Best of
The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World
W. Cleon Skousen - 1981
The truth is that the solutions have been available for a long time -- in the writings of our Founding Fathers -- carefully set forth in this timely book.In The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World, Discover the 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Learn how adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights--Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt. Published by the National Center for Constitut
The Ethics of Liberty
Murray N. Rothbard - 1981
Murray N. Rothbard's classic The Ethics of Liberty stands as one of the most rigorous and philosophically sophisticated expositions of the libertarian political position.What distinguishes Rothbard's book is the manner in which it roots the case for freedom in the concept of natural rights and applies it to a host of practical problems. An economist by profession, Rothbard here proves himself equally at home with philosophy. And while his conclusions are radical--that a social order that strictly adheres to the rights of private property must exclude the institutionalized violence inherent in the state--his applications of libertarian principles prove surprisingly practical for a host of social dilemmas, solutions to which have eluded alternative traditions.The Ethics of Liberty authoritatively established the anarcho-capitalist economic system as the most viable and the only principled option for a social order based on freedom. This edition is newly indexed and includes a new introduction that takes special note of the Robert Nozick-Rothbard controversies.
Social Problems
Henry George - 1981
George's ragings against the corrupting influence of money and power in politics, the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, rampant unemployment, and other pressing societal matters are not only passionate and muckraking, they also offer proposals for righting wrongs, making George a thinker of continuing importance in today's still-unequal world.ALSO FROM COSIMO: George's Progress and Poverty, The Science of Political Economy, A Perplexed Philosopher, Protection or Free Trade, and The Condition of Labor
Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society
Paul Hollander - 1981
Shaw to J.P. Sartre, and. closer to home, from Edmund Wilson to Susan Sontag- admire various communist systems, often in their most repressive historical phases? How could Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, or Castro's Cuba appear at one time as both successful modernizing societies and the fulfillments of the boldest dreams of social justice? Why, at the same time, had these intellectuals so mercilessly judged and rejected their own Western, liberal cultures? What Impulses and beliefs prompted them to seek the realization of their ideals in distant, poorly known lands? How do their journeys fit into long-standing Western traditions of looking for new meaning In the non-Western world?These are some of the questions Paul Hollander sought to answer In his massive study that covers much of our century. His success is attested by the fact that the phrase "political pilgrim" has become a part of intellectual discourse. Even in the post-communist era the questions raised by this book remain relevant as many Western, and especially American intellectuals seek to come to terms with a world which offers few models of secular fulfillment and has tarnished the reputation of political Utopias. His new and lengthy introduction updates the pilgrimages and examines current attempts to find substitutes for the emotional and political energy that used to be invested in them.
Politics and Letters: Interviews with New Left Review
Raymond Williams - 1981
He was also one of the key figures in the foundation of cultural studies in Britain, which turned critical skills honed on textual analysis to the examination of structures and forms of resistance apparent in everyday life. Politics and Letters is a volume of interviews with Williams, conducted by New Left Review, designed to bring into clear focus the major theoretical and political issues posed by his work. Introduced by writer Geoff Dyer, Politics and Letters ranges across Williams’s biographical development, the evolution of his cultural theory and literary criticism, his work on dramatic forms and his fiction, and an exploration of British and international politics.
The Ethnic Phenomenon
Pierre L. van den Berghe - 1981
While social classes are grouped according to common material interests, ethnic groups are organized by real or putative common descent--ultimately on the basis of common interests. The author argues that ethnic nepotism is, at its very foundation, biological. This new approach is expanded further, taking into account how ethnicity is responsive to a wide spectrum of environmental factors. He analytically relates his own ideological biases to the substance of his work. What results is an intensely personal book of monumental scope and admirable intellectual honesty.
The Anglo-American Establishment
Carroll Quigley - 1981
Quigley explains how these men worked in union to begin their society to control the world. He explains how all the wars from that time were deliberately created to control the economies of all the nations.
Perspectives on Our Age
Jacques Ellul - 1981
Unique insight into the details of Ellul's personal life accompany thought-provoking commentary on the origins and development of his beliefs and theories. The religious, technological, and sociological analyses of the modern world that Ellul made famous are discussed in this glimpse into his life and work.Jacques Ellul was a professor at the University of Bordeaux. He is the author of Propaganda, The Subversion of Christianity, and The Technological Society. William H. Vanderburg is the director of the Center for Technology and Social Development at the University of Toronto. He is the author of The Growth of Minds and Cultures and The Labyrinth of Technology.
Research Designs
Paul E. Spector - 1981
Spector covers major designs including: single group designs; pre-test/post-test designs; factorial designs, hierarchical designs; multivariate designs; the Solomon four group design; panel designs; and designs with concomitant variables.
The Growth of American Thought
Merle Curti - 1981
With his elaboration of the complex interrelationships between the growth of American thought and the whole American social milieu, Curti creates not only an intellectual history, but a social history of American thought.
Right-Wing Authoritarianism
Bob Altemeyer - 1981
Beyond Adversary Democracy
Jane J. Mansbridge - 1981
Several rounds of enthusiastic applause, then, are due Jane Mansbridge . . . for having produced a dense and well written book whose subject is nothing less ambitious than the theory of democracy and its problems of equality, solidarity, and consensus. Beyond Adversary Democracy, however, is not simply a work of political theory; Mansbridge explores her abstract subject matter by close studies (using ethnographic, documentary, and questionnaire methods) of two small actual democracies operating at their most elemental American levels (1) a New England town meeting ("Selby," Vermont) and (2) an urban crisis center ("Helpline"), whose 41 employees shared a New Left-Counterculture belief in participatory democracy and consensual decision-making. [Mansbridge] is a force to contend with. It is in our common interest that she be widely read."—Bennett M. Berger, Contemporary Sociology
Structure and Change in Economic History
Douglass C. North - 1981
North's investigation is the question of property rights, the arrangements individuals & groups have made thru history to deal with the fundamental economic problem of scarce resources. In six theoretical chapters, North examines the structure of economic systems, outlines an economic theory of the state & the ideologies that undergird various modes of economic organization, & then explores the dynamic forces such as new technologies that cause institutions to adapt in order to survive. With this analytical framework in place, major phases in Western history come under careful reappraisal, from the origins of agriculture & the neolithic revolution thru the political economy of the ancient & medieval worlds to the industrial revolution & the economic transformations of the 20th century. Structure & Change in Economic History is a work that will reshape many established explanations of the growth of the west.
The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons: More May Be Better
Kenneth N. Waltz - 1981
Human Inquiry: A Sourcebook of New Paradigm Research
Peter Reason - 1981
Covers the philosophy, methodology, practice and prospects of the new paradigm, showing how to do research with people rather than on people. Synthesizes material from researchers pursuing similar paths in Europe, North America, Africa and India as well as relevant reprints and appreciations of classical material.
The Nature of Democracy, Freedom & Revolution
Herbert Aptheker - 1981
Revolution as the source of effective human emancipation.