Best of
Nothing Personal
James Baldwin - 1964
Considering the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020--which were met with tear gas and rubber bullets the same year white supremacists entered the US Capitol with little resistance, openly toting flags of the Confederacy--Baldwin's documentation of his own troubled times cuts to the core of where we find ourselves today.Baldwin's thoughts move through an interconnected range of questions, from America's fixation on eternal youth, to its refusal to recognize the past, its addiction to consumerism, and the lovelessness that fuels it in its cities and popular culture. He recounts his own encounter with police in a scene disturbingly similar to those we see today documented with ever increasing immediacy. This edition also includes a new foreword from interdisciplinary scholar Imani Perry and an afterword from noted Baldwin scholar Eddie S. Glaude Jr. Both explore and situate the essay within the broader context of Baldwin's work, the Movement for Black Lives, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the presidency of Donald Trump.Nothing Personal is both a eulogy and a declaration of will. In bringing this work into the twenty-first century, readers new and old will take away fundamental and recurring truths about life in the US. It is both a call to action, and an appeal to love and to life.
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Marshall McLuhan - 1964
Terms and phrases such as "the global village" and "the medium is the message" are now part of the lexicon, and McLuhan's theories continue to challenge our sensibilities and our assumptions about how and what we communicate.There has been a notable resurgence of interest in McLuhan's work in the last few years, fueled by the recent and continuing conjunctions between the cable companies and the regional phone companies, the appearance of magazines such as WiRed, and the development of new media models and information ecologies, many of which were spawned from MIT's Media Lab. In effect, media now begs to be redefined. In a new introduction to this edition of Understanding Media, Harper's editor Lewis Lapham reevaluates McLuhan's work in the light of the technological as well as the political and social changes that have occurred in the last part of this century.
Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences
Abraham H. Maslow - 1964
Proposing religious experience as a legitimate subject for scientific investigation, Maslow studies the human need for spiritual expression.
The Movement: Documentary of a Struggle for Equality
Lorraine Hansberry - 1964
Captions and accompanying text by Lorraine Hansberry, American playwright ("A Raisin in the Sun," "the Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window," and others). Photographers include Danny Lyon, Don Charles, Norris McNamara, Frank Dandridge and others. "This book was prepared with the cooperation and assistance of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee."
Integral Humanism
Deendayal Upadhyay - 1964
It tries to present a third alternative road to be taken to the future of India rather than communism and capitalism. It pitches for a development paradigm based on the principles of India/Hinduism. It is the philosophy adopted by Bhartiya Janta Party.
Adjusted American: Normal Neuroses in the Individual and Society
Snell Putney - 1964
Some Faces in the Crowd
Budd Schulberg - 1964
The crowd is the American landscape: indelible characters drawn coast-to-coast from the teeming streets of New York to tables at Hollywood's legendary nightclub, Ciro's. In these sparkling stories, Schulberg brings us vivid, restless people haunted by abrupt failure in the wake of rapid success. In "The Arkansas Traveler" he gives us Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes's down-home stories of Riddle, Arkansas, which later became the stuff of the celebrated movie A Face in the Crowd.
Man and Time
J.B. Priestley - 1964
The Bias of Communication
Harold A. Innis - 1964
It is a collection of essays by one of Canada's greatest historians, on a subject that opened broad new avenues of thought on the role of media in the creation of history. Marshall McLuhan, deeply influenced by these essays, led North America to a new awareness of the role of media in contemporary culture. The works of Harold Innis are seminal in the study of Canadian history; the essays in this volume continue to generate intense dabate among historians, communications scholars, and media theorists.
Compulsory Mis-education/The Community of Scholars
Paul Goodman - 1964
Political philosophy about schools and how to improve them.
The Study Of Politics
Maurice Duverger - 1964
He becomes, therefore, an early behaviouralist and thus was at the forefront of the behaviourlist movement in political science. He sees the state as a progressive development towards and integration of concepts, ideas and disputes resolved.
The Democratic and Authoritarian State: Essays in Political and Legal Theory
Franz Leopold Neumann - 1964
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
Herbert Marcuse - 1964
This second edition, newly introduced by Marcuse scholar Douglas Kellner, presents Marcuse's best-selling work to another generation of readers in the context of contemporary events.
Democracy and Capitalism: Property, Community, and the Contradictions of Modern Social Thought
Samuel Bowles - 1964
They show that 'capitalism' and 'democracy' - although widely held jointly to characterize Western society - are sharply contrasting systems regulating both the process of human development and the historical evolution of whole societies. They examine in detail the relationship between political theory and economics, and explore the multifaceted character of power in modern societies.
How We Get Things: Childcraft #8: The How And Why Library (Volume 8)
Childcraft International - 1964
Gesture and Speech
André Leroi-Gourhan - 1964
His bold and coherent revision of both analytic and archaeological methods revolutionized the study of prehistoric culture. His adoption of the structuralist method for the analysis of prehistoric art enabled a radical rethinking and clearer understanding of its nature, with resulting implications for the understanding of the art of our own times, and for a broad range of contemporary issues.Leroi-Gourhan was, for example, concerned with questions of communication, particularly the ways in which new techniques of communication reshape our understanding of language and writing. His work in this field has proved catalytic for the thinking of other major theorists, among them Jacques Derrida. Gesture and Speech combines in one volume Technics and Language and Memory and Rhythms, which are the cornerstones of Leroi-Gourhan's comprehensive theory of human behavior and cultural development. In Technics and Language, Leroi-Gourhan looks at prehistoric technology in relation to the development of cognitive and linguistic faculties, expanding on the cultural ramifications of erect posture, a short face, a free hand during locomotion, and possession of movable implements.Memory and Rhythms approaches its subject from the standpoints of sociology and aesthetics. Here Leroi-Gourhan addresses the problems of instinct and intelligence. He defines the relationship between aesthetic behavior, on the one hand, and species attitudes and the personalization of ethnic groups, on the other, and undertakes a sweeping aesthetic analysis from visceral perception to figurative art, including a discussion of the "language of forms" that makes figurative art an abstract expression of language.
Social Structure and Personality
Talcott Parsons - 1964
A Collection of essays which studies the theoretical problem of relationships between social structure and personality, and how these different relationships merit distinct treatment for particular purposes. Parsons concludes that in the larger picture, their interdependencies are so intimate that bringing them together in an interpretive synthesis is imperative if a balanced understanding of the complex as a whole is to be attained.
Torches Together: The Story of the Bruderhof Communities
Emmy Arnold - 1964
Sadly, Nazism swallowed the German movement virtually whole -- and Wall Street, though in entirely different fashion, did the same to the American one.Torches Together is the story of a community that survived: the Bruderhof, a 75-year-old movement that began when writer Eberhard Arnold and his wife Emmy left Berlin life for the unknowns of an impoverished village.At first glance a memoir, Torches Together is a radical call to faith and commitment against great odds. It is also a remarkable testimony to the leading of the Spirit, which, as Arnold writes, can hold together those who believe in the "daily miracle" of community "through thick and thin".Lyn Baker, Logos JournalDetails in subdued and undramatic fashion how ordinary middle-class Christians were spurred by the Holy Spirit and the decadence of their culture to become lowly, dependent, and centered on God.