Book picks similar to
Death by Supermarket: The Fattening, Dumbing Down and Poisoning of America by Nancy Deville
Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease
Robert H. Lustig - 2012
Now, in this much anticipated book, he documents the science and the politics that has led to the pandemic of chronic disease over the last 30 years.In the late 1970s when the government mandated we get the fat out of our food, the food industry responded by pouring more sugar in. The result has been a perfect storm, disastrously altering our biochemistry and driving our eating habits out of our control.To help us lose weight and recover our health, Lustig presents personal strategies to readjust the key hormones that regulate hunger, reward, and stress; and societal strategies to improve the health of the next generation. Compelling, controversial, and completely based in science, Fat Chance debunks the widely held notion to prove “a calorie is NOT a calorie”, and takes that science to its logical conclusion to improve health worldwide.
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
Jonathan Haidt - 2018
These three Great Untruths are part of a larger philosophy that sees young people as fragile creatures who must be protected and supervised by adults. But despite the good intentions of the adults who impart them, the Great Untruths are harming kids by teaching them the opposite of ancient wisdom and the opposite of modern psychological findings on grit, growth, and antifragility. The result is rising rates of depression and anxiety, along with endless stories of college campuses torn apart by moralistic divisions and mutual recriminations. This is a book about how we got here. First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt take us on a tour of the social trends stretching back to the 1980s that have produced the confusion and conflict on campus today, including the loss of unsupervised play time and the birth of social media, all during a time of rising political polarization. This is a book about how to fix the mess. The culture of “safety” and its intolerance of opposing viewpoints has left many young people anxious and unprepared for adult life, with devastating consequences for them, for their parents, for the companies that will soon hire them, and for a democracy that is already pushed to the brink of violence over its growing political divisions. Lukianoff and Haidt offer a comprehensive set of reforms that will strengthen young people and institutions, allowing us all to reap the benefits of diversity, including viewpoint diversity. This is a book for anyone who is confused by what’s happening on college campuses today, or has children, or is concerned about the growing inability of Americans to live and work and cooperate across party lines.
Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet-One Bite at a Time
Mark Hyman - 2020
What we eat has tremendous implications not just for our waistlines, but also for the planet, society, and the global economy. What we do to our bodies, we do to the planet; and what we do to the planet, we do to our bodies.In Food Fix, #1 bestselling author Mark Hyman explains how our food and agriculture policies are corrupted by money and lobbies that drive our biggest global crises: the spread of obesity and food-related chronic disease, climate change, poverty, violence, educational achievement gaps, and more.Pairing the latest developments in nutritional and environmental science with an unflinching look at the dark realities of the global food system and the policies that make it possible, Food Fix is a hard-hitting manifesto that will change the way you think about -- and eat -- food forever, and will provide solutions for citizens, businesses, and policy makers to create a healthier world, society, and planet.
Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions
Michael Moss - 2021
Our bodies are hardwired for sweets, so food giants have developed fifty-six types of sugar to add to their products, creating in us the expectation that everything should be cloying; we've evolved to prefer fast, convenient meals, hence our modern-day preference for ready-to-eat foods. Moss goes on to show how the processed food industry--including major companies like Nestlé, Mars, and Kellogg's--has tried not only to evade this troubling discovery about the addictiveness of food but to actually exploit it. For instance, in response to recent dieting trends, food manufacturers have simply turned junk food into junk diets, filling grocery stores with "diet" foods that are hardly distinguishable from the products that got us into trouble in the first place. As obesity rates continue to climb, manufacturers are now claiming to add ingredients that can effortlessly cure our compulsive eating habits. An account of the legal battles, insidious marketing campaigns, and cutting-edge food science that have brought us to our current public health crisis, Moss lays out all that the food industry is doing to exploit and deepen our addictions, and shows us why what we eat has never mattered more.From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Salt Sugar Fat comes a powerful exposé of how the processed food industry exploits our evolutionary instincts, the emotions we associate with food, and legal loopholes in their pursuit of profit over public health.
