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The Arthashastra

    It identifies its author by the names 'Kauṭilya' and 'Vishnugupta', both names that are traditionally identified with Chanakya (c. 350–283 BC), who was a scholar at Takshashila and the teacher and guardian of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Mauryan Empire. The text was influential until the 12th century, when it disappeared. It was rediscovered in 1904 by R. Shamasastry, who published it in 1909. The first English translation was published in 1915.Roger Boesche describes the Arthaśāstra as "a book of political realism, a book analysing how the political world does work and not very often stating how it ought to work, a book that frequently discloses to a king what calculating and sometimes brutal measures he must carry out to preserve the state and the common good."Centrally, Arthaśāstra argues how in an autocracy an efficient and solid economy can be managed. It discusses the ethics of economics and the duties and obligations of a king. The scope of Arthaśāstra is, however, far wider than statecraft, and it offers an outline of the entire legal and bureaucratic framework for administering a kingdom, with a wealth of descriptive cultural detail on topics such as mineralogy, mining and metals, agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine and the use of wildlife. The Arthaśāstra also focuses on issues of welfare (for instance, redistribution of wealth during a famine) and the collective ethics that hold a society together.

How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't

Sam Hyde
    This is our protestation against Toxic Hellworld Culture™, including but not limited to: nihilism, people who don't know what to do with debt/money, BPA incl. touching receipts and plastic water bottles, new music genres, cybernetic private-part-augmentation, women who *actually* deserve ~it~ (you know what I mean), and Bad Sex Play™.It's everything you know and love about MDE, and more, in traditional 2D format, so you can print it out and have something to look @ after the inevitable "Russian" EMP attack. Cheers gents.744 Extremely Funny Pages. You will laugh out loud more than once--we guarantee it. This is the product of four years hard labor: raw primo content that is too unchained and unshackled for sketches or video format. It's our magnum opus and best work and we are damn proud. Fourteen dollars is a high price especially since you have less than a thousand dollars in your checking account and you eat noodles and McDonald's every night, but you will be provided with HOURS of CLEAN laughs and smiles. Not to mention you will be really and truly supporting the hell out of independent comedy.I think that's enough text but this thing is so fowcking good I just have to write another paragraph. Every time I touch it is like my first kiss. Charls had tears in his eyes flipping through it last night. We hope you like it man--we hope you find something in here to believe in, to bite into, to use against your enemies, to uplift all Mankind (the wrestler).

Revolutions: The Revolutions of 1848 (Revolutions, #7)

Mike Duncan

Revolutions: The American Revolution (Revolutions, #2)

Mike Duncan

The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 1: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Gorgias, Menexenus

     “Allen’s work is very impressive. The translations are readable, lucid, and highly accurate. The general introduction is succinct and extremely clear. The discussion of the dating of the dialogues is enormously useful; there has previously been no brief account of these issues to which one could refer the student. Finally, the particular introductions are first rate: fine jobs of clear philosophical and historical explanation—succinct and yet sophisticated, both close to the text and philosophically incisive.”—Martha Nussbaum, Brown University“This is an important work that deserves our respect and attention.”—Ethics “This and the promised succeeding volumes will probably become the standard English version of the complete dialogues…. The commentaries take advantage of the best scholarship, judge judiciously between divergent views, and often introduce new and brilliant interpretations. This is true both in the area of philosophy and in that of literary criticism.”—Anthony C. Daly, S.J., Modern Schoolman “Allen is a superb translator, whose elegantly simple yet precise language gives access to Plato both as a philosopher and as a literary artist.”—Library Journal “An important event in the world of scholarship.”—London Review of Books R.E. Allen is professor of classics and philosophy at Northwestern University.

Freezing Order: A True Story of Money Laundering, Murder, and Surviving Vladimir Putin's Wrath

Bill BrowderBill Browder
    The first step of that mission was to uncover who was behind the $230 million tax refund scheme that Magnitsky was killed over. As Browder and his team tracked the money as it flowed out of Russia through the Baltics and Cyprus and on to Western Europe and the Americas, they were shocked to discovered that Vladmir Putin himself was a beneficiary of the crime. As law enforcement agencies began freezing the money, Putin retaliated. He and his cronies set up honey traps, hired process servers to chase Browder through cities, murdered more of his Russian allies, and enlisted some of the top lawyers and politicians in America to bring him down. Putin will stop at nothing to protect his money. As Freezing Order reveals, it was Browder’s campaign to expose Putin’s corruption that prompted Russia’s intervention in the 2016 US presidential election. At once a financial caper, an international adventure, and a passionate plea for justice, Freezing Order is a stirring morality tale about how one man can take on one of the most ruthless villains in the world—and win.

The Traffic in Women: Notes on the “Political Economy” of Sex

Gayle S. Rubin
    She asserts that these writers fail to adequately explain women's subjugation; therefore, Rubin offers a reinterpretation of their ideas. Rubin addresses Marxist thought by identifying women's role within a capitalist society. She argues that the reproduction of labor power depends upon women's housework to transform commodities into sustenance for the worker. A capitalistic system cannot generate surplus without women, yet society does not grant women access to the resulting capital.

