Best of
I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux
Jean du Coeur de Jésus d'Elbée - 1969
Therese of Lisieux. A wondrous distillation of the teachings of St. Therese of Lisieux on God's love and on confidence in Him; on humility, peace, and charity; on the Cross; and on abandonment to Providence. Learn to rest in God amid troubles, living joyfully with Him always.
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha
Satyananda Saraswati - 1969
Since it's first publication by the Bihar School of yoga in 1969 it has been reprinted thirteen times and translated into many languages. It is the main reference text used by Yoga teachers and students of Bihar Yoga/Satyananda Yoga within the International Yoga Movenet, and many other traditions as well.This comprehensive text provides clear illustrations. step by step directions and details of chakra awareness. It guides the practitioner or teacher from the simplest to the most advanced practices of hatha yoga system. A therapeutic index is provided for use by doctors and yoga therapists incorporating recent information from research into yoga. This edition successfully brings the exposition of yoga practices to the standard of a university text.
The Diamond Sutra and The Sutra of Hui-Neng
Hui-Neng - 1969
It's known as the Diamond Sutra because its teachings are said to be like diamonds that cut away all dualistic thought, releasing one from the attachment to objects & bringing one to the further shore of enlightenment. The format of this important sutra is presented as a conversation between the Buddha & one of his disciples. The Sutra of Hui-neng, also known as the Platform Sutra, contains the autobiography of a pivotal figure in Zen history & some of the most profound passages of Zen literature. Hui-neng was the 6th patriarch of Zen in China, but is often regarded as the true father of the Zen tradition. He was a poor, illiterate woodcutter who is said to have attained enlightenment upon hearing a recitation of the Diamond Sutra. Together, these two scriptures present the central teaching of the Zen Buddhist tradition & are essential reading for all students of Buddhism.
Freedom from the Known
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1969
Krishnamurti shows how people can free themselves radically and immediately from the tyranny of the expected, no matter what their age--opening the door to transforming society and their relationships.
Testimony Of Light: An extraordinary message of life after death
Helen Greaves - 1969
This moving story, based on the communications Helen Greaves received telepathically from her deceased friend, is an inspiring testament to the enduring power of their friendship.
The Book of the Book
Idries Shah - 1969
The purpose of these demonstrations was to create an event that people could think about and learn a lesson from. In 1969, Idries Shah, author of over thirty books on Sufi teaching and learning, used modern methods of mass communication to create a teaching-event for the modern world. "The Book of the Book", first published in that year and now in its seventh printing, transmits a 700-year-old narrative on the theme of "do not mistake the container for the content". But it projects this lesson in a highly unconventional way. Reactions to "The Book of the Book" ran the gamut. Some people were infuriated. One "expert" at the British Museum said it was "not a book at all". Others either thought the cover price was too high for a "book that was not a book", or simply bought it for novelty value and kept it on hand to mystify their friends. In time, the pendulum began to swing in the other direction. Readers and reviewers now understand that unlike any other literary product ever published, "The Book of the Book" offers the opportunity to participate in a major Sufi teaching-event ... for the price of a book. Expect the impact of "The Book of the Book" to continue to ripple through the literary marketplace for decades to come.
Living the Science of Mind
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1969
In effect, this book is Holmes' own commentary on his classic Science of Mind textbook.
Deep River and the Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death
Howard Thurman - 1969
Howard Thurman explores how protest and resistance are expressed in spirituals as well as how these songs have been a "spiritual watering hole" in his life..
Knowing the Love of God
Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange - 1969
John Paul II. The focus of the talks are: the goal of life as supernatural life and love; obstacles brought about by evil and sin; the redemptive work of Christ as a source for the spiritual life; mortification and acceptance of personal crosses as means to resist sin; and conformity to Christ by prayer and devotion to Mary.
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
Paul Twitchell - 1969
In it, the author outlines the fundamental steps for preparing one's spiritual consciousness and explores six specific techniques for Soul Travel.
