1st Nephi: A Brief Theological Introduction

Joseph M. Spencer - 2020
    . ." So begins the first book in the Book of Mormon, as the prophet Nephi brings us through the wilderness to a promised land where his family fractures rather than flourishes. But in spite of that tragedy, Nephi points us to the hope he found in his father's inspired dream for the future. Driven by his father's fears and faith, he sought and received his own revelations about how his people might someday find redemption and might ultimately help bring about the redemption of Israel and the entire human family.In this brief theological introduction, philosopher and theologian Joseph M. Spencer investigates the central themes and purposes of a book he calls a "theological masterpiece." What was Nephi trying to accomplish with his writings? How can readers today make better sense of Nephi's words? What can an ancient seer offer readers in the twenty-first century?

The Origin of the Name of God and his True Identity - Synopsis and Translation of the Phoenician, Ugaritic, Canaanite, Sumerian, Akkadian, and Assyrian Tablets

Jean-Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette - 2014

LDS Scriptures - LDS eLibrary with over 350,000 Links, Standard Works, Commentary, Manuals, History, Reference, Music and more (Illustrated, over 100)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2008
    Fully footnoted and indexed with over 350,000 links this collection is perfect for the Kindle reader.REVIEWS: See Orson Scott Card's great review on this Kindle product in Mormon Times online article.Includes 45 Complete Works including:• LDS Standard Works: - Old & New Testaments - Book of Mormon - Doctrine and Covenants - Pearl of Great Price• Scripture Study Aids: - Guide to the Scriptures - Bible Dictionary - Topical Guide - Joseph Smith Translation (exerpts) - Triple Combination Index• Maps & Illustrations - 14 Bible Maps - 32 Photographs of Bible Scriptural Sites - 7 Church History Maps - 18 Photographs of Church History Sites• Essential LDS Classic Works: - Jesus the Christ - Articles of Faith - Gospel Doctrine - Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith• Teaching & Student Manuals: - Gospel Principles Manual - Old Testament Student Manual - Old Testament Teacher's Manual - New Testament Student Manual - New Testament Teacher's Manual - Book of Mormon Student Manual - Book of Mormon Teacher's Manual - Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual - Doctrine & Covenants Teacher's Manual• LDS Music - LDS Hymnbook - Children's Song Book• Parents & Leaders: - A Parents Guide - Family Guidebook - Guidebook for Parents and Leaders of Youth - Improving Gospel Teaching: A Leader's Guide - Marriage and Family Relations Instructor's Manual - Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders' Guidebook - Teaching Guidebook• Youth: - Duty to God: Deacon - Duty to God: Teacher - Duty to God: Priest - Faith in God for Boys - Faith in God for Girls - Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts - Young Women's Personal Progress - For the Strength of Youth• Other Works: - Addiction Recovery Program - LDS Gems (Quotes from General Authorities) - True to the Faith - The Family: A Proclamation to the World - The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles• Illustrations (64 Images) - Early Beginnings (Joseph Smith, Jr. and The Book of Mormon) - Mormon Prophets - Prominent Members - Mormon Temples (art by David Davis)• A History of the LDS Church (Culture, Beliefs, Practices, Organization, and More)• Key Features: - Over 350,000 Links (Fully Footnoted),IMPORTANT NOTE: What sets our library apart from any other is we have pains-takingly spent hundreds of hours specifically on the feature base to make your experience the most rewarding. Our philosophy is that if it’s going to be in electronic format, it ought to include and utilize all the features that an electronic format should provide. One such feature is cross-reference linking. Many other scripture collections don't have links where there ought to be. When studying in a hardcopy version of the scriptures and coming to footnote references, you must take the time to flip through pages to go to the footnote reference. Sometimes this even requires opening a separate book.

Daily Joy: A Devotional for Each Day of the Year

Russell M. Nelson - 2020
    Nelson is certain to motivate and inspire us in our pursuit of spiritual strength. Containing 365 quotations and accompanying scriptures for daily reading, this small, carry-along sized book will fit in a purse, briefcase, or backpack. It's also an excellent resource for family home evenings, gospel lessons, talks, or personal study. Give the gift of hope or keep yours alive with the words of our beloved prophet

The Divine Office: A Study of the Roman Breviary

Edward J. Quigley - 1970
    For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare s finesse to Oscar Wilde s wit, this unique collection brings together works as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim s Progress and Othello. As an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any library.

From Baptist Preacher to Mormon Teacher

Wain Myers - 2015
    This former Baptist preacher tells his fascinating story of following the Spirit’s voice and ultimately becoming a convert in the LDS church. This remarkable true story will inspire you to follow your own promptings and share truth wherever you find it.

The Unexpected Deliverer

David Butler - 2021
    We know how it all turns out. But imagine if you were the people living it. If you didn't know He was coming back. If you were Mary and Martha after Lazarus died, you would have thought He came too late. If you were Peter, you would have been appalled that the Master would lower Himself into your mess to wash your feet. If you stood at the foot of the cross and heard it was finished, you would have believed it was.What shifted? What allowed them to discover hope within the hopelessness? The witness of their change in perspective teaches us of an unexpected Christ. One who shows up, turning defeat into victory, and despair into deliverance.If He did it for them, He will do it for you. The story of Easter teaches us the truth of Jesus in every unexpected season. Through Him, you can expect hope in unlikely places.

