Best of
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Gilbert Strang - 1976
While the mathematics is there, the effort is not all concentrated on proofs. Strang's emphasis is on understanding. He explains concepts, rather than deduces. This book is written in an informal and personal style and teaches real mathematics. The gears change in Chapter 2 as students reach the introduction of vector spaces. Throughout the book, the theory is motivated and reinforced by genuine applications, allowing pure mathematicians to teach applied mathematics.
The Synaptic Organization of the Brain
Gordon M. Shepherd - 1976
Studies of synaptic organization are bringing about a quiet revolution in achieving this goal, as documented by this unique book over the past 30 years. In this fifth edition, the results of the mouse and human genome projects are incorporated for the first time. Molecular biologists interested in functional genomics and proteomics of the brain will find answers here to the critical questions: what are the cell and circuit functions of gene products? Also for the first time, the reader is oriented to supporting neuroscience databases. Among the new advances covered are 2-photon confocal laser microscopy of dendrites and dendritic spines, biochemical analyses, and dual patch and multielectrode recordings, applied together with an increasing range of behavioral and gene-targeting methods. Leading experts in the best understood brain regions bring together the molecular, anatomical, functional, and behavioral data in authoritative integrated accounts. The chapters are organized in the same format, covering the neural elements, synaptic connections, basic circuits, physiology, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, membrane properties, dendritic properties, and with a final section on how the circuits mediate specific behaviors. The uniform framework for each chapter enables the authors to higlight the principles that are common to all regions, as well as the adaptations unique to each, thus serving as a model for understanding the neural basis of behavior.
Econometric Models And Economic Forecasts
Robert S. Pindyck - 1976
Refer to 0079132928, which is this main text plus the disk). First course in Econometrics in Economics Departments at better schools, also Economic/Business Forecasting. Statistics prerequisite but no calculus. Slightly higher level and more comprehensive than Gujarati Basic Econometrics (M-H, 1996) . P-R covers more time series and forecasting. P-R coverage is a notch below Johnston-DiNardo (M-H, 97) and requires no matrix algebra.
Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1869-1945
Hansgeorg Jentschura - 1976
This book covers the development of the Imperial Japanese Navy from its humble beginnings to major sea power.
Freuds Project Reassessed
Karl H. Pribram - 1976
Mathematics for Operations Research
William H. Marlow - 1976
It explains effective procedures for performing mathematical tasks that arise in many fields, including operations research, engineering, systems sciences, statistics, and economics.Readers will learn how to resolve linear independence and find null spaces and factors of matrices, determine existence of restricted solutions to linear equations and inequalities, and resolve definiteness of Hermitian and real symmetric matrices by Gaussian pivoting. Additional topics include how to diagonalize — or "nearly" diagonalize — square matrices, differentiate vectors and matrices by the chain rule, solve systems of differential and difference equations, and other subjects. Most of the examples and many of the 1,300 problems illustrate techniques, and nearly all of the tables display reference material for procedures. Differential and integral calculus are prerequisites.
An Introduction to Tonal Theory
Peter Westergaard - 1976
Gas Dynamics, Volume 1
Maurice Joseph Zucrow - 1976
Beginning with a review of the fundamental principles, the text then moves on to fully explore other relevant areas of gas dynamics. Readers will study such topics as the governing equations for compressible fluid flow, steady one-dimensional flow, expansion waves, flow with small perturbations, unsteady one-dimensional homentropic flow, and others. The book is then completed with a series of appendices for reference.
Cellular Basis of Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neurobiology
Eric R. Kandel - 1976
Software Reliability: Principles and Practices
Glenford J. Myers - 1976
Focuses on the unreliability of computer programs and offers state-of-the-art solutions. Covers--software development, software testing, structured programming, composite design, language design, proofs of program correctness, and mathematical reliability models. Written in an informal style for anyone whose work is affected by the unreliability of software. Examples illustrate key ideas, over 180 references.