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Man the Dwelling Place of God: What it Means to Have Christ Living in You
A.W. Tozer - 1966
Tozer is about what it means to have Christ living in you, "Behold I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me'." At the hidden center of man's being is the dwelling place of the Triune God. It is such a private, intimate place that no one can intrude but Christ, and even He will enter only through an invitation of faith. Once the Spirit enters the deep-in core of the believer's heart and establishes residence there, man becomes a true child of God. But baptism, confirmation, receiving the sacraments, church membership, etc., mean nothing unless God has truly inhabited the soul. In this book entitled, Man: The Dwelling Place of God, Tozer reveals what it truly means to have Christ within us. Leaving your old life behind, understanding the Bible, making moral choices, loving God for Himself, christian Fellowship, and much more!
"Behold I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."' Revelation 3:20
The Jerusalem Bible
Anonymous - 1966
One of the main contributors and lexicographers for this Bible was J. R. R. Tolkien, being consulted for the style, and also criticizing contributions of others. THE JERUSALEM BIBLE (published in 1966) was the first truly modern Bible for Catholics. Using definitive original language texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, biblical scholars of L'École Biblique in Jerusalem produced a meticulously accurate, wonderfully readable French translation of the complete canon of Scripture (La Bible de Jérusalem). From this French original came the English edition, edited by renowned Bible scholar Alexander Jones.For all the people around the world who are discovering or revisiting the mysteries contained in the Scriptures, only a clear, understandable Bible translation will do. With language as exquisite but more modern than the King James Version, THE JERUSALEM BIBLE is the one they can trust.
What the Bible is All About Bible Handbook
Henrietta C. Mears - 1966
What the Bible Is All About, 1983, Forward By Billy Graham
The Magnificent Defeat
Frederick Buechner - 1966
In The Magnificent Defeat, Frederick Buechner examines what it means to follow Christ, the lessons of Christmas and Easter, the miracles of grace, and "the magnificent defeat" of the human soul of God.
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
Thomas Merton - 1966
With his characteristic forcefulness and candor, he brings the reader face-to-face with such provocative and controversial issues as the “death of God,” politics, modern life and values, and racial strife–issues that are as relevant today as they were fifty years ago. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander is Merton at his best–detached but not unpassionate, humorous yet sensitive, at all times alive and searching, with a gift for language which has made him one of the most widely read and influential spiritual writers of our time.
The Way of the White Clouds
Anagarika Govinda - 1966
Govinda's luminous and candid account is a spectacular and gloriously poetic story of exploration and discovery, and a sensitive and lucid interpretation of Tibetan traditions. Comprised of elements from several genres - spiritual journals, adventure narratives, anthropological field reports, and philosophical commentaries, The Way of the White Clouds is one of the twentieth century's classic spiritual autobiographies and an invaluable document about a place and a way of thinking that are virtually defined by their mysteries." Robert Thurman's perceptive new introduction to the volume places Govinda's writings in historical context and expands understanding of Tibet, Buddhism, and the life of a remarkable man.
Love Alone is Credible
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1966
In this newly translated book, von Balthasar delves deeper into this exploration of what love means, what comprises the divine love of God, and how we must become lovers of God in the footsteps of saints like Francis de Sales, John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux. Love Alone Is Credible brings a fresh perspective on an oftexplored subject. This scholarly work is a deeply insightful and profound theological meditation that serves to both deepen and inform the faith of the believer.
Eternal Man
Truman G. Madsen - 1966
It is as important to Latter-day Saints that there will be a "forever forward" as that there has been a "forever backward."Here is a scholarly book written to make manifest the truth that man is an eternal individual, and that he has had and will have an identity forever.The author, Dr. Truman G. Madsen, plumbs some of the "deeps" in man in a careful, solemn style. He affirms that an understanding of self, even as Christ taught men to know themselves, can endow life with glorious meaning.These essays will bear repeated exposure. The understanding to be derived from their frequent study will make life here and now more meaningful and the eternities ahead a goal worth living for.
