Book picks similar to
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics by Robert Zwanzig
Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials
Serope Kalpakjian - 2007
The book carefully presents the fundamentals of materials processing along with their relevant applications, so that the reader can clearly assess the capabilities, limitations, and potentials of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. Using real-world examples and well-wrought graphics, this book covers a multitude of topics, including the mechanical behavior of materials; the structure and manufacturing properties of metals; surfaces, dimensional characteristics, inspection, and quality assurance; metal-casting processes including heat treatment; bulk deformation processes; sheet-metal forming processes; material removal processes; polymers, reinforced plastics, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling; metal powders, ceramics, glasses, composites, and superconductors; joining and fastening processes; microelectronic and micromechanical devices; automation; computer-integrated systems; and product design. For manufacturing engineers, metallurgists, industrial designers, material handlers, product designers, and quality assurance managers.
Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide
Alex Reinhart - 2013
Politicians and marketers present shoddy evidence for dubious claims all the time. But smart people make mistakes too, and when it comes to statistics, plenty of otherwise great scientists--yes, even those published in peer-reviewed journals--are doing statistics wrong."Statistics Done Wrong" comes to the rescue with cautionary tales of all-too-common statistical fallacies. It'll help you see where and why researchers often go wrong and teach you the best practices for avoiding their mistakes.In this book, you'll learn: - Why "statistically significant" doesn't necessarily imply practical significance- Ideas behind hypothesis testing and regression analysis, and common misinterpretations of those ideas- How and how not to ask questions, design experiments, and work with data- Why many studies have too little data to detect what they're looking for-and, surprisingly, why this means published results are often overestimates- Why false positives are much more common than "significant at the 5% level" would suggestBy walking through colorful examples of statistics gone awry, the book offers approachable lessons on proper methodology, and each chapter ends with pro tips for practicing scientists and statisticians. No matter what your level of experience, "Statistics Done Wrong" will teach you how to be a better analyst, data scientist, or researcher.
Explaining Physics: GCSE Edition
Stephen Pople - 1987
"Explaining Physics" emphasizes the applications and social effects of physics, and extends its treatment of energy and electronics. The features are: introductory page to each unit to bring out the relevance of the material to everyday life; simple questions at the end of each unit to consolidate learning; and helpful revision summary.
Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures
Raymond G. Miltenberger - 1996
Case studies and examples illustrate key principles.
A Most Incomprehensible Thing: Notes Towards a Very Gentle Introduction to the Mathematics of Relativity
Peter Collier - 2012
This user-friendly self-study guide is aimed at the general reader who is motivated to tackle that not insignificant challenge. The book is written using straightforward and accessible language, with clear derivations and explanations as well as numerous fully solved problems. For those with minimal mathematical background, the first chapter provides a crash course in foundation mathematics. The reader is then taken gently by the hand and guided through a wide range of fundamental topics, including Newtonian mechanics; the Lorentz transformations; tensor calculus; the Einstein field equations; the Schwarzschild solution (which gives a good approximation of the spacetime of our Solar System); simple black holes and relativistic cosmology. Following the historic 2015 LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) detection, there is now an additional chapter on gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime that potentially provide a revolutionary new way to study the universe. Special relativity helps explain a huge range of non-gravitational physical phenomena and has some strangely counter-intuitive consequences. These include time dilation, length contraction, the relativity of simultaneity, mass-energy equivalence and an absolute speed limit. General relativity, the leading theory of gravity, is at the heart of our understanding of cosmology and black holes.Understand even the basics of Einstein's amazing theory and the world will never seem the same again. ContentsPrefaceIntroduction1 Foundation mathematics2 Newtonian mechanics3 Special relativity4 Introducing the manifold5 Scalars, vectors, one-forms and tensors6 More on curvature7 General relativity8 The Newtonian limit9 The Schwarzschild metric10 Schwarzschild black holes11 Cosmology12 Gravitational wavesAppendix: The Riemann curvature tensorBibliographyAcknowledgementsJanuary 2019. This third edition has been revised to make the material even more accessible to the enthusiastic general reader who seeks to understand the mathematics of relativity.
