Book picks similar to
Soul Remembers Hiroshima by Dolores Cannon


The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace

Miguel Ruiz - 2000
    Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, this breakthrough book shows us how to recover our faith in the truth and return to our own common sense.Ruiz changes the way we perceive ourselves, and the way we perceive other people. Then he opens the door to a reality that we once perceived when we were one and two years old - a reality of truth, love, and joy.

Diary of a Drug Fiend

Aleister Crowley - 1922
    To the reader of 1922 it presented a shocking look at a little known phenomenon. Today, while we are more familiar with drugs because of their widespread use in our culture, Diary of a Drug Fiend remains one o fthe most intense, detailed and accurate accounts of drug addiction and the drug experience.The book was written by Crowley after years of deep personal study and experimentation with drugs. It is the story of a young man and woman who fall madly in love and whirl through Europe in a frenzied haze of heroin/cocaine adventure. Their ecstacy is brought to an abrupt end when their drug supply is cut off and despair replaces joy. Through the guidance of King Lamus, a master Adept, they free themselves from the entanglements of addition by the application of practical Magick.The narrative carries the reader aloft through the brilliance of the imagery created by this master of language; his prose development parallels the growth and increasing depth of his characters in an uncanny fashion. This is a book to be read and reread. It will also prove a useful document to doctors, lawyers, police and addicts for its unique and precise presentation of the psychology of addiction and the possibility of its cure through the development of the True Will.

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot

Andrea Leininger - 2009
    When James began screaming out recurring phrases like, "Plane on fire! Little man can't get out!" the Leiningers finally admitted that they truly had to take notice.When details of planes and war tragedies no two-year-old boy could know continued-- even in stark daylight-- Bruce and Andrea Leininger began to realize that this was an incredible situation. SOUL SURVIVOR is the story of how the Leiningers pieced together what their son was communicating and eventually discovered that he was reliving the past life of World War II fighter pilot James Huston. As Bruce Leininger struggled to understand what was happening to his son, he also uncovered details of James Huston's life-- and death-- as a pilot that will fascinate military buffs everywhere.In SOUL SURVIVOR, we are taken for a gripping ride as the Leiningers' belief system is shaken to the core, and both of these families come to know a little boy who, against all odds and even in the face of true skeptics, harbors the soul of this man who died long ago.

Crossing Over

John Edward - 2001
    Crossing over is a natural, peaceful, and loving experience, he tells us, that will serve as a wondrous reunion with your loved ones from this life and other lives.John also shows you how to use tools such as meditation and visualization to contact your angels and guides. The difference between angels and guides, he says, is that an angle is an energy that has never had a physical incarnation, but who can assist, protect, nurture, and inspire the human condition. A guide may have a physical body at one time, and works with you when you choose to incarnate into the physical. This energy stays with you throughout your life to help you in every way.John also goes on to discuss how to understand the power of your own psychic abilities. He insists that everyone has psychic gifts, but most of the time they have been locked away in the recesses of the mind and need to be developed and recognized. You must give yourself permission to perceive and receive energy, and then use spiritual tools to enable you unleash your potential as you embark on your psychic and spiritual journey.

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Carlos Castaneda - 1968
    Includes the teachings and a structural analysis.

Answers about the Afterlife: A Private Investigator's 15-Year Research Unlocks the Mysteries of Life after Death

Bob Olson - 2014
    This book is a comprehensive resource answering 150 of the most crucial questions about what happens when we die. Now you can delve into the life-changing insights we learn from near-death experiences, after-death communications, spirit contact through mediums, past lives, past-life memories, past-life & life-between-lives regressions, out-of-body experiences, soul pre-birth planning, deathbed visions, dream visitations, shared-death experiences, and so much more. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, curious about what happens when we die, or pondering your own mortality, this book will leave you feeling less fear about death, inspired to live a more loving and purposeful life, and comforted by new thoughts about your loved ones in the afterlife.

Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation

Silver RavenWolf - 2003
    It relates specifically to today's young adults and their concerns, yet is grounded in the magickal work of centuries past.Information is arranged alphabetically and divided into five distinct categories: (1) Shadows of Religion and Mystery, (2) Shadows of Objects, (3) Shadows of Expertise and Proficiency, (4) Shadows of Magick and Enchantment, (5) Shadows of Daily Life. It is organized so readers can skip over the parts they already know, or read each section in alphabetical order.Features By the author of the best-selling Teen Witch and mother of four teen Witches A jam-packed learning and resource guide for serious young Witches All categories are discussed in modern terms and their associated historical roots Includes endnotes and footnotes that cite sources or add clarification A training companion to Teen Witch and To Ride a Silver Broomstick

Spirited: Connect to the Guides All Around You

Rebecca Rosen - 2010
    A prescriptive program that has worked for celebrity clients including Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox Arquette, Spirited empowers readers to heighten their intuition, connect with deceased loved ones, and surpass the psychological roadblocks holding them back. Fans of James Von Praagh and John Edwards, as well as television’s The Ghost Whisperer, will find direct, down-to-earth advice on how to draw on the power of their intuitive gifts to connect with spirit energy—loved ones who have passed—to provide the clarity necessary to master real-life issues, including relationships, job fulfillment, finances, and body image.

