The Black Folder: Personal Communications on the Mastery of Hoodoo

Catherine Yronwode - 2013
    All of these three-hole-punched information sheets -- the Lucky Mojo Shop Flyers and the Hoodoo Workshop Hand-Outs -- were then collected together into a black school-report cover -- which we called The Black Folder. As the years went on, the content of The Black Folder grew and grew and grew, until there were so many pages that they could no longer easily fit into a single report cover ... and so we put together the complete set of all of the past Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Workshop flyers, plus a complete set of all of the Lucky Mojo shop flyers into a 136 page professionally printed BOOK. The name of the book is "The Black Folder" -- but don't let the name (or the cover) fool you -- it's a regular 8 1/2" x 11" trade paperback book, like nothing else available anywhere.Contributors include an all-star line-up of well-known conjure doctors from around the world: ConjureMan Ali, Deacon Millett, Dr. E., Lara Rivera, Prof. Charles Porterfield, Dr. James Dotson, Khi Armand, Sister Robin Petersen, Sindy Todo, Susan Diamond, Marin Graves, Miss Elvyra Curcuruto-Love, Ms. Robin York, Dr. Johannes Gardback, Michele Jackson, Valentina Burton, Tanisia Mooney, and catherine yronwode.

The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley

Richard Kaczynski - 2009
    A carefully chosen series of his instructions for concentration, meditation, magick, invocation, even sex magick are included. Crowley's descriptions of the teaching Orders A:.A:. and OTO are presented, along with the Creed of EGC. In addition, a suggested reading list of Crowley's "top-eleven" most important books is enhanced by an extensive bibliography for further in-depth research. This is the first and only introductory book that does not pretend to "improve" upon the Master's writings, but attempts to showcase them into a coherent introduction to his spiritual system. .A practicing occultist whose mastery of western magick and eastern mysticism was unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries, and who continues to be an icon for many of today's practicing magicians..The founder and prophet of the new religious movement of Thelema, best known by its oft-misunderstood catchphrase, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.".A prolific poet whose Collected Works, by age thirty, filled three volumes, and whose last published work, Olla, was subtitled Sixty Years of Song..A maverick mountaineer whose numerous innovations and world records in the sport are acknowledged by even his most vocal critics..An adventurer whose exploits in the far east were serialized by Vanity Fair magazine as "A Burmese River.".An impresario who took the violin troupe, the Ragged Ragtime Girls, on a tour of Russia..A British secret agent who marshaled his literary and occult connections to the service of his country, including (reputedly) the invention of the "V for Victory" sign as a magical antidote to the swastika..A ranked chess master who could trounce many players without even looking at the chess board..A pioneering entheogenic explorer who conducted psychedelic experiments with mescaline..Producer and star of The Rites of Eleusis, a series of ritualistic plays featuring an innovative blend of magick, drama, music and poetry. .One of the most unjustly vilified men in the history of journalism, garnering headlines like "The Wickedest Man in the World" and "A Man We'd Like To Hang."More mistruth and rumor has circulated about Aleister Crowley than perhaps any other figure in recent history. When the reporter Henry Hall introduced him to readers of the New York World Sunday Magazine, he wrote, "Some said that he was a man of real attainments, others that he was a faker. All agreed that he was extraordinary." Crowley openly defied social conventions, challenging people to examine what they really believed, and why they believed it. He confronted blind faith with rational skepticism. Yet he likewise challenged the skeptic with scientific illuminism, a systematic approach to spirituality that he described as "The method of science, the aim of religion."

Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection and the Astral World

D.J. Conway - 1995
    You can visit any point in time, any point in space. And imagine that you can do this easily, anytime you want. Many people thought that Witches could do this by riding on a broom. The broom ride was only symbolic, but Witches do know how to travel on the astral plane. So who better than a Wiccan to explain how you can travel just like a Witch? Author D. J. Conway will teach you how to visit the astral plane and more in "Flying Without a Broom. "In this book you will learn that astral travel is natural. You do it whenever you sleep. You will learn how to meditate, and then astral travel from within the meditative state. It's fun and easy. But what really sets this book apart is that it shows you many of the amazing things you can do while on the astral plane. You will learn how to do astral healing of others. You will discover how to let other people see your astral body (bi-location). You will be able to choose any time and any place to visit: the oracle at Delphi, the Mystery School at Dodona, the Acropolis at Athens-- with this experience you can deepen your own spirituality. The book also tells you how to do magick while on the astral plane. Several rituals are described, including rituals for success, divination, spiritual growth and more. You will also discover that you are not alone on the astral plane. You will meet other travelers and other entities. Some of them you may not like, so the book gives you ways to defend yourself against them. If you want to learn astral projection from a Wiccan viewpoint, this is the book for you.