Stuffed And Starved: Markets, Power And The Hidden Battle For The World Food System
Raj Patel - 2007
It took him from the colossal supermarkets of California to India’s wrecked paddy-fields and Africa’s bankrupt coffee farms, while along the way he ate genetically engineered soy beans and dodged flying objects in the protestor-packed streets of South Korea.What he found was shocking, from the false choices given us by supermarkets to a global epidemic of farmer suicides, and real reasons for famine in Asia and Africa.Yet he also found great cause for hope—in international resistance movements working to create a more democratic, sustainable and joyful food system. Going beyond ethical consumerism, Patel explains, from seed to store to plate, the steps to regain control of the global food economy, stop the exploitation of both farmers and consumers, and rebalance global sustenance.
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
Michael Pollan - 2008
Pollan proposes a new answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Pollan's bracing and eloquent manifesto shows us how we can start making thoughtful food choices that will enrich our lives, enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy, and bring pleasure back to eating.,,,
Diet Cults: The Surprising Fallacy at the Core of Nutrition Fads and a Guide to Healthy Eating for the Rest of US
Matt Fitzgerald - 2014
Everywhere we turn, someone is preaching the “One True Way” to eat for maximum health. Paleo Diet advocates tell us that all foods less than 12,000 years old are the enemy. Low-carb gurus demonize carbs, then there are the low-fat prophets. But they agree on one thing: there is only one true way to eat for maximum health. The first clue that that is a fallacy is the sheer variety of diets advocated. Indeed, while all of these competing views claim to be backed by “science,” a good look at actual nutritional science itself suggests that it is impossible to identify a single best way to eat. Fitzgerald advocates an agnostic, rational approach to eating habits, based on one’s own habits, lifestyle, and genetics/body type. Many professional athletes already practice this “Good Enough” diet, and now we can too and ditch the brainwashing of these diet cults for good.
Quantum Wellness Cleanse: The 21-Day Essential Guide to Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Kathy Freston - 2007
During her 21-day cleanse, Oprah's daily blog provided updates on her progress, intriguing millions of readers and creating a media frenzy.Now, with The Quantum Wellness Cleanse, Kathy Freston gives readers the tools they need to fully harness the 21-day cleanse and stay motivated. This easy-to-follow guide lays out a comprehensive plan to turn our lives around in each of the areas of body, mind, and spirit. By following an essential day-by-day map of what to eat, how to deal with the complex feelings that arise as we detox, and how to fully redirect our energy so our lives take on a fresh momentum, this indispensable companion offers recipes that can be mixed and matched, and answers all the questions that may arise so that we can forever change the course of our lives.
The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick And What We Can Do About It
Robyn O'Brien - 2009
A Houston native from a conservative family, this MBA and married mother of four was not someone who gave much thought to misguided government agencies and chemicals in our food—until the day her youngest daughter had a violent allergic reaction to eggs, and everything changed. The Unhealthy Truth is both the story of how one brave woman chose to take on the system and a call to action that shows how each of us can do our part and keep our own families safe.O’Brien turns to accredited research conducted in Europe that confirms the toxicity of America’s food supply, and traces the relationship between Big Food and Big Money that has ensured that the United States is one of the only developed countries in the world to allow hidden toxins in our food—toxins that can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer, and asthma among our children. Featuring recipes and an action plan for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at a time The Unhealthy Truth is a must-read for every parent—and for every concerned citizen—in America today.
Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic
John De Graaf - 2001
a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.We tried to warn you! The 2008 economic collapse proved how resilient and dangerous affluenza can be. Now in its third edition, this book can safely be called prophetic in showing how problems ranging from loneliness, endless working hours, and family conflict to rising debt, environmental pollution, and rampant commercialism are all symptoms of this global plague.The new edition traces the role overconsumption played in the Great Recession, discusses new ways to measure social health and success (such as the Gross Domestic Happiness index), and offers policy recommendations to make our society more simplicity-friendly. The underlying message isn't to stop buying--it's to remember, always, that the best things in life aren't things.
