How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds..and How You Can Too: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carbohydrate Dieting
Dana Carpender - 1999
Or, rather, diets,since the book details three very different main approaches to controlling carbohydrates (including the Basic Low Carb Diet, similar to Atkins or Protein Power, and the Mini-Binge Diet, popularized as The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet), plus several variations, finally summing up the basic principles which tie them all together. The point is to give the reader the tools necessary to construct a new way of eating that will fit his or her body, psyche, and lifestyle, thus allowing them to stay slim, energetic, and healthy for life.
The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution
Gregory Cochran - 2009
The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution
Perfect Health Diet: Regain Health and Lose Weight by Eating the Way You Were Meant to Eat
Paul Jaminet - 2010
They embarked on five years of rigorous research. What they found changed their lives— and the lives of thousands of their readers. In Perfect Health Diet, the Jaminets explain in layman's terms how anyone can regain health and lose weight by optimizing nutrition, detoxifying the diet, and supporting healthy immune function. They show how toxic, nutrient-poor diets sabotage health, and how on a healthy diet, diseases often spontaneously resolve. Perfect Health Diet tells you exactly how to optimize health and make weight loss effortless with a clear, balanced, and scientifically proven plan to change the way you eat—and feel—forever!
Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol
Mary G. Enig - 2000
305-313) and index.
Pure, White and Deadly: The new facts about the sugar you eat as a cause of heart disease, diabetes and other killers
John Yudkin - 1972
Using everyday language and a range of scientific evidence, Professor Yudkin explores the ins and out of sugar, from the different types - is brown sugar really better than white? - to how it is hidden inside our everyday foods, and how it is damaging our health.Brought up-to-date by childhood obesity expert Dr Robert Lustig M.D., his classic exposé on the hidden dangers of sugar is essential reading for anyone interested in their health, the health of their children and the health of modern society.
The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter & the Practitioner
Lyle McDonald - 1998
Unfortunately, altogether too much misinformation exists regarding them.Folks who are pro-low-carbohydrate diets tend to present them as the quick and easy solution to everything including obesity. Easy weight loss without hunger or calorie counting is promised but never seems to pan out as well as we might hope.At the other extreme are the anti-low-carbohydrate folks who tend to present low-carbohydrate diets as nothing short of a nutritional disaster being perpetrated by a bunch of con men.The truth, of course lies somewhere in the middle. While low-carbohydrate diets aren’t for everyone and have their pros and cons, the research is clear: they have major benefits under certain circumstances and can be as healthy (and sometimes healthier) than ‘standard’ carbohydrate based dieting.The Ketogenic Diet is the first and only book to objectively examine in-depth the scientific evidence regarding low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diets. It is meant to be a reference manual for low-carbohydrate diets; it is unlike any other book on low-carbohydrate diets that you have ever read or seen.Covering every topic in extreme detail, The Ketogenic Diet addresses everything from the basic physiology of how the body adapts to a low-carbohydrate intake, the details of human fuel utilization, the impact of low-carbohydrate diets on body composition and many, many more.Of course, none of the above is useful without practical application guidelines. Details on how to optimize low-carbohydrate diets for different goals (such as fat loss, bodybuilding and endurance performance) are discussed along with three distinct types of low-carbohydrate diets. In addition, the book includes a complete discussion of resistance, aerobic and anaerobic exercise physiology along with specific training programs for different goals and different levels of traineeAt 325 pages and containing over 600 scientific references, this will be your complete reference for ketogenic diets.Please note: this book does not include information on the ketogenic diet for adolescent epilepsy (the topic is discussed briefly). I highly suggest The Ketogenic Diet: A Treatment for Epilepsy, 3rd Edition (Paperback) by Freeman, Freeman and Kelly (link will take you to page).Table of contentsSection I: Introduction 1. Introduction to the ketogenic diet 2. History of the ketogenic dietSection II: The physiology of ketosis 3. Fuel utilization 4. Basic ketone body physiology 5. Adaptations to ketosis 6. Changes in body composition 7. Other effects of the ketogenic dietSection III: The diets 8. Setting calorie levels 9. The standard ketogenic diet (SKD) 10. Carbs and the ketogenic diet 11. The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) 12. The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD)Section IV: Other topics for the ketogenic diet 13. Breaking fat loss plateaus 14. Ending a ketogenic diet 15. Tools for the ketogenic diet 16. Final considerationsSection V: Exercise physiology17. Muscular physiology and energy production 18. Aerobic exercise 19. Interval training 20. Weight training 21. The effect of exercise on ketosis 22. Exercise and fat lossSection VI: Exercise guidelines 23. General exercise guidelines 24. Aerobic exercise 25. Interval training 26. Weight trainingSection VII: Exercise programs 27. Beginner programs 28. Intermediate programs 29. The advanced CKD workout 30. Fat loss for pre-competition bodybuildersSection VIII: Supplements 31. SupplementsIndex
The New Health Rules: Simple Changes to Achieve Whole-Body Wellness
Frank Lipman - 2015
A leading expert in the field of functional medicine, Dr. Lipman focuses on the root causes of illness and guides his patients to the deepest, most lasting sources of wellness. In this book, he and coauthor Danielle Claro make life-changing health advice available to all. Their book offers the cutting-edge secrets to optimal health in a stylish, lushly illustrated format—a spoonful of beauty to help the wellness tips go down.The New Health Rules wades through the often contradictory information that bombards us daily and delivers more than 100 actionable tips that will improve every aspect of our health—body, mind, and soul. Readers will learn simple rules for getting a good night’s sleep, why a daily dose of sunlight is crucial, and which toxic cosmetics and kitchen products should be tossed. Here Lipman and Claro teach us which foods help prevent Alzheimer’s, why sugar is so destructive, and how to bring “good bacteria” into the digestive system—providing an arsenal of easy-to-process tips and guidelines to make us stronger, healthier, and happier.
