Book picks similar to
Be Wise as Serpents by Fritz Springmeier


Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas

Elaine Pagels - 2003
    This book explores how Christianity began by tracing its earliest texts, including the Gospel of Thomas, rediscovered in Egypt in 1945.When her infant son was diagnosed with fatal pulmonary hypertension, Pagels' spiritual and intellectual quest took on a new urgency, leading her to explore historical and archaeological sources and to investigate what Jesus and his teachings meant to his followers before the invention of Christianity. The discovery of the Gospel of Thomas, along with more than 50 other early Christian texts, some unknown since antiquity, offers clues. She compares such sources as Thomas' gospel (which claims to give Jesus' secret teaching and finds its closest affinities with kabbalah) with the canon to show how Christian leaders chose to include some gospels and exclude others from the collection many call the New Testament. To stabilize the emerging church in times of persecution, church fathers constructed the canon, creed and hierarchy - and, in the process, suppressed many of its spiritual resources.Drawing on new scholarship - her own and that of an international group of scholars - that has come to light since the 1979 publication of The Gnostic Gospels, she shows that what matters about Christianity involves much more than any one set of beliefs. Traditions embodied in Judaism and Christianity can powerfully affect us in heart, mind and spirit, inspire visions of a new society based on practising justice and love, even heal and transform us.Provocative and moving, Beyond Belief, the most personal of her books to date, shows how the impulse to seek god overflows the narrow banks of a single tradition. She writes, "What I have come to love in the wealth and diversity of our religious traditions - and the communities that sustain them - is that they offer the testimony of innumerable people to spiritual discovery, encouraging us, in Jesus' words, to 'seek, and you shall find.'"CONTENTSFrom the feast of Agape to the Nicene CreedGospels in conflict: John and Thomas God's word or human words?The canon of truth and the triumph of JohnConstantine and the Catholic Church AcknowledgementsNotesIndex

Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living

Dorothy Morrison - 2004
    You'll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the seldom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon, and the lunar eclipse. Follow the Moon as she traverses each sign of the zodiac, and discover how each astrological phase affects magic, mundane events, and gardening--and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. This guide by popular author Dorothy Morrison includes more than 140 spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon.

The Holographic Universe

Michael Talbot - 1991
    Now, two of the world's most eminent thinkers -- University of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein's and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, one of the architects of our modern understanding of the brain -- believe that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, quite literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. This remarkable new way of looking at the universe explains not only many of the unsolved puzzles of physics, but also such mysterious occurrences as telepathy, out-of-body and near death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even religious and mystical experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miraculous healings.

The Green Witch's Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic

Arin Murphy-Hiscock - 2020
    A grimoire is essential for any witch wanting to capture and record spells, rituals, and secret ingredients. And for a green witch, a perfect place to reflect upon the power of nature, and document the stones, plants, flowers, oils, and herbs used in her practice. The Green Witch’s Grimoire finally is a place for all your prized knowledge. From favorite spells to recipes, to blessing your grimoire and writing in secret script, you’ll make this book of shadows your own. Experienced witch Arin Murphy-Hiscock guides you on your path to creating your own personal book of your most cherished magic. Continue to hone your craft and grow into the green witch you’ve always dreamed of as you personalize your own Green Witch’s Grimoire.

21 Things to Know Before Starting an Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Claudia Azula Altucher - 2011
    I am very grateful. When I first started practicing I wished I had a handbook that answered basic questions, encouraged me on how to go about those first classes, guided me on whether to travel to Mysore or not. Recently someone who has been attracted to this style of yoga asked me if I could provide such a guide because he said: "it all felt very intimidating from the perspective of a beginner". I completely related. That is how this book was born.

The Book of Enoch (Ethiopian)

    H. Charles provides a definitive translation of one of the most noted apocalyptic works still in existence. Often described as "the lost book" of the Bible, The Book of Enoch seems to have been written in Palestine by several different authors in the first and second centuries B.C. For hundreds of years it was accepted by the early church fathers, but it was rejected by the council of Laodicea in A.D. 364. Today, it remains a written remnant of the Apocalypse — an ardent testament to hope and the triumph of good over evil in the dawning of a world to come. Rife with concepts of original sin, fallen angels, demonology, resurrection, and the last judgment, it is a vital document to the origins of Christianity.The Book of Enoch is comprised of various monumental works: The Book of Enoch, The Parables, The Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries, The Dream Visions, The Concluding Section, and The Noah Fragments. Each work is independent, but all the works are bound by a common theme: the punishment of the wicked and the blessedness of the righteous. This edition, complete with analysis and notes, is an indispensable resource for the study and understanding of both the Old and New Testaments.

