Book picks similar to
Within Reach by Robert L. Millet
Joseph Smith the Prophet
Truman G. Madsen - 1978
This one the product of Truman Madsen's deep love for the subject and years of research illuminates specific facets of Joseph Smith s greatness. The topics discussed include Joseph Smith's First Vision; his personality and character (including perspectives on his family life); his spiritual gifts and attributes; his varied trials; his Kirtland Temple experience; doctrinal developments in the Nauvoo era; and the last months and martyrdom. The book is filled with fascinating detail about key events in the Prophet's life and his impact on people. The result is a vivid, riveting portrayal of this remarkable prophet. Those who knew Joseph Smith best testified that he lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people. This wonderful book by a beloved scholar will serve to confirm and strengthen that conviction for Latter-day Saints today.
Doing What We Came to Do: Living a Life of Love
Ardeth Greene Kapp - 2011
Love enables us to bless others as we reach past our own concerns. Love provides opportunities to heal, to hope, and to have faith - even when dreams have to wait and the challenges of life weigh us down.When we are filled with love, we can make a profound difference in our own lives, in our homes and circles of influence, and in the world in which we live. Love makes it possible for us to do what we came to do.
Moving in His Majesty and Power
Neal A. Maxwell - 2004
By that time he had little energy, but in the last weeks of his life, he was focused intently on two almost-consuming priorities: spending time with his family, including giving blessings to grandchildren who had not yet received one, and finishing his last manuscript. As these priorities exemplify, Neal A. Maxwell was a teacher. He loved the word of the Lord. He believed with the psalmist that the word of the Lord "is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105). He observed, "When one sees life and people through the lens of His gospel, then one can see forever" ( Ensign, May 1974, 112). That perspective guided his life's work. Dad often said the gospel was inexhaustible, and his actions underscored that belief. The gospel was for him an endless source of truth and joy; he found the study of it invigorating. He taught it in his daily walk and talk and through his sermons and books. His desire to capture in words the insights and connections his perceptive mind noted stayed with him throughout his mortal life. At my father's funeral, President Gordon B. Hinckley noted: "I know of no other who spoke in such a distinctive and interesting way. When he opened his mouth we all listened. We came alive with expectation of something unusual, and we were never disappointed. . . . Each talk was a masterpiece, each book a work of art, worthy of repeated reading. I think we shall not see one like him again" ( Church News, 31 July 2004, 3). Moving in His Majesty and Power is the last installment in Elder Maxwell's printed legacy. It includes, in revised form, three talks he gave in the last two years of his life and which he felt were worthy of publication. It also includes a section of succinct, penetrating gospel insights on a wide variety of topics, similar in format to that of his previous work, W hom the Lord Loveth. I hope you will enjoy this book. More importantly, though, I hope my father's objective in writing it will be achieved, namely, to help us resolve to become more committed disciples and to deepen our gratitude for the inexhaustible gospel he loved so deeply and proclaimed so tirelessly. Cory H. Maxwell
Increase In Learning: Spiritual Patterns For Obtaining Your Own Answers (Spiritual Patterns, #1)
David A. Bednar - 2011
Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. But how can we best learn the things we need to know and do?Elder Bednar emphasizes concepts, patterns, and processes that invite each of us to act and learn fundamental truths for ourselves. Declaring that answers to our questions always are found in the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel, he provides a framework in this book for learning those doctrines and understanding with our hearts.
Trails to Testimony: Bringing Young Men to Christ Through Scouting
Bradley D. Harris - 2009
Hinckley said, "There is no more significant work in this world than the preparation of boys to become men . . . who are qualified to live productive and meaningful lives." And President Thomas S. Monson underscores this thought when he says that "It's easier to build boys than to mend them." Bradley D. Harris, professor of recreational management and youth leadership at Brigham Young University, and past member of the LDS Young Mens General Board, challenges parents and youth leaders alike to rediscover the spiritual dimensions of Scouting-to focus on the close relationship that should exist between Scouting and the Aaronic Priesthood. The author's 22-year professional career with the Boy Scouts of America, combined with extensive experience within the Church in various priesthood leadership capacities, gives him invaluable insights into the responsibilities that parents and leaders have in bringing young men to Christ. "The family is the first institution charged with bringing young men to Christ. . . . Working in harmony, the family and the Aaronic Priesthood should create an atmosphere where young men's individual testimonies can . . . flourish." Trails to Testimony is a powerful guide for families and leaders entrusted with the sacred responsibility of teaching and guiding the young men of the Church.
The Miracle of Forgiveness
Spencer W. Kimball - 1969
But perhaps his greatest miracle was the healing of people's souls, - the forgiveness of sin. Jesus offers us that same miracle on the same terms- sincere repentance. In The Miracle of Forgiveness, President Spencer W Kimball gives a penetrating explanation of repentance and forgiveness and clarifies their implications for Church members. His in-depth approach shows that the need for forgiveness is universal; portrays the various facets of repentance, and emphasizes some of the more serious errors, particularly sexual ones, which afflict both modern society and Church members. Most important, he illuminates his message with the brightness of hope that even those who have gone grievously astray may find the way back to peace and security. Never before has any book brought this vital and moving subject into so sharp a focus. This classic book is a major work of substance and power. After, all who does not need the miracle of forgiveness.
