to do what you need and want to do. After your years of playing then sitting and whatever you do, your body changed. Original Strength teaches you how to PRESS RESET and help your body once again remember how to move, find hope, and share joy with those you love and truly care about. Pressing Reset, Original Strength Reloaded is about restoring your body's abilities the same way you did the first time you learned to walk. Now is the time to restore your Original Strength to do everything you do in life BETTER!

Run Yourself Skinny: Lose Weight Fast Without Dieting!

Michael Thomas - 2012

Skin Rules: Your 6-week Plan to Radiant Skin

Jaishree Sharad - 2018
    So what are you waiting for?

Body by Design: The Complete 12-Week Plan to Transform Your Body Forever

Kris Gethin - 2010
    "Body by Design "is a plan that promotes health from the inside out, starting by breaking down the mental blocks that are holding you back, then by building up the muscles on your body, and finally by adding delicious, healthy food onto your plate.Rather than subtracting things from your life-- cutting out calories, losing weight, banishing your belly--here's how to add more of the right things: more muscle, more support, and more success. Motivation is the key factor that drives permanent change, and with "Body by Design "you can finally learn how to activate your inner motivation and with the proper balance of weight training, make fit happen forever. cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with that program for the long term--even people who have struggled with fitness for their entire lives can achieve spectacular, lasting results. Join the "Transformation Nation" and create your own story that will inspire others--with "Body by Design."In "Body by Design, "you'll learn the optimal balance of weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition--along with the motivational tools to stick with your goals and achieve dramatic results. Rather than subtracting things from your life (cutting calories, losing weight, banishing your belly), here's how to more muscle, more support, and more success.Based on the best practices found at (the world's leading online fitness site), "Body by Design "shows that amazing things can happen when people get the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals.***YOU CAN TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. GET AND STAY MOTIVATED.Identify your "Transformation Trigger" and create a system of radical accountability in your life--whether your goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat or gain 30 pounds of muscle.EXERCISE FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS with a fully illustrated, 12-week workout. By changing your routine often, you will "shock" your body into doing more than you ever thought you could.EAT CLEAN TO GET LEAN with simple, inexpensive, and delicious recipes. Supercharge your metabolism and keep hunger under control.***TIFFANY FORNI is a self-professed "fat girl turned fitness nerd" who turned her newfound passion for health into a career as a personal trainer.ROCHELLE FORD came from a family of unhealthy eaters but eventually lost more than 100 pounds--and converted her family to her good habits in the process.CLAUDIO RAMOS has more energy than ever after his 135-pound weight loss--"It's like I've been reborn."RICKY HOWELL achieved a stronger body and a newfound sense of confidence after his divorce.PLUS, YOU'LL READ AMAZING STORIES-- and see remarkable before-and-after photos-- from people just like you who have experienced dramatic, life-changing results.

The Reiki Bible: The Definitive Guide to Healing with Energy

Eleanor McKenzie - 2009
    For this reason, it has quickly spread across the globe as people use it to cure ills, soothe emotions, and live the life they want. The Reiki Bible provides a comprehensive, stunningly designed guide to this ancient spiritual system. It covers Reiki’s origins and development; the energy and body systems; and the three levels of Reiki. All the hand positions appear in easy-to-follow captioned photographs, and there’s advice on using Reiki for friends and family; at all life stages; for health and well-being; for alleviating common conditions; and in tandem with other therapies.

Finding Your Sacred Contract--Live Workshop

Caroline Myss - 2002
    Finding out where you invest your energetic currency can show you how to manage your power as opposed to being managed by it. When you’re working well with your energy, you’re also making the best expression of it and living in accord with your Sacred Contract.     Caroline Myss shows you how to discover your archetypal patterns, both symbolically and literally, and how to find the four archetypes we all share and the eight that are uniquely ours. By using these patterns, she teaches you how to use the “Archetypal Wheel” as an intuitive method to interpret the behind-the-scenes patterns of your life, revealing that your experiences and relationships to be spiritual dramas that are filled with opportunities for personal transformation.

Strong Women Stay Slim

Miriam E. Nelson - 1998
    Strong Women Stay Young was an instant national bestseller, a book C.  Everett Koop, M.D., called "an essential tool for women of all ages." Now the authors who brought you a powerful weapon to combat aging are back--with an exciting, medically sound program to help you boost your metabolism and melt away fat.Strong Women Stay Slim is the first book to combine the extraordinary fat-fighting power of strength training with a safe, medically proven weight-loss program.  Scientific research has shown that strength training increases metabolism--a key to permanent weight loss--by as much as 15 percent.  What is more, Tufts University research comparing women who followed identical diet plans found that the strength-training group lost 44 percent more fat than the diet-only group.No matter what your age or fitness level, you can start tomorrow with six simple, no-sweat exercises you can do at home or in the office.  You'll feel stronger, more energetic and vital almost immediately.  And after just ten weeks of easy, painless changes, you'll be astonished at how far you've come.Whether you're fighting a few stubborn pounds, struggling with postpregnancy weight gain, or battling a lifelong weight problem, Strong Women Stay Slim has everything you need:Fully illustrated exercises especially designed for weight lossUp-to-the-minute information about weight, appetite, nutrition, and fitness--explaining why this program worksA hunger-free food plan, including menus and delicious recipes from an award-winning cookbook authorMotivational secrets from sports psychology that boost self-esteemProgress logs and extra guidance for the first ten weeksFilled with inspiring stories from women who became trim and fit through strength training, Strong Women Stay Slim is your key to shaping up and feeling great--for life.