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs

Linda Goodman - 1968
    Is he really unstable beneath that placid exterior? Is she marrying you for your money alone? When should you give a wayward spouse the benefit of the doubt? How can you adjust your inner moods to your best advantage, knowing when to push and when to pull back, when to speak up and when to shut up? What is the best time to ask your boss for that raise, your girl for her heart and hand, your brother-in-law for a loan? Learn all this and much, much more from the world-famous astrologer who has helped millions divine their way to happiness, love, and profit by studying the sun signs. Amaze your friends and yourself with your insight into their most hidden characteristics. Be the best that you can possibly be with -- Sun Signs.

A Day with an Extraterrestrial: A trip to planet Uranus

Lou Baldin - 2008
    Many people believe that we are alone in the universe; we are not alone. Many people want proof of extraterrestrial visitation and why not. However, those who have been taken or visited by extraterrestrial beings are not given proof; all they have is their own unique experiences. Most will not share their experiences with others fearing job loss or other humiliations that take place when telling others of such extraordinary and bizarre experiences. Human abductions by extraterrestrial beings happen— believe it or not.

The Ten Thousand Things

Robert Saltzman - 2017
    His book is a fresh look at the questions that occur to anyone who thinks deeply about these matters, questions about free will, self-determination, destiny, choice, and who are we anyway. I believe this is a “breakthrough book.” Robert’s style of writing about such ephemeral and difficult subjects as awareness and consciousness is honest, concise, and accurate. His ability to describe his experiences of living in a reality quite different from conventional ways of thinking is brilliantly unusual. On first encountering Robert Saltzman’s work, I am reminded of the same feelings of discovery, delight and excitement that I remember from meeting Alan Watts’ “The Wisdom of Insecurity”, Krishnamurti’s “Freedom from the Known,” and Chögyam Trungpa’s “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.” His clarity of mind shines brightly through every sentence in this book. His skill at making clear the most difficult ramifications and subtleties of awakened consciousness is so free of conventional cluttered thinking, so free of habitual phrases, so free of the taint of religious dogma and the conventional ways of speaking of such difficult matters, that this book stands out for me as an entirely fresh and illuminated exposition of awakened consciousness: an awakened understanding of what it is to be human. —Dr. Robert K. Hall

1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance

Robert Sepehr - 2015
    But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Daniel Estulin - 2005
    Since its inception in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek, the Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity. The press has never been allowed to attend, nor have statements ever been released on the attendees' conclusions or discussions, which have ramifications on the citizens of the world. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the public for the first time.

The Two Kinds of Righteousness

E.W. Kenyon - 1996
    Every Christian should read this book.The church has been very strong in teaching man his need of Righteousness, his weakness and his inability to please God. The average Christian has been kept under condemnation, as the church has never caught what we are in Christ, nor who we are in Christ... has never taught that all that Christ did for us is available to us NOW. We do not have to wait until we get to Heaven to enter into what Christ did for us... it is ours to enter into and enjoy NOW! God Himself is our very Righteousness... we are the Righteousness of God in Him. We are partakers of the Divine Nature the moment we accept Christ and come into the Family of God. If you live the life of weakness and defeat, it is because you do not know what you are in Christ. The supreme need of the church at this hour is to know what we are in Christ, and how the Father Himself looks upon us. Righteousness means the ability to stand in the presence of the Father God without the sense of guilt or inferiority. Unless you know who you are, and what you are in Christ, you cannot live a victorious life... Satan, sin and disease will be your masters. The instant that you know you are the Righteousness of God in Christ, and understand what this Righteousness means, Satan is defeated. This important book should be read by every sincere Christian. It will change your live as it has changed the lives of multitudes.

The Aquarian Conspiracy

Marilyn Ferguson - 1980
    This revised and updated edition offers an indepth analysis of the true nature of the controversial New Age movement and of social and personal transformation in the 1980s.