The Fourth Thousand Years: From David to Christ
W. Cleon Skousen - 1966
I have therefore tried to identify people and places sufficiently well so that the book is self-contained and does not require the student to do extensive outside reading in order to understand what we are discussing.Too often the Old Testament has been relegated to what we might call "the child's interest level." However, no matter how interesting many of the stories in this part of the Bible may be to children, there is no doubt but what this part of the scripture is almost entirely adult level reading and therefore deserves the most serious and careful perusal by the mature student....The questions at the end of each chapter are designed to encourage the student to make a more penetrating analysis of the subject matter. Most of the questions require specific factual answers rather than opinions. Some school of modern pedagogy frown on the use of "memory" questions but thirty years of teaching have persuaded the author that students need a generous background of factual information in order to provide a better bedrock for their opinions.
The Gospel According to John I-XII
Raymond E. Brown - 1966
Brown’s magisterial three-volume commentary on the Gospel According to John, all of the major Johannine questions—of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics (Mark, Matthew, and Luke)—are discussed. The important theories of modern biblical scholarship concerning John are weighed against the evidence given in the text and against prevailing biblical research. In sum, what is attempted is a synthesis of the major scholarly insights that bear on the Fourth Gospel.The translation—as Father Brown states at the outset—strives not for any formal beauty but rather for an accurate and contemporary version: “the simple, everyday Greek of the Gospel has been rendered into the ordinary American English of today.” The result is a translation that will strike the reader with uncommon immediacy.Father Brown also analyzes, in the appendixes, the meaning, use, and frequency of certain key words and phrases that occur in John, and examines the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic treatments of the miracle stories.The chapters of the Gospel translated here in Volume 29 (1–12) comprise the Prologue, which opens with the famous “In the beginning was the Word,” and the Book of Signs, an account of the miracles of Jesus and of his ministry.
Raids On The Unspeakable
Thomas Merton - 1966
Though he sees dark horizons, his ultimate answer is one of Christian hope.
The Politics of God and the Politics of Man
Jacques Ellul - 1966
Ellul's answer to that question, though based on events recorded in the Second Book of Kings, is immediately relevant to contemporary issues and to the church today. Emerging from these reflections is an eloquent testimony to the immense love of God -which not only creates and saves, but which also in its incomprehensible humility wants to associate man with its work.
Saint John Bosco
F.A. Forbes - 1966
A practical joker with a great sense of humor in his youth, St. John Bosco (1815-1888) grew up to become a priest and the founder of the Salesians (the largest order in the Church). Relates the many prophetic dreams he had, how Our Lady called him and helped him to become a priest, his struggles with the devil, and much more! An easy read, and a great book for any Catholic. Impr. 220 pgs, PB
The Teaching of Buddha
Society for the Promotion of Buddhism - 1966
First published in 1925, the book was originally edited by Japanese scholars of Buddhism before WWII and distributed widely throughout Japan. The first English edition was published in 1934. The Reverend Dr. Yehan Numata brought out another English edition in 1962, and in 1966, after the establishment of the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism), Dr. Numata assembled a committee of Buddhist scholars to substantially revise and edit a new English-Japanese edition. The Teaching of Buddha has undergone minor revisions and numerous reprintings since. It is now available in more than forty-two languages and over 8 million copies have been distributed and placed in hotel rooms in over fifty countries throughout the world.The Teaching of Buddha is a collection of writings on the essence of Buddhism, selected and edited from the vast Buddhist canon, presented in a concise, easy-to-read, and nonsectarian format. It also includes a brief history of Buddhism, a listing of the source texts, a glossary of Sanskrit terms, and an index.
John Donne's Poetry: Authoritative Texts, Criticism
John Donne - 1966
An annotated collection of Donne's most significant work, including five elegies, four satires, six verse letters, four divine poems and the text of all poems from the first 17th-century edition of his verse, originally published in 1633.
The Teachings of the Church Fathers
John R. Willis - 1966
In this powerful one-volume library, Father Willis presents more than 250 selected doctrinal topics in an exhaustive selection of writings from the major sources of the Fathers. He lets the Fathers speak for themselves on a wide variety of spiritual themes.
