Book picks similar to
The Mystic Eye by Sadhguru
JOY 24X7/Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Jeetendra Jain - 2008
This is not a guide book.This is not a self-help book.It is not going to give you an instant formula for joy.But it will surelyl make you explore your Joy for yourself in a very direct way.The simple,short snippets of daily lives connected with what Sadhguru has to say about Joy,will take you on a wonderful roller coaster ride on Joy with the Master himself. With Sadhguru's incredible clarity of expression,his brilliant wit and sense of observation,his ability to bring the most profound aspect in a very simple and direct way,this book is for any human being who seeks to be joyful. No matter who you are,what you are trying to do,Sadhguru's words will touch a wonderful wave of Joy inside you and you will soon be restless to seek Joy 24x7. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's other books Essential Wisdom From A Spiritual Leader and The Mystic Eye are already listed on amazon and the Guru has a huge following.
Journey of a Master: Swami Chinmayananda
Nancy Freeman Patchen - 1989
In telling the story of one master’s training and evolution in the Himalayas and his subsequent mission to his countrymen, the author enlightens you on the essence of India’s culture, philosophy and religion. His story will surely educate you, inspire you, and broaden your horizons of the meaning of life.The Swami spent five years in the Himalayas under the tutelage of two incredible Masters of live, as different as day and night. Although both were scholars of the scriptures, their manifestation was unique. One was an incredible streak of light and energy who traveled India teaching, then created a huge ashram center to serve all of humanity. The other was a quiet contemplative recluse who sang inspirational songs and taught only a few students.Swami Chinmayananda appeared on the scene at an appropriate time in Indian history. The British had just left the country with no one trained to take the helm of State. The British had taken all the top government positions. In addition, they had curtailed any industrial development; the Empire was about having consumers for British products. The Indians had lost their moorings: economically, spiritually and personally. To these countrymen, beaten down by 150 years of British rule, repression and slavery, the Swami gave a message of hope. He worked relentlessly for about 40 years to bring about a spiritual revival in India and abroad. His unique style and logical approach was appreciated by everyone from college students to bankers to priests—both Hindu and Christian.By teaching directly the wisdom of their ancient scriptures, he gave the listeners confidence and inspiration to move forward in business and in creating charitable endeavors for the uplifting of the downtrodden of the country. Through 200 centers in India, his devotees have built and operate schools, hospitals and clinics, nursing homes, retirement homes and training centers for nurses and teachers, as well as spiritual training centers.This story of the legacy of one of the most influential persons in the modern history of Hinduism is sure to surprise you, amaze you—and inspire you.
The Divine Art of Living: Selections from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, and Abdu'l-Baha
Mabel Hyder Paine - 1960
Addresses such topics as learning how to know, love, and trust God; recognizing the purpose of this life; the importance of daily prayer and meditation; and service to mankind. The Divine Art of Living is a source of inspiration and encouragement towards developing a positive perspective on life.
Vedanta: A Simple Introduction
Pravrajika Vrajaprana - 1999
A concise, and delightful introduction to Vedanta, the philosophical backbone of Hinduism.Written with verve and charm by a Western nun for a Western audience, this brief book gives a comprehensive overview of Vedanta philosophy while emphasizing its practical Western application.
The Psychology of the Esoteric
Osho - 1978
The body should be trained through yogic methodology, and the mind through awarness. You will require more awarness if you practise yoga because things become more subtle." pg 40.
Seeker After Truth
Idries Shah - 1982
It is precisely because of the unreliability of vision, of memory, of wanting to believe, of induced belief ... that the Sufis say that an objective perception must be acquired before even familiar things can be seen as they are. "Seeker After Truth" goes beyond the familiar "first do this, then do that" style of handbook, transporting the reader to new ranges of perception, according to his or her capacity. Among the many assumptions questioned are: the objective worth of deep emotional feelings; the superiority of man's social habits over those of rats, and the origin of those habits; the evils of deceit ... The magazine Literary Review said about it: "This book ... is food for many different kinds of study - a book unlike anything our society has produced until recently, in its richness, its unexpectedness, its capacity to shock us into seeing ourselves as others see us, both personally and as a society."
