Best of
The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach
Robert Simmons - 2005
Two introductory chapters detail the authors’ theories about how to work with crystals and stones—including the concept of crystal resonance and the scientific observation that living organisms (such as ourselves) are liquid crystalline structures. An illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, stone by stone, follows.Each entry begins with the stone name and photo, plus its elemental and chakra correspondences, as well as keywords that indicate its properties. Next comes a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers an essay on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with summaries of the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone, and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. The book’s presentation is straightforward enough to make it an excellent introduction for beginners, yet the level of detail and the depth of research make it an invaluable resource for the most experienced stone practitioners.
What the Bleep Do We Know!?: Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality
William Arntz - 2005
Some things are both waves and particles. . .at the same time. Electrons simply disappear . . . all the time. If the universe is this wild and unpredictable, so full of possibility, why are your thoughts about your own life so limited? Hundreds of years ago, science and religion split apart; they became antagonists in the great game of explanation and discovery. But science and religion are two sides of the same coin. They both help explain the universe, our place in the great plan and the meaning of our lives. In fact, they can only begin to do that adequately when they work together.What the Bleep Do We Know?!TM is a book of amazing science. With the help of more than a dozen research and theoretical scientists, it takes you through the looking glass of quantum physics into a universe that is more bizarre and alive than ever imagined. Then it takes you beyond, into the outer-inner edges of our scientific knowledge of consciousness, perception, body chemistry and brain structure. What is a thought made of? What is reality made of? And most importantly, how does a thought change the nature of reality?This science leads not just to the material world, but deep into the realm of spirituality. If observation affects the outcome, we aren't merely part of the universe, but participants in it. If thoughts are more than random neural firings, than consciousness is more than an anatomical accident. A higher power exists, but is it truly out there? Where is the dividing line between out there and in here?This is not a book of definitive answers. This is a book of mind stretching questions. It is a book that shows you not the path, but the endless possibilities. Do you think you have to go to the same job every day, do the same errands, think the same thoughts, feel the same way? Well, think again.
Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind
Graham Hancock - 2005
Then, in a dramatic change, described by scientists as 'the greatest riddle in human history', all the skills & qualities that we value most highly in ourselves appeared already fully formed, as tho bestowed on us by hidden powers. In Supernatural Hancock sets out to investigate this mysterious before-&-after moment & to discover the truth about the influences that gave birth to the modern mind. His quest takes him on a detective journey from the beautiful painted caves of prehistoric France, Spain & Italy to rock shelters in the mountains of S. Africa, where he finds extraordinary Stone Age art. He uncovers clues that lead him to the Amazon rainforest to drink the hallucinogen Ayahuasca with shamans, whose paintings contain images of 'super-natural beings' identical to the animal-human hybrids depicted in prehistoric caves. Hallucinogens such as mescaline also produce visionary encounters with exactly the same beings. Scientists at the cutting edge of consciousness research have begun to consider the possibility that such hallucinations may be real perceptions of other dimensions. Could the supernaturals 1st depicted in the painted caves be the ancient teachers of humankind? Could it be that human evolution isn't just the meaningless process Darwin identified, but something more purposive & intelligent that we've barely begun to understand?AcknowledgementsPart 1: Visions 1: Plant that enables men to see the dead 2: Greatest riddle of archeology 3: Vine of souls Part 2: Caves 4: Therianthropy5: Riddles of the caves6: Shabby academy 7: Searching for a Rosetta Stone8: Code in the mind 9: Serpents of the Drakensberg10: Wounded healer Part 3: Beings 11: Voyage into the supernatural 12: Shamans in the sky 13: Spirit love 14: Secret commonwealth15: Here is a thing that will carry me away16: Dancers between worlds Part 4: Codes 17: Turning in to channel DMT18: Amongst the machine elves19: Ancient teachers in our DNA?20: Hurricane in the junkyard Part 5: Religions 21: Hidden Shamans22: Flesh of the GodsPart 6: Mysteries 23: Doors leading to another world Appendices Critics & criticisms of David Lewis-Williams' Neuropsychological theory of rock & cave artPsilocybe semilanceata-a hallucinogenic mushroom native to Europe / Roy Watlng Interview with Rick StrassmanReferences Index
Taking Up The Runes: A Complete Guide To Using Runes In Spells, Rituals, Divination, And Magic
Diana L. Paxson - 2005
In a series of chapters dealing with rune pairs, readers will learn the historical meaning of each individual rune and their use and meaning now, in contemporary culture. At the end of each chapter there are rituals and spells for all levels of ability which help internalise the attributions, meanings, symbolism, and use of the runes.
Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals
Judy Hall - 2005
A symptom-based A-Z directory, this work will help you to identify exactly the right crystal for your needs, whether for healing of mind, body, psyche or spirit, and will point you to useful stones for improving vitality and well-being.
The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-realization
Paramahansa Yogananda - 2005
Paramahansa Yogananda presents an illuminating explanation of Lord Krishna's sublime Yoga message that he preached to the world - the way of right activity and meditation for divine communion.
One Song: A New Illuminated Rumi
Rumi - 2005
Translations of Rumi’s writings by the contemporary poet Coleman Barks have sold more than 500,000 copies since 1981. Now acclaimed illustrator Michael Green -- who collaborated with Barks on The Illuminated Rumi -- has produced a new and fabulous mystic fusion of sacred poetry and art. This all-new volume features rare poems of Rumi, some of which have never before been translated. There are many collections of Rumi’s poetry, but few are illustrated-and none as gorgeously as this full-color book. It is well positioned to capture the favor of spiritual seekers of all ages, including today’s spiritually adventurous young adults.
The Energy Medicine Kit [With 43 Energy, Medicine Cards and 1-Inch Cut Glass Crystal and CD and DVD and 28-Page Booklet]
Donna Eden - 2005
You begin by learning a powerful "Daily Energy Practice" that combines simple movements, pressure point massage, and breathwork to create a reservoir of "vital life force" that you can draw upon throughout the day. The Energy Medicine Kit comes complete with: A 28-page booklet that teaches you the fundamentals of energy medicine and points you to specific exercises on the DVD and CD. 43 photo-illustrated Energy Medicine Cards. A DVD that demonstrates the methods of energy medicine and teaches you 15 restorative exercises. An audio CD that guides you through 21 more techniques for specific conditions. A one-inch cut glass crystal
The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity
Stephen Houlgate - 2005
Yet Hegel's central text, the monumental Science of Logic, still remains for most philosophers (both figuratively and literally) a firmly closed book. The purpose of The Opening of Hegel's Logic is to dispel the myths that surround the Logic and to show that Hegel's unjustly neglected text is a work of extraordinary subtlety and insight. Part One argues that the Logic provides a rigorous derivation of the fundamental categories of thought and contrasts Hegel's approach to the categories with that of Kant. It goes on to examine the historical and linguistic presuppositions of Hegel's self-critical, ""presuppositionless"" logic and, in the process, considers several signifi cant criticisms of such logic advanced by Schelling, Feuerbach, Gadamer, and Kierkegaard. Separate chapters are devoted to the relation between logic and ontology in Hegel's Logic and to the relation between the Logic itself and the Phenomenology. Part Two contains the text-in German and English-of the first two chapters of Hegel's Logic, which cover such categories as being, becoming, something, limit, finitude, and infinity. Part Three then provides a clear and accessible commentary on these two chapters that both examines Hegel's arguments in detail and relates his insights to those of other philosophers, such as Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche, and Levinas. The Opening of Hegel's Logic aims to help students and scholars read Hegel's often formidably difficult text for themselves and discover the wealth of philosophical riches that it contains. It also argues that Hegel's project of a presuppositionless science of logic is one that deserves serious consideration today.
The Adornment of the Middle Way: Shantarakshita's Madhyamakalankara with Commentary by Jamgon Mipham
Shantarakshita - 2005
Emptiness is the basis on which the whole of Mahayana practice is founded, from the mind-training meditations on bodhichitta to the advanced yogas of tantra and dzogchen. The Madhyamaka tradition, inaugurated by Nagarjuna and dominant in India for over a thousand years, remains a vibrant force in Tibetan Buddhism. Shantarakshita's view, quintessentially expressed in the Madhyamakalankara, effects a synthesis between the Madhyamaka of Nagarjuna, the Mind-Only teachings traced back to Asanga, and the logico-epistemological tradition of Dignaga and Dharmakirti. This great work marks the final stage in the evolution of Madhyamaka and was the last major development of Buddhist philosophy in India. Composed toward the end of the nineteenth century, Mipham's brilliant and searching commentary has been described as one of the most profound examinations of Madhyamaka ever written. In presenting and defending Shantarakshita's view, Mipham throws down the gauntlet to the philosophical establishment and calls for a major reassessment of the Madhyamaka field. This challenging but rewarding text is indispensable to a balanced understanding of Tibetan Buddhist thought. This book is a core study text for both scholars and practitioners of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.
