Best of
The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts
Judika Illes - 2004
Enter the world of folklore, myth, and magic. Discover binding spells and banishing spells, spells for love, luck, wealth, power, spiritual protection, physical healing, and enhanced fertility drawn from Earth’s every corner and spanning 5,000 years og magical history. In The Encyclopedia Of 5,000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts, independent scholar, educator and author of several books of folklore, folkways, and mythology Judika Illes enables the reader to enter the world of folklore, myth and magic with binding spells and banishing spells, spells for love, luck, wealth, and power, as well as spells for spiritual protection, physical healing, and enhanced fertility drawn from Earth's every corner and spanning 5,000 years of magical history.
The Druid Craft Tarot
Philip Carr-Gomm - 2004
This is a full deck of 78 cards, each a superb work of art, with a text by prominent authors.
Magick of Reiki: Focused Energy for Healing, Ritual, & Spiritual Development
Christopher Penczak - 2004
The history, mythos, variations, and three degrees of Reiki are discussed in depth. Penczak also suggests way to integrate Reiki and magickal practice, such as using Reiki energy for psychic development and with candle magick, crystals, herbs, charms, and talismans.Winner of the 2005 COVR Award (Best Alternative Health Book)
Evolutionary Witchcraft
T. Thorn Coyle - 2004
A learned and serious manual to Witchcraft for the mature practitioner, by one of the craft's leading teachers.
The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense
Christopher Penczak - 2004
First, find out how to protect yourself using personal energy, will, and intent. Next, discover how to connect with your guardian spirits, angels, and patron deities. Finally, learn how to use traditional spellcraft and ritual for protection.This comprehensive guide to psychic self-defense and protection magick also includes an audio CD of protection meditations read by the author.Praise: A wise, helpful book for beginners and intermediate students of the Craft.--Publishers Weekly2005 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 1st Runner Up in Magic/Magick category
Kharis: Hellenic Polytheism Explored
Sarah Kate Istra Winter - 2004
It is written for the person new to Hellenismos, and for the person who has been practicing for years, as well as for people outside of the religion who are interested in learning more. It covers not only the basics of worship, but also how make the ancient religion relevant to modern times, cultivate relationships with the gods and other divinities, and create a deeply satisfying spiritual life. The emphasis of this book is on the concept of kharis, the reciprocity so implicit in the practice of Hellenic polytheism. From the simplest devotional act, to prayer, to divination, to mysticism, the principle of reciprocal favor governs the heart of this religion and lets each worshipper encounter the gods on a real and profound level.
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart - 2004
This essential handbook contains everything an aspiring Wizard needs to know. It is profusely illustrated with original art by Oberon and friends, as well as many woodcuts from medieval and alchemical manuscripts--plus charts, tables, and diagrams. It also contains: Biographies of famous Wizards in history and legend; Descriptions of magickal tools and regalia (with full instructions for making them); spells and workings for a better life; rites and rituals for special occasions; a bestiary of mythical creatures; systems of divination; the Laws of Magick; myths and stories of gods and heroes; lore and legends of the stars and constellations; instructions for performing amazing illusions, special effects,! and many other wonders of the magickal multiverse. To those who study the occult, in particular, Witchcraft, the name of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is internationally-known and respected. He is a genuine Wizard, and he has written this book for any person wishing to become one. Perhaps, as some have written, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is the real Albus Dumbledore to aspiring Harry Potters!In addition to his own writings in this collection, he also presents other writers who add some highly thoughtful insights. Such as Raymond Buckland among others.The illustrations and photographs which accompany the text are among the finest found anywhere, and are a helpful boon to those wanting to see what they are reading about. Biographies of many famous Wizards of history and legend appear in the book. Detailed descriptions of magickal tools with information for making them appears in this book. Additional information includes rites and rituals for special occasions, a bestiary of mythical creatures, a detailed and educational discussion on the laws of magick, myths, and lore of the stars and constellations. This book is full of instructions!As a handbook and guide for becoming a Wizard, this is as near perfect and honest a book as one will find today. New Page Books has done a great service to the paranormal and occult community readers by publishing this worthwhile reference book.Oberon Zell-Ravenheart has written a classic on Wizardry. This is his masterpiece. One of the American pioneers of Paganism in the United States, his lifetime of learning and information is shared with readers from all walks of life. He started in 1968 with the publication of his award-winning journal, Green Egg, and is often considered by readers as one of their favorite Pagan writers. The lessons in this fine book are accurate, honest, and entertaining.If you want to become a Wizard, this is the book to start with, and learn from. This Grimoire is must-have reading for readers interested in true magick. The information given on ghosts will hold the reader spellbound, as will all information in this reference book!