Common Sense Not Needed: Bringing the Gospel to the Mentally Handicapped
Corrie ten Boom - 1969
In this book, she recounts something of what she learned and experienced while carrying on this work. It will be of interest and encouragement to those working in similar circumstances.
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: The Buddha's Way of Mindfulness
Nyanaponika Thera - 1969
It is an excellent, indepth description of mindfulness practice and its benefits. It includes a concise explanation of clear comprehension, which is the kind of mindfulness you use in the course of your daily life. It also presents an easily understandable explanation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.This new edition includes an introduction from noted author and teacher Sylvia Boorstein. Although the Buddha lived over 2500 years ago, his teachings on meditation are among the most effective methods for healing the pain of grief, finding inner peace, and overcoming the sense of dislocation caused by living in the 21st century. Mindfulness is a method not only for committed Buddhists. It is for everyone interested in mastering the mind.From the introduction by Sylvia BoorsteinThe Heart of Buddhist Meditation was the first serious, didactic Dharma book I read. It was the early nineteeneighties. My teacher, Jack Kornfield, suggested it as the beginning formal training of my becoming a Mindfulness teacher. I have that original copy and I am touched by how many underlined passages, how many exclamation points in margins, how many addendums of my own written in tiny scrawl appear in its fading pages.
Tantric Transformation: Discourses On The Royal Song Of Saraha
Osho - 1969
In these exciting and ground-breaking discourses, Osho explains Tantric goals: the experience of cosmic expansion and divine wisdom. He describes the Tantra map of inner consciousness, including the "Four Seals" or locks that open as we move higher in meditation. Speaking with profound wisdom and compassion, Osho demonstrates his genuine understanding of the fabric of our lives on earth, acknowledging both the glorious excess of our Western ways, as well as the doubt, despair, and guilt that are the legacy of our dualism.Through light, but thought-provoking anecdotes and lectures, Osho encourages each of us to turn inwards, develop as individuals, and discover the transformative Tantric language of love.
Meditation in Action
Chögyam Trungpa - 1969
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche shows that meditation extends beyond the formal practice of sitting to build the foundation for compassion, awareness, and creativity in all aspects of life. He explores the six activities associated with meditation in action—generosity, discipline, patience, energy, clarity, and wisdom—revealing that through simple, direct experience, one can attain real wisdom: the ability to see clearly into situations and deal with them skillfully, without the self-consciousness connected with ego.
Lord Of The Horizon
Joan Marshall Grant - 1969
It is the sequel to Eyes of Horus.Lord of the Horizon is the story, told in the first person, of Ra-ab, heir to the Nomarch of the Oryx. Ra-ab is twenty-one as the story begins. The dawn for which Ra-ab and the Watchers of the Horizon fought in Eyes of Horus has come, but to 'Send Fear into Exile', as the Watchers' password promised, proves difficult. The new Pharaoh, Amenemhet, marries the daughter of the Pharaoh he deposed, thereby enabling her mother, a Babylonian by birth, to retain influence. Like a spider, she spins a web of intrigue and manipulation which threatens to plunge Egypt back into darkness. Her prize is Amenemhet's son Senusert, who will one day be Pharaoh himself. Finally, Pharaoh realizes what has occurred, and calls on his friend Ra-ab Hotep, hero of the revolution, to take Senusert to his home in the Oryx and help him grow up properly, so he will be ready to fulfill his duties as Pharaoh. But the Babylonian is not yet defeated. She continues to challenge Amenemhet's rule and authority, leading inexorably to the final showdown.As a child growing up in Edwardian England, Joan Grant became aware of an astonishing ability to remember previous lifetimes, and as an author professed her seven novels to be based on her personal recollections of other incarnations, male and female, in ancient civilisations."Ra'ab, the Warrior, heir of the Peace of God... speaks with a voice that those who today are seeking illumination may welcome as the voice of a friend." TLS
From Sex to Superconsciousness
Osho - 1969
He explains that when we repress our basic nature, sex takes roots in the unconscious, creating an unnatural obsession. It is this psychic state that has produced much mental sickness and the widespread perversity of society today. "Sex is man's most vibrant energy," Osho says," but it should not be an end unto itself: sex should lead man to his soul."