Shortcut to a Miracle: How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life
Michael C. Rann - 2005
For everyone who would like to experience greater joy, health, and success, and anyone who faces a seemingly insurmountable problem or is in need of healing, this book reveals that people have the power to create wonderful lives by learning to shape dominant thought patterns.
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom
Franz Hartmann - 2005
He reviews the well-known history and literature of the Rosicrucians. In the last two chapters Hartmann presents what he believes to be the core doctrines of the 'true' Rosicrucians.
Real Essentialism
David S. Oderberg - 2005
Do objects have essences? Must they be the kinds of things they are in spite of the changes they undergo? Can we know what things are really like - can we define and classify reality? Many if not most philosophers doubt this, influenced by centuries of empiricism, and by the anti-essentialism of Wittgenstein, Quine, Popper, and other thinkers. Real Essentialism reinvigorates the tradition of realist, essentialist metaphysics, defending the reality and knowability of essence, the possibility of objective, immutable definition, and its relevance to contemporary scientific and metaphysical issues such as whether essence transcends physics and chemistry, the essence of life, the nature of biological species, and the nature of the person.
Creative Ideas: A Spiritual Compass for Personal Expression
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 2005
Those familiar with Ernest Holmes' writings and the Science of Mind principles that he espoused will enjoy the long anticipated reunion with some of their favorite passages; those who are new to them will delight in the discovery of these classics of New Thought. All readers will find Holmes' meditations to be practical, insightful, and more than satisfying food for the hungry soul.Matthew Fox, PhD: "These prayers ennoble the soul and enable one's work in the world as well, drawing as they do on deep sources of Scriptural wisdom and the quiet insight of a great heart, that of Ernest Holmes. They awaken us and empower us to put joy before sorrow and affirmation ahead of negativity and truth before denial. Great medicine for our times!"Jean Houston, PhD: "Ernest Holmes was one of the first to direct us to what is to be found in the vast ecology of inner space . . . He shows us how to be active and creative citizens in a Universe and Innerverse richer than all previous imaginings."Julia Cameron: "Creative Ideas hands us the keys to the kingdom. We are wealthy and beautiful beyond our dreams. This tiny book of prayers will open your heart to its natural generosity toward life. We are each far more than we imagine, and becoming that "more" is what these small prayers will bring about."
Panpsychism in the West
David Skrbina - 2005
Despite the recent advances in our knowledge of the brain and the increasing intricacy and sophistication of philosophical discussion, the nature of mind remains an enigma. Panpsychism, with its conception of mind as a general phenomenon of nature, uniquely links being and mind. More than a theory of mind, it is a meta-theory -- a statement about theories of mind rather than a theory in itself. Panpsychism can parallel almost every current theory of mind; it simply holds that, no matter how one conceives of mind, such mind applies to all things. In addition, panpsychism is one of the most ancient and enduring concepts of philosophy, beginning with its pre-historical forms, animism and polytheism. Its adherents in the West have included important thinkers from the very beginning of Greek philosophy through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the present.Skrbina argues that panpsychism is long overdue for detailed treatment, and with this book he proposes to add impetus to the discussion of panpsychism in serious philosophical inquiries. After a brief discussion of general issues surrounding philosophy of mind, he traces the panpsychist views of specific philosophers, from the ancient Greeks and early Renaissance naturalist philosophers through the likes of William James, Josiah Royce, and Charles Sanders Peirce -- always with a strong emphasis on the original texts. In his concluding chapter, "A Panpsychist World View," Skrbina assesses panpsychist arguments and puts them in a larger context. By demonstrating that there is panpsychist thinking in many major philosophers, Skrbina offers a radical challenge to the modern worldview, based as it is on a mechanistic cosmos of dead, insensate matter. "Panpsychism in the West "will be the standard work on this topic for years to come.
