Book picks similar to
The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum by Rousas John Rushdoony
Uneclipsing the Son
Rick Holland - 2011
Escape the twilight of tepid religiosity to step into the broad daylight of the living Christ! Christianity is the worship of Jesus Christ. If He is who the Bible says He is, and if He did what the Bible says He did, He is worthy of the exclusive, attention and focus pf our lives. Sadly, though, the Son gets crowded out by earthly things. Our hearts grow slack, our love runs cool, our worship is distracted. Even the treadmill of Christian activity can keep us ever unable to focus on the Author and Finisher of the race. We sip at puddles of sin a stone's throw from the Well of the water of life. Uneclipsing the Son aims at ending all this, bringing you face to face with the Christ of Scripture, the only one who can transform you just by knowing Him. Clear, biblical, compelling, Holland will drive you relentlessly to the conclusion that you must give yourself to the worship of this Jesus or forever stumble in the half-light of spiritual uncertainty and disaffection."
Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism
John C. Lennox - 2015
It tells of four young men, born in the tiny state of Judah around 500 b.c., and captured by Nebuchadnezzar, emperor of Babylon. Daniel describes how they eventually rose to senior positions of administration. Daniel and his friends did not simply maintain their private devotion to God; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society antagonistic to their faith. Their story carries a powerful message for us today. Society tolerates the practice of Christianity in private and in church services, but increasingly it deprecates public witness. If Daniel and his compatriots were with us today they would be in the vanguard of public debate. This is a lucid and erudite examination of the life of Daniel from a leading expert on faith and science. In his first biblical work, Dr. Lennox provides a unique perspective on both Western society and biblical exegesis that will make "Against the Flow" an instant classic encouraging Christians to speak out in our modern Babylon.
Holy Subversion: Allegiance to Christ in an Age of Rivals
Trevin K. Wax - 2010
In Holy Subversion, Trevin Wax challenges such behavior by urging a return to the subversive lifestyle of the earliest Christians. Their proclamation and demonstration that "Jesus is Lord" directly opposed the Caesar worship of their day.Today, Christians in the West must choose between Jesus and our "Caesars" self, success, money, leisure, sex, power. What would it look like, asks Wax, if today's church reclaimed the communal, subversive nature of the gospel, intentionally undermining all contenders for our devotion? How would the message that "Jesus is Lord" change our thinking about our jobs, our families, and our church participation? Here this gifted pastor-theologian offers help in taking our faith public, dethroning modern-day Caesars, honoring the Lordship of Christ, and understanding the church as the ultimate counterculture-an embodiment of Christ's supremacy over all.
Apologetics for a New Generation: A Biblical and Culturally Relevant Approach to Talking About God
Sean McDowell - 2009
Popular writer and speaker Sean McDowell offers a solution for this problem: a new way of approaching faith that addresses the questions the emerging generation is asking and that incorporates a radically humble and relational approach.An impressive list of contributors including Dan Kimball (They Like Jesus but Not the Church), Brian Godawa (Hollywood Worldviews), and Josh McDowell show that today's apologetics must employ...a clear connection with everyday lifean invitation for people to express their doubts and wrestle with tough questionsa culturally savvy understanding of the way secular people view Christiansan engaging methodology that captures the imagination before engaging the minda strong emphasis on the resurrection and how it changes everythingThis resource is imperative for leaders who are ready to engage a new generation with the claims of Christ.
3 Theories of Everything
Ellis Potter - 2012
Situating the reader within his own striking narrative, Potter presents himself simply enough as a young boy with questions. Throughout the book, Potter’s thoughts on these theories are punctuated by personal experiences — an honest approach that moves from one page to the next not un-like a conversation with a friend.And in this conversation, Potter articulates several characteristics of these world-views and the consequences they engender for our perspectives of everyday reality and for the ultimate purpose of our lives. Through the lens of these major views from the East and the West, 3 Theories of Everything effectively wrestles with questions of desire and suffering, examining their implications within each perspective.Potter asks readers to consider which view they would naturally identify themselves with and to think responsibly about why that is. In so doing, Potter both engages the reader with helpful big-picture information and also trusts them to relate it to their own contexts and experience. Based on lectures by the author, 3 Theories of Everything concludes with a large section of questions and answers drawn from live audience discussions that will no doubt leave the reader with a sense of recognition and plenty to think about.
Raising Godly Tomatoes
L. Elizabeth Krueger - 2007
In these pages you'll find a wealth of common sense and godly wisdom, a guide to applying reasonable discipline, and instructions on how to build a close relationship with your child.Raising Godly Tomatoes encourages parents to keep their young children -- their little 'tomatoes' -- lovingly staked to them, in order to train and apprentice them in a godly way of life that will prepare them for Christ's calling in the future, and render them a pleasure to live with today. Elizabeth is a Christian homeschooling mother of ten children, ages 7 to 27. She lives with her children and her husband of 30 years, in the state of Michigan. She enjoys quilting, riding horses and playing her violin. She also spends much of her spare time encouraging parents daily via her website at
Ethics for a Brave New World
John S. Feinberg - 1993
We strongly disagree. Scripture sets forth enough principles that it is possible to evaluate contemporary practices in light of biblical teaching. Moreover, it is not only possible to address these matters biblically--it is mandatory to do so. As Christians we must speak to these topics." (from Preface)Two respected theological spokesmen present here a carefully reasoned, thoroughly biblical discussion of basic ethical issues confronting church and society. An invaluable resource for all who desire to become better prepared to face and resolve the moral dilemmas of our day.