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Gilbert Strang - 1993
Topics covered include matrix multiplication, row reduction, matrix inverse, orthogonality and computation. The self-teaching book is loaded with examples and graphics and provides a wide array of probing problems, accompanying solutions, and a glossary. Chapter 1: Introduction to Vectors; Chapter 2: Solving Linear Equations; Chapter 3: Vector Spaces and Subspaces; Chapter 4: Orthogonality; Chapter 5: Determinants; Chapter 6: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; Chapter 7: Linear Transformations; Chapter 8: Applications; Chapter 9: Numerical Linear Algebra; Chapter 10: Complex Vectors and Matrices; Solutions to Selected Exercises; Final Exam. Matrix Factorizations. Conceptual Questions for Review. Glossary: A Dictionary for Linear Algebra Index Teaching Codes Linear Algebra in a Nutshell.
Fluid Mechanics
Pijush K. Kundu - 1990
New to this third edition are expanded coverage of such important topics as surface boundary interfaces, improved discussions of such physical and mathematical laws as the Law of Biot and Savart and the Euler Momentum Integral. A very important new section on Computational Fluid Dynamics has been added for the very first time to this edition. Expanded and improved end-of-chapter problems will facilitate the teaching experience for students and instrutors alike. This book remains one of the most comprehensive and useful texts on fluid mechanics available today, with applications going from engineering to geophysics, and beyond to biology and general science. * Ample, useful end-of-chapter problems.* Excellent Coverage of Computational Fluid Dynamics.* Coverage of Turbulent Flows.* Solutions Manual available.
Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun
David Goodstein - 1996
Most know Richard Feynman for the hilarious anecdotes and exploits in his best-selling books Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and What DoYou Care What Other People Think? But not always obvious in those stories was his brilliance as a pure scientist—one of the century's greatest physicists. With this book and CD, we hear the voice of the great Feynman in all his ingenuity, insight, and acumen for argument. This breathtaking lecture—"The Motion of the Planets Around the Sun"—uses nothing more advanced than high-school geometry to explain why the planets orbit the sun elliptically rather than in perfect circles, and conclusively demonstrates the astonishing fact that has mystified and intrigued thinkers since Newton: Nature obeys mathematics. David and Judith Goodstein give us a beautifully written short memoir of life with Feynman, provide meticulous commentary on the lecture itself, and relate the exciting story of their effort to chase down one of Feynman's most original and scintillating lectures.
Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving
Sanjoy Mahajan - 2010
Traditional mathematics teaching is largely about solving exactly stated problems exactly, yet life often hands us partly defined problems needing only moderately accurate solutions. This engaging book is an antidote to the rigor mortis brought on by too much mathematical rigor, teaching us how to guess answers without needing a proof or an exact calculation.In Street-Fighting Mathematics, Sanjoy Mahajan builds, sharpens, and demonstrates tools for educated guessing and down-and-dirty, opportunistic problem solving across diverse fields of knowledge--from mathematics to management. Mahajan describes six tools: dimensional analysis, easy cases, lumping, picture proofs, successive approximation, and reasoning by analogy. Illustrating each tool with numerous examples, he carefully separates the tool--the general principle--from the particular application so that the reader can most easily grasp the tool itself to use on problems of particular interest. Street-Fighting Mathematics grew out of a short course taught by the author at MIT for students ranging from first-year undergraduates to graduate students ready for careers in physics, mathematics, management, electrical engineering, computer science, and biology. They benefited from an approach that avoided rigor and taught them how to use mathematics to solve real problems.Street-Fighting Mathematics will appear in print and online under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Share Alike license.
The California Naturalist Handbook
Greg De Nevers - 2013
It is a hands-on guide to learning about the natural environment of California. Subjects covered include California natural history and geology, native plants and animals, California's freshwater resources and ecosystems, forest and rangeland resources, conservation biology, and the effects of global warming on California's natural communities. The Handbook also discusses how to create and use a field notebook, natural resource interpretation, citizen science, and collaborative conservation and serves as the primary text for the California Naturalist Program.
Superstrings And The Search For The Theory Of Everything
F. David Peat - 1988
David Peat explains the development and meaning of this Superstring Theory in a thoroughly readable, dramatic manner accessible to lay readers with no knowledge of mathematics. The consequences of the Superstring Theory are nothing less than astonishing.