Shining in Plain View
John Wheeler - 2005
This book contains further dialogues and correspondence in the style of John's first book 'Awakening to the Natural State' (also published by Non-Duality Press). The emphasis is on pure non-duality (or Advaita), which points directly to the true nature of the one who is seeking. This approach reveals what is real and true about who we are and clearly exposes the false ideas and beliefs that generate doubts, problems and suffering. The result, as shown in the dialogues in this book, is that those who are willing to explore these pointers come to a direct experience of freedom and the end of seeking and suffering.
Human Life, Action and Ethics: Essays
G.E.M. Anscombe - 2005
This new collection includes articles published subsequent to those volumes and not hitherto gathered, previously unpublished papers on human nature and practical philosophy, together with the classic essay ?Modern Moral Philosophy? and a few otherwise difficult to obtain early pieces such as her Listener article ?Does Oxford Moral Philosophy Corrupt the Youth?? The appearance of this volume is a major publishing event.
Crystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy
Doreen Virtue - 2005
The book is suitable for beginners, and it focuses on crystals that are easily obtainable. Readers learn which crystal to use for particular health or life issues, receive clear explanations of crystal-related terms (such as phantom and record-keeper"), how to choose a crystal that’s been humanely mined, and read fascinating channeled messages from each crystal. The authors discuss how the crystals work with the angels and archangels; and outline the steps for laying particular crystals in your home to build energy grids that help with abundance, romance, a good night’s sleep, protection, and more.
Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers
Kit Fine - 2005
This is his eagerly-awaited first book in the area. It draws together a series of essays, three of them previously unpublished, on possibility, necessity, and tense. These puzzling aspects of the way the world is have been the focus of considerable philosophical attention in recent decades. A helpful introduction orients the reader and offers a way into some of the most original work in contemporary philosophy.
Numerology: The Complete Guide: Volume 1: The Personality Reading
Matthew Oliver Goodwin - 2005
You can use numerology to understand yourself, friends, associates and lovers. You can see the dynamics of relationships and you can determine the best time to marry, change jobs, move, invest and travel. Here is the definitive work on Numerology. Organized for clarity that a beginner can grasp easily and detailed so that the advanced student will find useful new information. This volume is designed as a working manual. Among its features are many examples, detailed working charts containing all the information needed, and some new material on the meanings of the Master Numbers and Doubled Numbers.
Close Connections: The Bridge between Spiritual and Physical Reality
John S. Hatcher - 2005
For more than twenty-five years John Hatcher has studied the nature and purpose of physical reality by exploring the theological and philosophical implications of the authoritative Baha'i texts. His latest book explains how the gap between physical and spiritual reality is routinely crossed, and describes the profound implications that result from the interplay of both worlds.
The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft CD Companion
Christopher Penczak - 2005
The rest of the set is devoted to guiding listeners through exercises related to emotional body training, tree breathing, higher self connection, upper world energy, plant spirit communication, healing past-life regression, hands-on healing, and more.
The Pineal Gland: The Eye Of God
Manly P. Hall - 2005
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
From Light Into Darkness: The Evolution of Religion in Ancient Egypt
Stephen S. Mehler - 2005
Full description
Ogham the Celtic Oracle Tarot Deck & Book Set
Andy Baggott - 2005
At times like these it is useful to be able to step outside of the situation and gain a new perspective as one can often get lost in the moment and find the way ahead unclear. This is where consulting an oracle can be of great help. A word of wisdom from an outside source is like a light shone within the darkness-it illuminates bringing to light things that were previously unseen. Signs and omens show themselves to guide us through challenges if we can understand the process required to access them.Ogham-The Celtic Oracle uses the wisdom of nature and more especially the deep wisdom of the Celtic trees to facilitate personal guidance and spiritual growth. It introduces the reader to the magical world of Celtic mysticism, a world that is simple yet multi-layered. Whether you are a first time visitor to the Celtic Otherworld or a seasoned traveller, this book and card set provides a set of doorways through which you can discover more about the Celtic Forest and in doing so gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your unfolding journey.It features the artwork of world-famous fantasy artist Peter Pracownik and the writing Andy Baggott. Both artist and author have brought their many years of experience of working with Celtic magic together to create a work that is multi-layered and multi-dimensional. The oracle can be used to provide guidance, inspiration and insight and to reawaken the knowledge that we each carry within us. Step into the magic that is the Ogham.
