Book picks similar to
Dreams and Nightmares by R.S. Martin


Changeling: The Dreaming

Ian Lemke - 1997
    Only the world of humanity remains. Without any awareness of our true nature, humankind crushes us beneath its banal heel. Joy and laughter are gone; only the Dreaming remains.We are changelings, the forgotten ones, neither fully fae nor wholly mortal. The last of our kind on Earth, we have built ourselves an invisible kingdom. We are everywhere, yet you have never seen us. We hide, not behind some fragile Masquerade, but in plain sight with the power of our Glamour. We exist within a real world of make-believe where "imaginary" things can kill and" "pretend" monsters are real.The storytelling game of modern fantasy. The Kithain are heirs to Earth's secret kingdom of faerie. And yet they are only part fae; they are forced to adopt mortal guises to survive disbelief in magic. The fae must strive to forestall the coming Winter and bring about an endless Spring lest Banality consume all and the Dreaming be lost.Changeling Second Edition features a clarified and expanded setting and cosmology, as well as completely new and revised rules. Yet it's fully compatible with first edition and the rest of the Storyteller games. A full-color, hardcover book with art and graphics like you've never seen before.

Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy

Justin Achilli - 2000
    Is it the power of summoned demons? An application of the Blood's mystic properties? The will of spirits? Or is it something else altogether? Only those who master its dark secrets can know.Hidden Lore RevealedBlood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy provides the answers to long-asked questions about this most powerful of Kindred Disciplines and explores a gamut of new possibilities. Included in the book are new paths and rituals as well as details on the lesser known but similar arcane practices. What is it about Thaumaturgy that has allowed the Tremere to ascend to prominence in the modern nights? This book examines the answer.Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy includes: A complete look at Thaumaturgy, from its dark origins to its modern practice; A wealth of new paths and rituals; Other path and ritual systems like Necromancy and Koldunic Sorcery

Changeling: The Dreaming

Mark Rein-Hagen - 1995
    Unlock the chains and throw off the shackles.Come hither, changelings, and join the dream-dance, lest the Winter come and the Dreaming pass into memory.Reclaim your heritage! Let the games begin!Changeling: the Dreaming corebook, 1st Edition

Clanbook: Lasombra

Richard Dansky - 1996
    Unseen even by mirrors, these lords of darkness glide through the night they rule, orchestrating the rise and fall of Kindred and kine alike. From the Sahara Desert to the Spanish Main, from the monasteries of Seville to the mean streets of New York City, no other clan so embodies what it means to be a vampire.Clanbook: Lasombra includes:* The History of the clan and the foul diablerie of its progenitor;* Details on the clan's sinister rites and depraved games;* New Merits, Flaws and Obtenebration powers.

Clanbook: Setites

Richard Watts - 1995
    I wish you joy o'th' Worm!"We are the small voice that whispers to you in the lonely hours of the night. We call to the darkness within all of you. We came from the dark, and to the dark we shall all return..."Called the corrupt by even the most crooked Ventrue, the Setites are almost universally mistrusted and feared by the clans of the Camarilla, and scorned by the Sabbat for their unwillingness to share in the Vaudalrie.Clanbook: Setites includes:* Extensive history of the followers of Set* All new Merits and Flaws for Setite characters* Ten complete character templates!

Clanbook: Gangrel

Brad Freeman - 1995
    Now learn the secrets of these enigmatic vampires - their history and legends, their allies and enemies, and the truth of their relationship with the fearsome Lupine. There is good reason why they stand at the forefront of every vampiric war: none can stand against them.Clanbook: Gangrel includes:* The history of the clan and its unique view of the world;* 10 sample characters suitable for players and storytellers, and;* How the Gangrel run with the werewolves and the powers they gain.

Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised

Lucien Soulban - 2001
    The modern nights have caught up with these monsters, however, who have fallen from their place as masters of hoary estates to degenerates bound by the callous whims of the Sabbat.The Flesh-Twisted FiendsAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Tzimisce takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Assamite Revised

Clayton Oliver - 2000
    Once assumed to be mere assassins, the Assamites have thrown off the Camarillas debilitating curse and their mantle of silence. A diverse clan of noble warriors, erudite scholars, learned sorcerers and murderous diablerists, the Assamites have stepped forth to claim their legacy in the Final Nights.The High Price of UndeathAs part of the revised lineup of clanbooks, Assamite takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Ravnos

Robert Hatch - 1997
    From Bel Air to Bombay, from Shanghai to Sarajevo, these nomadic vampires wander where their citybound Kindred fear to tread. Now learn of the Ravnos' secret arts, and the centuries of hate that can lie behind a jester's smile. Clanbook: Ravnos includes: * The history of the clan, from Mohenjo Daro to Birkenau. * Information on Ravnos around the world, and the bitter schism between Gypsy and giorgio. * New Merits, Flaws and Chimerstry powers.

Clanbook: Lasombra Revised

Bruce Baugh - 2001
    Their legacy of shadows eclipses the light thrown by their packs ritual fires. But are the Lasombra truly the esteemed leaders of the Sword of Caine or do they simply abuse it to serve their own ends?The Lords of the SabbatAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Lasombra takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Ravnos Revised

Deird're Brooks - 2001
    A young, vibrant clan, the Ravnos adapt, making the most of a hostile world and turning it to their advantage as best they can. To that end, was their near-total annihilation a Biblical punishment or a rebirth from the ashes of the impending Gehenna?Blasphemies and DebasementAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Ravnos takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Ventrue Revised

Richard Dakan - 2000
    Forever in the line of fire, they have sacrificed their own comfort for the good of all Kindred. Or is this all an empty ruse that excuses their excess and greed? the proud history and black secrets of the clan reveal the truth.Clanbook: Ventrue includes:* The history and practice of the Kindred's most august clan* Hints and tips for making each Ventrue a unique and influential member of vampiric society* New Discipline powers, scandals and luminaries of the Clan of Leadership

Clanbook: Malkavian

Daniel Greenberg - 1995
    No they don't. Madness is often only a step away from enlightenment and, for some, is a step beyond. No it isn't. Now learn how the Malkavians twist the world for their benefit. You won't learn a thing. Discover the truth of their madness. It's too late for that. Clanbook: Malkavian includes: * The history of the clan and the true depth of its member's insanities;* 10 sample characters suitable for players and Storytellers; and* ιφ ψου χαν ρεαδ τηισ, ψου αρε οφφιχιαλλψ τραγιχαλλψ ηιπ.

Clanbook: Nosferatu Revised

Brian Campbell - 2000
    But the clan is far more than a motley assembly of twisted freaks. From their first nights to their modern incarnation as informants and spies, the Sewer Rats have as many secrets of their own as they have gathered from other Kindred. Up from the storm drains and tunnels they scuttle, but whether as ally or foe remains to be seen.And the Creatures They FearAs the first entry in the ambitious revised lineup of clanbooks, Nosferatu complements the clans appearance in the revised edition of Vampire: The Masquerade. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised

Dean Shomshak - 2001
    The Followers of Set are scattered all over the world, seducing mortals into cults and enslaving other Kindred through their own vices. Yet the Setites do not exist for excess alone: They gather secrets from the darkness that spawned them, secrets that can be yours for a price.Blasphemies and DebasementAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Setite takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.