The Magical Revival

Kenneth Grant - 1972
    This history of 20th-century magic presents a detailed analysis of a pre-Christian occult tradition which survived persecution and reappeared in recent times.

Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick

Temperance Alden - 2020
    But what about a wheel of the year for the rest of us pagans and witches? As a witch living in sunny South Florida, longtime hereditary witch Temperance Alden has often felt at odds gearing up to celebrate Yule, for example, when it is 76 degrees and sunny outside.Year of the Witch will help readers create their own intuitive practices in harmony with the climate, culture, and local spirits where they live. It’s of interest to witches coming off the Wiccan path and looking for a more personal approach to celebrating the rhythms of nature. Year of the Witch covers all aspects of this new, seasonal practice: The origins of the neo-pagan wheel of the year and why it is still so relevant today Culture, historical facts, and traditions associated with the major ceremonies Basic principles of land-based magick How to intuitively connect to the nature below your feet and the local gods Being a custodian to the land and its impact on our spiritual practice

Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice

Thea Sabin - 2006
    Rather than depending on snippets of wisdom to build a new faith, Wicca for Beginners provides a solid foundation to Wicca without limiting the reader to one tradition or path.Embracing both the spiritual and the practical, Wicca for Beginners is a primer on the philosophies, culture, and beliefs behind the religion, without losing the mystery that draws many students to want to learn. Detailing practices such as grounding, raising energy, visualization, and meditation, this book offers exercises for core techniques before launching into more complicated rituals and spellwork.Finalist for the Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Wiccan/Pagan BookIn her first book-length work, Sabin presents a first-rate, fresh, and thorough addition to the burgeoning field of earth-based spiritual practice volumes...written in a light, informative style that magically mines depth, breadth and brevity.--Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

Scott Cunningham - 1988
    It is a book of sense and common sense, not only about magick, but about religion and one of the most critical issues of today: how to achieve the much needed and wholesome relationship with our Earth. Cunningham presents Wicca as it is today: a gentle, Earth-oriented religion dedicated to the Goddess and God. Wicca also includes Scott Cunningham's own Book of Shadows and updated appendices of periodicals and occult suppliers.

Sigils of Power and Transformation: 111 Magick Sigils to Change and Control Your Life

Adam Blackthorne - 2017
    When you work with the sigils in this book, you throw out all the confusing magickal garbage and get straight to the power of change. Sigils provide you with a visual code that unlocks the essence of magick. This book does not contain anything to do with witchcraft, spellcasting, kabbalistic ritual, evocation or any other method of magick that you might be familiar with. A sigil is nothing more than a drawing, but in this case, the drawing is so much more than you can imagine. These drawings bypass the conscious mind, connecting you to a stream of pure magick. This is not dark magick, but magick of light. You can do no harm with this magick, to yourself or to others. The magick works because you have access to one hundred and eleven secret sigils, handed down from ancient times. Every one of them can work wonders in the modern world. You will discover: The Magick of the Mind Inspiring Others Extended Perception Fortune Love and Friendship Breakthrough Magick Spiritual Magick Personal Strength Peace Magick Protection Magick Personal Healing Health Magick Wisdom and Education Business and Finance Employment Magick The magick presented here is not bound to any religion, and it requires no magick words. You don't have to learn any difficult pronunciations or say a single word out loud. The magick requires no visualization and no equipment. You won't light a candle or wave a wand. All you need is this book, your own strong desire and the will to carry out the instructions.

Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius

Hermes Trismegistus
    Their supposed author, a mythical figure named Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition. This new translation is the only English version based on reliable texts, and Professor Copenhaver's introduction and notes make this accessible and up-to-date edition an indispensable resource to scholars.

