Trash!: On Ragpicker Children and Recycling

Gita Wolf - 2003
    Based on the real-life experiences of street children in Chennai, it tells the story of Velu, a runaway village child. He ends up as a ragpicker in a big city and must face the harsh realities of life on the streets. The story is accompanied by facts and arguments that connect complex issues—ranging from child labor and child rights, to lifestyles, waste and recycling.“A true gem in the Indian publishing landscape . . .”—The White Ravens Catalogue of the World’s Best Children’s Books

Landour Days: A Writer's Journal

Ruskin Bond - 2002
    Bond is an inveterate diarist, but over the years he finds that the nature of what he wants to record has changed, for 'In the autumn of my life, I grow reflective.' The events are small in themselves: the daily happenings in Landour, the birds and flowers that each season brings, and the eccentricities of friends and family. Landour itself is a magical world -- where every month has its own flower, every walker his own style, and the countryside is filled with a beauty all its own -- though uninvited guests will intrude and evenings at the Savoy Bar are not always as peaceful as they might be ... But in his mind Bond ranges further afield. He ponders on the experience of being a writer, on writers he has known and those he loves reading, and on critics, handwriting and typewriters. Filled with warmth and gentle humour, this book captures the timeless rhythm of life in the mountains, and the serene wisdom of one of India's best loved writers.

The Wood: The Life & Times of Cockshutt Wood

John Lewis-Stempel - 2018
    Lyrical and informative, steeped in poetry and folklore. For four years John Lewis-Stempel managed Cockshutt wood, a particular wood - three and half acres of mixed woodland in south west Herefordshire - that stands as exemplar for all the small woods of England. John coppiced the trees and raised cows and pigs who roamed free there. This is the diary of the last year, by which time he had come to know it from the bottom of its beech roots to the tip of its oaks, and to know all the animals that lived there - the fox, the pheasants, the wood mice, the tawny owl - and where the best bluebells grew. For many fauna and flora, woods like Cockshutt are the last refuge. It proves a sanctuary for John too.

Lentil Underground: Renegade Farmers and the Future of Food in America

Liz Carlisle - 2015
    Forty years ago, corporate agribusiness told small farmers like the Oiens to “get big or get out.” But twenty-seven-year-old David Oien decided to take a stand, becoming the first in his conservative Montana county to plant a radically different crop: organic lentils. Unlike the chemically dependent grains American farmers had been told to grow, lentils make their own fertilizer and tolerate variable climate conditions, so their farmers aren’t beholden to industrial methods. Today, Oien leads an underground network of organic farmers who work with heirloom seeds and biologically diverse farm systems. Under the brand Timeless Natural Food, their unique business-cum-movement has grown into a million dollar enterprise that sells to Whole Foods, hundreds of independent natural foods stores, and a host of renowned restaurants.From the heart of Big Sky Country comes this inspiring story of a handful of colorful pioneers who have successfully bucked the chemically-based food chain and the entrenched power of agribusiness’s one percent, by stubbornly banding together. Journalist and native Montanan Liz Carlisle weaves an eye-opening and richly reported narrative that will be welcomed by everyone concerned with the future of American agriculture and natural food in an increasingly uncertain world.

Goat Song: A Seasonal Life, A Short History of Herding, and the Art of Making Cheese

Brad Kessler - 2009
    He and his wife moved to a seventy-five acre goat farm in a small southern Vermont town, where they planned to make a living raising goats and making cheese. They never looked back. Now Kessler adds to his numerous accomplishments (winner of the 2007 Dayton Literary Peace Prize, 2007 Whiting Award for Writers of Exceptional Promise, and a 2008 Rome Prize) an array of cheeses that have already been highly praised by Artisanal, the renowned cheese restaurant in New York City. In his transformation from staunch urbanite to countrified goat farmer, Kessler explores the rustic roots of so many aspects of Western culture, and how our diet, alphabet, reli- gions, poetry, and economy all grew out of a pastoral setting. With Goat Song, he demonstrates yet another dimension to his writing talent, showcasing his expertise as food writer, in a compelling, beautifully written account of living by nature?s rules.

Field Notes from a Hidden City: An Urban Nature Diary

Esther Woolfson - 2013
    She considers the geographic, atmospheric and environmental elements which bring diverse life forms together in close proximity, and in absorbing prose writes of the animals among us: the birds, the rats and squirrels, the spiders and the insects. Her close examination of the natural world leads her to question our prevailing attitudes to urban and non-urban wildlife, and to look again at the values we place on the lives of individual species.

In Praise of Paths: Walking through Time and Nature

Torbjørn Ekelund - 2020
    Torbjørn Ekelund started to walk--everywhere--after an epilepsy diagnosis affected his ability to drive. The more he ventured out, the more he came to love the act of walking, and an interest in paths emerged. In this poignant, meandering book, Ekelund interweaves the literature and history of paths with his own stories from the trail. As he walks with shoes on and barefoot, through forest creeks and across urban streets, he contemplates the early tracks made by ancient snails and traces the wanderings of Romantic poets, amongst other musings. If we still "understand ourselves in relation to the landscape," Ekelund asks, then what do we lose in an era of car travel and navigation apps? And what will we gain from taking to paths once again?

Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

Pretty Simple Press - 2017

Last Days Trilogy

Jacqueline Druga - 2016
    Marcus Leon embarks on what he believes is the greatest scientific experiment of all time. One that ignites a firestorm of controversy. Not only does Marcus intend to extract DNA from the blood trapped in the Shroud of Turin, but he will clone the image upon it. The experiment is a success and the masses embrace the clone as the embodiment of Christ, failing to recognize that science can replicate the body, but cannot touch the soul.Devoid of this essential spirit, the clone is nothing more than a directionless vessel in need of a captain. A position quickly filled. The arrival of the clone begins the end to all humanity.Last Days Trilogy includes all three books: Last Days, Exodus, Purge

Backyard Farming On An Acre (More Or Less)

Angela England - 2012
    Whether your goal is to eat healthier, save money, live more sustainably, or a combination of these, Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less) can help you get there.Part 1 - Why it's important and what to keep in mind getting started. Part 2 - Gardening tips, foundation, and growing guides. Part 3 - The livestock of a backyard farm and how to raise the animals respectfully. Part 4 - Enjoying the bounty through seasonal eating and preserving the harvest. Part 5- The lost arts of homesteading recaptured with additional crafts and hobbies from the backyard harvest.

The Altitude Journals: A Seven-Year Journey from the Lowest Point in My Life to the Highest Point on Earth

David J. Mauro - 2018
    With nothing to lose, he left everything he knew behind and set out on an epic international adventure. For the next seven years, Dave trudged across glaciers and frozen wastelands and through dense, dangerous forests. He communed with penguins and elephants, kept company with cannibals and gunrunners, and spoke with the dead. And though he'd never been a climber, he ended up joining history's courageous few when he ascended into the clouds to stand at the summit of Mt. Everest.Drawn from Dave's personal diaries, The Altitude Journals is the poignant, inspiring, and endlessly exciting true story of a remarkable midlife crisis. It is an unforgettable tale of one man who went to amazing extremes to repair a shattered life--and how he regained the powers to love and forgive, and to believe in himself once again.

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front

Joel Salatin - 2007
    From child labor regulations to food inspection, bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over what food is available in the local marketplace. Their system favors industrial, global corporate food systems and discourages community-based food commerce, resulting in homogenized selection, mediocre quality, and exposure to non-organic farming practices. Salatin's expert insight explains why local food is expensive and difficult to find and will illuminate for the reader a deeper understanding of the industrial food complex.

Climate Change: The Facts 2017

Jennifer MarohasyCraig D. Idso - 2017
    At the same time as climate change has assumed this status, it has become a topic more likely to be included in a church sermon. Indeed, while once considered the concern of scientific institutions, climate change is now increasingly incorporated into faith-based initiatives with even Pope Francis weighing in, issuing an encyclical on the subject as explained in chapter 16 by Paul Driessen. There are those who believe Pope Francis, and admire another climate change exponent, Al Gore – who marketed An Inconvenient Truth with comment, ‘the fact of global warming is not in question’ and that ‘its consequences for the world we live in will be disastrous if left unchecked’. And then there are the die-hard sceptics who dare to doubt. Many claim that these climate sceptics and their support base have an undue political influence, successfully thwarting attempts to implement necessary public policy change. This book is a collection of chapters by so-called climate sceptics. Each writer was asked to write on an aspect of the topic in which they are considered to have some expertise. None of them deny that climate change is real, but instead, they point out how extremely complex the topic of Earth’s climate is, with some of the contributors also querying the, often generally accepted, solutions. As you will see, this is not a book with just one message, except perhaps that there is a need for more scrutiny of the data, and of our own prejudices. This book’s reason for being is to give pause for thought, and to throw some alternative ideas and considerations into the mix.

The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won't Hear From Al Gore--And Others

Joe Bastardi - 2018
    This methodology revealed distinct cyclical patterns that were used to provide the foundation for his forecasting. The wonderful advances in science add to the mix, but are tools to use, not answers that should automatically be accepted as we see with the climate agenda. The lesson in weather, in history, in anything, is that the foundation you stand on today is built from yesterday to reach for tomorrow. The book examines the clash between that philosophy and one that minimizes lessons of the past, or ignores them, and uses climate and weather to simply further an agenda that has very little to do with either. An uncurious media is a willing accomplice in advancing the missive to the population, The Climate Chronicles reveals that clash in an effort to get the reader to search beyond what they are told. As such its a must read for those seeking not an agenda driven answer, but the right answer, wherever it may lead them. Bastardi's goal is not to get you to blindly accept what he says, but to dig in and examine for yourself. The book shows, given the implications of not doing so, more is at stake than just tomorrows weather.

A Life In Hand: Creating the Illuminated Journal

Hannah Hinchman - 1991
    < **Postponed Till Spring 99"**