The Way of Four: Create Elemental Balance in Your Life
Deborah Lipp - 2004
The Way of Four helps you determine which of the four elements are prominent and which are lacking in your world using a variety of custom-made quizzes. It includes a multitude of methods to incorporate and balance the elements in your environment, wardrobe, and even your perfume. This is a fun and valuable sourcebook for anyone seeking balance and beauty in a hectic world.
Wicca For One: The Path Of Solitary Witchcraft
Raymond Buckland - 2004
Charmed Book of Love Spells
Paul Ruditis - 2004
An extension of the top-rated, long-running television show Charmed and the popular book series based on it, here's a Miniature Edition™ that holds great appeal for adolescent and teenage girls—or anyone who has ever been Charmed by love.
Earth Wisdom
Glennie Kindred - 2004
This comprehensive book is a source of information for anyone wanting to learn more about tree lore, the Celtic festivals, the five elements, Moon energies and making a deeper connection with the Earth.
Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch
Lora O'Brien - 2004
It succeeds where many books have failed-fulfilling the longing for real Irish Witchcraft, while crafting the delicate balance between learning from the past and weaving a modern system based on truth and respect. Lora O'Brien is a genuine Irish Witch, making no claims of "fraudulent family traditions"-she is simply a woman who walks her path and shares her experiences, working closely with her heritage and land in a contemporary setting.Irish Witchcraft From an Irish Witch explores the past:Providing an investigation of the Witches' place in Irish mythology.Looking at Witchcraft and magic by examining the customs connected with the Sidhe.Examining historical evidence of the Witch trials that swept across the isle.And the present and beyond by:Working with Irish deities, landscapes, energies, and antiquities.Examining the wheel of the year, with its festivals, cycles, and seasons of Irish culture.Looking at ritual progression through a Witch's life: magical training, physical growth.Providing alternatives to the traditional stages of a child's life in modern Irish culture.
Walkers Between the Worlds: The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus
Caitlín Matthews - 2004
In addition to its in-depth theoretical analysis, Walkers Between the Worlds contains practical exercises drawn from traditional teaching methods used by both native and hermetic traditions to help the reader explore these mysteries.
Nature's Way: Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth
Ed McGaa - 2004
He then offers everyday lessons and values gleaned from Nature that endure for all times and people.In this call for spiritual awakening, McGaa explains how we can create a new global culture based not on dominance over nature for economic and political gain, but on values that endure for all times and all people. Nature's Way explores Native American belief systems, oppression of Native Americans by the dominant society, the desacralisation of Nature, and the complicity of institutional religion.Taking on religion, politics, and culture, McGaa provides a template for readers – a path designed by Nature that anyone can follow. Using the lessons of eagle, bear, lion, wolf, orca, owl, tiger, buffalo, rat, deer – even the cottonwood tree, Nature's Way teaches all of us how we can overcome religious intolerance, treat women and men equally, preserve our environment, and live in peace.
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs
Stephanie Rose Bird - 2004
Tracing Hoodoo's magical roots back to West Africa, Stephanie Rose Bird provides a fascinating history of this nature-based healing tradition and gives practical advice for applying Hoodoo magic to everyday life. Learn how sticks, stones, roots, and bones--the basic ingredients in a Hoodoo mojo bag--can be used to bless the home, find a mate, invoke wealth, offer protection, and improve your health and happiness.
Mythastrology: Exploring Planets & Pantheons
Raven Kaldera - 2004
Mars, Venus, Neptune - the planets themselves are named after gods and goddesses of civilizations past. "MythAstrology "is a guide to understanding the expression of planetary energies through the signs of the zodiac. Explore the many myths that you may be living, their lessons, and their rewards and difficulties by discovering your own astrological mythology. All you need is a copy of your astrological birth chart and this book to form a complete astromythological profile of yourself and your friends and family. Deepen your understanding of ancient myth, modern astrology, and your own psyche.
American Household Botany: A History of Useful Plants, 1620-1900
Judith Sumner - 2004
This book is only available through print on demand. All interior art is black and white.
Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation
Ruth Barrett - 2004
Instead of providing shortcuts, scripts, or rote rituals, she teaches women how to think like a ritualist. Step by step, readers learn the ritual-making process: developing a purpose and theme, building an altar, preparing emotionally and mentally (energetics), spellcasting, and more. For beginners or experienced ritualists, solitaries or groups, this thorough, engaging guide to the art of ritual-making can help women commemorate every sacred milestone-from menstruation to marriage to menopause-that touches their lives.Praise: "Ruth Barrett brings her many years of experience in teaching and priestessing in the Dianic tradition to this book. Her thoughtfulness, intelligence and depth of understanding make it a valuable resource and will open a new perspective for many Pagans."—Starhawk, best-selling author of The Spiral Dance and The Fifth Sacred Thing
Craft of the Wild Witch: Green Spirituality & Natural Enchantment
Poppy Palin - 2004
It resonates with those who yearn to express their inherent spirituality in a joyous, meaningful manner; who sense their wild heart and soul nature; who know there is beauty, magic, and meaning in the world if only we want to find it. It is a magical path for those with poetry in their souls. Evocative and compelling, Craft of the Wild Witch reveals how to practice a form of Witchcraft that is both wild and free. Within these pages you will discover the wild Witch's way of seeing and knowing, how to discern one's suitability for the wild Witch's path, and the fundamental themes of green spirituality. Also covered in this guidebook: --Rituals, chants, pathworkings, and seasonal prayers--Tree meditations, spell-weaving, and trance work --The Fey and other-worldly companions--Herbs as helpers --Other-life memories--Sacred intent and safe practice
The Secret Language of Luck
Gary Goldschneider - 2004
Here is the definitive book on how to promote good luck in all areas of life-through the year 2021... Based on Gary Goldschneider's unique and internationally recognized system that tracks the two most important planets for success in daily life-Jupiter, which governs prosperity, and Saturn, which governs difficult times and obstacles-readers will discover how to to maximize success at any time.
Horses and the Mystical Path: The Celtic Way of Expanding the Human Soul
Adele von Rust McCormick - 2004
Through serendipitous encounters, they learn that the ancient Celtic people befriended the horse to cultivate the human heart and soul, and that horses accompanied the Celts as they spread their spiritual vision far and wide. The McCormicks soon embark on a wisdom pilgrimage. From India to Mexico to Spain and Morocco, they follow the ancient relationship between horses and humans, exploring a mystical path lit by a spirit of unity and beauty. With help from their horses, the McCormicks learn to integrate spirituality with their psychological training, forming a new, powerful form of healing. Horses and the Mystical Path recounts their memorable journey, and the lessons they learn from their amazing equine guides.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living
Dorothy Morrison - 2004
You'll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the seldom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon, and the lunar eclipse. Follow the Moon as she traverses each sign of the zodiac, and discover how each astrological phase affects magic, mundane events, and gardening--and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. This guide by popular author Dorothy Morrison includes more than 140 spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon.
The Book of Fallen Angels
Michael Howard - 2004
Shamanic Spirit: A Practical Guide to Personal Fulfillment
Kenneth Meadows - 2004
But in so doing, we have become isolated from the very essence of our existence as individuals--our own spirit. In Shamanic Spirit Kenneth Meadows introduces Shamanics, his spiritual science of living, which recognizes the primacy of the spirit and acknowledges that spirit is inherent in all living beings and life forms. Shamanics is a practical way of becoming aware of our multi-dimensional reality and using that awareness to cultivate and refine the spirit within.Using the symbolic structure of the Medicine Wheel--which helps us establish a sense of direction, extend perception, and examine relationships--Meadows presents 33 hands-on experiential exercises that help readers discover the truth about themselves. His approach also draws upon and integrates universal shamanic concepts from such regions as the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, India, China, and Polynesia to show readers how to release their dormant potentials, generate creativity, and meet the challenges of their lives with confidence and self-assurance.
The Sacred Whore: Sheela, Goddess of the Celts
Maureen Concannon - 2004
This is the story of their history, location and psychological significance. They are known as Sheela na Gigs
Animal Totems: The Power and Prophecy of Your Animal Guides
Millie Gemondo - 2004
Think the Pet Psychic Meets Medicine Cards.Pet intuitive Millie Gemondo and best-selling New Age author Trish MacGregor team up to produce the most engaging animal spirit guide book, a compelling combination of animal wisdom and divination techniques."Animals have long been recognized as messengers, healers, and symbols of upcoming events and experiences," say the authors, who explore the meanings of more than 200 animals -- reptiles to birds, mammals to fish -- in this great book.All you need to learn how the magic and forecasting powers of animals can help you lead a better life is here in the book -- no coins, cards, dice, runes, or other tool is needed.
Legends of the Ring
Elizabeth Magee - 2004
Illustrated by Simon Brett. Divided into two sections: the ring legends of Scandinavia and the ring legends of Germany.