Readings from Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi - 1969
Several centuries may pass by without the advent of such a one. That by which he is known in his life. He first lives and then tells others how they may live likewise. Such a teacher was Gandhi. These selections from his speeches and writings will give the reader some idea of the workings of Gandhi's min, the growth of his thoughts and the practical techniques which he adopted. "Published in honor of his birth-centenary.Compiled and Edited by Krishna Kripalani and Mehendra Maghani.
Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism
Anagarika Govinda - 1969
Lama Angarika Govinda spent over 20 years of his life as a member of the Kargyutpa Order. Studying at the feet of masters in Tibetan hermitages and monasteries, his direct experience has given him a clear insight into much that has remained totally obscure to the world. This work, regarded as a classic of Tibetan mysticism, explains the esoteric principles of Mantra and clarifies the differences between Hindu and Tibetan yoga, and is our direct link to the spiritual achievements of the past and their relationship to a future higher civilization of humanity.
The true solitude: Selections from the writings of Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton - 1969
Richard Foster's Treasury of Christian Discipline
Richard J. Foster - 1969
True Christian Religion
Emanuel Swedenborg - 1969
For those questioning the definition of the Trinity that was defined in the fourth century and later, Swedenborg describes a view of God Who is One in person, Jesus Christ. As Jehovah in human form, Jesus progressively resisted temptation in His human, until he made his human Divine, and became the God-man. It was through this process that Jesus saved all of humanity, as His Holy Spirit is now available to all to help people resist temptation and live the Christian life according to God's will. Swedenborg stated, "it is a law of order that as far as man approaches and draws near to God, which he must do altogether as of himself — so far God approaches and draws near to man, and conjoins Himself with him." The book first discusses the different manifestations of God, as God the Creator, God the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit. The book also discusses how the sacred scripture is Divinely inspired, as it is the Divine Truth itself which allows communion between humankind and heaven. Both the literal and spiritual meanings of the ten commandments of the Decalogue are discussed, which contains all the precepts of eternal life. Other topics include doctrines concerning faith, charity, free will, repentance, reformation and regeneration. The symbolism of two Holy Sacraments Baptism and Holy Supper are explained in detail. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion concerning the end of the age, and an explanation of the Second Coming and the prophecies contained in the Apocalypse.This book contains all three volumes of the original publication, and has been formatted for digital publication: it has hyperlinked table of contents, references, and topical index. It is volumes 30, 31 and 32 of the Hyperlinked Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, available as part of the multi-volume work "The Divine Revelation of the New Jerusalem."ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He journeyed to England, Holland, France, and Germany to study and work with leading scientists in western Europe. Upon his return he apprenticed as an engineer under the brilliant Swedish inventor Christopher Polhem (1661-1751). King Charles XII of Sweden gave him a salaried position as an overseer of Sweden's mining industry (1716-1747). After the death of the King, Emanuel was ennobled by Queen Ulrika Eleonora. This gave him a seat in the Swedish House of Nobles, where he remained an active participant in the Swedish government throughout his life. A member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, he devoted himself to scientific studies and philosophical reflections that culminated in a number of scientific publications, mainly concerning minerology and physiology, where he had made several discoveries. From 1743 to 1745 he entered a transitional phase that resulted in a shift of his main focus from science and philosophy to theology. Throughout the rest of his life he maintained that this shift was brought about by Jesus Christ, who appeared to him, called him to a new mission, and opened his perception to a permanent dual consciousness of this life and the spiritual world of heaven and hell. Although he at first published his theological works anonymously, he became more well known to the public when he had a clairvoyant experience where he could describe a fire in Stockholm in 1759, over 400 km away. This was investigated by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who confirmed the event, and it was also noted by Carl Jung who borrowed from Swedenborg for many of his ideas in psychology. At other times Swedenborg demonstrated his clairvoyant abilities to multiple witnesses. Zen master D.T. Suzuki called Swedenborg the "Buddha of the North."