Book picks similar to
Wishes: Fall in Love with Cardmaking by Jeanette R. Lynton


Embodiment. the Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born

Dain Heer - 2006
    It's about functioning with your body from the perspective of beingness. It explores how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness with your body. What if your body were an ongoing source of joy? This book may go against everything you've ever thought, everything you've been taught and everything you've read; and everything you have brought that everyone else believes. It doesn't claim to give you all the answers. Instead it will encourage you to ask the questions that will allow you to enjoy the body you currently have and to create your body so that you can truly enjoy it.

Make Money As A Freelance Writer: 7 Simple Steps to Start Your Freelance Writing Business and Earn Your First $1,000

Sally Miller - 2016
    Don't worry, you're not alone. Heck, you might have already read a book or two on this exact topic - there are a few out there. So why would we write another one? Because rarely will you find a book that shows you the exact steps to accomplish a specific goal. And one that's enjoyable to read to boot! No fluff, no information you don't need just to fill up space. In Make Money as a Freelance Writer, Gina Horkey and Sally Miller give you the exact steps you need to start a freelance writing business from scratch. Nothing more, nothing less. Best of all, you'll discover how to land your first paying client - even if you're starting from zero. And by following the seven steps listed in this book, you can be earning $1,000 as a freelance writer in as little as 30 days. Not bad considering the price of the book, right? Completing the action steps listed in Make Money as a Freelance Writer will help you to: * Choose your top niche(s). * Acquire your first few samples. * Create your freelance writing portfolio. * Start sourcing writing work. * Send your first several pitches. * Land your first client. * And earn your first $1,000! Reading this book (and doing the work) will save you time, money and your sanity. Don't keep trying to figure this whole freelance writing thing out on your own. Or read everything on the internet covering the subject without taking action, because you're so confused and overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that exists. These seven steps haven't just worked for us. These steps have worked for thousands of other freelance writers in our community. So read the book, join the ranks and start earning as a freelance writer today. Are you ready to turn your writing hobby into some cold, hard cash? These steps can work if you're a stay-at-home mom looking to add a little extra income to your household budget. Or if you're a college student in need of a part-time job to pay the rent. Or maybe you dream of escaping your nine-to-five. You want financial freedom and a more meaningful life. These steps help you accomplish that too! Whatever your reasons, Make Money as a Freelance Writer shows you how to start a freelance writing business from nothing and earn your first $1,000 as quickly as possible. So what are you waiting for? Click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page and start taking specific actions to make your dream of getting paid to write a reality!

Etsy Excellence: The Simple Guide to Creating a Thriving Etsy Business

Tycho Press - 2015
    This book provides actionable steps to help shop owners engage the Etsy community in authentic ways that attract buyers and generate sales. The best Etsy shops stand out among the sea of sellers and draw loyal customer bases, but how they’ve done it isn’t—and shouldn't be—a secret. In these pages, top Etsy sellers share the tools that have helped them, the changes they made that yielded positive results, and their best advice for achieving and sustaining a successful Etsy shop. Beyond sellers’ words of wisdom, this book offers a roadmap all sellers can follow in order to: • Choose keywords and tags to drive traffic to your shop • Photograph your products for maximum appeal • Create a unique shop that stands out • Write winning product descriptions • Price your goods appropriately • Market your products effectively on social media platforms • Maintain lasting relationships with your customers • Diversify your product offerings

SEO 2019 Learn Search Engine Optimization With Smart Internet Marketing Strategies: Learn SEO with smart internet marketing strategies

Adam Clarke - 2018
    First, let me tell you a little secret about SEO marketing...Most search engine optimization advice on the Internet is wrong!If you've sifted through search engine optimization advice online, you may have noticed two things: - Most published SEO advice is either outdated or just dead-wrong.- Google's constant updates have made many popular SEO optimization strategies useless.Why is this so? Google's constantly evolving. Recent changes: 1. August, 2018 - Google releases an industry changing update, with some sites showing up to 50% decreases or increases in traffic, later titled the "Medic Update" or "Your Money or Your Life Update."2. July, 2018 - Google announce's Speakable markup, making it easier to target voice search results.3. March, 2018 - Google's game-changing "Mobile First Index" is rolled out, completely overhauling how search results are calculated.SEO 2019 is now updated covering new changes to Google's algorithm, walks you through major updates and how to use them to your advantage. This book also reveals industry secrets to stay ahead of Google's algorithm, and potential Google changes coming up in 2019. With this best-selling SEO book, learn SEO from a fundamental level, achieve top rankings, and generate a wave of new customers to your site.Discover powerful link building techniques experts use to get top rankings and generate massive trafficLink building is the strongest factor for ranking high in Google. Unfortunately, most widely-used methods suck! This chapter walks you through new and powerful techniques that won't get you in hot-water with Google. Now expanded with more link building strategies and extra tips for advanced readers.You will also discover: 1. Important SEO concepts, from beginner to advanced.2. Sneaky tricks to get local businesses ranking high with local SEO.3. The inner workings of Google's algorithm and how it calculates the search results.4. How to find "money" keywords that will send customers to your site.5. Basic and advanced link building strategies for pushing your rankings up higher.6. Six insider sources to get expert SEO or Internet marketing advice worth thousands of dollars, for free.7. How to use social media and web analytics to multiply your results.8. 25+ powerful tools top Internet marketing experts use to automate search engine optimization, saving weeks of time and creating bigger results.Sidestep the 2019 Google updatesContrary to Internet marketing gossip, problems caused by Google updates are rarely irrecoverable-but you need the right knowledge. This book reveals: - Inner mechanics of Google's algorithm, and how to rank your site at the top.- Recent Google updates-Mobile First Index, Google Speed update, Google Hawk update, Google FRED update, and more...- Potential updates coming up in 2019.- Steps to recover from Google penalties.And read the special bonus chapter on pay-per-click advertisingIn this bonus, learn to quickly setup pay-per-click advertising campaigns with Google AdWords and send customers to your site overnight, literally.One of the most comprehensive SEO optimization books ever published-updated and expanded-of all best-selling SEO books, this is the only one with everything you need.Scroll up, click buy, and get started now!

