Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom: A Financial Planning Guide for Latter-day Saint Families
Devin D. Thorpe - 2012
The book provides simple answers to questions like:How much should I be saving each month for my son's mission?How much should I be saving each month for my children's college education?How can I save enough to be able to retire while I'm healthy enough to serve a mission?Avoiding tips on pinching pennies, the book focuses on opportunities to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars by making smart moves with big decisions, like home and car purchases. Mormon families will appreciate the gospel-centered, scripture-based focus on putting tithing at the center of a financial plan. Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom will help prepare families to enjoy the benefits of their labor while simultaneously contributing to the growth of Church.About the Author:Devin D. Thorpe brings a broad perspective to financial planning, having owned and operated an investment-banking firm, which included an investment advisory business, a mortgage brokerage and having served in a variety of corporate finance positions. Presently, Devin serves as a business professor at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China on behalf of Brigham Young University’s Kennedy Center China Teachers program. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for the multinational company MonaVie, listed in Inc. Magazine’s 2009 Inc. 500 as the 18th fastest growing company in America and, at $834 million in revenue, the third largest company on the list. Prior experience includes two years working on the staff of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee during Utah Senator Jake Garn’s tenure. He also served briefly in Utah State Government, working at USTAR under Governor Jon Huntsman.He earned an MBA with focus in Finance and Accounting from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. He completed his undergraduate degree in finance at the University of Utah, where he later worked as an adjunct professor of finance. In 2006, Devin was recognized by the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah as a Distinguished Alum.
Eve and the Choice Made in Eden
Beverly Campbell - 2002
In looking for the source of this unease, I came to recognize that it could be traced to accounts of the Creation and to the ever-prevalent and negative characterizations of Eve.”She writes of three levels from which the story of Eden must be viewed: as historical fact, as a series of symbols and metaphors, and as a place for a beginning our own search for spiritual understanding and relevance in life. This compelling book may change forever your perception of our first parents and the choice they made.
The Hidden Christ: Beneath the Surface of the Old Testament
James L. Ferrell - 2009
Ferrell admits that he used to ask himself that question. However, there came a time in his life when he discovered what he had been missing, and at that point he "absolutely fell head over heals in love with the book." "But I had to discover something before I fell in love," he writes. "I had to discover that the most powerful messages--about the gospel and about life--lie hidden just below the surface of the stories in the book. When I learned to ask questions that penetrated the surface, the Old Testament opened up to reveal a wonderland of inspiring truth and practical insight."The Hidden Christ is the author's journey of discovery within the Old Testament, a journey that led him to find Christ in every story, every personality, every occurrence presented in that foundational work of scripture. This innovative and invigorating book explores many of these similitudes in depth, offering a perspective that illuminates Old Testament passages in surprising new ways.Here is the table of contents:PART ONE: CHRIST AND THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLDChapter 1: The Parallel CreationChapter 2: The Fall and Redemption of AgencyChapter 3: God and Man after the FallPART TWO: CHRIST AND THE PATRIARCHSChapter 4: Exploring the Abrahamic CovenantChapter 5: Another Look at Abraham and IsaacChapter 6: Christ and the Patriarchal OrderPART THREE: CHRIST AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAELChapter 7: Temporal and Spiritual Salvation through JosephChapter 8: The Exodus: Deliverance through the DelivererChapter 9: The Temple As the Way of Escape and ReturnChapter 10: Understanding the Law of MosesChapter 11: Discovering DeuteronomyChapter 12: Early Years in the Promised Land: The Pattern of Fall and RedemptionChapter 13: Samuel and the Messianic KingdomChapter 14: David, Saul, Jonathan, and the Allegory of SalvationChapter 15: The Houses of the Kings and the House of the LordChapter 16: Elijah and the Four Great SeparationsChapter 17: The Lord's Question to JonahChapter 18: The House of Israel As a Type and ShadowChapter 19: The Dispensations of the Lord's PeoplePART FOUR: CHRIST AND THE WRITINGSChapter 20: Job, David, and the Suffering of the LordChapter 21: The Wisdom of the ScripturesChapter 22: The Old Testament's Unified Testimony
1st Nephi: A Brief Theological Introduction
Joseph M. Spencer - 2020
. ." So begins the first book in the Book of Mormon, as the prophet Nephi brings us through the wilderness to a promised land where his family fractures rather than flourishes. But in spite of that tragedy, Nephi points us to the hope he found in his father's inspired dream for the future. Driven by his father's fears and faith, he sought and received his own revelations about how his people might someday find redemption and might ultimately help bring about the redemption of Israel and the entire human family.In this brief theological introduction, philosopher and theologian Joseph M. Spencer investigates the central themes and purposes of a book he calls a "theological masterpiece." What was Nephi trying to accomplish with his writings? How can readers today make better sense of Nephi's words? What can an ancient seer offer readers in the twenty-first century?
Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage
Gary L. Thomas - 2017
But marriages can and will not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another.”Those are the powerful words of bestselling author Gary Thomas in his newest book—Cherish. And in a world desperate for marriage redemption, it is needed now more than ever.Thomas shows that although there are a countless number of marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions, there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.Through personal stories and real world examples, Thomas proves what husbands and wives can begin doing today to turn their marriage around—even a marriage marred by neglect and disrespect.So how do you cherish your spouse? Thomas will show you how going out of your way to notice them, appreciate them, honor them, encourage them, and hold them close to your heart will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage.
Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
Emerson Eggerichs - 2004
Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the Love & Respect message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some Love and Respect.A wife has one driving need?to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need?to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Love & Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.What readers say about Love & Respect“I’ve been married 35 years and have not heard this taught.”“This is the key that I have been missing.”“You connected all the dots for me.”“As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material.”“You’re on to something huge here.”Partner Love & Respect with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience. Love & Respect is also available in Spanish, Amor y Respeto.
The Blueprint of Christ's Church
Tad R. Callister - 2015
While all churches have truth and do many good things, the scriptures speak of "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5). The Lord's true Church can be identified by how it follows the blueprint of Christ's Church as He established it on earth. Tad R. Callister's book outlines the basic principles of that blueprint and demonstrates the strength of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the one church that matches it. He also clearly teaches the core doctrine of the Church to help members share it in a clear and powerful way. This book is a helpful resource for new converts, those preparing to serve missions, and experienced members who want to better understand basic principles and doctrines or share them with others.
The God Who Weeps: How Mormonism Makes Sense of Life
Terryl L. Givens - 2012
We encounter appealing arguments for a Divinity that is a childish projection, for prophets as scheming or deluded imposters, and for scripture as so much fabulous fiction. But there is also compelling evidence that a glorious Divinity presides over the cosmos, that His angels are strangers we have entertained unawares, and that His word and will are made manifest through a sacred canon that is never definitively closed. What we choose to embrace, to be responsive to, is the purest reflection of who we are and what we love. That is why faith, the choice to believe, is in the final analysis, an action that is positively laden with moral significance."As humans, we are, like the poet John Keats, "straining at particles of light in the midst of a great darkness." And yet, the authors describe a version of life's meaning that is reasonable—and radically resonant. It tells of a God whose heart beats in sympathy with ours, who set His heart upon us before the world was formed, who fashioned the earth as a place of human ascent, not exile, and who has the desire and the capacity to bring the entire human family home again.