Blood And Oil: Memoirs Of A Persian Prince

Manoucher Farmanfarmaian
    Born in 1917 into an aristocratic Iranian family, Manucher Farmanfarmaian served his country in the treacherous world of petroleum production and distribution--the source, he believes, of the disastrous Western meddling that indirectly led to the 1979 fundamentalist revolution. Writing with his journalist daughter, Farmanfarmaian details Iran's labyrinthine internal politics and international relations with thoroughness enlivened by muscular prose, a sharp eye for character, and lots of good anecdotes.

Bezmenov World Thought Police 1986

Tomas Schuman
    Reprinted in 2016 with the help of original edition published long back. This book is in black & white, Hardcover, sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books, there may be some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Original Title:- Bezmenov World Thought Police 1986 [Hardcover], Author:- Yuri Bezmenov

Christianity And War And Other Essays Against The Warfare State

Laurence M. Vance
    Global Empire, have one underlying theme: opposition to the warfare state that robs us of our liberty, our money, and in some cases our life. Although many of these essays reference contemporary events, the principles discussed in all of them are timeless: war, militarism, empire, interventionism, the warfare state, and the Christian attitude toward these things. It is the author's contention that Christian enthusiasm for the state, its wars, and its politicians is an affront to the Saviour, contrary to Scripture, and a demonstration of the profound ignorance many Christians have of history.

Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century

Helen ThompsonHelen Thompson
    Their fallout has led central banks to create over $25 trillion of new money, brought about a new age of geopolitical competition, destabilised the Middle East, ruptured the European Union, and exposed oldpolitical fault lines in the United States.Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century is a long history of this present political moment. It recounts three histories - one about geopolitics, one about the world economy, and one about western democracies - and explains how in the years of political disorder prior to the pandemic the disruptionin each became one big story. It shows how much of this turbulence originated in problems generated by fossil-fuel energies, and it explains why as the green transition takes place the long-standing predicaments energy invariably shapes will remain in place.

A Tramp Abroad / Following the Equator / Other Travels

Mark Twain
    Like those earlier books, the frequently hilarious A Tramp Abroad (1880)-based on his family's 16-month sojourn in Europe from April 1878 to August 1879-blends autobiography and fiction, facts and tall tales. Twain's send-up of Old World customs as well as his critical dissections of Wagnerian opera and the German language are often interlaced with American reminiscences, whether in the form of an extended discourse on the language of blue jays or the recollection of an elaborate practical joke in Hannibal, Missouri, involving a printer's devil and a skeleton. A Tramp Abroad is presented here with the author's original sketches. Written at a time of financial trouble and personal loss (the death of the author's beloved daughter Susy), Following the Equator (1897) is a darker and more politicized account of a lecture tour around the world, with Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, India, Mauritius, and South Africa among the stop­overs. Using humorous but often biting anecdotes as well as keen journalist reporting, the book details bush life in Australia and the culture of the Maoris in New Zealand, while lashing out at social inequities such as the Indian caste system, and racist imperialism connected with European settlement and gold mining in southern Africa. Twain rounds out the volume with extensive historical accounts ranging from the Black Hole of Calcutta to the events in South Africa that would lead shortly to the Boer War. This volume also includes 13 shorter pieces, most of them uncollected by the author, including a lengthy firsthand narrative of the shah of Persia's 1873 visit to London, an 1891 description of Richard Wagner's operas performed at Bayreuth, an 1897 account of Queen Victoria's jubilee in London, and an 1898 analysis of vitriolic Austrian parliamentary proceedings. The texts of several of these "other travels" are presented in newly corrected and fully restored versions.

Decentralization: The Territorial Dimension of the State

Brian C. Smith

Sources; An Anthology Of Contemporary Materials Useful For Preserving Personal Sanity While Braving The Great Technological Wilderness

Theodore Roszak

Queenie's Teapot

Carolyn Steele
    As the strangers gather to learn their tasks for the next three years, the cabinet support team try to fit jobs to skills, but Queenie can’t do nuffin’. Naturally, she becomes head of state. Together, the new government muddles through, tackling unrest on the streets and a spot of global bioterrorism, in addition to their own journeys of self-discovery.

Reflections on Blasphemy and Secular Criticism

Talal Asad
    This is an article originally published "Religion: Beyond a Concept," Hent de Vries, editor, Fordham University Press, 2008

The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation

Toby Carroll
    No course on Southeast Asia can afford to miss it as its core text." (Professor Amitav Acharya, American University, USA)

Chairman Xi Remakes the PLA

Phillip Saunders

The Peace Movement And The Soviet Union

Vladimir Bukovsky

Common Good Constitutionalism

Adrian Vermeule
    Is it time to look for an alternative?Adrian Vermeule argues that the alternative has been there, buried in the American legal tradition, all along. He shows that US law was, from the founding, subsumed within the broad framework of the classical legal tradition, which conceives law as 'reasoned ordering to the common good'. In this view, law's purpose is to promote the goods a flourishing political community requires: justice, peace, prosperity and morality. He shows how this legacy has been lost, despite still being implicit within swatches of American public law, and convincingly argues for its recovery in form of 'Common Good Constitutionalism'.This erudite and brilliantly original book is a vital intervention in America's most significant contemporary legal debate while also being an enduring account of the true nature of law that will resonate for decades with scholars and students.

