Best of
Education, Free & Compulsory
Murray N. Rothbard - 1979
Rothbard identifies the crucial feature of our educational system that dooms it to fail: at every level, from financing to attendance, the system relies on compulsion instead of voluntary consent. Certain consequences follow. The curriculum is politicized to reflect the ideological priorities of the regime in power. Standards are continually dumbed down to accommodate the least common denominator. The brightest children are not permitted to achieve their potential, the special- needs of individual children are neglected, and the mid-level learners become little more than cogs in a machine. The teachers themselves are hamstrung by a political apparatus that watches their every move. Rothbard explores the history of compulsory schooling to show that none of this is accident. The state has long used compulsory schooling, backed by egalitarian ideology, as a means of citizen control. In contrast, a market-based system of schools would adhere to a purely voluntary ethic, financed with private funds, and administered entirely by private enterprise. An interesting feature of this book is its promotion of individual, or home, schooling, long before the current popularity of the practice. As Kevin Ryan of Boston University points out in the introduction, if education reform is ever to bring about fundamental change, it will have to begin with a complete rethinking of public schooling that Rothbard offers here.
How to Teach Your Baby Math
Glenn Doman - 1979
How To Teach Your Baby To Read shows just how easy it is to teach a young child to read, while How To Teach Your Baby Math presents the simple steps for teaching mathematics through the development of thinking and reasoning skills. Both books explain how to begin and expand each program, how to make and organize necessary materials, and how to more fully develop your child's reading and math potential.How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge shows how simple it is to develop a program that cultivates a young child's awareness and understanding of the arts, science, and nature--to recognize the insects in the garden, to learn about the countries of the world, to discover the beauty of a Van Gogh painting, and much more. How To Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence provides a comprehensive program for teaching your young child how to read, to understand mathematics, and to literally multiply his or her overall learning potential in preparation for a lifetime of success.The Gentle Revolution Series:The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has been successfully serving children and teaching parents for five decades. Its goal has been to significantly improve the intellectual, physical, and social development of all children. The groundbreaking methods and techniques of The Institutes have set the standards in early childhood education. As a result, the books written by Glenn Doman, founder of this organization, have become the all-time best-selling parenting series in the United States and the world.
Less Than Words Can Say (Common Reader Editions)
Richard Mitchell - 1979
Donning cape and mask as The Underground Grammarian, Mitchell sallied forth upon his newsletter against the nonsense being spoken, written, and, indeed, encouraged by the educational establishment. (One thing led to another, as he tells it, a front page piece in The Wall Street Journal, a profile in Time, and other such. Before it was over, The Underground Grammarian came to be, in the world of desktop printing, the first publication to have subscribers on every continent except Antarctica.) What began as a vivid catalog of ignorance and inanity in the written work of professional educators and their hapless students soon became an enterprise of most noble moment: an investigation, via mordant wit and fierce intelligence, of what we might usefully decide to mean by `education.' The results of Mitchell's inquiries are as stimulating today as they were when first articulated. His project remains a telling explication of how, through writing, we discover thought and make knowledge. It is certainly the most drolly entertaining.
Sharing Nature with Children: The Classic Parents' & Teachers' Nature Awareness Guidebook
Joseph Bharat Cornell - 1979
New nature games--favorites from the field--and Cornell's typically insightful commentary make the second edition of this special classic even more valuable to nature lovers world-wide. The Sharing Nature movement that Cornell pioneered has now expanded to countries all over the globe. Recommended by Boy Scouts of America, American Camping Association, National Audubon Society and many others.
The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design
Urie Bronfenbrenner - 1979
According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, one of the world's foremost developmental psychologists, laboratory studies of the child's behavior sacrifice too much in order to gain experimental control and analytic rigor. Laboratory observations, he argues, too often lead to "the science of the strange behavior of children in strange situations with strange adults for the briefest possible periods of time." To understand the way children actually develop, Bronfenbrenner believes that it will be necessary to observe their behavior in natural settings, while they are interacting with familiar adults over prolonged periods of time.This book offers an important blueprint for constructing such a new and ecologically valid psychology of development. The blueprint includes a complete conceptual framework for analysing the layers of the environment that have a formative influence on the child. This framework is applied to a variety of settings in which children commonly develop, ranging from the pediatric ward to daycare, school, and various family configurations. The result is a rich set of hypotheses about the developmental consequences of various types of environments. Where current research bears on these hypotheses, Bronfenbrenner marshals the data to show how an ecological theory can be tested. Where no relevant data exist, he suggests new and interesting ecological experiments that might be undertaken to resolve current unknowns.Bronfenbrenner's groundbreaking program for reform in developmental psychology is certain to be controversial. His argument flies in the face of standard psychological procedures and challenges psychology to become more relevant to the ways in which children actually develop. It is a challenge psychology can ill-afford to ignore.