The Witches' Book of the Dead

Christian Day - 2011
    They cast spells, heal, and foretell the future. What you might not know is that Witches can also commune with the spirits of the dead.In The Witches' Book of the Dead, modernday Salem Warlock Christian Day shows how the spirits of our beloved dead can be summoned to perform such tasks as helping you to discover hidden opportunities, influence the minds of others, seduce the object of your affection, and even reach into the dreams of the unwary. According to legend, the Spirits of the dead can confer magical talents, fame, love, and wealth on those brave enough to summon them.The Witches' Book of the Dead explores the enduring relationship between witches and the dead and teaches rituals and incantations to help readers open doorways to the spirit world.Topics include: Legendary Witches who have raised the dead, including The Witch of Endor, Circe, and ErichthoCreating ancestral altars and building relationships with spiritsThe tools of Necromancy: the bronze dagger, yew wand, iron keys, graveyard dust, the offering cauldron, spirit powders, the human skull, and moreMethods of spirit contact, including automatic writing, scrying mirrors, spirit boards, pendulums, and spirit mediumshipThe ancient arts of necromancy as a method of conjuring the dead to assist in magicRidding yourself of unwanted spirits using rituals of cleansing, banishing and exorcismGhost hunting techniques that combine psychic wisdom with modern technologyCommuning with the dead in dreamsSacred holidays and powerful celebrations of the deadResources on where to ethically obtain the tools of the tradeAn overview of the feared deities of the UnderworldRituals, recipes, exercises, and more!Dare to walk between the worlds with Christian Day as he guides you across the River Styx into the shadowy realms where the dead long to connect with us once more!

Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic

Thomas Karlsson - 2004
    The main thread of the book is the exploration of the Qliphoth and the dark mysteries which have for so long been a repressed part of western esotericism. Instead of ignoring and denying the dark side, the author reveals, step by step, how man can get to know his Shadow and, through this, reach a deeper knowledge of the Self. By exploring and not by repressing the Shadow it can be transformed from a destructive force into a creative power. The book deals with the problem of evil, the symbolism behind the fall of Lucifer and mans creation process according to Qabalistic philosophy. The theories that are presented in this book are also linked to practice. Several examples of rituals, meditations, magical exercises and occult correspondences can be found within. Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic contains more than one hundred demonic sigils and pieces of art that were created specifically for this book. A unique collection of all the sigils from the classic grimoires Lemegeton: The Lesser Key of Solomon and the infamous Grimorium Verum are also included.

The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot

Louis Martinié - 1992
    Ancient and earth-honoring, Voodoo's practices take on different forms specific to time and place, but its essence remains focused on the loa--the potent spiritual forces of Voodoo that are manifested directly through human beings and their actions.The authors draw strong parallels between the Waite and Thoth Tarots, the Kabalistic Tree of Life, and the Voodoo tradition as it is practiced in New Orleans. Just as the major and minor arcana of the Tarot represent the archetypes of the human psyche and the natural forces of our world, so do the loa of Voodoo embody the primal energies of the universe. With a variety of spreads and readings, the authors show how the Tarot can be an idea channel through which the loa exercise their powers to teach, advise, and initiate the serious student into their mysteries.

Prometheus Rising

Robert Anton Wilson - 1983
    Gurdjieff's self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybskis general semantics, Aleister Crowley's magical theorems, and the several disciplines of Yoga; not to mention Christian Science, relativity, quantum mechanics, and many other approaches to understanding the world around us! That is exactly what Robert Anton Wilson does in Prometheus Rising. In short, this is a book about how the human mind works and what you can do to make the most of yours.

Demons of the Flesh: The Complete Guide to Left Hand Path Sex Magic

Nikolas Schreck - 2002
    Zeena and Nikolas Schreck have collaborated on several musical, written, artistic and spiritual projects together, including the avantgarde musical group Radio Werewolf, Nikolas Schreck's documentary Charles Manson Superstar, and the Liberation in this Lifetime course. Nikolas is the author of The Satanic Screen, Flowers from Hell: A Satanic Reader, and The Manson File: Myth and Reality of an Oulaw Shaman, to which Zeena contributed her iconic art suite "God Bless Charles Manson" as cover art and chapter plates. Zeena is the leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement.

Runes: Theory and Practice

Galina Krasskova - 2009
    It will enable a beginner to delve effectively into their usage, but will also challenge the experienced rune-worker to better and deepen his or her understanding of these mysteries. Runes: Theory and Practice begins with an explication of the story of Odin, the Norse god who won the runes by sacrificing himself on the World Tree. It continues by examining each of the individual runes in turn, both the Elder Futhark and the lesser-known Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. Each rune is studied not only from a historical viewpoint, but also from the perspective of a modern practitioner. You will be introduced to the practice of galdr, the proper way to sacrifice to the runes, their magical usage, and the art of reading for divination. Most importantly, Runes: Theory and Practice specifically addresses the runes as living spirits and provides guidance on developing a working relationship with these otherworldly allies.