To Draw Closer To God: A Collection Of Discourses
Henry B. Eyring - 1997
Eyring explains some of the ways we can claim these promises. In his thoughtful, spiritual style, he discusses such topics as learning to hear the Lord's voice, choosing to be good, overcoming trials of faith, strengthening the family, surrendering to Christ, and helping others draw closer to the Lord. Elder Eyring writes, "Yield your heart unto God. Ask him what it is he would have you do. Know that he will have prepared a way for you to do it, even under great difficulties. Ask him how he would have you share what you have with others, and you will feel his love. He lives and he loves you. He wants you to come home again." If you would like to have the Spirit of the Lord with you more often, if you would like to feel closer to your Father in Heaven and have him be closer to you, you'll appreciate the insights and messages in this collection of inspiring discourses
Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures, Both Ancient and Modern
James E. Talmage - 1915
Elder Marion G. Romney said, "One who gets the understanding, the vision, and the spirit of the resurrected Lord through a careful study of the text Jesus the Christ by Elder James E. Talmage will find that he has greatly increased his moving faith in our glorified Redeemer." This special edition has been completely retypeset for added readability, and for the first time the chapter endnotes have been included with the footnotes for ready reference.
Love Life and See Good Days
Emily Belle Freeman - 2011
Look at things in a different light. Laugh. Uncover the good that may be concealed. Let your perspective allow you to focus on the Lord. Through Him, understanding will come.-Emily Freeman
The Holy Temple
Boyd K. Packer - 1980
It examines in appropriate detail the doctrines and practices which surround that holy building, and particularly their implications for the individual Church member.Part one offers the Lord's invitation: "Come to the temple." It sets forth the requirements for attendance- basically, preparation through worthiness- and the attitude and behavior appropriate for those attending that holy place on the first and all subsequent occasions. Part two deals in brief fashion with the ancient temples then turns to the central human figure in the work of the temple- Elijah the Prophet, who anciently held the keys relative to the sealing power of the priesthood. Malachi's prophecy and the human tradition about Elijah's return in the latter days are impressively set forth.Elijah's return and all that it means for the happiness and salvation of mankind are the themes of parts three and four. Following early Restoration scenes, here is the Kirtland Temple built at great personal sacrifice. Dedicated, it fulfills a major purpose in the glorious visions of April 3, 1836, the Savior himself introducing three heavenly beings who then convey priesthood keys. One of these is Elijah. Thereafter the revelations progressively develop the doctrine of temple work for both the living and the dead; under divine direction temple ceremonies are introduced and participants eagerly flock to the Nauvoo Temple; through President Wilford Woodruff the supporting work of lineage linking is clarified by revelation; and the spirit of Elijah is manifest both in and out of the Church as genealogical research and temple work blossom, temples multiply, and those beyond the veil assist those involved in the work here.The endowment with its sacred covenants and its elevating symbolic instruction, the sealing ordinance, and the other temple ceremonies are discussed sensitively and authoritatively.
The Divine Center
Stephen R. Covey - 1998
The book introduces, explains, and illuminates such a principle - centering one's life on Christ. It examines twelve other "centers" and their effect on key dimensions of our lives: our security, guidance, wisdom, and power. Although those other perspectives offer some value, only the "divine center" meets all the tests. This powerful principle is given life by an inspiring presentation of "how-tos" -imaginative, thought-provoking explanations of the divine-centering process and steps necessary to achieve the goal.
A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon
Ezra Taft Benson - 1988
In A Witness and a Warning you will find President Benson's counsel, insight, testimony and teachings pertaining to the Book of Mormon.
Joseph Smith as Scientist
John A. Widtsoe - 1908
The struggle for reconciliation between the contending forces is not an easy one. It cuts deep into the soul and usually leaves scars that ache while life endures. There are thousands of young people in the Church to-day, and hundreds of thousands throughout the world, who are struggling to set themselves right with the God above and the world about them. It is for these young people, primarily, that the following chapters have been written...
Endowed from on High: Understanding the Symbols of the Endowment
John D. Charles - 1998
It is literally a gift - a gift of God's power. While carefully maintaining the sacred confidentiality of the temple ordinances, this book provides scriptural correlations which will open up rich new areas of understanding. Once you read this inspired information, you will be better informed about the scriptural authority and symbolism of the sacred ordinances. You will be better prepared and motivated to apply scriptural symbols in your life and strive to become more like Christ. Within these pages are more than twenty scriptural symbols which correlate with the temple service. The central focus of these symbols is found in Brigham Young's oft-quoted statement of the ceremony's ultimate purpose: to enable recipients to pass by the angelic sentinels who guard the entrance to God's kingdom as they "walk back to the presence of the Father." Endowed from on high teaches that revelation occurs during the endowment, that promises are required before blessings are granted, that covenants are the channels through which blessings flow, and that the Lord is voluntarily "bound" when we obey His commandments. This is a unique and reverential guide to growth in the most sacred of all areas of our relationship with the Savior and our heavenly Father. Reading and pondering Endowen From On High will be a choice experience for all Church members.