BRS Gross Anatomy
Kyung Won Chung - 1988
Written in a concise, bulleted outline format, this well-illustrated text offers 500 USMLE-style review questions, answers, and explanations and features comprehensive content and upgraded USMLE Step 1 information.
Problems Plus In Iit Mathematics
A. Das Gupta
This is type of problems asked at the JEE (IIT). The purpose of this book is to show students how to handle such problems and give them sufficient practice in solving problems of this type, thus building their confidence. The main features of this book are:Each chapter begins with a summary of facts, formulate and working techniques. Trick, tips and techniques have been clearly marked with the icon.A large number of problems have been solved and explained in each chapter.The exercises contain short-answer, long-answer and objective type questions.Multiple-choice questions in which more than one option may be correct have also been given.Time-bound tests at the end of each chapter will help students practise answering questions in a given time.The book also includes integrated tests, bases on all the chapters.A chapter containing miscellaneous problems has been given at the end of the book. This will help students gain confidence in solving problems without prior knowledge of the chapter(s) to which the problems belong.Table of ContentsAlgebraProgressions, Related Inequalities and SeriesDeterminants and Cramer's RuleEquations, Inequations and ExpressionsComplex NumbersPermutation and CombinationBinomial Theorem for Positive Integral IndexPrinciple of Mathematical Induction (PMI)Infinite SeriesMatricesTrigonometryCircular Functions, IdentitiesSolution of EquationsInverse Circular FunctionsTrigonometrical Inequalities and InequationsLogarithmProperties of TriangleHeights and DistancesCoordinate GeometryCoordinates and Straight LinesPairs of Straight Lines and Transformation of AxesCirclesParabolaEllipse and HyperbolaCalculusFunctionDifferentiationLimit, Indeterminate FormContinuity, Differentiability and Graph of FunctionApplication of dy/dxMaxima and MinimaMonotonic Function and Lagrange's TheoremIndefinite In
Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
Linda Lane Lilley - 1996
With an eye-catching design, full-color illustrations, and helpful, practical boxed features that highlight need-to-know information, the new edition of this bestseller continues its tradition of making pharmacology easy to learn and understand.A focus on prioritization identifies key nursing information and helps in preparation for the NCLEX(R) Examination.Presents drugs and their classes as they relate to different parts of the body, facilitating integration of the text with your other nursing courses.Features numerous full-color photos and illustrations pertaining to drug mechanisms of action and step-by-step illustrations depicting key steps in drug administration for various routes, so you can clearly see how drugs work in the body and how to administer medications safely and effectively.Drug Profiles highlight the pharmacokinetics and unique variations of individual drugs.Includes Patient Teaching Tips in each chapter to foster patient compliance and effective drug therapy.Helpful summary boxes are integrated throughout, covering Evidence-Based Practice, Preventing Medication Errors, Laboratory Values Related to Drug Therapy, Cultural Implications, Herbal Therapies, Life Span Considerations, Points to Remember, and Legal and Ethical Principles.Illustrated Study Skills Tips in each unit cover study tips, time management, and test taking strategies related specifically to nursing pharmacology.Includes a convenient tear-out IV Compatibilities Chart that alerts you to drugs that are incompatible when given intravenously.Evolve Student Resources include online access to additional chapter-specific NCLEX(R) review questions, animations, medication errors checklists, IV therapy checklists, printable handouts with need-to-know information about key drug classes, calculators, an audio glossary, answers to case studies and critical thinking activities in the text, frequently asked questions, content updates, nursing care plans covering key drug classes, and online appendices. Critical Thinking Activities and Best Action Questions focus on prioritization, challenging you to determine the best action to take.NCLEX(R) Examination Review Questions now include Alternate-Item Format questions, preparing you for these new types of questions found on the NCLEX(R) exam.New case studies have been added, and all cases now include patient photos along with accompanying questions to provoke critical thinking.Pharmacokinetic Bridges to the Nursing Process sections now cover ACE inhibitors, iron, and women's health issues applying key pharmacokinetics information to nursing practice.