The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess

Starhawk - 1999
    This bestselling classic is both an unparalleled reference on the practices and philosophies of Witchcraft and a guide to the life-affirming ways in which readers can turn to the Goddess to deepen their sense of personal pride, develop their inner power, and integrate mind, body, and spirit. Starhawk's brilliant, comprehensive overview of the growth, suppression, and modern-day re-emergence of Wicca as a Goddess-worshipping religion has left an indelible mark on the feminist spiritual consciousness.In a new introduction, Starhawk reveals the ways in which Goddess religion and the practice of ritual have adapted and developed over the last twenty years, and she reflects on the ways in which these changes have influenced and enhanced her original ideas. In the face of an ever-changing world, this invaluable spiritual guidebook is more relevant than ever.

The Essenes: Children of the Light

Stuart Wilson - 2005
    * Did Jesus really die on the cross? * Who was Mary Magdalene and what was her real connection with Jesus?* Extensive new information about the secretive Essene mystery schools. It is one of the great tragedies of Western culture that Christianity forgot and eventually denied its Essene roots. Those roots are herein explored from the perspective of past life regression. Fascinating new information emerged, including Essene links with the Druids, the existence of a secret Core Group around Jesus, and contacts with the Order of Melchizedek. Perhaps the most remarkable thing is that the Essene Jesus is restored to us, bringing to life the wise and loving Being who has been obscured by so much doctrine and dogma. His words speak to us across the centuries and open a clearer understanding of the Way, which he established, and the ultimate goal of that Way. This book makes clear that Jesus did not stand alone. He had the backing of a powerful and dedicated team of Essenes, including Joseph of Arimathea. Thanks to the technique of past life regression, this story can now be told for the first time, opening up a fascinating window onto a unique and vital time in history.

The Secret History of the World

Jonathan Black - 2007
    From the esoteric account of the evolution of the species to the occult roots of science, from the secrets of the Flood to the esoteric motives behind American foreign policy, here is a narrative history that shows the basic facts of human existence on this planet can be viewed from a very different angle. Everything in this history is upside down, inside out and the other way around.At the heart of "The Secret History of the World" is the belief that we can reach an altered state of consciousness in which we can see things about the way the world works that are hidden from us in our everyday, commonsensical consciousness. This history shows that by using secret techniques, people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and George Washington have worked themselves into this altered state - and been able to access supernatural levels of intelligence. There have been many books on the subject, but, extraordinarily, no-one has really listened to what the secret societies themselves say. The author has been helped in his researches by his friendship with a man who is an initiate of more than one secret society, and in one case an initiate of the highest level.

Toltec Prophecies of don Miguel Ruiz

Mary Carroll Nelson - 2003
    These ancient Toltec Prophecies will transform human life

The Lost Lands: A Magickal History Of Lemuria, Atlantis And Avalon

Lucy Cavendish - 2009

A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics

Dylan Tuccillo - 2012
      Imagine experiencing all the things that happen in dreams, but with one extraordinary difference: You are “lucid”––consciously, joyously in control. Not just an adventure (yes, you can fly), a lucid dream is a time ripe for creative thinking, healing, inspiration, and self-knowledge.   This lively dream guide shows step-by-step how to become lucid, and then what to do once awake in the dream world. Here’s how to reconnect with dreams, and the importance of keeping a journal and timing REM cycles. How to use simple reality checks to differentiate between waking and sleeping states. How to incubate a dream to solve a problem.   With every dream we are washing up on the shores of our own inner landscape. Now, learn to explore this strange and thrilling world.

Clear Home, Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People Places

Jean Haner - 2017
    This, along with difficult experiences in your past that still weigh you down, can keep you from being a creative force in your life.Clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release the old stress you’re still carrying from your life history, as well as transform how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as “accelerated meditation” because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice.In this simple, elegant guide, Jean Haner teaches you, in easy-to-follow steps, how to clear your own energy or that of any person, as well as bring harmony to the energy of the spaces you inhabit, so you can reclaim your vitality and joy, and open up infinite new possibilities in life. Healers, intuitives, energy workers, highly sensitive people, and anyone who just wants to optimize their energy and live their best life will find this to be the perfect training. Jean refines energy clearing to its pure essence—the power of the compassionate heart!