The Body Reset Diet: Power Your Metabolism, Blast Fat, and Shed Pounds in Just 15 Days
Harley Pasternak - 2013
It seems that we’ve lost our way when it comes to nutrition and exercise. Now, expert Harley Pasternak offers a proven program to shed pounds without sacrificing health or convenience.The Body Reset Diet is a three-phase program that focuses on the easiest, most effective way to slim down: blending! The five-day jump-start includes delicious, low-calorie smoothies, dips, soups and stews, which promote satiety and boost metabolism without losing vital nutrients (they’re also fully customizable to any dietary restrictions). Over the following ten days readers reintroduce healthy combinations of their favourite foods along with the blended recipes that keep their metabolism humming to continually burn calories and shed pounds. The plan also shows how the easiest form of exercise— walking—along with light resistance training is really all it takes to achieve a toned, fit physique.Whether readers are looking to lose significant weight or just those last five pounds, The Body Reset Diet offers a healthy, effective program to hit the reset button, slim down, and get healthy in just fifteen days—and stay that way for good!
The Water Secret: The Cellular Breakthrough to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger
Howard Murad - 2010
Howard Murad, M.D., FAAD is one today's foremost authorities on health and skincare, and his philosophies have helped men and women around the world look and feel as young and healthy as possible. With The Water Secret, Dr. Murad shares a new, scientifically proven strategy, cultivated over years of practice and treating over 50,000 patients, to help you look and feel better from the inside out.The Water Secret will:• Reveal groundbreaking secrets to help you take years off your looks, feel better and healthier• Debunk health myths through cutting-edge research and tell the truth about how inflammation, hydration, and other factors really affect your health• Explain how damaged cells that leak water can sabotage your looks• Introduces an integrated, multidisciplinary "Inclusive Health" approach to help optimize cellular strength• Give you a complete 10-step action plan with recipes and meal plans to start you on the path to clear skin, fewer wrinkles, more energy, and better overall healthDiscover The Water Secret and learn to take control of the process of aging by improving the health of every cell in the body. Begin the program and you will see and feel the difference your healthy new lifestyle will make in as soon as one week!
Sex, Economy, Freedom, and Community: Eight Essays
Wendell Berry - 1993
With wisdom and clear, ringing prose, he tackles head-on some of the most difficult problems confronting us near the end of the twentieth century––problems we still face today. Berry elucidates connections between sexual brutality and economic brutality, and the role of art and free speech. He forcefully addresses America's unabashed pursuit of self-liberation, which he says is "still the strongest force now operating in our society." As individuals turn away from their community, they conform to a "rootless and placeless monoculture of commercial expectations and products," buying into the very economic system that is destroying the earth, our communities, and all they represent.
Eat Clean, Stay Lean: 300 Real Foods and Recipes for Lifelong Health and Lasting Weight Loss
Prevention Magazine - 2015
When did eating become so fussy? It’s enough to make you throw your hands in the air--and then right inside the fridge for some pie.Eating healthy nowadays really just means eating clean, or choosing whole foods sourced from the earth with the least processing and fewest possible ingredients that sound like hair dye. Eating clean is not about counting calories or grams of carbs, or getting tricked by “health food” imposters, so you won’t find any of that here. Real food is the science-backed way to good health and a better body.Yet eating clean day after day isn’t so easy. That’s why the editors at Prevention created Eat Clean, Stay Lean--your easy-to-use, visual guidebook to better health, delicious food, and a slimmer you. Learn how to make 50 smarter choices in the supermarket and 150 cleaner, fast meals at home, all of which can help you lose weight while you enjoy real food that tastes great--and it even includes real pie.
The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
Gad Saad - 2020
Dr. Gad Saad, the host of the YouTube show THE SAAD TRUTH, exposes the bad ideas—what he calls “idea pathogens”—that are killing common sense and rational debate. Incubated in our universities and spread through the tyranny of political correctness, these ideas are endangering our most basic freedoms—including freedom of thought and speech. The danger is grave, but as Dr. Saad shows, politically correct dogma is riddled with logical fallacies. We have powerful weapons to fight back with—if we have the courage to use them. A provocative guide to defending reason and intellectual freedom and a battle cry for the preservation of our fundamental rights.