Spirit-Controlled Temperament
Tim LaHaye - 1966
A superb treatment of the basic human temperaments and how God can use them, now revised with new chapters and questions for group study.
A Diary of Prayer
Elizabeth Goudge - 1966
Elizabeth Goudge collected the prayers over a period of time from many Christian traditions down the ages.
Shūsaku Endō - 1966
In a perfect fusion of treatment and theme, this powerful novel tells the story of a seventeenth-century Portuguese priest in Japan at the height of the fearful persecution of the small Christian community.
The Hours of Catherine of Cleves
John Plummer - 1966
Many of the great scenes from the Old Testament and many more from the New Testament are included, besides the Stations of the Cross and portraits of the saints.The work of an unidentified Dutch master painter, the manuscript was made for Catherine of Cleves on the occasion of her marriage to the Duke of Guelders. All the 157 surviving miniatures are reproduced to actual size and in exquisite color with gold, together with three samples of pages containing the Latin prayers. Page after page reveals the elaborate program and rich illumination of the original. The progression from beginning to end shows an artist increasing in skill, relying in his earlier work on tradition and later emerging as an independent artist of bold, clear colors, dynamic brushwork, and lively imagination. He stands as one of the supreme painters of fifteenth-century Northern Europe.Each page is accompanied by a descriptive and explanatory commentary by John Plummer. His introduction discusses the development of the Book of Hours as a liturgical form in general, and the history of the Cleves Hours specifically, and describes the place it holds in the history of Northern painting.
An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
W.E. Vine - 1966
By W.E. Vine with Introductions by W. Graham Scroggie and F.F. Bruce. 1966 printing, 351pp with index. Publisher's statement: "The work of a scholar's whole lifetime of work, it is intended for non-specialists with little or no knowledge of Greek, and for scholars as well. With renderings of the words and phrases of the New Testament from both Authorized and American Revised Versio and against the background of the original Greek, it is a dictionary, a concordance, and a commentary in one volume...Comments are given on Bible passages under carefully arranged headings; by a helpful system of cross-references, the reader can see at a glance not only which Greek words are represented by one English word, but also which English words, if any, are used to translate each Greek word."
Doomsday Cult: A Study Of Conversion, Proselytization, And Maintenance Of Faith
John Lofland - 1966
While a student at the University of California, Berkeley, Lofland lived with Unification Church missionary Young Oon Kim and a small group of American church members and studied their activities in trying to promote their beliefs and win new members for their church.
Tradition & Traditions
Yves Congar - 1966
Provides an extensive, non-polemical refutation of the Protestant teaching of "sola scriptura" (Latin: by Scripture alone).
Life Can Begin Again: Sermons on the Sermon on the Mount
Helmut Thielicke - 1966
In Life Can Begin Again, Helmut Thielicke, himself one of the great preachers of the 20th Century, comes to grips with what is often seen as a collection of lovely, but impossible ideals. Thielicke makes it clear that the Sermon on the Mount can never be understood if, even for a moment, we forget the person of the Preacher of the Sermon. For without the person and the work of Jesus Christ, the marvellous words of the Beatitudes and the injunctions that follow them are the most radical and devastating distillation of God's claims that can be conceived; they leave us in utter, hopeless dismay. Only 'in Christ' do these words of the law become the glorious gospel that promises a new life. Here is not only great preaching on some of the most urgent and sublime themes, but great tenderness and compassion too. As in so many of his works, Thielicke brings the profundities of Biblical religion alive for the modern era.
The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud
Philip Rieff - 1966
This special fortieth-anniversary edition of Philip Rieff’s masterpiece, the first volume in ISI Books’ new Background series, includes an introduction by Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn and essays on the text by historians Eugene McCarraher and Wilfred McClay and philosopher Stephen Gardner.
A Commentary On The Revelation Of St. John The Divine
George Bradford Caird - 1966
The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old Layman Questions Himself about the Present Time
Jacques Maritain - 1966