How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey

Linda Howe - 2006
    Once reserved for a "spiritually gifted" few, this infinite source of wisdom and healing energy is now available for readers everywhere to answer questions big and small. How can I find freedom from my past? What are my life purposes? With How to Read the Akashic Records, healer and teacher Linda Howe offers the first book of its kind to help navigate these timeless "Records of the Soul." Drawing from more than 15 years' experience with the Akashic Records, Howe teaches us: The Pathway Prayer Process-a "password" for admittance into the Records How to work with your "MTLOs" - your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones-for assistance within the Records Insightful tips to glean the most critical information, whether you're reading for yourself, other individuals, or even your pet"The time has come for us to be our own spiritual authorities and access this illuminating, rich source directly," explains Howe. With How to Read the Akashic Records, anyone who desires to read the Records now has immediate access to this valuable life resource. "The Akashic Records contain everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence-as well as all its future possibilities. This valuable information can help you with any aspect of your life journey. And because the Records are also a dimension of consciousness, they are available anytime and everywhere." -Linda Howe The universe is alive-and it has a memory just like you. Known as the Akashic Records, this energetic archive of soul information stands ready to lovingly guide you. Once accessible to rare spiritual masters, now the Records are available to anyone-anytime, anywhere. After a lifelong search for truth, master teacher and healer Linda Howe has developed an infallible method for accessing this reservoir of information: the Pathway Prayer Process. By lifting you to a divine level of consciousness, this sacred prayer opens the doors of the Records, where your "soul blueprint"-everything you need to know about your soul's destiny-awaits you. There you will work with your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to cultivate a rich relationship with the Records and ultimately learn to unleash your highest potential. Grounded with the success stories of dozens whose lives have been touched by the Records, this comprehensive guidebook will help you confidently read the Records for yourself-or another-and find inspiration for your own spiritual path. "Accessing the Akashic Records provides an opportunity to align with your soul and develop your own spiritual authority," teaches Linda Howe. Now with How to Read the Akashic Records you can learn to connect with this divine source for infinite joy, inner peace, and fulfillment. Contents Part One: How to Read the Akashic Records Chapter One: An Introduction to the Akashic Records What Are the Akashic Records? Who Uses the Akashic Records, and Why? How Do People Access the Akashic Records? How Will We Access the Akashic Records in This Book? Chapter Two: Guidelines and Ground Rules for Reading the Akashic Records How Should I Prepare to Read the Akashic Records? What Kinds of Questions Work Best in the Akashic Records? What Should I Expect When I Open My Akashic Records for the First Time? What Kinds of Information Will I Get, and How Will I Get It? Chapter Three: The Pathway Prayer Process Understanding the Pathway Prayer Process: Reading for Yourself Reading Your Akashic Records for the First Time The Difference Between the Akashic Records and Intuition Exercise: The Akashic Records and Intuition Common Questions and Concerns about the Akashic Records Receiving the Help of Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones Different Uses for the Akashic Records Chapter Four: Reading the Akashic Records for Others Understanding the Pathway Prayer Process: Reading for Others Tips on Reading for Others Developing an "Altitude of Consciousness" From Initiate to Beginning Practitioner Part Two: Using the Akashic Records to Heal Yourself and OthersChapter Five: Energy Healing in the Akashic Records How Does Energy Healing Occur in the Akashic Records? As An Akashic Reader-Practitioner, What Are My Roles and Responsibilities? The Three Levels of Healing in the Akashic Records How Can I Recognize the Three Levels of Healing? Exercise: The Three of Healing (Working in Your Akashic RecordsExercise: The Three Levels of Healing (Working in Someone Else's Akashic Records) Chapter Six: Healing Ancestral Patterns in the Akashic Records Who Are My Ancestors How Do Souls Join Acestral Lines? What Is My Responsibility to My Ancestors? How Can I Explore My Ancestors and Their Influences on My Life?Exercise: Identify the Divine Intent of Your Lineage Exercise: Explore the Space Between Lifetimes Exercise: Identify and Clear Unwanted Ancestral Influences on the Present Exercise: Healing a Difficult Bond or Tie Chapter Seven: Healing Past Lives in the Akashic Records What Are Past Lives? How Does Past-Life Healing Occur in the Akashic Records? Exercise: Working in the Akashic Records for Past-Life Healing Exploring Positive Past Lives in the Akashic Records Exercise: Exploring Positive Past-Life Experiences Chapter Eight: Life with the Akashic Records The "Absolutes" The Three Nots Final Thoughts on the Akashic Records: The Past, the Present..and the Future"

The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home

Scott Cunningham - 1983
    Create a magical household--a haven of harmony, safety, spirituality, security, and romance. The benefits include a happier existence, protection against thieves, improved health, restful sleep, satisfying spiritual experiences, and a perfect environment for positive magic. This warm and wise guide by much loved author Scott Cunningham has been helping people create sacred space in their homes and gardens for nearly twenty years.