Book picks similar to
International Arbitration: Law and Practice by Gary B. Born
Trial Techniques
Thomas A. Mauet - 1995
This long-time leading course book is an invaluable source for prospective trial lawyers, presenting: - a best-selling author renowned for his skills both as a writer and litigator - a clear, engaging writing style that breaks the trial process down into its critical components for more thorough and efficient comprehension - excellent examples illustrating strategies for opening statements, jury selection, direct- and cross-examination, exhibits, objections, and more - an appendix containing the Federal Rules of Evidence for easy reference
Powerscore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible]
David M. Killoran - 2014
This book will provide you with an advanced system for attacking any Logical Reasoning question that you may encounter on the LSAT. The concepts presented in the Logical Reasoning Bible are representative of the techniques covered in PowerScore's live courses and have been consistently proven effective for thousands of our students. The book features and explains a detailed methodology for attacking all aspects of Logic Reasoning problems, including recognizing question types, identifying common reasoning elements and determining their validity, the methods for efficiently and accurately making inferences, and techniques for quickly eliminating answer choices as you solve the questions.
West's Business Law [With Online Legal Research Guide]
Kenneth W. Clarkson - 1980
This Tenth Edition refines and builds upon traditions established when the book was first introduced: authoritative content blended with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary topics and cases and an unmatched selection of innovative, high-quality support materials.
The Official LSAT Superprep
Law School Admission Council - 2004
The Official LSAT SuperPrep
Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty
Diane M. Billings - 1998
This respected title is also one of the National League for Nursing's recommended resources for nurses preparing to take the Certified Nurse Educator examination.Nationally recognized contributing authors share their expertise to bring you the best and most comprehensive information available.Presents innovative models of clinical teaching that show you how to effectively teach in an interdisciplinary setting, how to evaluate students in the clinical setting, and how to adapt your teaching for community-based>Strategies to promote critical thinking and active learning, including evaluation techniques, lesson planning, and constructing examinations, help you ensure students can apply and synthesize nursing content to make clinical>Web links with numerous resources related to each chapter topic, available through the Evolve website, provide even more learning opportunities.Managing the Learning Environment chapter addresses classroom management and control, motivating and engaging students, and handling disruptive or problem students.Multicultural Education chapter provides strategies for effectively teaching and communicating with a culturally diverse student population.An entire chapter on simulations presents the development, implementation, and evaluation of simulations so you can successfully integrate this teaching method into your course.Reflecting on the Evidence feature at the end of each chapter provides questions that are perfect for classroom and online discussion.
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
Louis E. Frenzel - 1997
Requiring only basic algebra and trigonometry, the new edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded and updated material on the Internet, cell phones, and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are integrated throughout. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed by technicians. A new Online Learning Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources for students. An Instructor Productivity Center CD-ROM features solutions to all problems, PowerPoint lessons, and ExamView test banks for each chapter.
Essential Elements for Strings: Book 1 with CD-ROM (Violin)
Michael Allen - 2002
Introducing Hal Leonard's Essential Elements 2000 for Strings Plus DVD. Instrumentation - Violin
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases
Frank B. Cross - 1991
The cases, content, and features of the exciting new ninth edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in the business law environment. An excellent assortment of cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions, and ethical, global, and corporate themes are integrated throughout. In addition, numerous features and exercises help you master key concepts and apply what you've learned to real-world issues, and the book offers an unmatched range of support resources, including innovative online review tools.
Business Law
Lee Mei Pheng - 2009
The authors' comprehensive experience in legal practice, banking and teaching have enabled them to provide a condensed and easy to understand coverage of business law principles and areas of interest related thereto.
Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers
Aleister Lovecraft - 2014
Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers is a pithy guide to rising from lowly first-year associate to renowned leader of the legal community.Inside the pages of this remarkable book, Satan offers his profound counsel on topics as diverse as choosing evil as a path to power, the billable hour, how to steal clients from your law firm, fashion, and more.Do not let your competition have these secrets for themselves. Get the book now.This profound guidebook makes a great gift for your favorite law student, bar exam taker, bar exam passer or new lawyer.
Letters to a Law Student: A guide to studying law at university
Nicholas J McBride - 2017
Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues
Henry R. Cheeseman - 1992
Visually engaging, enticing and current examples with an overall focus on business.Legal Environment of Business and E-Commerce; Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property; Contracts and E-Commerce; Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts; Negotiable Instruments and E-Money; Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy; Agency and Employment; Business Organizations and Ethics; Government Regulation; Property; Special Topics; Global EnvironmentMARKET Business Law continues its dedication to being the most engaging text for readers by featuring a visually appealing format with enticing and current examples while maintaining its focus on business.
How to Start & Build a Law Practice
Jay G. Foonberg - 1984
Author Jay G Foonberg, now in his fifth decade of practicing law, has always been dedicated to giving other lawyers the benefit of his wealth of experience. This Platinum Fifth Edition is packed with over 600 pages of guidance on identifying the right location, finding clients, setting fees, managing your office, maintaining an ethical and responsible practice, maximizing available resources, upholding your standards, and much more. If you're committed to starting--and growing-- your own practice, this one book will give you the expert advice you need to make it succeed. More than 100,000 lawyers have turned to Jay Foonberg for the secrets to running a successful law firm; now you can, too, with the new Platinum Fifth Edition. Jay Foonberg has organized the book into short, easy-to-read chapters that deal with all the specific challenges you will encounter when you open your office. The answers you'll get are realistic, practical, and based on real-life experience. You'll find a wealth of tips that can improve your practice once it is up and running, as well as dozens of time-saving templates and checklists. In addition, there is all-new material for this edition, covering topics including: �New opportunities for serving senior clients and the growth of elder law �E-mail and the Internet �Law firm mergers and dissolutions �The increasing size of student loans �Opportunities created by an aging population �Nonlawyer consultants �The globalization of legal practice �When and how to safely close and destroy files �The aggressive marketing being done now by firms of all sizes �And much more! Even if you already have an established practice, you are sure to find information that will help you compete and succeed. This is the one book you'll need to build and grow your practice.