Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings

Caitlín Matthews - 1996
    Beautifully illustrated and designed, this book will appeal to readers searching for ways to practice spirituality, offering blessings, prayers and devotions.

Magical Housekeeping: Simple Charms & Practical Tips for Creating a Harmonious Home

Tess Whitehurst - 2010
    Swirl magical botanicals into your cleaning supplies, call fairies into your garden, ask a spider for advice. Clear clutter for clarity, perform the oatmeal cookie ritual for abundance, or make a sweet dreams charm for a good night's sleep.In this delightful book, intuitive counselor Tess Whitehurst reveals how your home can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation and manifestation. She offers a variety of simple, whimsical ways to create a harmonious home while enhancing your own happiness, intuition, and magical power.Praise: Filled with valuable information and ancient wisdom to activate sparkling energy and create true sacred space in your home. I recommend it!--Denise Linn, author of Sacred Space

The Practical Witch's Spell Book: For Love, Happiness, and Success

Cerridwen Greenleaf - 2018
    To practice witchcraft is to be purposeful whether it's to help heal, bring about prosperity, imbue your home with positivity, or even to fall in love. To be a practical witch is to tap into an inner place of intention, energy, and magic to bring about positive change in your life and those of your loved ones. With life's increasingly frenetic pace, a magical approach to living is more important now than ever. In this must-have guide for spell-casters of all levels you will find hundreds of spells, blessings, and incantations for love and romance, contentment and happiness, success and prosperity, health and healing, work and vocation, and money and wealth, all to enrich your mind and spirit, and to improve your life and the world around you. Also included are ritual resources, magical correspondences, lucky colors and numbers, moon spells, and all the essential tools you need for making magic.

The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature

Starhawk - 2004
    Earth, air, fire and water are the four elements worshiped in many indigenous cultures and celebrated in earth–based spiritualities such as Wicca. In The Earth Path, America's best–known witch offers readers a primer on how to open our eyes to the world around us, respect nature's delicate balance, and draw upon its tremendous powers.Filled with inspiring meditations, chants, and blessings, it offers healing for the spirit in a stressed world and helps readers find their own sources of strength and renewal.Will appeal to Starhawk's traditional Pagan, New Age, and feminist readership.Young women newly interested in magic and witchcraft.A new and growing generation of those involved in ecology

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development

Christopher Penczak - 2002
    With study, dedication, and practice, the lessons and exercises in this book will empower you to transform the repetitive rigors of the daily grind into a witch's web of magickal experiences.The Inner Temple of Witchcraft is a thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft.As you progress through this year-and-a-day course of study, you will explore a wide range of topics that support and inform the dedicated witch:Ancient and modern magickal philosophy Modern scientific theories supporting a new definition of reality Instant magick techniques for protection, healing, and serenity Energy work and anatomy, including chakras and auras Astral travel, dreams, and spirit guides Healing techniques for body, mind, and spirit This book's non-dogmatic presentation encourages an eclectic, personal approach while providing a strong foundation for the practice of witchcraft and magick. Develop your psychic abilities and practice potent magickal techniques as you explore the source of every witch's power--the temple within.Winner of the 2003 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for Best Magic Book

The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals

Judy Hall - 2003

Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century

Philip Carr-Gomm - 2002
    He explains- The ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids- Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal- and herb-lore- The mysteries of the Druids' seasonal celebrations- The Druids' use of magic and how their spirituality relates to paths such as WiccaThis guide will show how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world and our sense of ancestry. The life-enhancing beliefs and practices of this spiritual path have much to offer our 21st-century world.

Samhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween

Diana Rajchel - 2015
    It includes hands-on information for modern celebrations, spells and divination, recipes and crafts, invocations and prayers, and more!Samhain—also known as Halloween—is the final spoke in the wheel of the year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This guide shows you how to practice the serious work of divination and honoring the dead along with the more light-hearted activities of Halloween.