The Hungry Brain: Outsmarting the Instincts That Make Us Overeat
Stephan Guyenet - 2017
And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and end up with a high risk of diabetes or heart disease--yet two thirds of Americans do precisely that. Even though we know better, we often eat too much. Why does our behavior betray our own intentions to be lean and healthy? The problem, argues obesity and neuroscience researcher Stephan J. Guyenet, is not necessarily a lack of willpower or an incorrect understanding of what to eat. Rather, our appetites and food choices are led astray by ancient, instinctive brain circuits that play by the rules of a survival game that no longer exists. And these circuits don’t care about how you look in a bathing suit next summer.To make the case, The Hungry Brain takes readers on an eye-opening journey through cutting-edge neuroscience that has never before been available to a general audience. The Hungry Brain delivers profound insights into why the brain undermines our weight goals and transforms these insights into practical guidelines for eating well and staying slim. Along the way, it explores how the human brain works, revealing how this mysterious organ makes us who we are.
Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease―and How to Fight It
Benjamin Bikman - 2020
Around the world, we struggle with diseases that were once considered rare. Cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes affect millions each year; many people are also struggling with hypertension, weight gain, fatty liver, dementia, low testosterone, menstrual irregularities and infertility, and more. We treat the symptoms, not realizing that all of these diseases and disorders have something in common. Each of them is caused or made worse by a condition known as insulin resistance. And you might have it. Odds are you do—over half of all adults in the United States are insulin resistant, with most other countries either worse or not far behind. In Why We Get Sick, internationally renowned scientist and pathophysiology professor Benjamin Bikman explores why insulin resistance has become so prevalent and why it matters. Unless we recognize it and take steps to reverse the trend, major chronic diseases will be even more widespread. But reversing insulin resistance is possible, and Bikman offers an evidence-based plan to stop and prevent it, with helpful food lists, meal suggestions, easy exercise principles, and more. Full of surprising research and practical advice, Why We Get Sick will help you to take control of your health.
Burn: New Science Reveals How Metabolism Shapes Your Body, Health, and Longevity
Herman Pontzer - 2021
And if we exercise and cut carbs, we'll lose more weight. Right? Wrong. In this paradigm-shifting book, Herman Pontzer reveals for the first time how human metabolism really works so that we can finally manage our weight and improve our health.Pontzer's groundbreaking studies with hunter-gatherer tribes show how exercise doesn't increase our metabolism. Instead, we burn calories within a very narrow range: nearly 3,000 calories per day, no matter our activity level. This was a brilliant evolutionary strategy to survive in times of famine. Now it seems to doom us to obesity. The good news is we can lose weight, but we need to cut calories. Refuting such weight-loss hype as paleo, keto, anti-gluten, anti-grain, and even vegan, Pontzer discusses how all diets succeed or fail: For shedding pounds, a calorie is a calorie.At the same time, we must exercise to keep our body systems and signals functioning optimally, even if it won't make us thinner. Hunter-gatherers like the Hadza move about five hours a day and remain remarkably healthy into old age. But elite athletes can push the body too far, burning calories faster than their bodies can take them in. It may be that the most spectacular athletic feats are the result not just of great training, but of an astonishingly efficient digestive system.Revealing, irreverent, and always entertaining, Pontzer has written a book that will change how you eat, move, and live.
Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight
Peter J. D'Adamo - 1991
Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney reveal the simple secret to healthy, vigorous, and disease-free living: basing your diet on your blood type. If you've ever suspected that not everyone should eat the same thing or do the same exercise, you're right. In fact, what foods we absorb well and how our bodies handle stress differ with each blood type. Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of disease, longevity, fitness, and emotional strength. It determines your susceptibility to illness, the foods you should eat, and ways to avoid the most troubling health problems. In Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. D'Adamo draws on over fifteen years of research to reveal: - Which foods, spices, teas, and condiments help maintain optimal health and ideal weight - Which vitamins and supplements to emphasize or avoid - Whether your stress is relieved better through aerobics or meditation - Whether you should walk, swim or play tennis or golf as your mode of exercise - How knowing your blood type can help you avoid many common viruses and infections and fight back against life-threatening diseases - How to slow down the aging process by avoiding factors that cause rapid cell deterioration Whether your blood type is O, A, B, or AB, Eat Right 4 Your Type will help you design a total health program that's perfect for you. MORE THAN 7 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE!
The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat
Tim Spector - 2015
Despite advice from experts, governments and dieticians about the dangers of too much fat, sugar, protein and lack of exercise, our nutrition - and the global obesity crisis - is getting worse. Why can one person eat a certain meal and gain weight and another eat exactly the same food and lose pounds? Genes provide part of the answer, but we have been overlooking one vital aspect of diet that lies within us. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, scientists have begun to examine the permanent residents in our guts: the thousands of previously unknown but essential microbes whose job it is to digest our food and keep us alive. Drawing on the latest science and his own research team's pioneering work, Professor Tim Spector explores the hidden world of the microbiome and demystifies the common misconceptions about fat, calories, vitamins and nutrients. Only by understanding how our own microbes interact with our bodies can we overcome our confusion about modern diets and nutrition to regain the correct balance of our ancestors.Mixing cutting-edge discoveries, illuminating science and his own case studies, Spector shows why we should stop listening to the myths of diet fads and instead embrace diversity for a healthy gut and a healthy body.
The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong--And How Eating More Might Save Your Life
James DiNicolantonio - 2017
The Salt Fix is essential reading for everyone on the keto diet! We've all heard the recommendation: eat no more than a teaspoon of salt a day for a healthy heart. Health-conscious Americans have hewn to the conventional wisdom that your salt shaker can put you on the fast track to a heart attack, and have suffered through bland but "heart-healthy" dinners as a result.What if the low-salt dogma is wrong?Dr. James DiNicolantonio has reviewed more than five hundred publications to unravel the impact of salt on blood pressure and heart disease. He's reached a startling conclusion: The vast majority of us don't need to watch our salt intake. In fact, for most of us, more salt would be advantageous to our nutrition--especially for those of us on the keto diet, as keto depletes this important mineral from our bodies. The Salt Fix tells the remarkable story of how salt became unfairly demonized--a never-before-told drama of competing egos and interests--and took the fall for another white crystal: sugar.According to The Salt Fix, too little salt can: - Make you crave sugar and refined carbs - Send the body into semistarvation mode - Lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and increased blood pressure and heart rateBut eating the salt you desire can improve everything, from your sleep, energy, and mental focus to your fitness, fertility, and sexual performance. It can even stave off common chronic illnesses, including heart disease.The Salt Fix shows the best ways to add salt back into your diet, offering his transformative five-step program for recalibrating your salt thermostat to achieve your unique, ideal salt intake. Science has moved on from the low-salt dogma, and so should you--your life may depend on it.
The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book: Protect Yourself and Your Family from Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies--and More
Jessica K. Black - 2015
Many food allergies and poor dietary choices over stimulate the immune system and cause inflammatory responses that erode the body’s wellness and pave the path for ill health. Based on her naturopathic practice, Jessica Black has devised a complete program for how to eat and cook to minimize and even prevent inflammation and its consequences. The first part of the book explains the benefits of the anti-inflammatory diet with an accessible discussion of the science behind it. The second half contains 108 recipes. The author offers many substitution suggestions and includes a healthy ingredient tip with each recipe. Most of the dishes can be prepared quickly and easily by even novice cooks. A week of sample menus for summer months and another for winter are included, as well as a substitutions chart, allowing readers to modify their favorite recipes to increase their healing potential.
The Beauty Detox Solution: Eat Your Way to Radiant Skin, Renewed Energy and the Body You've Always Wanted
Kimberly Snyder - 2011
Kim used to struggle with coarse hair, breakouts and stubborn belly fat, until she traveled the world, learning age-old beauty secrets. She discovered that what you eat is the ultimate beauty product, and she's developed a powerful program that rids the body of toxins so you can look and feel your very best. With just a few simple diet changes, you will:Get a youthful, radiant glow Banish acne, splotchy skin and wrinkles Grow lustrous hair and strong nails? Get rid of the bloat, melt away fat and never count calories again!