Combinatorial Problems and Exercises (AMS Chelsea Publishing) (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
László Lovász - 1979
The most effective way of learning such techniques is to solve exercises and problems. This book presents all the material in the form of problems and series of problems (apart from some general comments at the beginning of each chapter). In the second part, a hint is given for each exercise, which contains the main idea necessary for the solution, but allows the reader to practice the techniques by completing the proof. In the third part, a full solution is provided for each problem. This book will be useful to those students who intend to start research in graph theory, combinatorics or their applications, and for those researchers who feel that combinatorial techniques might help them with their work in other branches of mathematics, computer science, management science, electrical engineering and so on. For background, only the elements of linear algebra, group theory, probability and calculus are needed.
Melodic Clawhammer Banjo
Ken Perlman - 1979
Over 50 tunes in clear tablature. Learn to play authentic versions of Appalachian fiddle tunes, string band tunes, New England hornpipes, Irish jigs, Scottish reels, and more. Includes arrangements by many important contemporary players, and chapters on basic and advanced techniques. Also features over 70 musical illustrations, plus historical notes, and period photos.
Modelling the Head in Clay (Practical Craft Books) (Practical Craft Books)
Bruno Lucchesi - 1979
This book offers the reader an opportunity to watch one of our foremost contemporary sculptors at work, to see not just highlights of the creative process, but every step from beginning to end.In order to recreate the immediacy of an actual workshop situation, Bruno Lucchesi takes a single life-size head through all the stages of roughing in, modeling, refining the surface, and finishing and texturing, so that the reader can see exactly how he positions and models every detail.From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Making of Mind: A Personal Account of Soviet Psychology,
Alexander R. Luria - 1979
The Westminster Confession Of Faith: An Authentic Modern Version
Douglas F. Kelly - 1979
Also included are the changes and additions made to the Confession and its proof texts. The text has been carefully prepared for readability, contemporaneity, and fidelity to the doctrinal content of the original by a team of experts in language, translation, and theology.
Tomorrow is School & I'm Sick to the Heart Thinking about It
Don Sawyer - 1979
The local high school is, in a word, terrible. Hoberly Cove is a place and a people Don Sawyer knows nothing about... but he soon learns. And in the process he learns a lot about teaching. This is a superbly written, true and moving story, full of warmth and respect, which most educators and would-be teachers will find completely absorbing. It will encourage you, and at times astound you. Mike Rose, professor at UCLAs graduate school of education (and author of Lives on the Boundary and Possible Lives) says: "I am so glad this classic book is back in print; Ive been recommending it for years."
Think Of A Number
Johnny Ball - 1979
Join TV Presenter, Johnny Ball for an incredible number-filled adventure, cracking secret codes and unravelling mazes.Let your child join Johnny Ball on a dazzling maths adventure to infinity and beyond.They'll find out maths isn't just about sums and calculations, but how numbers can take them anywhere!Watch as they learn to test their friends with magic tricks, discover mind-reading techniques and find out about the simple puzzles that stumped the world's brainiest mathematicians for centuries.So if your child thinks maths is boring - help them think again with Johnny Ball!
Aerodynamics for Engineers
John J. Bertin - 1979
This text presents a background discussion of each topic followed by a presentation of the theory.
34104 the Piaget Primer: Thinking, Learning, Teaching
Ed Labinowicz - 1979
As a beginning teacher, I focused on elaborate preparation of explanations and demonstrations on content. To piaget and his co-workers I owe a special debt for their ingeneous methods of exploring children's thinking and their theory of intellectual development. A study of Piaget's work, together with direct observations of children, has been instrumental in my transition to another stage of development as a teacher.' -Ed Labinowicz
Indian Oratory: Famous Speeches by Noted Indian Chiefs
W.C. Vanderwerth - 1979
Around the council fires tribal affairs were settled without benefit of the written word, and young men attended to hear the speeches, observe their delivery, and consider the weight of reasoned argument.Some of the early white men who traveled and lived among the Indians left transcriptions of tribal council meetings and speeches, and other orations were translated at treaty council meetings with delegates of the United States government. From these scattered reports and the few other existing sources this book presents a reconstruction of contemporary thought of the leading men of many tribes.Chronologically, the selections range from the days of early contact with the whites in the 1750’s to a speech by Quanah Parker in 1910. Several of the orations were delivered at the famous Medicine Lodge Council in 1867.A short biography of each orator states the conditions under which the speeches were made, locates the place of the council or meeting, and includes a photograph or copy of a painting of the speaker.Speakers chosen to represent the tribes at treaty council were all orators of great natural ability, well trained in the Indian oral traditions. Acutely conscious that they were the selected representatives of their people, these men delivered eloquent, moving speeches, often using wit and sarcasm to good effect. They were well aware of all the issues involved, and they bargained with great statesmanship for survival of their traditional way of life.
Creativity As an Exact Science
Genrich Altshuller - 1979
It is aimed at the engineer and also comprehensible to people who do not work with technology.
Triumphs of the Imagination: Literature in Christian Perspective
Leland Ryken - 1979
Book by Ryken, Leland
Organization Without Authority: Dilemmas of Social Control in Free Schools
Ann Swidler - 1979