The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals

Maia Toll - 2018
    Would meditating on the starflower help heal you? Does the spirit of sweet violet have something to offer you today? Contemporary herbalist Maia Toll, author of The Illustrated Bestiary and The Illustrated Crystallary, profiles the mystical, magical, bewitching personalities of 36 powerful herbs, fruits, and flowers in this stunning volume. The book includes a deck of 36 beautifully illustrated oracle cards — one for each plant — and ideas for readings and rituals to help you access your intuition, navigate each day's joys and problems, and tap into each plant's unique powers for healing, guidance, and wisdom. Also available: The Illustrated Herbiary Collectible Box Set and The Illustrated Bestiary Collectible Box Set.

Natural Magic

Doreen Valiente - 1975
    All we need is the ability to see it, understand it, and apply it. Magic works because of nature's laws, not in spite of them, and Valiente shows how to practice the age-old white magic which has been familiar to the Wise Ones for centuries.

Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery: Everyday Magic, Spells, and Recipes

Kris Bradley - 2012
    B.'s Guide to Household Witchery." Whether you're sweeping the floor, making a meal, or cleaning out that junk drawer, domestic witch Kris Bradley, creator of the popular blog, "Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom," will show you how to create spells and magic to bring happiness and balance into your home. Bradley offers ideas and solutions to make the most out of everyday items, activities, and obligations. From Anchovies to Broccoli, and Wine to Yeast, from sweeping the floor to blow-drying your hair, you can change your outlook on life with a pinch of knowledge and a dash of magic! The book includes simple rituals, spells, and ways to connect with the spirits that watch over your home and family. Includes an appendix of herbs and a complete materia magica from the kitchen pantry."Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery" features: Room by Room: How to create magic while you cook, set up a family altar in the living room, or do a junk drawer divination. The Elements for the Domestic Witch: a primer on the 4 elements and how to balance them in your home. The Domestic Witch's Herbal: Magical uses for every herb and food in your pantry, as well as instant magic with prepackaged spice mixes. Simple Sabbats for the Busy Witch: simple ways to celebrate the passing of the seasons. Magical Recipes: More than 100 recipes and spells.

Witches, Druids and King Arthur

Ronald Hutton - 2003
    By the author of 'Stations in the Sun' and 'The Triumph of the Moon', in which Ronald Hutton established himself as a leading authority on the history of paganism, this title contains his essays which cover a wide range of beliefs, myths and practices, also on the subject of paganism.

Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

Margot Adler - 1979
    Margot Adler attended ritual gatherings and interviewed a diverse, colorful gallery of people across the United States, people who find inspiration in ancient deities, nature, myth, even science fiction. In this new edition featuring an updated resource guide of newsletters, journals, books, groups, and festivals, Margot Adler takes a fascinating and honest look at the religious experiences, beliefs, and lifestyles of modern America's Pagan groups.

A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year

Ellen Evert Hopman - 1994
    A Druid’s Herbal shows the reader how to use herbs when creating rituals to celebrate festivals and significant life passages such as births, house blessings, weddings, funerals, and naming ceremonies. Drawing on extensive research and a deep personal experience with Pagan traditions, Ellen Evert Hopman explores the history and folklore surrounding the eight major Celtic festivals: Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Summer Solstice, Lugnasad, and Fall Equinox. Included in each discussion are complete instructions on the medicinal and magical uses of the herbs associated with each celebration. Using these Celtic traditions as examples, the author suggests ways to incorporate the symbolic and magical power of herbs into personal rituals that honor all phases of life from childbirth to last rites. Also included are chapters on how to prepare herbal tinctures, salves, and poultices; herbs used by the Druids; herbal alchemy and the planets; and the relationships between herbs and sacred places. Filled with practical information and imaginative suggestions for using herbs for healing, ceremony, and magic, this book is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to age-old herbal practices. A master herbalist, psychotherapist, and lay homeopath, Ellen Hopman is the author of Tree Medicine, Tree Magic and the video Gifts of the Healing Earth, and co-author of People of the Earth: The New Pagans.

A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook

Janet Farrar - 1987
    This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.