The Universe Is Calling: Opening to the Divine Through Prayer
Eric Butterworth - 1993
The call of the universe, Butterworth explains, is the call to, “take charge of your life, to release your imprisoned splendor.” His spiritually liberating wisdom is powerful and inspiring, and it will lead readers to a truer and stronger connection with the divine.
Heart, Self & Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance, and Harmony
Robert Frager - 1999
Western psychotherapy aims largely to help us eliminate neurotic traits formed in childhood and adapt to society. In contrast, the Sufi goal is ultimately spiritual: Yes, we need to transform our negativity and be effective in the world; but beyond that, we need to reach a state of harmony with the Divine. Full of stories, poetry, meditations, journaling exercises, and colorful everyday examples, this book will open the heart, nourish the self, and quicken the soul.
An Introduction to A Course in Miracles
Miracle Distribution Center - 1989
It presents the story of how the Course was written, a summary of its teaching, selected quotations from the material, frequently asked questions and answers, and a look at the impact the Course has had. An ideal way to introduce yourself or others to A Course in Miracles.
Gita Wisdom: Krishna’s Teachings on the Yoga of Love
Joshua M. Greene - 2009
In Gita Wisdom, Joshua Greene retells this timeless text in a completely new way, revealing that it is, in essence, a heart-to-heart talk between two friends about the meaning of life. As Krishna and his friend Arjuna reminisce on a battlefield known as Kurukshetra, readers learn that the two played together as children, were close as young men, and became family when Arjuna married Krishna’s sister. In later life the men shared extraordinary adventures, including a journey to places outside the known universe. Like all great literature, the Gita explores the human condition: who we are, where we came from, and why we’re here. With a helpful glossary that lists names, terms, and places, this accessible, enlightening retelling is the perfect introduction to the Gita’s venerable wisdom.
They Lived With God: Life Stories Of Some Devotees Of Sri Ramakrishna
Chetananda - 1989
It is interesting to note that these lay disciples even after Swami Ramakrishna's death continued to live the same transformed lives. They accepted him as as a Divine Incarnation, as God manifest in human form. This Books presents a more complete picture of Ramakrishna himself, including many new stories about life which have never been recorded in English.
Application of Impossible Things - My Near Death Experience in Iraq
Natalie Sudman - 2012
This is the amazing story of a woman who survived a near fatal explosion. Incredibly, that was only the beginning of her story. During the event, she experienced a NDE (Near Death Experience). She retained vivid memories of going to the spirit side and from that unique out-of-body perspective; she helped celestial beings put her body back together so she could return to life. She wanted to share what the experience was like as viewed from the spirit side. A true tale of survival and courage, sure to empower others who read it.
Faith: 40 insights into Hinduism
Devdutt Pattanaik - 2019
For many a curious reader, Faith: Understanding Hinduism will prove to be a delightful and eye-opening introduction to the intricacies of one of the world’s most practiced religions.
A Lever and a Place to Stand: The Contemplative Stance, the Active Prayer
Richard Rohr - 2011
Explores the challenges, the rewards, the call, and the possibilities of integrating a sincere inner life with an active life of engagement with the pain of the world.
Hindu Rites and Rituals: Origins and Meanings
K.V. Singh - 2015
Often the age-old customs, whose relevance is lost to modern times, are dismissed as meaningless superstitions. The truth, however, is that these practices reveal the philosophical and scientific approach to life that has characterized Hindu thought since ancient times; it is important to revive their original meanings today. This handy book tells the fascinating stories and explains the science behind the Hindu rites and rituals that we sometimes follow blindly. It is essential reading for anyone interested in India's cultural tradition.