No Ordinary Women
Elaine S. Dalton - 2016
Dalton writes, "As daughters of God, we are each unique and different in our circumstances and experiences, and our part matters because we matter. We are no ordinary women. We are elect, and each of us has a unique, divine mission to perform." Having had the opportunity to travel throughout the world and serve and work among women young and old and in between, Sister Dalton has seen firsthand how the Lord has blessed each of us with distinct and divine talents. And when we use those gifts to become righteous women of influence on the people and the world around us, there is no limit to the good we can achieve. Sister Dalton highlights many of the qualities we are blessed with as women of covenant in these latter days. Though many of us may feel that we have only a small part to play in the building of the Lord's kingdom, Sister Dalton helps us to recognize that "by small and simple things are great thing brought to pass" (Alma 37:6). As we reflect on our roles within our spheres of influence and commit to act as disciples of Christ in whatever we do, we discover that we truly are capable of great things and that our work and contributions in the kingdom are anything but ordinary.
Beyond the Shade of the Mango Tree: Reflections on What God Sees in Us
Edward Dube - 2021
Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution through Serving
Dino Rizzo - 2009
It is inspirational. It is practical. And it has the potential to revolutionize your life.” Mark Batterson—Lead Pastor, National Community ChurchA movement is rumbling through the body of Christ—a revolutionary army of people giving hope to a hurting world through practical, personal acts of service.In Servolution, Dino Rizzo shares the story of his relentless pursuit of ways to bless the lost, poor, and hurting people of his community in Jesus’ name. You’ll be amazed and inspired by the incredible ways God has used Healing Place Church to meet the needs of thousands of people. Each chapter includes practical suggestions and resources for use in any church. Be encouraged by the testimony of how God’s Spirit can use a simple passion to serve to revolutionize your approach to ministry. Wherever you are and whatever your gifts, you can play a vital role in this revolution through serving.
Cat's Cradle
Chieko N. Okazaki - 1993
With equal expertise and enthusiasm she radiates her testimony of the brightness of hope that the gospel brings.A bumper sticker she quotes could well be a summary of this collection of addresses. 'Hard-hat construction area: christian under construction'. She adds: 'We're all Christians under construction, and that's an area where we need hard hats. It's . . . a little risky sometimes'.Sister Okazaki shares her personal experiences reaching out to the reader with love, support and encouragement. Her often penetrating insights into the tests of mortal life ring with truth and sincerity. Just as with the pattern of the cat's cradle, our lives connect and intersect. She describes those connections in both inspiring and practical terms over a broad spectrum of topics: partnership in marriage and in Church callings; love, the heart of the gospel; the process and the joy of service; replacing circles that exclude with circles that include; the changes life brings and the responses we choose; how to accept and handle our mistakes; bringing hope and growth out of the deserts of adversity; using the flowers of our loves for either joy or consolation, as needed; and much more. Pervading every address is Sister Okazaki's sense of the reality of Jesus Christ and how we can make his cause- love- more deeply our own.
Characters of the Passion: Lessons on Faith and Trust
Fulton J. Sheen - 1998
This journey to Calvary dramatically introduces the reader to a deep and personal knowledge of faith.96-page paperback - 5-1/8 x 7-3/8
Articles of Faith (Missionary Reference Library)
James E. Talmage - 1899
Talmage about doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The name of the book is taken from the LDS Church's "Articles of Faith", an 1842 creed written by Joseph Smith. Smith's "Articles of Faith" became part of the LDS Church's scriptural canon in 1880 as part of the Pearl of Great Price. In 1891, when the First Presidency of the LDS Church asked Talmage to produce a work of theology that could be used in church schools, Talmage decided to use Smith's Articles of Faith as an outline of his work. He first delivered the material that he would organize into a book in a series of lectures delivered in 1893 at Latter-day Saints' University in Salt Lake City, Utah, which Talmage was the president of at the time. First published in 1899, Talmage's work is composed of 24 chapters. The first edition was published by the LDS Church, and has gone through over 50 English-language editions. It has also been translated and published in 13 other languages. The book continues to be published today by Deseret Book, a publishing company owned by the church. Like Talmage's later work Jesus the Christ, Articles of Faith is today regarded as a Mormon classic. For many years, Articles of Faith and Jesus the Christ were among the few non-scriptural works that full-time LDS Church missionaries were asked to study