The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing

Kirk Deeter - 2010
    There are no complicated physics lessons here. Rather, conceived in the “take dead aim” spirit of Harvey Penick’s classic instructional on golf, The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing offers a simple, digestible primer on the basic elements of fly fishing: the cast, presentation, reading water, and selecting flies. The Table of Contents includes:Part One: The Cast: 45 Tips to Help You Cast Straighter, Longer, and More AccuratelyPart Two: Presentation: 60 Tips to Help you Place and Drift Your Flies So that Trout Will Want to Eat ThemPart Three: Reading Water: 37 Tips to Help You Find Trout in a Rive and Effectively Cast to themPart Four: 43 Tips to Help You Select, Rig, and Fish the Right Fly at the Right Time in the Right WayPart Five: Miscellaneous: 65 Tips on Fighting Fish, Wading, Choosing Ger, and Everything Else That MattersIn the end, this collection of 240 tips is one of the most insightful, plainly spoken, and entertaining works on this sport—one that will serve both novices and experts alike in helping them reflect and hone-in their approaches to fly fishing.

The Super Easy Air Fryer Cookbook: Crave-Worthy Recipes for Healthier Fried Favorites

Brandi Crawford - 2018
    Now, you can enjoy the full taste of your favorite fried foods—without any of the guilt—when you whip up easy meals in minutes with The Super Easy Air Fryer Cookbook.

All God Worshippers Are Mad: a little book of sanity

J.P. Tate - 2013
    The method employed is to take the obscurantist vocabulary of monotheism and translate it into plain language. In doing so, the book attempts to show that god worshippers themselves do not understand the things they claim to believe, and by which they live their lives. For the reader who believes in god, this polemical little volume may help them to understand why secularists get so frustrated and infuriated when in debate with god worshippers. For the secularist, this book is a reminder that not everyone is susceptible to reasoned argument. The reminder is a timely one for those who live in an era of the resurgence of Islamic Jihad. A clear understanding of the irrationality of monotheism is something which matters urgently when confronted by the global rise of religious fascism. What is said in this little book will no doubt be found impolite and overly-provocative by those authoritarian people within the politically correct establishment who conflate morality with niceness. They will probably utter the familiar refrain that we ought not to denigrate other people’s deeply and sincerely held beliefs. Instead we should live in a permanent state of apology for the crime of having minds of our own. But religions are no more above criticism than any other ideologies. They have no entitlement to a privileged status. Besides which, large numbers of god worshippers feel free to denigrate and insult everyone else’s deeply and sincerely held beliefs, so why should they have special permission to be hypocrites? Topics covered: 01. God 02. Prayer 03. Worship 04. God the Infinite 05. Immortality and Heaven 06. Soul / Spirit 07. Salvation 08. Faith 09. Spreading The Word 10. Theocracy 11. Theocracy and Nuclear Armageddon 12. God, Guilty of Genocide 13. Religion and Morality are Mutually Exclusive 14. God worship is Immoral 15. God worship is Obscene 16. Everything is God’s Fault 17. If it’s in The Book, then it Must be True 18. Claiming Incomprehensible Beliefs 19. Is Islamism the New Fascism? 20. The Moderates

Tony Bourdain Boxset - Kitchen Confidential & Medium Raw

Anthony Bourdain - 2010
    Medium Raw explores these changes, moving back and forth from the author's bad old days to the present. Tracking his own strange and unexpected voyage from journeyman cook to globe-travelling professional eater and drinker, Bourdain compares and contrasts what he's seen and what he's seeing, pausing along the way for a series of confessions, rants, investigations, and interrogations of some of the most controversial figures in food. And always he returns to the question: 'Why cook?' Or the harder one to answer: 'Why cook well?' Beginning with a secret and highly illegal after-hours gathering of powerful chefs he compares to a Mafia summit, Bourdain, in his distinctive, no-holds-barred style, cuts to the bone on every subject he tackles.