An Introduction to Anthroposophy: Rudolf Steiner's World View
L. Francis Edmunds - 2005
Thousands of parents send their children to Steiner and Waldorf schools around the world, while biodynamic farming and anthroposophic medicine are gaining increasing recognition. Yet despite all this and much other visible work, few are aware of the richness of Steiner's spiritual science called "Anthroposophy." Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, through which he investigated the metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field through conscious methods that gave comprehensive results. Edmunds's introduction (revised and updated) covers the fundamental aspects of Steiner's philosophy, beginning with a brief outline of his life. Edmunds describes Anthroposophy as a "way to higher knowledge," outlining the threefold nature of human beings. He delves into the secrets of human evolution and history, the fundamental elements of child development, and numerous other aspects of Steiner's vast teachings. This is a warm and clear introduction to Anthroposophy that will prove valuable to anyone who wants a better understanding of Rudolf Steiner's work.
Animal Communication
Jacquelin Smith - 2005
It's easy! Receive animal thoughts in the form of mental images, feelings, and sometimes words. Connect with the personalities and spirits of animals whether cats and dogs or wild animals. Here's how you can actually talk to gorillas, zebras, lions, and snakes. Our animal friends are clever and complex beings capable of deep emotions. Proof that all life is connected.
White Eagle on Living in Harmony with the Spirit
White Eagle - 2005
It deals with such subjects as freewill and destiny, the meaning of suffering, the power of non-resistance, and more.
Dr. Quantum's Little Book Of Big Ideas: Where Science Meets Spirit
Fred Alan Wolf - 2005
Quantum) is, as Deepak Chopra states, "one of the most important pioneers in the field of consciousness." Featured in the wordofmouth indie hit, What the Bleep Do We Know?!, Dr. Wolf is a physicist who knows how to put complex sciencebased ideas into terms that even sciencephobes can understand. With clarity and a sense of humor, Dr. Quantum presents Big Ideas in the form of both short quotes and longer excerpts and covers topics ranging from the construction of our everyday reality to our relationship to one another. Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas is a perfect gift for anyone interested in the realm where science meets spirit.
Yoruba Proverbs
Oyekan Owomoyela - 2005
Following Oyekan Owomoyela’s introduction, which provides a framework and description of Yoruba cultural beliefs, the proverbs are arranged by theme into five sections: the good person; the fortunate person (or the good life); relationships; human nature; rights and responsibilities; and truisms. Each proverb is presented in Yoruba with a literal English translation, followed by a brief commentary explaining the meaning of the proverb within the oral tradition. This definitive source book on Yoruba proverbs is the first to give such detailed, systematic classification and analysis alongside a careful assessment of the risks and pitfalls of submitting this genre to the canons of literary analysis.
David Lewis
Daniel Nolan - 2005
This book provides a unified overview of the many contributions Lewis has made to contemporary Anglo-American philosophy.
Forever Numerology: Includes Master Numbers 11-99
Lynn Buess - 2005
This volume will define new standards for years to come. You will be swept through transcendent realms of light and awareness, even as Buess's solid psychological base and down-to-earth reality keep you centered right here in the present moment. It will be of help in your journey through life and in your search for the meaning of numbers.
Truth, Language, and History
Donald Davidson - 2005
In four groups of essays, Davidson continues to explore the themes that occupied him for more than fifty years: the relations between language and the world; speaker intention andlinguistic meaning; language and mind; mind and body; mind and world; mind and other minds. He asks: what is the role of the concept of truth in these explorations? And, can a scientific world view make room for human thought without reducing it to something material and mechanistic? Including a newintroduction by his widow, Marcia Cavell, this volume completes Donald Davidson's colossal intellectual legacy.
Towards Non-Being: The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality
Graham Priest - 2005
The book will be of central interest to anyone who is concerned with intentionality in the philosophy of mind or philosophy of language, the metaphysics of existence and identity, the philosophy of fiction, the philosophy of mathematics, or cognitive representation in AI.