Magic of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses: A Guide to Their Spiritual Power, Healing Energies, and Mystical Joy
Carl McColman - 2004
Figures like Brigid, Cernunnos, Rhiannon, and CuChulainn are honored for their magic, their bravery, and their mythical deeds. Among Pagans, the gods and goddesses of Gaul, Ireland, Wales, and the other Celtic lands rank with the Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons as the most popular and influential deities in the Neo-Pagan movement.Magic of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses is the first resource available to help Pagans, Witches, and Druids to connect specifically with the Celtic Gods and Goddesses in a truly deep, powerful, and spiritual way. This book will help you:Learn the major Irish, Welsh, and continental Celtic deities.Discover the major myths and lore associated with each deity.Create rituals and magical work appropriate for each deity.Understand the psychological archetypes of each God and Goddess.Forge true and meaningful relationships with the deities for our time.Relate the various gods and goddesses to the Sabbats and Holy Days.
Healing of the Soul: Shamanism and Psychotherapy
Ann Drake - 2004
While in Borneo with the Peace Corps in the 1960s, Ann Drake made contacts which eventually would draw her into this lineage connected with historic indigenous practices.
The Traveller's Guide to Fairy Sites: The Landscape and Folklore of Fairyland in England, Wales and Scotland
Janet Bord - 2004
Concentrating on places that are identifiable and able to be visited today, the sources drawn on range from traditional folklore to modern first-hand sighting reports. The entries give precise locations, including Ordnance Survey map references. All the different types of Little People are represented. They are mostly not the pretty winged fairies that appear in children's picture books. 'Real' fairies can be frightening. By reading these stories and travelling to the sites, the reader will gain a sense of what it is to inhabit that Otherworld of the fairies. This is a call to get up and explore the Fairyland that is all around us.
Encyclopedia Of Herb Gardening
Frances Hutchinson - 2004
There is also handy information on using herbs in cooking, crafts, cosmetics, and gifts. With clear, comprehensive text, practical tips, and many lavish photographs, the Encyclopedia of Herb Gardening is the essential reference for anyone wishing to create a beautiful and productive herb garden.
Under One Sky
Jodie ForrestEvelyn Roberts - 2004
Read how each one applies his or her real-world techniques, just as they would with a client. To deepen your understanding, all of them explain their underlying interpretative strategies, and answer ten pressing questions about their work. A unique and groundbreaking astrological study that includes an autobiography by the birthchart's subject -- readers can see how well each interpretation fit. Includes interpretations by: Demetra George, Evelyn Roberts, Gary Christen, Hadley Fitzgerald, John Marchesella, Ken Bowser, Kim Rogers-Gallagher, Robert Hand, Robert Schmidt, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Steven Forrest, and Wendy Ashley.
Living Druidry
Emma Restall Orr - 2004
You will learn about: The fundamental principles underlying Druidry; The relevance of Druidry and nature spirituality today; The powers of nature that resonate within the individual; Understanding and accepting yourself; How to bring a profound spiritual experience into your everyday life; Simple ways to acknowledge and embrace the wild side of your nature
Women's Religions in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook
Ross Shepard Kraemer - 2004
The book is a collection of translations of primary texts relevant to women's religion in Western antiquity, from the fourth century BCE to the fifth century CE. The selections are taken from the plethora of ancient religions, including Judaism and Christianity, and are translated from the six major languages of the Greco-Roman world: Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, and Coptic. The texts are grouped thematically in six sections: Observances, Rituals, and Festivals; Researching Real Women: Documents to, from and by Women; Religious Office; New Religious Affiliation and Conversion; Holy, Pious, and Exemplary Women; and The Feminine Divine. Women's Religions in the Greco-Roman World provides a unique and invaluable resource for scholars of classical antiquity, early Christianity and Judaism, and women's religion more generally.
Totem Magic: Dance of the Shape-Shifter
Yasmine Galenorn - 2004
As humans we share the earth with many magnificent creatures, and through Pagan magic we can connect with the animal kingdom and with our individual animal spirits, or totems. In TOTEM MAGIC, author Yasmine Galenorn-whose soul is part panther, boa, and peacock-shows you how to uncover the animal spirits who guide and guard you in your life'-'s journey. Drawing on Pagan shamanism, she offers guidelines, spellwork, and rituals for connecting with your totems for strength, protection, and empowerment. Through the ancient mystical practice of totem magic, you can discover your animal within while exploring new, exciting paths in your spiritual development.