The Universe Is Calling: Opening to the Divine Through Prayer

Eric Butterworth - 1993
    The call of the universe, Butterworth explains, is the call to, “take charge of your life, to release your imprisoned splendor.” His spiritually liberating wisdom is powerful and inspiring, and it will lead readers to a truer and stronger connection with the divine.

It's a Jungle in There: Inspiring Lessons, Hard-Won Insights, and Other Acts of Entrepreneurial Daring

Steven Schussler - 2010
    Drawing from his own life and business triumphs, Schussler offers would-be entrepreneurs a new way of utilizing creativity to achieve their dreams. Schussler distills his principles for entrepreneurs on a budget, and also reveals the ways in which his lessons-from self-branding to developing strategic partnerships to giving recognition where recognition is due-can work in larger corporations. Just like his famous themed restaurants, Schussler's insights provide entertainment, education, and ample food for thought for all business people aspiring to their next level of success.

Hipster Business Models: How to make a living in the modern world

Priceonomics - 2014
    Yet, today’s young people have much more to offer. If half of the hipster stereotype is a consumer who tries to show off how cool he is based on his tastes, the other half of the stereotype is ‘The Maker’ -- the person out hawking homemade cheese, knitting sweaters for your beard, or repurposing steel-framed bicycles. The hipster business model is distinctive: Make a product you love so much that you’ll make it yourself. See if anyone wants it. Try again. When they want to build apparel companies, they teach themselves how to sew. When they dream of producing toys, they learn how to use 3D printing software. When they don’t know investors who will back their restaurant concepts, they open food trucks. All the while, they are guided by books, instructional videos, and intuition; only later do they move production to real factories, or hire lawyers. They frequent public parks to see if anyone will buy their custom, typewritten stories. They use crowdfunding websites to raise money from customers before their products even exist. They post their ideas to massive web forums to gauge interest, or set up online shops the second they have a product to sell. In their world, sales come first, not last. While each entrepreneur featured in this book embarked on his or her own unique quest, their stories share a common thread: like true hipsters, they were not afraid to try new things.

The Moonshot Game: Adventures of an Indian Venture Capitalist

Rahul Chandra - 2019
    The second wave came in 2006 when home-grown VCs raised large amounts of capital and funded products and services companies for Indian consumers.This is a gripping behind-the-scenes story of a VC's journey, right from the beginning of the second start-up revolution in India in 2006 until the end of the funding frenzy in 2016. A story about how global conditions, local consumers, founder ambition and good old greed shaped the start-up story in India.Rahul Chandra is the co-founder of Helion Ventures, and in this candid memoir he tells us about his journey building one of India's oldest VC firms. In a remarkably gripping account, he recounts his adventures in India's hyper-funded start-up ecosystem.The Moonshot Game gives readers an insight into the secret world of a VC, with unguarded stories involving large bets and big mistakes, and tales of how one juggles several investments at the same time.Rahul shows why being a VC is a constant journey of ups and downs, why building value is a long-term business, and why no amount of failure can be an excuse to lose optimism in the power of entrepreneurship.

The G.O.D. Experiments: How Science Is Discovering God in Everything, Including Us

Gary E. Schwartz - 2006
    Schwartz, Ph.D., there is compelling scientific evidence that we no longer have to accept God on faith alone. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Harvard University-educated Dr. Schwartz blends psychology, quantum physics, and mathematics to examine the science of spirit. Faith and science are not mutually exclusive, and a better understanding of their relationship can lead us to recognize how God operates in everything.Trained in the scientific method as an "open-minded skeptic," Dr. Schwartz was taught how to raise questions, turn them into hypotheses, and design experiments to test them. He was not trained to consider the nature of God. And yet, his scientific research led him directly to the discovery of God's existence in intelligent evolution and everyday life.Scientifically rigorous and spiritually reassuring, this eye-opening book is a wake-up call for anyone who wonders about life's true meaning and who longs to believe in the existence of a universal intelligence.

Romeo And Juliet + FREE Far From The Madding Crowd

William Shakespeare - 2015
      FREE Far from the Madding Crowd  Illustrated  Active Contents, Font Adjustments & Navigation About ‘Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare The play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet is sometimes considered to have no unifying theme, save that of young love.Romeo and Juliet have become emblematic of young lovers and doomed love. All Time Best-Sellers in Classics

How To Crochet: A Complete Guide for Absolute Beginners

Alison McNicol - 2013
    * Easy to follow How To Crochet illustrations * Fun and simple projects to make * Learn a variety of crochet stitches and skills * Perfect for absolute beginners * Projects include hats, scarves, mittens, baby blankets, scented hearts, granny squares and more! This is the ONLY beginner's book you'll need to start to crochet today!!