The Fourteen Infallibles

Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - 2012
    Sayed Ammar Nashawani's lectures on the biographies of the fourteen infallible figures in Shi'a Islam.An invaluable resource that represents a Shi'a view of the history of Islam, the Prophet and Imams for the present day audience. This excellent book will be of benefit to many in understanding the true nature of Islam and also illustrate how the illustrious figures as representing and manifesting universal human values that can serve humanity at large

In Heaven as It Is on Earth: Joseph Smith and the Early Mormon Conquest of Death

Samuel Morris Brown - 2011
    Revisiting historical documents and scripture from this novel perspective, Brown offers new insight into the origin and meaning of some of Mormonism's earliest beliefs and practices. The world of early Mormonism was besieged by death--infant mortality, violence, and disease were rampant. A prolonged battle with typhoid fever, punctuated by painful surgeries including a threatened leg amputation, and the sudden loss of his beloved brother Alvin cast a long shadow over Smith's own life. Smith embraced and was deeply influenced by the culture of "holy dying"--with its emphasis on deathbed salvation, melodramatic bereavement, and belief in the Providential nature of untimely death--that sought to cope with the widespread mortality of the period. Seen in this light, Smith's treasure quest, search for Native origins, distinctive approach to scripture, and belief in a post-mortal community all acquire new meaning, as do early Mormonism's Masonic-sounding temple rites and novel family system. Taken together, the varied themes of early Mormonism can be interpreted as a campaign to extinguish death forever. By focusing on Mormon conceptions of death, Brown recasts the story of first-generation Mormonism, showing a religious movement and its founder at once vibrant and fragile, intrepid and unsettled, human and otherworldly.A lively narrative history, In Heaven as It Is on Earth illuminates not only the foundational beliefs of early Mormonism but also the larger issues of family and death in American religious history.

The Second Rescue: The Story of the Spiritual Rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers

Susan Arrington Madsen - 1998

Coming to Know Christ

Robert L. Millet - 2012
    But how can we accomplish that?In this thoughtful volume and with his warm, accessible style, author Robert L. Millet shares poignant stories and fresh scriptural and doctrinal insights to help us feel our Savior's love and realize that He stands ready to assist us in coming to know Him.The author's heartwarming reflections on what it means to worship Christ and to trust in Him and in His grace renew in us a desire to stay focused on our Savior through all the ups and downs of daily life. Insights into how much Christ loves us and how He can lift us up to where He is strengthen our commitments to Him.Throughout, the author conveys his deep witness of the essential truth that eternal life consists of knowing God and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.Coming to Know Christ invites us to experience what it means to know our Lord-not just know about Him but how to come to know Him, our Savior and our Redeemer.Robert L. Millet is Abraham O. Smoot University Professor and professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. He taught with LDS Seminaries and Institutes before joining the BYU faculty in 1983.He has served in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Satins as a bishop, stake president, temple worker, and member of the Church Materials Evaluation Committee. He is a popular speaker and prolific writer who recent books include Talking with God, Men of Valor, Men of Influence, Are We There Yet? and When a Child Wanders. He is a coauthor of the landmark volume LDS Beliefs: A Doctrinal Reference.

Children of the Promise: Volumes 1-5

Dean Hughes - 2012
    If you haven’t yet met the Thomas family, you are in for a real delight! “Every era has its own refiner's fire, and World War II put general Church membership and Utah to a test,” Dean Hughes explains. In Children of the Promise, his first historical fiction series for adults, Dean shows through the eyes of the Thomas family how LDS families were tested to the limit. Volume 1: Rumors of War - The first volume, Rumors of War opens in 1938 with Elder Alex Thomas and his companion serving in Germany. It soon becomes obvious that he will never complete his mission. War is coming, and that will affect not only Elder Thomas but also his family back home in Salt Lake City.Volume 2: Since You Went Away - Picking up where the bestseller Rumors of War left off, Since You Went Away continues with Wally Thomas's struggle to survive as a prisoner of war on the Bataan Peninsula while his family begin to disperse due to the war. Bobbi and Alex Thomas are leaving for military duty at the infant stages of World War II — Bobbi as a naval nurse at Pearl Harbor and Alex in army basic training. A gripping novel filled with memorable characters, Since You Went Away will draw you into a past charged with danger, action, romance, and the importance of family and faith.Volume 3: Far From Home - In Far From Home, Alex Thomas is still battling the Nazi forces. He’s also worried about whether or not he can preserve the lives of the men in his company, especially Howie, a particularly young and inexperienced soldier. But his biggest concern is staying alive for his wife, Anna, in England. Far From Home is a moving, powerful novel about the effects of adversity, and about the love of family members for each other.Volume 4: When We Meet Again - Following the Battle of the Bulge, Alex Thomas is reassigned — not without reluctance — to an intelligence unit in Germany. The new assignment challenges Alex's deepest moral values and is more life threatening than combat. As a POW in Japan, Wally suffers torture that may only find relief in death, while Bobbi sorts out her true feelings when she runs into Professor David Stinson thousands of miles away from home.As Long As I Have You - The war is over, and the Thomas family is slowly coming back together at home in Salt Lake City. But that doesn't mean all is well in Zion. In As Long As I Have You, the final volume of the Children of the Promise series, author Dean Hughes presents a moving picture of what life was like for an ordinary LDS family at the end of World War II.

Holding On: Impulses to Leave and Strategies to Stay

S. Michael Wilcox - 2021

Joseph Smith's Kirtland: Eyewitness Accounts

Karl Ricks Anderson - 1989
    Anderson. 1996, Deseret Book.

Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior

Mark Rathbun - 2013
    This autobiographical history of Scientology is told by one of L. Ron Hubbard’s staunchest defenders.