The Doctrine of God
Gerald L. Bray - 1993
Here is a substantial introduction to the nature and subject of God, and compelling call for evangelicals to renew their commitment to the solid foundation of a truly trinitarian theology.
Understanding the Times
Ken Ham - 2013
An urgent call to return to our biblical foundations: reliable Scriptures, literal six-day creation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Mission of God: A Manifesto of Hope
Joseph Boot - 2014
Today, Western culture is facing an epochal turning point. Having largely abandoned the triune God and His Word in private and public life, the edifice of our civilization is crumbling. The humanistic and utopian architects of our "progressive" order erroneously assumed that our social order could remain stable and flourish without its foundation. The coming decades will accelerate our rapid decadent demise into pagan religion, economic decline and social decay, unless a renewal of Christian vitality is seen in the church by a recovery of biblical faith and truth for every area of life. The Mission of God is a clarion call for Christians and God's church to awaken and recover a full-orbed gospel and comprehensive faith that recognizes and applies the salvation-victory and lordship of Jesus Christ to all creation; from the family, to education, evangelism, law, church, state and every other sphere. Boot shows that the only hope for our time is the reign of Jesus Christ and His kingdom, arguing that, like a mustard seed, this kingdom grows as believers declare the good news and assert the crown rights of Christ the king, in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit.
How Now Shall We Live?
Charles W. Colson - 1999
It is also a worldview that not only answers life's basic questions--Where did we come from, and who are we? What has gone wrong with the world? What can we do to fix it?--but also shows us how we should live as a result of those answers. How Now Shall We Live? gives Christians the understanding, the confidence, and the tools to confront the world's bankrupt worldviews and to restore and redeem every aspect of contemporary culture: family, education, ethics, work, law, politics, science, art, music. This book will change every Christian who reads it. It will change the church in the new millennium.
City of God
Augustine of Hippo
And since medieval Europe was the cradle of modern Western society, this work is vital for understanding our world and how it came into being.
Social Justice Goes to Church: The New Left in Modern American Evangelicalism
Jon Harris - 2020
Yet, it is going unnoticed in far too many circles. Social Justice Goes to Church can serve as a wake-up call."—Samuel C. Smith, Ph.D.Chair and Graduate Program Director, Department of History, Liberty UniversityIn order to understand why so many evangelicals recently support left-leaning political causes, it is important to know a little history.In the 1970s, many campus radicals raised in Christian homes brought neo-Marxist ideas from college back to church with them. At first, figures like Jim Wallis, Ron Sider, and Richard Mouw made great gains for their progressive evangelical cause. But, after the defeat of Jimmy Carter, the religious right stole the headlines.Today, a new crop of mainstream evangelicals has taken up the cause of the New Left, whether they know it or not. As pro-life evangelicals rush to support movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo, it is important to realize they are walking in footprints already laid down. Their mission may be more successful, but it is not new. To understand where the evangelical social justice movement is heading, it is vital to understand the origins of the movement.Social Justice Goes to Church: The New Left in Modern American Evangelicalism answers, from a historical perspective, the vital question, "Why are American evangelicals moving Left?"“The great injunction to the Church was to preach the Gospel to the world, while not being of the world. Social justice neatly reverses this trend, preaching the ways of the world into the church. That is not its only critical reversal. The Gospel is about freedom from guilt and sin and bondage. Social justice seeks above all to apportion guilt and sin and bondage, enslaving entire demographics and requiring that they kneel before man in attrition. How important that a book of this nature should enter the fray right now. I applaud Mr. Harris for his excellent work in providing the practical means of identifying and repelling this fraudulent force, this ideological interloper, this dangerous false teaching.”—Douglas KrugerAuthor of Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good: How to Identify, Debunk, and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas
The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior
Steven Garber - 1996
Young men and women explore what they really believe about the nature of the world and the purpose of life. They choose their work. They build friendships or even choose to marry. They develop goals and adopt habits that may very well last a lifetime.Yet late modernity is not a welcome environment for the emotional, intellectual and spiritual formation that occurs during these critical years. Society is increasingly fragmented. And the educational system itself, fragmented and specialized, may disintegrate more than it integrates.Professors, campus ministers, parents, youth pastors and others who are concerned with college students face an immense challenge in these days. How do they help Christian students, during one of the most eventful and intense periods of life, learn to connect what they believe about the world with how they live in it?Drawing on the history of ideas, ethics, sociology and a host of examples from contemporary popular culture, Steven Garber vigorously engages just that question. His book, The Fabric of Faithfulness, is must reading for all those who work on campuses and care about today's students.
Paradise Restored: A Biblical Theology of Dominion
David H. Chilton - 1984
The author emphasized that our view of the future is inescapably bound up with our view of Jesus Christ. The fact that Jesus is now King of kings and Lord of lords means that His Gospel must be victorious: The Holy Spirit will bring the water of life to the ends of the earth. The Christian message is one of Hope: Pentecost was just the beginning.