Legends of Liberty: Timeless Stories of Courageous Champions

Rick GreenPaul Tsika
    Each chapter is written by a different author with a different style. Legends and stories include John Locke, King David, Nathan Hale, Squanto, Zig Ziglar, Sybil Ludington, Brian Birdwell, Jimmy Robertson, Dicey Langston, Moe Berg, and many others!

The Prophet's Establishing A State And His Succession

Muhammad Hamidullah

Liberalism and Its Discontents

Francis Fukuyama
    Classical liberalism is in a state of crisis. Developed in the wake of Europe's wars over religion and nationalism, liberalism is a system for governing diverse societies, which is grounded in fundamental principles of equality and the rule of law. It emphasizes the rights of individuals to pursue their own forms of happiness free from encroachment by government.It's no secret that liberalism didn't always live up to its own ideals. In America, many people were denied equality before the law. Who counted as full human beings worthy of universal rights was contested for centuries, and only recently has this circle expanded to include women, African Americans, LGBTQ+ people, and others. Conservatives complain that liberalism empties the common life of meaning. As the renowned political philosopher Francis Fukuyama shows in Liberalism and Its Discontents, the principles of liberalism have also, in recent decades, been pushed to new extremes by both the right and the left: neoliberals made a cult of economic freedom, and progressives focused on identity over human universality as central to their political vision. The result, Fukuyama argues, has been a fracturing of our civil society and an increasing peril to our democracy.In this short, clear account of our current political discontents, Fukuyama offers an essential defense of a revitalized liberalism for the twenty-first century.

Our Constitution Defaced and Defiled

Nani Palkhivala

Afghanistan: The Genesis Of The Final Crusade

Abid Ullah Jan
    The first book that systematically deconstructs the myths about the Taliban, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the "legitimacy" of the war of aggression on Afghnaistan and Al-Qaeda.

German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure, and Effects of National Socialism.

Karl Dietrich Bracher
    Praeger, 1970, First American Edition.

The British Moment: The Case for Democratic Geopolitics in the Twenty-first Century

John Bew

Carbon Change: Canada on the Brink of Decarbonization

Dennis McConaghy
    It offers a dispassionate analysis of the scale and cost of trying to realize the aspiration of decarbonization. Dennis McConaghy asks if a more balanced and nuanced approach is possible to mitigate the extremes of the climate change impact, while still using hydrocarbons optimally to maximize global human welfare.

Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent

Dipo Faloyin
    A lively, entertaining and informative portrait of modern Africa that pushes back against harmful stereotypes.Over a billion people have been reduced to one simple story. Africa Is Not a Country fills in the gaps.So often Africa is depicted simplistically as a red landscape of safaris and famines. In this funny, insightful book Dipo Faloyin corrects this view to create a fresh and positive view of the continent. By turns intimate and political, he looks at buzzy urban life in Lagos and the lively West African rivalry over who makes the best jollof rice, before giving us the story of democracy in ten dictatorships, an insight into different regional accents and the colonial foundation of many countries which are still younger than your grandparents. We learn about the dangers of white saviours and the cultural significance of Aunties, and he provides us with a tour guide of where citizens of several African countries need to travel to visit their own cultural artefacts - 90% of which are in museums outside the continent. We immerse ourselves in the energy and fabric of many different cultures and communities as Dipo shows his deep love of the region - as a concept, as a promise and as a reality.

The Anti Democratic Sources Of Elite Theory: Pareto, Mosca, Michels

Robert A. Nye

Guide To The Philosophy Of Morals And Politics

C.E.M. Joad

The Constitution by a Thread

Richard Vetterli

Macroeconomic Theory

Thomas J. Sargent

The Great Courses: The United States and the Middle East: 1914 to 9/11

Salim Yaqub
    and the Middle East During World War IILecture 5: Origins of the Cold War in the Middle EastLecture 6: Truman and the Creation of IsraelLecture 7: Eisenhower, the Cold War and the Middle EastLecture 8: The Suez Crisis and Arab NationalismLecture 9: Kennedy - Engaging Middle Eastern NationalismLecture 10: Johnson - Taking SidesLecture 11: The Six-Day WarLecture 12: The Nixon Doctrine and the Middle East

The Spread Of Islam In The World

Thomas Walker Arnold

Understanding Maoists: Notes of a Participant Observer from Andhra Pradesh

N. Venugopal

TLC y Agricultura: Funciona El Experimento? = NAFTA and Agriculture: Is the Experiment Working?

Rita Schwentesius Rindermann

The State, Capital And Economic Policy

Suzanne de Brunhoff